



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上1. Audiolingual approach: audioligual teaching is based on the behaviourist theory of learning and on structural linguistics. This instructional approach emphasizes the formation of habits through the practice, memorization, and repetition of grammatical structures in isolation from eac

2、h other and from contexts of meaningful use. Communicative language teaching: (CLT) CLT is based on the premise that successful language learning involves not only a knowledge of the structures and forms of a language, but also the functions and purposes that a language serves in different communica

3、tive settings. This approach on teaching emphasizes the communication of meaning over the practice and manipulation of grammar forms.2. Behaviourism: a psychological theory that all learning, whether verbal or non-verbal, takes place through the establishment of habits. Connectionism: A theory which

4、 views language as a complex system of units which become interconnected in the mind as they are encountered together. The more often units are heard or seen together, the more likely it is that the presence of one will lead to the activation of the other. Innatism: A theory that human beings are bo

5、rn with some basic knowledge about languages in general that makes it possible to learn the specific language of the environment. Interactionism: A theory that language is based on learners innate abilities and on opportunities to engage in conversations, often those in which other speakers modify t

6、heir speech to match the learners communication requirements.3. Competence : Chomsky used this item to refer to knowledge of language. It refers to the knowledge which underlies our ability to use language. Performance: The language that we actually use in listening, speaking, reading, writing. Perf

7、ormance is subject to variations due to inattention on fatigue whereas competence, at least for the mature native speaker, is more stable.4. Comprehension-based instruction: A general term to describe a variety of second language programs in which the focus of instruction is on comprehension rather

8、than production (for example, Total Physical Response).Content-based instruction: Second language programs in which lessons are organized around topics, themes, and/or subject matter rather than language points (for example, French immersion programs).Form-focused instruction: Instruction which draw

9、s attention to the forms and structures of the language within the context of communicative interaction. This may be done by giving metalinguistic information, simply highlighting the form in question, or by providing corrective feedback.Meaning-based instruction: communicative language teaching (CL

10、T): CLT is based on the premise that successful language learning involves not only a knowledge of the structures and forms of a language, but also the functions and purposes that a language serves in different communicative settings. This approach to teaching emphasizes the communication of meaning

11、 over the practice and manipulation of grammatical forms.Task-based instruction: Instruction in which classroom activities are tasks similar to those which learners might engage in outside the second or foreign language classroom. Tasks may be complex, for example, creating a school newspaper, or mo

12、re limited, for example, making a phone call to reserve a train ticket.5. Cross-sectional study: A research method in which subjects at different ages and stages of development are studied. Inferences about sequences which would apply to the development of individual learners are sometimes drawn fro

13、m cross-sectional studies. This contrasts with longitudinal studies.Longitudinal studies: A study in which the same learners are studied over a period of time. This contrasts with a cross-sectional study.6. Descriptive study: Research which does not involve any manipulation, change, or intervention

14、in the phenomenon being studied. This researchers goal is to observe and record what is happening. This contrasts with experimental study.Experimental study: Research which is designed to study the role or impact of one or more very specific variables. A strictly experimental study would have experi

15、mental and control groups which differ from each other only in the presence or absence of one variable. In educational research, it is often difficult to create all of the conditions which permit a study to be termed as a genuine experimental study. In this book, the term is used in a non-technical

16、sense to refer to research in which an attempt has been made to investigate a single variable in an educational setting.7. Developmental features: those aspects of a language which develop in a particular sequence, regardless of input variation or instructional intervention.Variational features: var

17、iation features(for example, vocabulary, some grammatical morphemes) can be learned at any point in the learners development.8. Display question: A question to which the asker already knows the answer. Teacher often ask these question (for example, What colour is your shirt?) not because they are ge

18、nuinely interested in the answer, but rather, to get the learner to display his or her knowledge of the language.Genuine question: In contrast to display questions, genuine questions are asked when there is a focus on information: the asker does not know the answer in advance (for example, What did

19、you do at the weekend?)9. Field independent learning style: learners are very quick to pick out the hidden figures in a complicated drawing.Field dependent learning style: learner is inclined to see the whole picture rather than separating it into parts10. First language: The language first learned.

20、Second language: any language other than the first language learned.11. Formal language learning setting: A setting in which second language learners receive instruction and opportunities to practice. Efforts are often made to develop learners awareness of how the language system works. Typically, t

21、his type of learning takes place in the classroom.Informal language learning setting: A setting in which the second language is not taught, but rather, is learned naturally.12. Integrate motivation: A motivation based on a desire to know more about the culture and community of the target language gr

22、oup and even a desire to be more like members of that group.Instrumental motivation: A motivation which is more practical, such as the need to learn the language in order to get a better job.13. Language acquisition: It represents unconscious learning, which takes place when attention is focused on meaning rather than language form.Language learning: It is a conscious process which occurs when the learners objective is to learn about the language itself, rather than to understand messages which are conveyed through the language.14. Modified input: Adapted speech which a


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