



1、英語(yǔ)試卷第一部分聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分30分)做題時(shí),先將答案標(biāo)在試卷上。錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)朿后,你將有兩分鐘的時(shí)間將你的答案轉(zhuǎn)涂 到客觀題答題卡上。第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,滿(mǎn)分7.5分)聽(tīng)下面5段對(duì)話(huà)。每段對(duì)話(huà)后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選岀最佳 選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽(tīng)完每段對(duì)話(huà)后,你將有20秒鐘的時(shí)間來(lái)回答有關(guān)小題和閱 讀下一小題。每段對(duì)話(huà)僅讀一遍。1. What WiIl the man do next?C. WatCh TV.C. Sunny.C. On Friday.C. The woman's cousin.A. LiSten to the radi

2、o.B DO his homework2. HOW WiIl the Weather PrObabIy be this afternoon?A. Cloudy.B. Rainy.3. When WiIl the football match be?A. On Tuesday.B. On ThUrSday.4. WhO took the photo?A. The WOmanZS UnCIeB. The WOmanZS brother.5. HOW does the man feel about family CelebratiOns?A. BOredB. EmbarraSSeclC. AmUSe

3、d第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題15分,滿(mǎn)分225分)聽(tīng)下而5段對(duì)話(huà)或獨(dú)白。每段對(duì)話(huà)或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A. B. C三個(gè)選 項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。聽(tīng)每段對(duì)話(huà)或獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè)小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽(tīng)完 后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話(huà)或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽(tīng)第6段材料,回答第6、7題。6. Why does the man refuse to PIay tennis today?C. He is bored With it.C. TO take a trip.C. ViSit a lighthouse.C. By car.A. He is bad at it.B. He has

4、 SOre arms7. What is the manzs Plan for today?A. TO do ShOPPing.B. TO go Skating聽(tīng)第7段材料,回答第8、9題。8 What does the man Want to do most at the park?A. WaIk On the beach.B. HaVe a swim.9. HOW WiIl the man go to the park?A. By bus.B. By train.聽(tīng)第8段材料,回答第10至12題。10. HoW much ShOUld the man Pay for the guitar

5、CIaSS in total?A. $50.B. $300.C. $1,000.L What is the man going to do this after noon?A. BOrrOW a bookB. BUy a guitar.C Meet a friend12. Why did the WOman CaII the man yesterday?A. TO tell him a movie.B. TO ask about homework. C. TO know about a course.聽(tīng)第9段材料,回答第13至16題。13. What does the WOman think

6、Of the buildings in the town center?A. Old.B. Cheap.C. COmfOrtable.14. WhiCh PlaCe are the SPeakerS most SatiSfied with?A. The One in the ParkB. The One near the train StatiOnC. The One in the town Center.15. What COIOr WalIS does the man SUggeSt Painting at first?A. YeIIOw.B. Blue.C. Oranga16. What

7、 is the PrObable relationship between the speakers?A. A COUPIeB. Friends.聽(tīng)第10段材料,回答第27至20題。17. HOW IOng is the Park OPen every year?A. AbOUt three monthsB AbOUt four months.C. Workmates.C. AbOUt five mon ths.18. HOW Old is the SPeaker now?A. 16 years OldB. 26 years OId19. What is designed for younge

8、r kids?A. SnOOPyland.B. Iron DragOn20. What Can We know about the Bay HarbOr Inn?A. lt"s famous for SeafOOd B. It"s OUtSide the park.C. 36 years OldC. BIUe StreakC. lt"s POPUlarWith teenagers.第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題:每小題2分,滿(mǎn)分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。AUSASWITZERLAND /

9、FRANCESpace: RaSt and futureEXPlOre the race for SPaCe across the USA With this COmPrehenSiVe tour Of four NASA SPaCe CGntres and Other key sites.ACCOmPanied at KGnnedy by Sarah Cruddasz author and SPaCe journalist. InCIUCling a ViSitCERNOne Of the world's important CGntres Of SCienCez Geneva is

10、 also a Charming IakeSide town With a fascinating HiStOry. The tour focuses On CERNz Where they OPerate the famous Large HadrOn COIlideto Virgin Galactic, the world's firstACCOmPanied by SCienee journalist LaUraCOmmerCial spaceport.15 days for£ 5,279 (approxUS$6,699)6 May 2020TO book CaIl +

11、44203 308 9917SPinneanCl STEM ambassador Darren Price.207 593 22846 days for£ 2,698 (approxUS$3,429)18 May 2020TO book CaIl +44(MOn to SUn GMT 9am-5:30Pm) Or email groupsuk(MOn to Fri GMT 9am-6pm Sat 9am-4pm) Or email CUltUraltoursITALYCZECH REPUBUCSCienCe Ofthe RenaiSSanCeKePIerJS PragUeEnCOUn

12、ter (不期而遇)the great SCientifiCDiSCOVer the IegaCy (遺產(chǎn))Of KePIer andminds and discoveries Ofthe Renaissance On a CUltUral adventure across FIOrenCe and-W3列Brahe Withastr On Omy, maths, music and art in this City Of a hundred SPireS (塔BOIOgna. Led by art and architecture expert Andrew SPira and accomp

13、anied by SCientific historian PrOfeSSOr DaVid Wootton.7 days for £ 1,825 (approx US$2,319)3 June 2020To book CaIl +44 207 251 0045(MOn to Fri GMT 9am-6pm Sat 9am-5pm) Or email tours(S)traveleditiOns.co.uk尖) OUr tour With author and broadcaster Jane Green WiIl journey to the heart Of early SCien

14、Ce and the WOrldZS OldeSt astrOnOmiCaI clock.6 days for £ 1,968 (approx US$2,499)14 July 2020To book CalI +44 207 287 2843(MOn to Fri GMT 9am-6pm Sat 9am-4pm) Or email charmtours21. HOW much money is required for a holiday With LaUra Spinne?A. $1,825.B. $2,499.C. $3,429D $6,699 22. WhiCh PlaCe

15、appeals to the fans Of art and architecture?A. USA.B. SWITZERLAND.C. ITALY.D. CZECH REPUBLIC.23. What is UniqUe about KePIerZS Prague?A. It has the world's first COmmerCial spaceport.B. It houses the world's OIdeSt astrOnOmiCal CIOCkC. It OfferS tourists a diversified CUItUral adventureD. It

16、 is the world's greatest Center Of SCienee and art.BI am now IOOking at an antique, Augustus' bronze (青銅制的)head, here in the ROman galleries in the BritiSh MUSeUmThiS is the first ROman EmPerOr AUgUStus. He WaS JUliUS Caesar's great-nephew When CaeSar in 44 BC Ieft AUgUStUS his fortune a

17、nd his POWeG He WaS OnIy 19. The Vital moment in his rise WaS the defeat Of Mark AnthOny and CIeOPatra at the battle Of ACtiUm in 31 BC. Already holding Italyz Frang Spain, Libya and the BaIkans, AUgUStUS followed the example Of AleXander the Great and SeiZed the richest PriZe Of them allEgypt He ma

18、de EgyPt Part Of ROme and then turned the ROman RePUbliC into HiS PerSOnal empire (王國(guó))The head COmeS from this time It WaS OnCe Part Of a full-length StatUez Slightly Iarger than life-sized. The StatUe StOOd On the border between modern EgyPt and SUdar PrObably in the town Of Syen巳 Where the Mediter

19、ranean WOrId COnflicted With AfriCa In 25 BCz an army from the SUdaneSe kingdom Of MerOeZ Ied by the Oneeyed queen CandaCez took COntrOl Of a SerieS Of ROman tow ns in SOUthern Egypt. CandaCe and her army took the StatUe back to the City Of Meroe, CUt and buried the head Of the glorious StatUe Of AU

20、gUStUS beneath the StePS Of a temple built for ViCtOry. It WaS a SUPerbly CaICUIated insult (侮辱) FrOm then on, everybody WaIking UP the StePS and into the temple WOUId be CrUShing (踩壓)the ROman EmPerOr Under their feet. And if you IOOk CIOSeIy again at the head, you Can See tiny Sand from the AfriCa

21、n desert StiIl in the SUrfaCe Of the bronzea Symbol Of Shame On the glory Of ROme24. Where is Augustus' bronze head being shown?A. In Britain.B. In Egypt.C. In Sudan.D. In Italy.25. WhO favored AUgUStUS according to the text?A. JUliUS Caesar.B. Mark AnthOnyC. CleOPatraD. Candace26. What Can We i

22、nfer about the town Of Syene from ParagraPh 3?B. It WaS Often at war.D It WaS a PerSOnal empireB. The StOry behind an antiqueD. COn(IiCtS among COUntrieSA. It WaS in the Center Of ROmeC. It WaS a modern PlaCe Of peace.27. What is the best title for the text?A. A Shame Of a queenC. A SymbOl Of gloryC

23、hen Dong, One Of the two astronauts aboard the ShenZhOU Xl SPaCeCraftZ WaS born to a WOrkingclass family in LUOyang, Henan PrOVinCe in 1978 When he WaS in Grade Threez he StOmPed and trampled (踩踏)On the VegetableS for teachers in the SChOOl PIaygrOUnd for fun. "I WaS Very frightened after that/

24、 Chen recalled, but Yang, the teacher in Charge Of HiS CIaSSz took all the respOnSibility. Yang taught Chen the SenSe Of responsibilityChers StOry With the SPaCe Started When he WaS in middle SChOOL CUriOSity drove him to read books On SateIliteS and SPaCe in the library. He joined the PLA Air FOrCe

25、 in AUgUSt 1997. WhenChina's first astrOnaut, Yang LiWeb WaS Carried into SPaCe by Shenzhou V in 2003, he discovered that Yang LiWei USed to be a COmbat aircraft (戰(zhàn)斗機(jī))pilot. The 25yearold COmbat aircraft PiIot heardIn 2009, Chen WaS OnG Of the CandidateS SeleCted by China for its SeCOnd batch (一

26、批)Of astrOnauts BUt it took another SiX years for him to finally take Off aboard the ShenZhOU Xl SPaCeCraft On OCt 17, 2016. DUring the SiX years, He devoted all HiS time to PiCking UP aerospace knowledge In just two years' time, He PaSSed all the exams Of 58 major COUrSeS WhiIe the SPaCe missio

27、n is tough, astronauts have to beZZgOOd pilots; ZzgOOd SCientists" and even "doctors; "biologists" and "farmers". They even grow VegetableS for experiments. AIOng With Jing Haipeng, Chen COmPleted more than 3,000 hours Oftraining before the final IaUnch Of Shenzhou XI.B

28、efOre heading OUt for the 33day SPaCe mission, Chen Said to his twin sons: ZzDad is going OUtfor a While When you IOOk UP at the Sky and See a Shining Starz I am PrObably there, and Say hi to me/28. What did Chen DOng Iearn from his teacher in Primary SChOOI?A. The trick to frighten his classmates.B

29、. The SkiII Of growing VegetableSC. The ability to take Charge Of his ClaSSD The responsibility for his behavior.29. What ClOeS the UnderIined SGntenCe in ParagraPh 2 mean?A. Chen DOng received a PhOne CaII from Yang Liwei.B. Chen WaS SeleCteCl as the SeCOnd Chinese astronautC. The ChanCe to realize

30、 Chen,s SPaCe dream WaS COmingD It WaS hard for Chen to WOrk as a COmbat aircraft pilot.30. What is ParagraPh 3 mainly about?A. What the 33day SPaCe missiOn WaS like.C. HOW SPaCe experiments Were Carried OUt 3:L What is the PUrPOSe Of the IaSt paragraph?A. TO SUmmariZe the WhOIe PaSSageC. TO ShOW th

31、e Pride and bravery Of the hero boys.DB. What Chen's attitude to Yang LiWei was.D HOW Chen PrePared for his SPaCe mission.B. TO describe Chen DOngt ChildhOOdD TO attract readers' attention to the twoA Chinese COmPany SayS it has Created a new facial recognitiOn SyStem that Can identify PeOPl

32、eeven if they are Wearing masks.EngineerS at the Beijingbased HanWang TeChnOlOgy Ltd. Say their SyStem is the first to be Created to effectively identify PeOPle Wearing face masks A team Of 20 PeOPIe built the SyStem in about a month. The SyStem is based On existing tech noIOgieS developed OVer the

33、PaSt 10 years The PrOCeSS involved adding a COIIeCtiOn Of about 6 million UnmaSked faces and a much Smaller COIIeCtiOn Of masked facesHanWang is now SeIIing two main kinds Of PrOdUCtS that USe the new technology. One PerfOrmS ZZSingIe Channel" recognitior WhiCh is designed to be USed at the ent

34、rances to buildings. The Other PrOdUCt is a ZzmUIti-Channel" recognitJon SyStem that USeS groups Of SUrVeillanee CameraS (監(jiān)控?cái)z像頭)ZzWhen Wearing a mask, the recognition rate Can reach abOlJt 95 PerCentz WhiCh Can enSUre that most PeOPIe Can be identified/ HUang said. He added that the SyStemzS SU

35、CCeSS rate for PeOPle not Wearing a mask is about 99.5 percent.HUa ng Said Hanwangt tech no IOgy Can be USed to identify and track PeOPIe as they move about He added the SyStem Can identify Crime suspects, terrorists Or make reports Or Warnings. However, the new SyStem StrUggIeS to identify PeOPIe W

36、earing both a mask and SUnglasses"In this SitUatiO r all Of the key facial in formation is lost. In SUCh CaSeS recogniti On is tough/ HUang Said It WaS not immediately Clear HOW PeOPIe Were reacting to the new technology. WhiIe SOme have expressed OPPOSitiOn to SUCh tools, many OtherS Seem to h

37、ave ShOWed interest in the new SyStem and accepted it as a Way to deal With the CUrrent HeaIth emergencythe SPread Of the COVlD-19 HUang SayS he SeeS the interest Iikely expanding if the VirUS COntinUeS to SPread and the USe Of face masks inCreaSeS32. What is the SeCOnd ParagraPh mainly about?A. Whe

38、re the COmPany is IOCatedB HOW the SyStem is developedC When the research WOrk StarteClD What the COIIeCtiOn is based on.33. What is the IimitatiO n Of the new facial recog nition system?A. The POOr StOrage Of information.B. The relatively IOW recog nition rate C. Ideratifying PeOPle With both a mas

39、k and SUnglassesD. TraCking the movement Of Crime SUSPeCtS and terrorists.34. What attitude does HUa ng Lei hold towards the new tech no logy?A. UnCIeareB. OPtimiStic.C. OPPOSedD. Worried.35. Where is the text most IikeIy from?A. A travel brochureB. A health magazineC. A medical paper.D. A SCienCe r

40、eport.第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿(mǎn)分10分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選 項(xiàng)。ThiS SChOOl year Can be hard On anyone ACademiC StreSS may be from your family, friends and even yourself. 36 Here are a few SimPle WayS to deal With the StreSS37 With PiIeS and PileS Of homework Staring at you, SOmetimeS being tol

41、d to ZZCalm down" Or "relax" SeemS Iike a big joke TO handle the WOrk you have to do, Start Planning OUt your time accordingly. ACCOmPliSh a Iittle bit every night SO you're never Ieft With a tower Of WOrk to Climb by tomorrowDiVide everything into PieCeS If you have a IOng PreSen

42、tation On ROmeO and JUliet due in two weeks, you,ll PrObably busy resisting the Urge to run for the hills Dort focus On the entire thing. 38 SPe nd One day maki ng an OUtline SPe nd the n ext maki ng your POSteG etc .It's not One big PrOjeCtifs a WhOIe bunch Of IittIe OneSStay realistic Let'

43、s be honest: kids in SChOOl are getting more and more StreSSed at an earlier age. They're WOrrying about COIIege in Primary SChOOL in addition to trying to be a Star at everything. Take a breather. 39 Maybe you WIIl not get an A. Maybe you WOnzt get into Oxford. BUt Iife Will go on.Set aside tim

44、e for relaxation. EVeryOne needs free time to do things that make them happy and keep them StreSS-free. After a StUdying SeSSiOrb make SUre you SPend SOme time making yourself feel good: Take a IOng bath, WatCh a romantic movie, Or do yoga (瑜伽)40A. Try to break it up.B. lt"s easier SaiCl than d

45、one.C. Life does not have to be perfect.D Lear n to man age your time more efficie ntly.E RelaXing Can help you get rid Of that StreSS building UP inSideF. YOU Can PraCtiCe any Clifferent forms Of yoga for body ShaPingG When it is not taken Care of, your academic PerfOrmance Will suffer.第三部分英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共

46、兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分45分)第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿(mǎn)分30分)閱讀下而短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的 最佳選項(xiàng)。Kite-flying, beginning in China more than 2z000 years ago, has been a POPUlar 41 for adults and ChiIdren aroUnd the WOrIdWhen Larry Day found a StOre SelIing kites nearly 20 years ago, he 42 One for fun.ZzHe WGnt OUt

47、and 43 it and decided he needed to go back and get a better On已"Kayz Larry's Wifez 44SinCe then, he has IOVed kite-flying. He began flying SimPIe kites, but moved On to more 45 and COStIy OneS He even IOOkGd for 46 models On the InternGt and 47 kite-making CIaSSes.NOWZ Larry is making his O

48、Wn 48 He builds them from 49 IightWeight materials ZZldon't make tons and tons Of the 50 thing/ he Said"I Iike finding new 51 Z making new kites The best Way to Iearn is to 52, UndO the String and Iet your kite fly.,zZzKite-(Iying Can be done With friends and family Part Of the reason I IOV

49、e kiting is that PeOPIe COme together, Share the 53 and have it be a COmPletely different experience/ Said Larry.ZZFlying kites 54 skill. EXPerienee makes a difference, as does the 55 SOme PeOPIethink a StrOng Wind helps With it. In fact, you need a 56 Wind and a PIaCe away from trees and buildings.

50、 SOmetimeS the best flying 57 happen in Winter-On a 58 lake/ Said Kay DayZ WhO now together With her husband OrganiZeS the COlOr the Wind Kite FeStiVaL It 59 every FebrUary On CIear Lake in Iowa.The festival adds 60 to the Winter Sky and gives PeOPIe a reasOn to go OUtSide41. A. festivalB. activityC

51、. COmPetitiOnD. destination42. A. OrderedB. donatedC. boUghtD. StOIe43. A. flewB. SOldC. droppedD. Iighted44. A. CriedB. wonderedC. SUggeStedD. remembered45. A. OrdinaryB. COmPleXC. beneficialD. SPeCifiC46. A. SlimB. fatC. newD. Old47. A. attendedB. SkiPPedC. PrOVidedD CanCeled48. A. decisionsB. ShO

52、eSC. ChOiCeSD. kites49. A. StrOngB. rawC. thickD. free50. A. rightB. SameC. PerfeCtD. USefUl51. A. desig nsB. HObbieSC.ChanCeSD reasons52. A. lie downB. go OUtC. run awayD. give in53. A. honorB. PrOfitC. joyD. duty54. A. IaCkSB. WaSteSC. requiresD develops55. A. COUrageB. WeaIthC. reputatiOnD Weathe

53、r56. A. hotB. COldC.SeVereD Steady57. A. accidentsB. COnditiOnSC. tasksD. ViSitS58. A. CalmB. hugeC. frozenD. man-made59. A. takes PlaCeB. makes PrOgreSSC. falls apartD. WakeS UP60. A. noiseB. PeaCeC. SmOgD. COIOr第二節(jié)(共i小題:每小題15分,滿(mǎn)分15分)閱讀下而短文,在空白處填入1個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。China SaW 112 million tourist tri

54、ps during the three-day Qingming FeStiVal IaSt year, UP 10.9 percent, COmPared to the year before ShOrt-distance tours took UP OVer 60 PerCent Of the trips 61_ (make) during the PeriOd APPreCiating flowers, along With hiking and PiCking UP fruits, 62 (be) the top ChOiCe for a family. OnIine ticket S

55、aleS for red tourism SCenic SPOtS in China gained more 63_ (POPUlar). DUring the threeday Qingming FeStiValz many IOCal history museums, as WeIl as memorial ParkS Of 64 (hero) held theme activities in honor Of the departed TOUriStS found 65_ meaningful to ShOW respect for those 66 PaVed Way for the

56、Iife We GnjOy now by ViSiting these museums and parks.FOr CUItUral tourism, PrOgramS ranged from exhibitions to OPeraS FOIk CUltUre 67 (appreciate) during the holiday, and COUntieS With UniqUe CUStOmS Were all POPUIar destinatiOnS for tourists 68 (ChOOSe) from Signature food Of Qingming FeStiVal WOUlclrt be missed, either. FOr example, the WeSt Lake in east China's HangZhOU Offered QingtUanf a 69 (tradition) dessert Of the Q


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