2011屆高考英語第一輪總復(fù)習(xí)高考滿分練兵場 高二冊Unit17_第1頁
2011屆高考英語第一輪總復(fù)習(xí)高考滿分練兵場 高二冊Unit17_第2頁
2011屆高考英語第一輪總復(fù)習(xí)高考滿分練兵場 高二冊Unit17_第3頁
2011屆高考英語第一輪總復(fù)習(xí)高考滿分練兵場 高二冊Unit17_第4頁
2011屆高考英語第一輪總復(fù)習(xí)高考滿分練兵場 高二冊Unit17_第5頁
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1、2011屆高考第一輪總復(fù)習(xí)滿分練兵場高二冊 Unit17.單詞拼寫1Many athletes _(參加) in the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.2At the _(典禮), the chairman gave an open lecture.3Our _(勝利) is well worth celebrating.4We want to see that this man get _(公正) treatment.5The childs reading _(能力) was satisfactory for his age level.6Her _(同情) f

2、or the old people made her a good care worker.7Most of our schools fail to meet the needs of _(有天賦的) children.8I always turn to my father for _(指導(dǎo)) in these matters.9You have the _(潛力) to reach the top of your profession.10He is so clever that he knows how to _(適應(yīng)) to the environment.答案1participated

3、2.ceremony3.victory4.fair5ability6.sysmpathy7.gifted8.guidance9potential10.adjust.完成句子(湖北專用)1We have worked out the plan and we must _(付諸實施)2_(在一次一次實驗后) he succeeded.3That experience was _(對我來說非常有益)4The medical Team _(由10位大夫組成)5Sports and games help to _(身體健康)6In our country, the citizens who are 18

4、 years old _(享有選舉權(quán)和被選舉權(quán))7The PLA men liberated Beijing _(通過和平方式,而不是攻打)8_(用計算機(jī)工作) can save much more time than _(人工工作)9The company manager ordered _(立即開始這項工作)10_(那次軍事演習(xí)是要向全世界表明) that we Chinese had the ability to liberate Taiwan.答案1put it into practice2After experiment after experiment3of benefit to

5、me4is made up of 10 doctors5keep people healthy6have the right to vote and stand for election7not by fighting but by the peaceful liberation8Working by computers; working by hand9the work to be done at once10The war exercise was to show to the world.單項填空1Would you please do me a favor and check the

6、information?Im _ glad to help.A. more thanB. by no meansC. less than D. far from2In order to keep the students developing healthily, we should not only develop their present abilities, but also develop their _ abilities.A. visual B. innerC. physical D. potential3Will you be sent abroad for further s

7、tudies?I have _!A. such no luck B. no such luckC. no such a luck D. not such a luck4The poem is hard to understand. Can you make _ of this poem?A. idea B. knowledgeC. sense D. no longer5You may not agree, but _ I think this plan is practical.A. generally B. trulyC. personally D. commonly6_ are that

8、you will lose the job if you dont try to do it better.A. Chance B. ChancesC. Opportunity D. Opportunities7I feel strongly that each of us should _ a role in making the earth a better place to live in.A. play B. takeC. get D. find8Would you please do me a favor and check the information?Im _ glad to

9、help.A. more than B. by no meansC. less than D. far from9He promised to send me an invitation to visit their country _ until I was 60 years old.A. each two years B. each other yearC. every other year D. every second years10He soon _ himself to the way of life and has lived happily ever since.A. arra

10、nged B. adjustedC. admitted D. avoided1Today there are more opportunities for disabled people to make _ contribution to _ society.A. a; the B. a; /C. /; the D. the; a12There is none _ can be done to persuade him to give up the idea.A. what B. itC. that D. who13Why dont you just _ your own business a

11、nd leave me alone?A. make B. openC. consider D. mind14We hadnt planned to meet. We met _ chance.A. of B. inC. for D. by15(2010·湖南瀏陽一中期末)How long _ you _ in the country with your uncle, Henry?About two weeks. Ill return as soon as school starts.A. had; stayed B. are; stayingC. did; stay D. do; s

12、tay答案1A?!癿ore than形容詞”,表示“很,非?!?。句意:我非常高興能幫你。2D。根據(jù)句意可知“也發(fā)展學(xué)生們潛在的能力”。故選D項。3B。such與all, no, several, many, one連用時,置于其后,據(jù)此可排除A項;no相當(dāng)于not a或not any,不能再與a連用,可排除C項;D項中的not雖可以與a連用,但又因luck為不可數(shù)名詞,故排除。4C。make sense of sth.“理解或弄懂困難的或無法理解的事物”。注意sense還可作動詞,意為“意識到(某事物);感覺到”。5C。personally“我個人認(rèn)為,依我之見”。6B。opportunity

13、和chance都有“機(jī)會”的意思,但此處所需的不是這個含義。句意:如果你不努力改進(jìn)你的工作,你將有可能失去這份工作。所以此處需用“可能”這一含義的名詞,而chance有此意并且常用于Chances are that.這一固定句式,該句相當(dāng)于There are possibilities that.形式。7A。play a role in“在方面起作用”。8A。考查固定短語的用法。more than在這個句子中是副詞,意為“非常;很”。句意為“我非常高興能幫忙。”by no means“決不”;less than“少于”;far from“距遠(yuǎn)”。9C。“每隔一年”用every two year

14、s或every second year或every other year來表達(dá)。10B。從題意看,他很快適應(yīng)了這種生活方式。adjust“調(diào)整”,正合題意;arranged“安排”;admitted“承認(rèn)”;avoided“避免”,均不合題意。11B。contribution常用作可數(shù)名詞,society作“社會”解時,前面不加冠詞。12C。句意:無法說服他放棄那個主意。13D??疾閯釉~辨析。句意:你為什么不管好你自己的事而干擾我?mind ones own business為固定短語,“注意自己的事,少管閑事”。其余三項均不符合搭配。14D。本題考查固定習(xí)語中介詞的用法。by chance/

15、by accident“偶然”。15D.完形填空(2009·浙江)The trip to that city was eyeopening for everyone, and near its end, all the young people in our group began to reflect on what it has meant. We _1_ the first night we had arrived. We had all gone into the markets of the city _2_ the young people could experienc

16、e its energy. But what we actually saw simply _3_ us allthe rundown houses, the children in rags, the people begging for money.Walking home, _4_ under a low bridge, we came across _5_ families of homeless people seeking a bit of dry ground to sleep on _6_ the night. We had to step over bodies as we

17、found our way through the darkness.The poverty(貧困) was _7_ than anything my young companions had ever imagined. Back in the hotel, an air of sadness settled over the group. Many _8_ and cried. Spending time in this _9_ moves a person to care about humanity.That evening, our group spent hours talking

18、 about what we had _10_. Gently, I encouraged everyone to talk about the difficult _11_ that days discoveries had inspired. Sitting together _12_ a circle as everyone had a chance to speak, we all began to realize that _13_ of us was alone in our struggle to cope with our reactions.Based on my _14_

19、in povertystricken areas, I suggested that _15_ the emotions we had were painful, they could also be important in helping us to move forward. We all _16_ that we had seen things that should never be allowed to happen. _17_, what could we do about it? Together, we began to brainstorm ways we could he

20、lp to ease the _18_ we had seen. As I encouraged group members to focus on _19_ they could do, a sense of determination _20_ the previous sadness. Instead of despair, these young people began to feel a call to action.1 A. put up with B. got back toC. looked back on D. made up for2 A. now that B. so

21、thatC. as if D. even if3 A. puzzled B. annoyedC. embarrassed D. shocked4 A. marching B. runningC. passing D. moving5 A. entire B. normalC. average D. general6 A. beyond B. withC. till D. for7 A. stronger B. deeperC. worse D. less8 A. gave up B. broke downC. set off D. held on9 A. environment B. hote

22、lC. house D. background10A. inspected B. attemptedC. witnessed D. challenged11A. feelings B. decisionsC. thoughts D. impressions12A. along B. aroundC. by D. in13A. neither B. eitherC. none D. each14A. experiences B. schedulesC. data D. position15A. once B. whileC. since D. unless16A. supposed B. adv

23、isedC. confirmed D. agreed17A. Surely B. RatherC. Now D. Indeed18A. burden B. sufferingC. anxiety D. difficulty19A. how B. whereC. what D. when20A. replaced B. changedC. covered D. improved答案我們目睹了破舊的房子,衣衫襤褸的孩子、討錢的人們我們能做什么?1C。從上文to reflect on可知,“我們”這是在回憶“我們”來到這兒的第一個晚上,用look back on“回顧”比較貼切,其他都不符合語境。2

24、B。從上下文可知,此處用so that表示“目的”去感受城市的活力。3D。從下文可知,“我們”真正看到的一切令“我們”非?!俺泽@”,故用動詞shock。4C。當(dāng)經(jīng)過(pass)矮橋的時候,“我們”碰到了很多無家可歸的老老少少(entire families),尋找干點的地方過夜(for the night)。在黑夜中,“我們”不得不摸黑跨過他們的身體而通行。5A。參見4題解析。6D。參見4題解析。7C。根據(jù)上下文可知,這里人們的貧窮遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)要比“我”年輕的同伴們所能想象的還要糟糕(worse)。8B。回到賓館,人人都感到悲傷,很多人失聲痛哭。根據(jù)語境選B項。9A。從上下文可知,此處應(yīng)該表示這個城市

25、的這種“環(huán)境”,所以選A。10C。那天晚上,“我們”一行人花了好幾個小時討論“我們”的所見所聞(witness),witness“親眼看見,目擊”;inspect“檢查”;attempt“試圖”;challenge“挑戰(zhàn)”,根據(jù)語境選C項。11A。此處為“我”鼓勵每個人來談?wù)勛约旱母惺?feelings)。12D。in a circle表示“圍成一圈”。13C。從語境可知,此處表示“我們沒有一個人(none of us)”,答案選C。14A。從上下文可知,這里表示“基于我在窮困地區(qū)的經(jīng)歷(experiences)”。15B。從上下文可知,此處用while表示“雖然”,語境為“雖然我們很難過”。

26、16D。從語境可知,“我們”通過討論,都一致認(rèn)為(agree)“我們”看到了一些本不該發(fā)生的事情,所以選D項。17C。從上下文可知,此處表示“那么現(xiàn)在我們該怎么做?”,所以用now。18B。“我們”開始集體探討一些方法來減輕“我們”所看到的(人們所遭受的)苦難(suffering)。19C。此處是what引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,表示“集中于我們能做的事情上”。20A。通過討論,大家都覺得應(yīng)該做一些事情來幫助那些受苦的人,于是決心代替了(replace)悲傷。.短文改錯Dear Mr Li,Im glad to accept your letter of May 22nd. I1._dont expect that you would answer my letter so2._soon. You suggested in your letter that I mus


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