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1、111Unit 6 An interesting country一 單元教學(xué)內(nèi)容簡析: 本單元的話題是關(guān)于一個位于南半球的主要英語國家澳大利亞。教師可以結(jié)合五年級上冊Unit6(My e-friend)中國家名稱在詞匯導(dǎo)入本單元話題。本單元的新語法是一般將來時的肯定句,教師可以利用本冊Unit 5的be going to結(jié)構(gòu)導(dǎo)入新語法。為了幫助學(xué)生更好的理解和運(yùn)用一般將來時,教師可以將這一時態(tài)與之前學(xué)過的一般現(xiàn)在時、現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時和一般過去時對比呈現(xiàn),并設(shè)計綜合操練活動。教師可以在課前準(zhǔn)備一些關(guān)于澳大利亞風(fēng)土人情的圖片和視頻,作為拓展內(nèi)容,豐富學(xué)生的視野。二 單元教學(xué)

2、要求: 1.能正確理解、朗讀Story time 和Cartoon time,并了解澳大利亞、英國等西方國家的風(fēng)土人情。 2.能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫country, will, learn, welcome, visitor, like, month。 3.能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會寫Ill ask my e-friend in Australia. What do you think? 4.能聽懂、會說、會讀單詞: find out, magazine,kangaroo,koala,sport-lover,Australian,football,exciting,Sydney,Londo

3、n,Oxford, for example, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge。 5.了解字母組合air在單詞中的讀音。 6.掌握一般將來時陳述句的構(gòu)成和用法三 單元教學(xué)重點(diǎn): 1.能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫country, will, learn, welcome, visitor, like, month。2.能聽得懂、會說、會讀和會寫Ill ask my e-friend in Australia. What do you think?3.掌握learn, find out, look for等動詞或短語的用法以及Australian,koala, k

4、angaroo,Sydney等單詞的發(fā)音。4.了解字母組合air在單詞中的讀音。四 單元教學(xué)難點(diǎn): 1.一般將來時陳述句的構(gòu)成和用法。2.掌握learn, find out, look for等動詞或短語的用法 3.了解字母組合air在單詞中的讀音。五 單元教學(xué)安排: 共計五課時 第一課時Story time 第二課時 Grammar time, Fun time and Checkout time第三課時Sound time, Cartoon time 第四課時Culture time, Checkout time and Ticking time 第五課時 單元檢測 第六課時 復(fù)習(xí)講評Un

5、it 6 An interesting country The first period一 教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Story time 二 教學(xué)目標(biāo):1.能聽懂、會說、會讀單詞: find out, magazine,kangaroo,koala,sport-lover,Australian,football,exciting,Sydney,2.能流利地朗讀課文并復(fù)述課文。3.通過學(xué)習(xí)課文能了解有關(guān)澳大利亞的知識。4.幫助學(xué)生初步形成了解其他國家,了解世界的意識。三 教學(xué)重、難點(diǎn):1.能聽懂、會說、會讀單詞: find out, magazine,kangaroo,koala,sport-lover,Au

6、stralian,football,exciting,Sydney,2.能流利地朗讀課文并復(fù)述課文。四 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:掛圖,卡片,PPT五、預(yù)習(xí)作 業(yè):1.試著讀一讀課文內(nèi)容,圈出自己不懂的單詞、詞組和句子。2.聽課文錄音,試著模仿著讀一讀,并了解課文大意。3.了解有關(guān)澳大利亞的知識教學(xué)設(shè)計(主備)復(fù)備Show teaching aims.Step1. Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morningafternoon,boys and girls,Ss: Good morningafternoon, Miss Mr. 2. Free talkT:This is a map of

7、 the world, which foreign country do you know? (Say some foreign countries.)Today we will Learn about a very beautiful country-Australia. I told you to know something about it. How can you know about Australia? Ss: Surf the internet./Watch TV/ read some books about Australia.T: You are hard-working

8、students. We can know a lot from them.Step2. Presentation 1. T: The children will learn about Australia next week. They want to find out about this country before the lessons. How can they know about Australia? Lets watch the carton and try to know.看課文卡通,學(xué)習(xí)課文第一部分 教師播放課文第一部分的動畫,要求學(xué)生捕捉關(guān)鍵詞,了解四個人物查閱資料的方

9、式,然后完成表格。WhoHowMikeWang BingLiu TaoYang Ling 2.T: What do you know about Australia? What do you want to know about Australia?Ss discuss in groups.AustraliaAnimalsSport Cities Weather School People Buildings.小組匯報他們要了解澳大利亞的那些方面,生說,教師在黑板上畫思維導(dǎo)圖。 T: You want to know a lot about Australia. Lets read the p

10、assage and try to know about them.小組合作學(xué)習(xí):閱讀課文第二部分,理解大意,并結(jié)合思維導(dǎo)圖了解澳大利亞。Learning tips:1.遇到不會的單詞可以結(jié)合上下文理解并詢問同伴。2.結(jié)合思維導(dǎo)圖在文中找一找,劃一劃。3.小組內(nèi)交流,組長負(fù)責(zé)組織語言,進(jìn)行匯報。Group show: What do you know about Australia?小組匯報:文本中主要介紹澳大利亞的三個方面:animals, sport, cityAbout animals: There are many kangaroos and koalas in Australia.T

11、: Can you teach the two words?指導(dǎo)學(xué)生讀kangaroos and koalas 兩個單詞。The same way to learn : Australia football, Sydney。 組長進(jìn)行匯報本小組的成果,其他組可以進(jìn)行相應(yīng)的補(bǔ)充。Step3. Consolidation1. Read the passage in different ways. a. Read after the tape. b. Read one by one. c. Read in paragraphs.2. Do some tasks: 1.完成書60頁的True or f

12、alse 2. Group work: introduce Australia. 介紹澳大利亞 T: Australia is very beautiful, many people want to go there and enjoy the views. Lets to be the Australia tour guides. Work in groups: 1. Work in groups of four. 2. Each student introduces one aspect of Australia. 3. You can add your own ideas. Maybe

13、the exercise on page 60 will help. You can do it first.Group show: Ask some groups to show.Step 4.Summary 小結(jié)Today, we know a lot about Australia, I find that your English is wonderful. You can read, write and discuss with others. What have you learned from this lesson?T:(PPT播放一些世界名勝古跡的圖片,學(xué)生欣賞)The wo

14、rld is colorful and wonderful, lets enjoy our life. Read more and travel more!Step 5.Homework 1.  Listen and read the passage.2. Try to know more about Australia on the internet. 板書設(shè)計: Unit 6 An interesting countryAustraliaAnimalsSport Cities Weather School People Buildings.Unit 6 An

15、interesting country The second period一 教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Grammar time, Fun time and Checkout time二 教學(xué)目標(biāo): 1.能聽說讀寫人稱代詞和will的縮寫形式。 2.能了解并熟練運(yùn)用構(gòu)成一般將來時的時間狀語。 3.能用一般將來時寫一段話。三 教學(xué)重、難點(diǎn): 1.能聽說讀寫人稱代詞和will的縮寫形式。2.能了解并熟練運(yùn)用構(gòu)成一般將來時的時間狀語。四 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:掛圖,卡片, PPT五 預(yù)習(xí)作業(yè):1.朗讀P61句型。2.四人小組選定想要了解的國家并進(jìn)行相關(guān)資料的收集。3.填寫書上62頁。教學(xué)設(shè)計(主備)復(fù)備Show teachin

16、g aims.Step1. Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morningafternoon,boys and girls,Ss: Good morningafternoon, Miss Mr. 2. Lets review.T: Last lesson, we learned an interesting countryAustralia. I think you know a lot about it. Can you say something about something about Australia? S: I knowT: What a beautiful

17、country!Step2. Presentation 1. Answer some questions about the passage:T: The children want to learn about Australia. When do they learn about this country?S: They will learn about Australia next week.(PPT shows the sentence.) T: There are some questions about the passage. Lets discuss in pairs and

18、try to answer.How will Mike know about Australia ?How about Wang Bing / Liu Tao /Yang Ling? Ss discuss in pairs and answer.PPT show the sentences:Mike will ask his e-friend in Australia.Wang Bing will ask Mr Green.Liu Tao will read about it on the Internet.Yang Ling will go to the library.Read the s

19、entences together.2.呈現(xiàn)grammar time中的第一個板塊 a. Read the sentences. b. Try to find out the rule. Lets look at the blackboard .there are some sentences .Read them first and then think what can you find?小組內(nèi)談?wù)撘话銓頃r的另一種表達(dá)方式。小組匯報:1.除了be going to ,還可以用will 來表示一般將來時。2.在句子中,人稱代詞和will可以縮寫在一起。Read together:Ill=I

20、 will well =we will hell=he willyoull=you will theyll=they will shell=she willT: We should pay more attention to them.3.PPT 呈現(xiàn):將ll 和next week , tomorrow變成紅色T: When can we use simple future tense ?S: tomorrow, next week, next month, next yearT: We often use “will” with these words and phrases.拓展:還有其他

21、表示將來的時間,如this Sunday,in和一段時間連用等4. Try to use.a. T: Can you make some new sentences with the words and sentences?S: Yes.T: You made a lot of sentences just now. Can you do some exercises? 給出若干句子,要求學(xué)生用由will構(gòu)成的一般將來時改寫。1. He usually goes to school by bike. (tomorrow)2. He visited London last year. (this

22、 winter)3. Mary is having a dancing lesson. (next Saturday)4. Mr Green often tells us about his country. (next time) b. Work in groups四人一組,用所給出A、B、C三組詞匯或短語, 從每組中任意選擇一個詞匯或短語,用will組成一般將來時的句子。I , you, we ,he, she, Ben, Nancy, they, Mike and Helengo to the farm, sing a song, visit Canada, sweep the floo

23、rtomorrow ,at the party, next Childrens Day, next summer holidayc. Read and writeT: You made a lot of good sentences. Now, lets complete the passage with “will” and the correct words.1. Ss do it in groups .2. Check the answers.3. Read this part.Step3. Fun time.1. T: Do you know why I will go to the

24、library? I will look for some books and magazines about the UK. Now I will show you something about the UK.PPT shows some pictures about the UK.Learn some words: Oxford, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge.PPT shows the information of the UK.T: Look at the information on the card, can you be a tour gu

25、ide and introduce the UK?Group work:a. Four students in a group.b. Read and discuss in groups, then try to introduce .Each student can introduce one aspect about it.Group show.2. Introduce our country.T: There are many beautiful countries in the world, but in my heart, China is the most beautiful co

26、untry in the world. It is very interesting, too. Can you make a information card for China and introduce our motherland?四人小組合作,仿照62頁的信息卡為我們的祖國制作信息卡,并做介紹。 小組展示。Step4. Summary 小結(jié)Today, we have learned some sentences and know a lot about our country and the UK. What have you learned from this lesson?Ss

27、: Step 6.Homework :1. Copy and remember sentences we have learned today.2. Try to write a short passage about China. 板書設(shè)計: Unit 6 An interesting countryIll=I will well =we will hell=he willyoull=you will theyll=they will shell=she willnext month monthnext yearnext weektomorrowUnit 6 An int

28、eresting country The third period一 教學(xué)內(nèi)容Sound time and Cartoon time.二 教學(xué)目標(biāo):1. 學(xué)生能知道字母組合air在單詞中的讀音。2. 學(xué)生能自主閱讀cartoon time內(nèi)容, 理解并能朗讀、表演故事。3. 學(xué)生能運(yùn)用所學(xué)句型編寫對話,通過合作進(jìn)行表演。4. 學(xué)生能進(jìn)行自我練習(xí)并能同他人合作交流。三 教學(xué)重點(diǎn):1.學(xué)生能知道字母組合air在單詞中的讀音。2.學(xué)生能自主閱讀cartoon time,讀懂內(nèi)容,體會樂趣,提高自主閱讀能力。3. 學(xué)生能進(jìn)行自我練習(xí)并能同他人合作交流。四 教學(xué)難點(diǎn): 學(xué)生能用所學(xué)語言表演對話并能熟練掌

29、握將來時的用法。五 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:掛圖,卡片,PPT教學(xué)設(shè)計(主備)復(fù)備Show teaching aims.Step1. Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morningafternoon,boys and girls,S:Good morningafternoon, Miss Mr. 2. Free talkT: What will you do tomorrow/next week?S: I willT: What will he/she do tomorrow /next week?通過Free talk融洽課堂氣氛,通過復(fù)述,復(fù)習(xí)上節(jié)課的知識。從而能很好的進(jìn)行導(dǎo)入。St

30、ep 2 Sound time1.T:From the passage, we have learned a lot about Australia. What do you know about Australia? S: . T: Look at the blackboard, there is something about Sydneya famous city in Australia, lets read it.PPT shows the sentences.T: Now, show me your hands and follow me.Ss read the sentences

31、 in different ways. Lets have a competition: Group work and group show. T: Can you find out the pronunciation of “air”? 學(xué)生讀Sound time 里面的句子,再讓學(xué)生總結(jié)字母組合air的發(fā)音規(guī)則。 T: Can you say some other words just like this?S:.T: Maybe you can make some new rhymes with these words.Step 3 Cartoon time a. T: Do you kn

32、ow Billy? What does he want to be? Lets watch the cartoon and find the answer. b. Read it by yourselves carefully and underline the sentences. c. Listen to the tape and answer the question: What does Billy like? Where does find out about cooking? What will Billy cook? Is he a good cook? d. Answer th

33、e question: e. Listen and read this cartoon together. Pay attention to the intonation. f. Dub for the cartoon. Practice in groups of three. g Lets have a happy reading: Act out the story. With books. Without books. Add your own words. h. Summary T: What do you learn from this cartoon? What do you wa

34、nt to say to Bobby? S: He should learn how to cook.T: Yes, he will practice and practice. Because “Practice make progress.”Step 5.Homework:1. Read the story in Cartoon time more than three times, try to retell it.2.  Preview Unit 7, read after the tape more than five times.Unit 6 An i

35、nteresting country The fourth period一 教學(xué)內(nèi)容Culture time, Checkout time and Ticking time二 教學(xué)目標(biāo):1.能正確完成checkout time 練習(xí)。2.能正確理解和運(yùn)用一般將來時。3.通過查找資料,了解一些國家的名勝景點(diǎn)和風(fēng)俗文化。4.能對照Ticking time 的三個目標(biāo)進(jìn)行客觀的自我評價。三 教學(xué)重點(diǎn):1.能正確完成Checkout time 練習(xí)。2.能對照Ticking time中的三個目標(biāo)進(jìn)行客觀的自我評價。四 教學(xué)難點(diǎn):1.能正確理解和運(yùn)用一般將來時。五 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:掛圖,卡片,PPT教學(xué)設(shè)計(

36、主備)復(fù)備Show teaching aims.Step1. Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morningafternoon,boys and girls,Ss: Good morningafternoon, Miss Mr. 2. Do some revision:T: How does Mike/ Wang Bing/ Liu Tao /Yang Ling know about Australia?S: .T: Who can say something about Australia?S: .Step 2 Culture time T: Good job, boys and girls. Australia is very beautiful, It has many beautiful places, for example, you will find the Great Barrier Reef in Aus


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