



1、布萊爾三次蟬聯(lián)首相職務(wù)的獲勝英語演講稿Tny Blairs speech n returning t Dwning StreetIve just cme frm Buckingham Palace where the Queen has asked me t frm a new gvernment which I will d.Its a tremendus hnur and privilege t be elected fr a third term nscius f that hnur and that privilege.When I std here first eight years

2、 ag I was a lt yunger but als a lt less eperienced.Tday as well as having in ur minds the pririties that peple want, we, I, the gvernment, has the knwledge, as well as the determinatin and cmmitment, t deliver them.The great thing abut the electin is that yu g ut and talk t peple fr week upn week.An

3、d Ive listened and Ive learned, and I think Ive a very clear idea what the peple nw epect frm the gvernment in a third term.And I want t say t them very directly that I, we, the gvernment, are ging t fcus relentlessly nw n the pririties that peple have set fr us.What are thse pririties? First they l

4、ike the strng ecnmy, but life is still a real struggle fr many peple and many families in this cuntry and they knw there are new issues: help fr first time buyers t get their feet n the first rungs f the husing ladder; families trying t cpe with balancing wrk and family life; many peple struggling t

5、 make ends meet; many families n lw incmes wh desperately need help and supprt t increase their living standards; businesses wh whilst they like the ecnmic stability, want us als t fcus n stimulating enterprise n investing in science and skills and technlgy fr the future.Its very clear what peple wa

6、nt us t d and we will d it.Secnd in relatin t the public services, health and educatin, again peple like the investment that has gne int public services, they welcme it. I have fund abslutely n supprt fr any suggestin we cut back that investment.The peple want that mney t wrk better fr them, they wa

7、nt higher standards, bth f care and f educatin fr the investment we are putting in.And s we will fcus n delivering nt just the investment but the refrm and change f thse public services and I will d s with passin, because I want t keep universal public services that knw that the nly way f keeping th

8、e cnsent fr them is by making the changes necessary fr the twenty-first century.And third, peple welcme the fact that s many mre peple are in wrk and have mved ff benefit and int wrk, but peple still knw there are t many peple ecnmically inactive wh shuld t be helped ff benefit and int wrk.And they

9、als knw that, whatever help we are giving tdays pensiners, tmrrws pensinencerned as t whether they will have the standard f life that they want.Peple epect us t srt ut these issues, we will d s.And furth, Ive als learnt that the British peple are a tlerant and decent peple, they did nt want immigrat

10、in made a divisive issue in the curse f the electin campaign, but they d believe there are real prblems in ur immigratin and asylum system and they epect us t srt them ut, and we will d s.And fifth, Ive been struck again and again in the curse f this campaign by peple wrrying that in ur cuntry tday,

11、 thugh they like the fact we have gt ver the deference f the past, there is a disrespect that peple dnt like.And whether its in the classrm, r n the street in twn centres n a Friday r Saturday night, I want t fcus n this issue. Weve dne a lt s far with anti-scial rders and additinal numbers f plice.

12、But I want t make this a particular pririty fr this gvernment, hw we bring back a prper sense f respect in ur schls, in ur cmmunities, in ur twns and ur villages.And rising ut f that will be a radical prgramme f legislatin that will fcus eactly n thse pririties: n educatin; n health; n welfare refrm

13、; n immigratin; n law and rder.In additin I knw that Iraq has been a deeply divisive issue in this cuntry, that has been very clear.But I als knw and believe that after this electin peple want t mve n, they want t fcus n the future in Iraq and here.And I knw t that there are many ther issues that cn

14、cern peple in the internatinal agenda, and we will fcus n thse, n pverty in Africa, n climate change, n making prgress in Israel and Palestine.S there is a very big agenda fr a third-term. Even if we dnt have quite the same epectatins that peple had f us in 1997, we nw have the eperience and the cmmitment t see it thrugh.ne final thing: Ive als learnt smething abut the British peple, that whatever the difficulties and disagreements with us, and whatever issues and challenges that cnfrnt them, their values f


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