



1、2010中考英語作文書面表達專項練習題導讀 本文將對2010中考英語作文書面表達專項練習題進行強化訓練,詳細如下:一)某英語雜志社“中學生專欄”在舉辦英語征文比賽。請你根據(jù)下表所列的內(nèi)容要點,用英語Learn to smile為題寫一篇短文,參加比賽。本文將對2010中考英語作文書面表達專項練習題進行強化訓練,詳細如下:一)某英語雜志社“中學生專欄”在舉辦英語征文比賽。請你根據(jù)下表所列的內(nèi)容要點,用英語Learn to smile為題寫一篇短文,參加比賽。 學會對自己微笑1.生活中會有不愉快的事,如考試不及格(請再舉一個例子)2.使你自信;3.擊敗你的人有時是你自己;學會對他人微笑使人與人更親

2、近微笑是一種語言人人都能懂注意:1.詞數(shù) 90左右。      2.短文的開頭已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)。      3.參考詞匯:自信confidence(n.),confident(adj.);打敗beat.      4.短文須包括所有內(nèi)容要點,不要逐字翻譯,可適當發(fā)揮,使短文連貫,通順。Learn to smile  Smile is an attitude(態(tài)度)to life._One possible version:Lea

3、rn to smile       Smile is an attitude to life.In our life,there maybe be something unpleasant.For example,you fail in an exam;or another time,you are misunderstood by your friends.These unpleasant things may make you feel bad.Then what will you do?Why not learn to smil

4、e?Smiling to yourself can bring back your confidence.Sometimes,the greatest enemy is yourself;thats to say,sometimes,you are beaten by yourself.We should also learn to smile to others.It will help us to get closer to others.Smile is the most widely understood language.(二)根據(jù)問題提示寫一篇短文。要求:語法正確,意思連貫,書寫規(guī)

5、范,要點齊全。詞數(shù)6080(標點符號不計入總詞數(shù))。   要點提示:   1.How do you spell your name?   2.How long have you been studying English?   3.When did you start studying English?   4.Why do you want to improve your English?   5.What do you like best about studying E

6、nglish?   6.What kind job do you want when you grow up?_One possible version:      My name is Tina,TINA.I am a middle school student.I have been learning English for tow years.I started to learn English when I was in Grade Five.I like English ,especially speaking,b

7、ut I am not good at writing,I must improve it.I want to be a tour guide when I grow up and I hope to travel all over the world one day. (三)假如你叫李華,剛收到原同班好友John的來信。John 是上學期隨父母回加拿大的。這次來信,他想了解學校、班級的近況。請你根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容提示給他回信。(信的開頭及結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù))  提示:1.新同學Ann 的情況。      

8、0; 2.學校、班級最近的一項活動,如運動會、球賽、英語晚會等。  要求:1.回信必須包括以上兩方面的內(nèi)容,可適當發(fā)揮。        2.文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的人名、學校名或地名。        3.詞數(shù)為6080.Dear John,Im happy that everything is going on well with you!_  Best wishes!One possible version:Dear John,Im hap

9、py that everything is going on well with you!This term we have a new classmate named Ann from Canada.Shes pretty with straight blond hair and big blue eyes.She is interested in Chinese history and often helps us with English.Everyone likes her.We have a lot of fun together.Yesterday we played basket

10、ball against Class 4.As you know,Class4 is a strong team.We played as well as we could and did better teamwork.We won the match at last.How excited we were!Best wishes!                      

11、                             Li Hua (四)請你以辦公室的名義寫一份書面通知。通知全班學生參加校組織的“零點搖滾樂隊”(Zero Rock Band)舉辦的演唱會。日期是五月五日,即周一下午6:00,地點在校禮堂。_One possible version:NOTICE

12、60;  The “Zero Rock Band”organized by our school will give a concert at the hall.The concert will be held at 6:00p.m.on Monday.All the teachers and students are welcome to be present on time.                 &#

13、160;                                    School Office(寫通知的格式:1.標題:在正文上面正中的地方寫上NOTICE.      

14、0;        2.正文:包括具體的時間、地點、活動內(nèi)容和注意事項。               3.單位:發(fā)通知的單位一般寫在正文的右下角。有時也放于標題之上,起強調(diào)作用。) (五)假設你是九年級一班的張大明,在校內(nèi)撿到了一個書包,請你寫一則40詞左右的失物招領啟事張貼在校園里,說明撿到書包的時間、地點并對書包做簡單的描述及寫清楚怎樣與你聯(lián)系。 _One pos

15、sible version:Found   A school bag was found on the playground yesterday afternoon.It is black and orange,with a lot of things in it.Anyone who lost it please go to Class1,Grade9.Im Zhang Da ming. (六)Jim 是一名來自英國的男孩。他跟隨父母來到中國,在上海的一所中學讀書。他每天騎自行車去上學。他說自行車給他帶來自由、便利和快樂,所以他認為自行車是所有發(fā)明中最有用的一種

16、。你同意他的觀點嗎?請把你的觀點說給Jim 聽。要求不少于100詞。_One possible version:     I dont agree with you,Jim,though I like traveling by bike,and I go to school by bike every day.I think computer is the most useful invention.A computer can do a lot of things,It has changed our world greatly.It makes us

17、 do things more easily and quickly.It can help us study and work.With a computer,we can be online.I often surf on the Internet.I do a lot of things online such as shopping,posting the letters and so on.I can get much knowledge and a lot of information online.I can buy things without going to the sho

18、ps and I can make friends online.So I think computer is the most useful invention. (七)下面描述的是2009年5月9日(周六,晴天)你的一次經(jīng)歷。請根據(jù)其內(nèi)容,用英語寫一篇80詞左右的日記。日記的開頭格式已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。注意要點完整,語法正確,上下文連貫,并要適當發(fā)揮。1.下午爸爸出差,媽媽臥病在床;2.放學后,我照顧媽媽,送她去醫(yī)院,買藥,煮飯,洗衣服等;3.后來受到父母的表揚;4.自己對該經(jīng)歷的感觸。May9,2009 Saturday_One possible version:May9,2

19、009 Saturday                                           FineWhen I got home this afternoon,

20、I found my mother was lying in bed and my father was away on business.What should I do then?  Since mother was ill,I should take care of her.I first sent her to hospital and bought some medicine.When we got home,I began to cook dinner and wash clothes.I was praised by my parents when my father

21、came back.I think I have grown up now and I should help my family do something. (八)假如你叫李華,你的朋友田甜將去英國。請你將她的基本情況介紹給你的英國的朋友Rita,希望她們能成為朋友,并希望Rita 能夠去機場接她。請根據(jù)以下要點給Rita 寫一封信。提示:1.介紹田甜的年齡、外貌、性格以及愛好。      2.田甜將去英國George Spencer School學習一年,并將乘飛機于8月1日下午4點到達倫敦希斯羅機場(Heathrow Airpo

22、rt).注意:1.詞數(shù)80左右。      2.信的開頭和結(jié)尾已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)。                                     June26,2009Dea

23、r Rita,    How is everything going?Id like to introduce my best friend ,TianTian,to you._One possible version:Dear Rita,How is everything going?Id like to introduce my best friend,Tian Tian ,to you,She is 16 years old.She is a lovely girl with a round face and big eyes.She is very kind and easy to get along with.She likes reading and music,and she is especially good at playing the piano.Her favourite subjects are physics and chemistry.Now she is going to George Spencer School in England


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