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1、高考英語分類題庫 解析第24集:4說明夾表達02cloze 2 children are being cared about by their parents. however, more than three-quarters of children we 1 said they were sometimes afraid to be home alone. if you 2 your child is mature (成熟) enough to be home alone before or after school, you should make sure your house is

2、3 and teach your child how to handle various situations. make a game of your instructions. have your child 4 questions beginning with"what would you do if" and 5 with phrases like "you lost your key" or "someone you don't know 6 the door." in fact, the best home saf

3、ety is prevention. every home should have 7 detectors to prevent fire. leaving a radio 8 during the day makes a home 9 occupied (有人) . besides, as one child said, "it's frightful 10 into a quiet house." don't leave an extra key in 11 hiding places, such as under the door mat (擦鞋墊).

4、 12 it with a neighbor in stead. when your 13 is home alone, the phone is a necessary link. a 14 should always be found 15 . children should know where to find emergency (緊急情況用的)numbers, and how to 16 the phone and take a message without 17 an unknown caller find out 18 else is home. you might buy a

5、 telephone- answering machine. your child would then be able to pick up the receiver only when he heard a 19 voice. if you help your child understand your warning, he will be more 20 of himself about staying home. 1. a. raised b. instructed c. interviewed d. talked 答案:c 指導:本文是通過一次“采訪調查反映了孩子單獨在家的心理。2

6、. a. decide b. allow c. make d. hear 答案:a指導:decide+that-clause意為“斷定。3. a. large b. clean c. close d. safe 答案:d 指導:孩子單獨在家時,家長一定要采取措施確?!捌桨?。其他形容詞都沒有涉及文章的中心話題。4. a. ask b. make c. prepare d. answer 答案:d 指導:讓孩子“答復問題,目的是訓練孩子的平安防范意識。此處是考查孩子的平安意識,故其他選項不合語境。5. a. starting b. questioning c. ending d. handing

7、答案:c 指導:endingwith(以結束),與前面的beginning with(以開始)對應。b、c兩項都不能與介詞with搭配,前面已經用了beginningwith,故此處不能再用startingwith。6. a. comes to b. knocks c. opens d. breaks into 答案:a 指導:comes to此處意為“來到門邊(敲門)。knocks aton the door才是正確表達;此處是考驗孩子的平安意識,因此外人不可能“翻開門和“破門而入。7. a. smoke b. thief c. stranger d. money 答案:a 指導:smoke

8、detectors"測煙器,目的是防止火災。從后面的防止火災可排除其他選項。8. a. off b. about c. with d. on 答案:d 指導:leave sthon意為“讓開著,讓處于工作狀態(tài)。9. a. see b. listen c. sound d. hear 答案:c 指導:sound用作系動詞,意為“聽起來。此處是系動詞加過去分詞構成的系表結構,其他選項都不是系動詞。10. a. stealing b. rushingc. walking d. breaking 答案:c 指導:此處指孩子“走進靜悄悄的房間感到恐懼。“偷偷溜進、“跑進、“闖進都不合語境。11

9、. a. any b. obviousc. secret d. open 答案:b 指導:別把鑰匙放在“顯眼的地方。由常識可排除其他選項。12. a. take b. leave c. bring d. arrange 答案:b 指導:leavesthwithsh"把交給某人照料、看管。其他動詞不符合此處的搭配要求。13. a husband b. girl c. darling d. child 答案:d 指導:單獨在家的是“孩子。由全文的中心話題:確保孩子單獨在家時的平安可排除其他選項。14. a. parent b. relative c. lady d. porter 答案:

10、a 指導:指孩子總能通過 找到父母,給孩子一種平安感。從前面的“總是能找到可指,此處不可能是“親戚或其他。15. a. at no time b. by oneselfc. by phone d. near home 答案:c 指導:此處由常理判斷,孩子單獨在家時,只能通過“ 來找父母。根據前文信息提示thephone可排除其他選項。16. a. place b. make c. take d. answer 答案:d 指導:從后面的“記下口信可確定,此處是“接 。由后文的提示可排除其他選項。17. a. asking b. requiring c. promising d. letting

11、答案:d 指導:后面是動詞原形findout,故用let sb. do"讓某人做。由句子的結構可排除其他選項:askrequirepromisesbto do18. a. no one b. anyone c. everyone d. someone 答案:a 指導:此處由語境得知,是不讓陌生人覺察只有孩子一人在家,即沒有其他人在家。此處選擇還是要緊扣文章的主題。19. a. loud b. pleasant c. familiar d. clear 答案:c 指導:只有聽到“熟悉的聲音時,孩子才可以回 。由常識可排除其他選項。20. a. sure b. helpfulc. tho

12、ughtful d. thankful答案:a 指導:孩子有了這些平安防范意識,才會感到“自信,不會感到恐懼。其他選項“有幫助的、“體貼的、“感謝的都不合題意。cloze 3 anna whitney, a sophomore (大學二年級學生) at cole rado state university, first had a problem taking tests when sm began college. "i was always 1 prepared for my tests. sometimes i studied for weeks be foretest. ye

13、t i would go in to take the test, only to find i would not answer the questions 2 i would blank out because of nervousness and fear. couldn't think of the answers. my 3 grades on the tests di not show what i knew to the teacher. ' another student in mi crobi典型例題ad 4 experiences. he said, &qu

14、ot;my first chemistry test was very difficult. then, on the second test, i satr down to take it, and i was so nervous that i was 5 my hands were moving up and down so 6 that it was hard to hold my pencil. i knew the material and i knew the answers, yet i couldn't 7 write them down!" these t

15、wo young students were 8 some thing called test anxiety (考試焦慮癥). because a student worries and is anxious about a test, his or her 9 does not work as well as it usually does. the student cannot write or think 10 because of the extreme tension and nervousness. although poor grades are often a 11 of p

16、oor study habits, sometimes test anxiety causes the low grades. recently, test anxiety has been recognized as a real problem not just a( n ) 12 or a false ex planation of lazy students. special university counseling (指導) courses try to help students. in these courses, counselors try to help students

17、 by teaching them 13 to manage test anxiety. at some universities, students take tests to 14 their tension. these courses teach students how to relax their bodies. students are trained to become 15 in very tense situations. by controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds 16 at ease (安心地).

18、 17 information then comes out without difficulty on a test. an 18 at the university of califonia explains, "with almost all students, relaxation and 19 stress are felt after taking our program. most of them experience better control 20 their tests. almost all have some improvement." 1. a.

19、 badly b. well c. bad d. quite 答案:b 指導:be well prepared for"為做好了充分的準備。從后一句sometimes i studied for weeks before test可知,“我為考試做好了充分的準備。2. a. correctly b. mistakenlyc. immediately d. quickly 答案:a 指導:yet說明意義發(fā)生轉折,故雖然做廠充分的準備,“我在考試中卻不能"正確問答問題。根據上下文的邏輯關系可排除其他選項。3. a. high b. tall c. low d. good 答案:

20、c 指導:因為緊張,大腦一片空白,因此考得不好,分數很“低。grades意為“分數。分數不能用tall來修飾,high和good表達意思與語境不符。4. a. difficult b. differentc. similar d. unpleasant 答案:c 指導:從后文看,另外一個學生也患有“考試焦慮癥,故也有“類似的經歷。此處是說明“考試焦慮癥具有一定的普遍性,其他選項不合語境。5. a. crying b. standing c. smiling d. shaking 答案:d 指導:前面說“我非常緊張,后一句說“我的手抖個不停,應選d,“我渾身都在“顫抖。其他動詞不合語境。6. a

21、. quickly r slowly c. hard d. loudly 答案:a 指導:前文說我渾身顫抖,后文又說“我的手抖得很“快,反復強調“考試焦慮癥在考試中對學生造成的影響。從后面幾乎拿不住筆這一信息提示可排除其他選項。7. a. ever b. even c. hardly d. never 答案:b 指導:even"甚至,表示程度,信息遞進。其他副詞都不能表示程度上的更進一步。8. a. experiencing b. studyingc. learning d. facing 答案:a 指導:experience用作動詞,意為“經歷,他們正在經歷某種事情(“考試焦慮癥)

22、,b、c兩項不合邏輯;face"面對的一般是困難和危險等。9. a. brain b. mind c. body d. head 答案:b 指導:“思維不能正常工作。mind側重指“思維。10. a. cleanly b. cleverly c. clearly d. brightly 答案:c 指導:因為極度緊張這個學生不能“清楚地進行思維。brain側重指“大腦、智力;head側重的是“智慧。11. a. reason b. cause c. relation d. result 答案:d 指導:考試分數不高通常是不良學習習慣的“結果,引出下文“考試焦慮癥對此也有很大的影響。由此

23、處的因果關系可排除其他選項。結果在前,原因在后。用reason, cahse時原因在前,結果在后。12. a. answer b. reason c. habit d. excuse 答案:d 指導:“考試焦慮癥對學生的影響得到了人們的成認,而不僅僅是懶學生學習成績不好的“借口。13. a. how b. why c. what d. where 答案:“方式,其他選項不合語境。14. a. check b. examinec. determine d. measure 答案:d 指導:學生參加測試,“檢測他們的焦慮程度。check“核查、核對重在“數據、“答案是否準確;examine&quo

24、t;檢查重在發(fā)現有無“問題、“故障;determine意為“決定。15. a. quiet b. clam c. cool d. cold 答案:b 指導:學生被訓練在非常緊張的狀況下,怎樣變得“鎮(zhèn)靜。此處是要消除學生的緊張情緒,故應是心理上變得“鎮(zhèn)靜,而不是“安靜下來或“冷卻下來。16. a. learn b. work c. rest d. run 答案:b 指導:讓大腦平靜正常地"工作。run一般指“機器等的"工作、運轉,其他選項不合題意。17. a. used b. absorbedc. learned d. taught 答案:c 指導:考試中,“學過的知識就能輕

25、易地提取。used的意思是“用過的、舊的;absorbed的意思是“吸收過的;teach的對象一般是人,而不是物。18. a. engineer b. author c. artist d. expert 答案:d 指導:講這番話的人應該是參與培訓的“專家?!肮こ處?、“作者、“藝術家在此都不合語境。19. a. more b. less c. better d. worse 答案:b 指導:參加這個訓練工程以后,幾乎所有的學生學會了放松,“不那么緊張了。其他選項都不符合最后訓練的結果。20. a. after b. before c. during d. while 答案:c 指導:在考試過程

26、中,大局部學生都能更好地控制自己的心態(tài)。此處表示“在考試的過程中,因此其他選項不合邏輯。clove 4 last thursday, the day before i got on the plane to fly to china, i went to see a movie. it wasn't just any movie, but the recently released (kips:) harry potter block buster(消耗巨拍攝的電影)"the philosopher's stone" that has 1 britain,

27、america, and now japan, by storm.the film is a tale of witchcraft (魔法) 2 in modem-day bfitain based on a book by j. k rowling, 3 tells the story of very 4 baby, seared at birth by an evil wizard who kills his pareats. the only legacy (遺贈物)of the tragedy is a red 5 on the baby's forehead-and magi

28、cal 6 , inherited (繼承) from his rather and father, to fight against and overcome evil the harry potter myth was founded five years ago by joanne rowling, a 7 single mother living in edinburgh, in the north of the united kingdom. to date, 110 million 8 of her books have been sold worldwide. but befor

29、e her publish- ers would 9 the first manuscript (手稿) , joanne rowling 10 agree to change her name on the book cover to j. k. rowling, 11 it was feared that children, 12 young boys, 13 not read an adventure story written by a woman. 14 , when the books became an overnight success, did it become gener

30、ally known that the talented and creative author was 15 a young and attractive woman.at the start of production, forty thousand 16 actors were auditioned(試演) and 17 for the screen rote, yet daniet radcliffe was discovered when the products took a 18 and went out to a theatre in london's west end

31、. there in the 19 row sat young daniel who was visiting the theatre with his father for an evening's entertainment. daniel was screen-tested arid with j. k. rowling's agrement was immediately 20 the part. now kids around the world together with their parents are quit familiar with harry pott

32、er and the actor daniel radcliffe 1. a. arrived b. taken c. hit d. brought 答案:b 指導:"the philosopher's stone如風暴般征服了英國、美國及日本,take在此意為“征服。此題干擾性最大的是hit,hit一般指“地震、風暴等自然災害“襲擊某一個地區(qū)講。2. a. published b. shown c. set d. seen 答案:c 指導:“這部電影是以當今英國為背景的一部魔法童話。set in modern-day britain為過去分詞短語做定語,相當于which w

33、as set in modern-day britainbe set in意思是“以為背景。其他動詞無此用法。3. a. he b. which c. one d. it 答案:d 指導:b有較大干擾性,弄清本句的結構是解決此空的關鍵,based on a book by jkrowling是過去分詞短語作定語,本句是簡單句。此題空缺的不是定語從句的引導詞,而是句子的主語。4. a. lovely b. interesting c. poor d. special 答案:d 指導:通過后文我們得知故事的主人公harry potter是一個與眾不同的孩子,能運用魔法石施展魔法,因此是一個spec

34、ial baby5. a. mark b. sign c. note d. character 答案:a 指導:sign是指含有某種暗示或意義的“符號,sign可以是人為的,也可以是自然形成的,此處表示天生的。b有較大干擾性,mark意思是“印記、標記,一定是人為的。6. a. energies b. strength c. powers d. force 答案:c 指導:通過文章的介紹我們知道,哈里·波特具有神奇的法力。powers當“權利、法力講。a、b、d均有較大干擾性。energy意思是“精力,force是“武力,strenth一般指“體力。通過上下文我們知道harrypot

35、ter是靠法力征服魔鬼的。7. a. famous b. serious c. weak d. poor 答案:d 指導:joannerowling是一位貧窮的單身母親。其他答案均不能說明joannerowling寫這本小說時的生活境況。8. a. kinds b. copies c. pieces d. sets 答案:b 指導:她的書賣出了110,000,000本。指書的本數用copy。piece一般修飾不可數名詞,當“一片講。9. a. receive b. admit c. accept d. allow 答案:c 指導:“在她的出版商接受第一稿之前,accept當“接受某物講。rec

36、eive意為“收到,但不一定接受;admit 意為“成認(錯誤);接納,吸收(成為其中一員)。10. a. was to b. planned to c. had to d. preferred to 答案:c 指導:從后文it was feared that children,12(particularly)young boys 13(would)not read anadventure storywrittenby awoman我們得知。joanne rowling把名字改為jkrowling也是迫不得已的事情。因此用hadto11. a. so b. since c. although

37、d. because 答案:d 指導:害怕孩子們不愿意讀一個女子寫的冒險故事是她改名字的原因。此處應該用原因狀語從句。12. a. particularly b. frequentlyc. greatly d. recently 答案:a 指導:particularly young boys作定語,補充說明children,此處是“突出,強調后面的內容,故其他選項不合題意。13. a. should b. could c. would d. might 答案:c 指導:would在這里是情態(tài)動問,意思是“愿意,肯。其他情態(tài)動詞無此用法。14. a. even later b. only lat

38、erc. later in the year d. sooner or later 答案:b 指導:此空較難選出,我們可以看出,did it become generallyknow用的是局部倒裝,因此我們聯(lián)想到當only位于句首,修飾狀語時,句子用局部倒裝,因此其他答案不合題意。其他選項都不能構成倒裝句。15. a. in fact b. after all c. at least d. in time 答案:a 指導:“人們認識到那個有才華、有創(chuàng)作才能的作者實際上是個年輕、漂亮的女子。此處表達“事實如何。after all"畢竟,atleast"至少intime&quo

39、t;準時,遲早都不合邏輯。16. a. men b. film c. play d. child 答案:d 指導:因為harrypotter是個孩子,因此導演要選用的是兒童演員。其他選項不合邏輯。17. a. checked b. examinedc. tested d. questioned 答案:c 指導:先試演,然后進行測試。從前面的“試演可得到本答案的信息提示,排除其他選項。18. a. bus b. walk c. break d. look 答案:c 指導:從空后的andwentoutto a theatre in london's west end我們得知daniel r

40、adcliffe是制片人在工作之余去劇院看演出時偶然發(fā)現的,因此c為最正確答案。takea breakhave a break,其他選項不合語境。19. a. back b. next c. front d. opposite 答案:b in the next row指與制片人緊挨著的一排。a、c均有較大干擾性,在最前排和最后一排都不如緊挨著制片人更容易被發(fā)現。20. a. supplied b. provided c. acted d. offered 答案:d 指導:經過測試及與jkrowling的協(xié)議,daniel獲得了這個角色,offer sbsth意思是“提供給某人某事。supply

41、,provide都是“供給之意。cloze 5 koko is the first gorilla (大猩猩) to have been taught sign language. koko lives in the santa cruz mountains. she has her own house and an outside enclosure (圈起的地) where she spends her 1 when it is not raining. "cold bad, gorilla hate," koko tells me, as i stand outsid

42、e her house but 2 koko was interested in me, and told me "visitor good", it is her conversations with dr penny patterson, 18, that are 3 patterson was a psychology student when koko was bom in san frsndsco zoo in 1971. language 4 bad been made using chimpanzees(黑猩猩) before, but 5 with a go

43、rilla. "at first my expeetation was i'd 6 with koko for four years," she says. "but after a few evenings together, i couldn't put her down. i ended up sta- ying with her 7 she'd fall asleep." when she began 8 koko the sign language that deaf-mute people 9 , forcing th

44、e little fingers of the one-year-old gorilla into the 10 positions for "drink'', "eat'', "more'' and rewarding(資深獎賞) her with 11 , she had no idea how quickly koko would 12 now koko is so good at sign language that if she doesn't know a word, she 13 one. fo

45、r example, she didn't knowthe word 14 "ring", so she joined the signs for "finger" and "bracelet" (手鐲) to express it.what has been unrecognized by science is that gorillas also have complex emotions (復雜的情感) -koko was seen in an up set state when she heard her carers

46、 15 the events of september 11. when patterson asked her what she would 16 for her 11th birthday, koko 17 she wanted a cat. the story了of koko's cat enabled patterson to learn 18 about her emo- tions. the cat was 19 by a car and patterson had to 20 the news to koko, who signed "cry, sad, fro

47、wn (皺眉頭)". 1. a. holidays b. nights c. days d. afternoons 答案:c 指導:由前面“圈起的地以及后面“當天不下雨時推斷,大猩猩也喜歡白天呆在室外。其他選項不合邏輯。2. a. what b. since c. when d. although 答案:d 指導:本句是一個復雜的長句子,句意為:“盡管大猩猩告訴我對我感興趣而且說“有客人來訪真好,但還是它跟另外一個18歲的博士之間的談話更為有趣。因此應用although引導讓步狀語從句。其他選項不能引導讓步狀語從句。3. a. boring b. exciting c. useful

48、 d. meaningful 答案:b 指導:此處表示大猩猩與博士之間的交談非?!傲钊苏駣^,從下文看,博士跟大猩猩的交流確實不同一般。“枯燥的不合下文的邏輯;“有用的、“有意義的用在此處都有點太輕描淡寫的味道,都缺乏以表達博士工作的非同一般。4. a. courses b. learning c. studies d. tests 答案:c 指導:此處是說原來曾經用黑猩猩做過語言方面的研究,但從來沒有用過大猩猩做過類似的研究。makestudies當“進行研究講。從與動問make的搭配關系可排除其他干擾項。5. a. once b. always c. usually d. never 答案:d 指導:由轉折詞but可以斷定,“從來沒有對大猩猩進行過語言方面的研究。6. a. work b. live c. study d. help 答案:a 指導:workwith此處當“以為工作對象講,而不是“跟某人一塊工作。此處題意為:我本來期望對大猩猩研究四


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