【課件】人教版(2019)必修第一冊Unit 4 Natural DisastersReading and Thinking 課件_第1頁
【課件】人教版(2019)必修第一冊Unit 4 Natural DisastersReading and Thinking 課件_第2頁
【課件】人教版(2019)必修第一冊Unit 4 Natural DisastersReading and Thinking 課件_第3頁
【課件】人教版(2019)必修第一冊Unit 4 Natural DisastersReading and Thinking 課件_第4頁
【課件】人教版(2019)必修第一冊Unit 4 Natural DisastersReading and Thinking 課件_第5頁
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1、Priod 2 Priod 2 Reading and thinkingReading and thinking Unit 4 NATURAL DISASTERSLearning aimsLearning aims1. To figure out the main structure and the text type of the passage through the textual pattern analysis;2. To judge the writing purpose / intended readers/ the authors attitude of this passag

2、e;3. To master how to save yourself during the earthquake and learn disaster relief workList some natural disastersList some natural disasters-tornado-tornadoLeading-inLeading-inList some natural disasters -earthquakeLive to tell: Raising Awareness, Reducing Mortality.United Nations International St

3、rategy for Disaster Reduction (2016)劫后余生:提高認(rèn)識,減少死亡。劫后余生:提高認(rèn)識,減少死亡。聯(lián)合國減少災(zāi)害國際戰(zhàn)略聯(lián)合國減少災(zāi)害國際戰(zhàn)略(2016年年) THE NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP Reading and thinking Reading and thinking Skim the text on Page 50 and do the following exercises1Whats the main idea of the text?The passage is mainly about _2Find out th

4、e main idea of each partPara1AThe earthquake caused unbelievable destruction to TangshanPara2 BThe earthquake happened and caused deaths or injuries in TangshanPara3 CRescue and revival after the quakesParas45DWarning signs before the earthquakeTask 1. Fastreadinga terrible earthquake of TangshanRea

5、d the text carefully and choose the best answer1All the following unusual things happened before the earthquake except that _Athe water in the village wells rose and fellBthe chickens and even pigs were too nervous to eatCmice ran out of the fields looking for hiding placesDfish swam in the water as

6、 usual2Before the earthquake people were asleep as usual because _Athey didnt notice anything strange happeningBthey knew well about earthquakesCsomething strange happened in many placesDthey didnt realize the arrival of an earthquakeTask 2: Careful Task 2: Careful readingreading3The title “THE NIGH

7、T THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP”means “_”Athe earth was awake all night longBa terrible earthquake happened that nightCpeople on the earth couldnt fall asleep that nightDanimals on the earth couldnt fall asleep that night4Whats the meaning of the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again”?APeople we

8、rent sad any moreBThe life in Tangshan began to return to normalCThe earthquake finally came to an endDThose who were trapped were savedP1P1P2-3P2-3P4-5P4-5Before the earthquake During the earthquake After the earthquake Summary Summaryabnormal signs unawarerescue and revivalhopeful deadly damage ho

9、peless Dont be nervous and keep calm. Dont try to run out of the classroom. Sit down under your desk. Protect your head by putting your bag on your head. Dont use lift. If possible, run to the schoolyard.Language points【知識歸納】【知識歸納】slide into/out of 溜進(jìn)溜進(jìn)/出出slide o/out of 悄悄把悄悄把放進(jìn)放進(jìn)/拿出拿出注意:注意:s

10、lide的過去式、過去分詞是的過去式、過去分詞是slid,slid。 1.slide vi.&vt.(使使)滑行;滑動;滑行;滑動;(使使)悄悄移動悄悄移動The thief slid into the room. 小偷悄悄溜進(jìn)房間。小偷悄悄溜進(jìn)房間。【即學(xué)即練】【即學(xué)即練】He slid _ the garden without being o2. survive vi.生存;存活生存;存活vt.幸存;艱難渡過幸存;艱難渡過;比某人長壽;比某人長壽Shes feeding the baby who survived the earthquake. 她正在喂養(yǎng)地震中幸存

11、的嬰兒。她正在喂養(yǎng)地震中幸存的嬰兒。【知識歸納】【知識歸納】survive sb.(by) 比某人活得長比某人活得長(幾年幾年)survive the accident(crash, earthquake)從事故從事故(墜機(jī)、地震墜機(jī)、地震)中生還中生還survive from sth. 從從存活下來;流傳下來存活下來;流傳下來survive on. 靠靠維持生活,靠維持生活,靠存活下來存活下來survival n幸存;殘存;殘存物幸存;殘存;殘存物survivor n幸存者幸存者即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練1. Mr Smith survived the accident,but his wife di

12、ed and he _ (survive) her by twenty years.2. There was only one _(survive) of the accident. 3. I think life is a struggle for _(survive). survivedsurvivedsurvivorsurvivorsurvivalsurvival【知識歸納】【知識歸納】be affected by 被被侵襲;被侵襲;被感動感動effect n影響影響have an effect /influence on對對有影響有影響in effect 實際上實際上take effe

13、ct 開始實行;開始生效開始實行;開始生效bring/put sth. into effect使某物開始使用使某物開始使用come into effect (尤指法律尤指法律/規(guī)章制度規(guī)章制度)開始實施開始實施 3. affect vt. 影響;(疾病)侵襲;打動影響;(疾病)侵襲;打動A bad home environment can affect a childs healthy growth. 不良的家庭環(huán)境能影響兒童的健康成長。不良的家庭環(huán)境能影響兒童的健康成長。【即學(xué)即練】【即學(xué)即練】(1)One of her lungs _ (affect)a little so that sh

14、e has to rest.(2)I think the _ (affect) patient needs to be isolated(隔離隔離)(3) _(affect) by a serious disease, he has no longer able to speak clearly.is is affectedaffectedaffectedaffectedAffectedAffected4. ruin vt. & n. 破壞;毀壞破壞;毀壞Everywhere survivors looked, there was nothing but ruins. 幸存者無論朝哪里

15、看,除了廢墟什么也沒有。幸存者無論朝哪里看,除了廢墟什么也沒有?!局R歸納】【知識歸納】in ruins嚴(yán)重受損;破敗不堪嚴(yán)重受損;破敗不堪be the ruin of成為成為毀滅毀滅(墮落墮落)的原因的原因come/fall into ruin毀滅,滅亡;崩潰;破壞掉毀滅,滅亡;崩潰;破壞掉ruin ones health/fame毀壞某人的健康毀壞某人的健康/名譽(yù)名譽(yù)即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練(1)Years of fighting has left the area in _ (ruin)(2)A large number of churches fell _ ruin after the big

16、 flood.ruinsruinsin/intoin/into5. shock n震驚;令人震驚的事;休克震驚;令人震驚的事;休克 vt.(使使)震驚震驚The news of his death came as a great shock to everyone .他去世的消息使大家大吃一驚。他去世的消息使大家大吃一驚?!局R歸納】【知識歸納】in shock 震驚;吃驚震驚;吃驚to ones shock 令某人震驚的是令某人震驚的是shocked adj.震驚的震驚的be shocked at/by.對對震驚震驚shocking adj.駭人聽聞的駭人聽聞的【即學(xué)即練】【即學(xué)即練】(1)

17、I was _ (shock)to hear that he had resigned.(2)_ his shock, his house was burned when he arrived home.(3)I was shocked _ this sudden change in their attitude.(4)It is _ (shock)that the accident caused four deaths and nine people injured.shockedshockedToToatatshockingshocking6. bury vt.埋葬;安葬埋葬;安葬He d

18、ied at the age of 80 and was buried in his homeland. 他他80歲去世了,被安葬在他的家鄉(xiāng)。歲去世了,被安葬在他的家鄉(xiāng)?!局R歸納】【知識歸納】bury ones face in ones hands 用手捂住臉用手捂住臉bury oneself inbe buried in 專心致志于;埋頭于專心致志于;埋頭于表示表示“專心于專心于”的短語還有:的短語還有:be devoted todevote oneself to;be addicted to;focus on;concentrate on【即學(xué)即練】【即學(xué)即練】(1)She was si

19、tting with her head _ (bury)in a newspaper.(2)He _(bury)in his hometown after he died.(3)_(bury)himself in his book, he didnt know it was raining outside.(4)_(bury) in his book, he didnt know it was raining outside.buriedburiedwas buriedBuryingBuried7. effort n努力;艱難的嘗試;盡力努力;艱難的嘗試;盡力You should put mo

20、re effort into your work. 你應(yīng)該更加努力地工作。你應(yīng)該更加努力地工作?!局R歸納】【知識歸納】make efforts to do sth. 努力做某事努力做某事spare no effort to do sth.不遺余力地做某事不遺余力地做某事【即學(xué)即練】【即學(xué)即練】(1)We will make _ (effort)to offer you the best service.(2)People should spare no effort _ (protect)our hometown.effortseffortsto to protectprotectYou c

21、an click here to You can click here to add what you want to add what you want to add. It is easy to add. It is easy to change.change.You can click here to You can click here to add what you want to add what you want to add. It is easy to add. It is easy to change.change.認(rèn)知詞匯認(rèn)知詞匯:tornado, landslide,

22、tsunami, magnitude, evacuate, helicopter, crack, revive, revival, unify, context, volcano, typhoon, hurricane, 拓展詞匯:拓展詞匯:1.affecteffect2. shockshockingshocked3. trap trapped 4.breathebreath5. reviverevival6. wisdomwise7.suffersuffering8.erupt eruption 應(yīng)用詞匯:應(yīng)用詞匯:1. slide: slide into/out of, slide sth

23、.into/out of 2.survive:survive sb.(by), survive the accident(crash, earthquake), survive from sth.3.affect:be affected by, have an effect /influence on, in effect, take effect,bring/put sth. into effect, come into effect4.ruin:in ruins, be the ruin of, come/fall into ruin, ruin ones health/fame5.sho

24、ck:in shock, to ones shock, be shocked at/by.6.bury: bury ones face in ones hands, bury oneself inbe buried in7. effort:make efforts to do sth., spare no effort to do sth.核心核心短語短語重點(diǎn)句重點(diǎn)句式式l1.Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide,and fish jumped out of the water.(doing作伴隨狀語)l2. It seem

25、ed as if the world were coming to an end!(as if 引導(dǎo)的虛擬語氣)in the countrysideat leastrefuse to dojump out ofas usualas ifcome to an endblow awaytens of thousands ofdig outbecome a home torebuild for a brighter future1“Nice meeting you,Zoe,”I said and _ (slide) off.2Helicopters _ (rescue) nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building.3The _ (damage)car is beyond repair.4This will do great damage _ our society.5The little boy was the only one who _ (survi


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