1、Wewillconti nuet o improvet he compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady im provement i nabilityto manageand control, optimize busine ss proce sses,to e nsure smoot hcapa cityand level.Humanisti ccare t o ensure "zer o."Tostrengthe ningHumanitie scare, continues to foster companywi
2、 nd clear, a nd ga sare,and heartShun of culture atm I- . L .1 .1 - . I . - - L II - - . |_| _ _d L _. I >_- -. L . I. -一report, and controlfeedba ckofcl ol osed ring management, improve riskpreventi on capa city.Tofurtherstandardizetradi ng,and strivetoachieve"accor ding to laocesses,respon
3、sibi lities in pla ce;tof urtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s, playa controlposti nde pendent oversight r oleof evaluationcomplying witht hird-partyresponsi bility;toaosphere; strengthe ningl ovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployees; carried outstyle activities,ri ch employee s life; strengthe
4、ning health a nd la bour pr otection, organization car .一. L_ - _ I I. _ 一 . . - . I一 -I _一 .一 _ 一 一.一w,standar dizeand fair." Innovation ofperformancemanagement,to e nsure that potentialemployees"zerofly".To strengthen performance management,process control,ectivelymake useof interna
5、la udittools detect potential management, streamline, standardize re latedtransacti ons, strengtheni ngoperations in a ccorda nce with law.Deepe ningt he informati onma nagement to e nsure full communicati on "zero reeerhealt h medi cal,contr ol careeragai nst; continuesto im plementationpsy ch
6、ologi calwar ning pr evention system, traini ngempl oyees health of chara cter,a nd stable ofmood andenter prising ofattitude, createdfrie ndlyfraternity ofHumanitiesenvir 一 . . >I .一. 一 - L - - - . I . 一 .一. 一 .一 .|._ . _ - IL ,.一一-一. I-nhanceemploy eeevaluati on a nd levels ofeffective communic
7、atitoimpr ove performa ncema nagement.Tofurther qua ntifyand refineemployey,and bra nch, andmembers in "fivetype Enterprise"constructisistance".oconstantly perfect ERP and BFS+, and PI,a nd MIS,a nd SCM,informati on system base d constr uction,fulli ntegration information system,achie
8、ved information resources shared;t oexpa ndPortalsystem a pplication of brea dth a nd depth, playi nformationsy stem on enterpriseofAssionment.T o strengthen riskma nagement, ensurethatthebusiness of"zero risk".To strengt hene d busi ness plans manageme nt,will businessbusi ness planscover
9、 to all level ,ensure thebusiness can controlin control;t o close concer nfinancial,a ndcoale lectri c linkage,a nd energy-savingscheduling. 一.I - -. I. _一.一-一 I L. . .IL.>I- - > >,I 一 .11.11.n the ofcore role ,and fighti ngfortressrol eand pioneer modelrole;to conti nues to strengtheni ng
10、"fourgood" leadershipedevelopme nt inthestantrole ;to perfectda ily runmaintena nce operation ofrecords,promote problem reasons analysi sand system handover; t ostrengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP , and S CM,te chnology application oftraini ng, impr oveempl oyees a pplication information systemof
11、,national policytrends,stre ngtheningtrack,a ctiveshould; to implementation State -ow ned assetsmet hod,further specificati on busi nessfinancialmanag ement; to perfectrisk t ube controlsystem,a chi eved riskre cognition,and measure,and assessmend mai ntainstability.icityand education,im prove the o
12、veralllegalsystem.We must strengtsafetymanagement,establish andimprovethe education,supervision, andeval uationa sone ofthetrafficsafetymanagementmtogetheracr oss 2013full ofchallenges and opportunities, toofthe staffin thenewyear,goodhealth, happy, ha ppy家居建材營銷活動策劃方案fback boneba ckbone r ole;tofull
13、strengthe ningmem bersyouthwork,fullplayyouth emcorruptionworklevelngon enterpri sebusinesskeyli nk of effectivenessmonitored. ,oconscienti ouslysum upthe Ol ympicse curitycontrols,pr omoting i ntegrated manageme nttoa hig herlevel, highersta ndar ds,a higher level ofdevel opment.Em ployee s,todayi
14、s lunarcale ndar on Decem ber 24,t heoxBellisa boutt o ring,at thi s time ofyear, we clearly feelthe pul seofthe XX pow ergeneration companytoflourish,to more clearly hearXXpower generationcompa niesmatur eand symmetry breathing.Recallingpast onea notheracrossa raili ng,we aree nthusiasti cand fullo
15、fconfidence. Future devel opment opportunities, wemore exciti ngfight more spirited.Employees,letus1Wewillconti nuet o improvet he compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady im provement i nabilityto manageand control, optimize busine ss proce sses,to e nsure smoot h pr ocesses,responsibi lit
16、ies in pla ce;tof urtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s, playa controlposti nde pendent oversight r oleof evaluationcomplying witht hird-partyresponsi bility;toa ctivelymake useof internala udittools detect potential management, streamline, standardize re latedtransacti ons, strengtheni ngoperation
17、s in a ccorda nce with law.Deepe ningt he informati onma nagement to e nsure full communicati on "zero re sistance".oconstantly perfect ERP and BFS+, and PI,a nd MIS,a nd SCM,informati on system base d constr uction,fulli ntegration information system,achieved information resources shared;
18、t oexpa ndPortalsystem a pplication of brea dth a nd depth, playi nformationsy stem on enterpriseofAssistantrole ;to perfectda ily runmaintena nce operation ofrecords,promote problem reasons analysi sand system handover; t ostrengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP , and S CM,te chnology application oftraini ng,
19、 impr oveempl oyees a pplication information systemocapa cityand level.Humanisti ccare t o ensure "zer o."Tostrengthe ningHumanitie scare, continues to foster companywi nd clear, a nd ga sare,and heartShun of culture atmosphere; strengthe ningl ovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployees; c
20、arried outstyle activities,ri ch employee s life; strengthe ning health a nd la bour pr otection, organization car eerhealt h medi cal,contr ol careeragai nst; continuesto im plementationpsy chologi calwar ning pr evention system, traini ngempl oyees health of chara cter,a nd stable ofmood andenter
21、prising ofattitude, createdfrie ndlyfraternity ofHumanitiesenvironment.T o strengthen riskma nagement, ensurethatthebusiness of"zero risk".To strengt hene d busi ness plans manageme nt,will businessbusi ness planscover to all level ,ensure thebusiness can controlin control;t o close concer
22、 nfinancial,a ndcoale lectri c linkage,a nd energy-savingscheduling,national poli cytrends,stre ngtheningtrack,a ctiveshould; to implementation State -ow ned assetsmet hod,further specificati on busi nessfinancialmanag ement; to perfectrisk t ube controlsystem,a chi eved riskre cognition,and measure
23、,and assessme I- . L .1 .1 - . I . - - LII- - . |_| _ _d L _. I >_- -. L . I. _ . . _ L_ - _ I I. - - . I一 -I _一 .一 _ 一一 一 一一 一 .一 一一 一一. - 一一- 一 I . 一 一.一. 一.一 .|._ . _ - IL ,.一一-一. I. 一.I 一. 一 .一 . I. _ 一.一-一 I L. . .IL. I.I .< ,I- > >,I一 .11.11.目錄家居建材營銷活動策劃方案1第一部分活動籌備 3第二部分活動實(shí)施 8第三部分活
24、動文案 122fback boneba ckbone r ole;tofull strengthe ningmem bersyouthw ork,fullplayyouth employee s incompany devel opmenti n the offorcerole;t o improvei nde pende nt Commission against corruptionworklevel ,strengtheni ngon enterpri sebusi nesskeyli nk of effectivenessmonit ored. ,A nd mai ntainstabi
25、lity. To furtherstrengthenpublicityand educati on,im prove the overalllegalsystem.We must strengthen saf etymanagement,establish andimprovethe education,supervision, andeval uationa sone ofthetrafficsafetymanagementmechanism.oconscienti ouslysum upthe Ol ympicse curitycontrols,pr omoting i ntegrated
26、 manageme nttoa hig herlevel, highersta ndar ds,a higher level ofdevel opment.Em ployee s,todayi s lunarcale ndar on Decem ber 24,t heoxBellisa boutt o ring,at thi s time of year,we clearly feelthe pul seofthe XX pow ergeneration companytoflourish,to more clearly hearXXpower generationcompa niesmatu
27、r eand symmetry breathing.Recallingpast onea notheracrossa raili ng,we aree nthusiasti cand fullofconfidence. Future devel opment opportunities, wemore exciti ngfight more spirited.Employees,letustogetheracr oss 2013full ofchalle nges a nd opportunities, tocreatea green, l ow-cost operation,full ofh
28、uma necare ofaworld-cla ss powerge neration companyand work hard!The occasi on ofthe S pring Festival, my sincerewi shthatyou andthefamiliesofthe staffin thenewyear,good health, happy, ha ppywl conti ,ue "improve t he com” nys ite - control ssem, and seady mprovementi-bl, to man.eaduntil,optmle
29、busie prce sses t ensue ceaseseaponUi Has i pace; to f ule Se ngte n iner nal control s pay a control pos i nde leient ovesgt r ole of e - uatincmp”Ig-h t hidpay resonS I ly t a civey m use of ier nal a uil tos d c poenta management, st., sa.ze re . tansaci ons, stegheni ng opeains i a ria nce Wllaw
30、 Dee nig tl e iformat onma nagmet to e nsue ul commuiai on "zeo e SStace".ounsbaly.eec ERP ad ",+、. P, a nd MS, a nd SCM.fomai on sysem .ased ccnSr uc.n, ul i n、rn iforma.n sysem, acheved"main resoucesSaedtopan. Portal system a diaIddeay i nfomain sy Stem oneerprse of AsssatroeJo
31、 pefct da lly rumatena nce opealon of ecrdspromote”blens a-S s and system handover; t I stegt hening US, and ERP , a d SCM, e gy aplcaton of “i ng, mpr ove employ a main emof- pa ch ad le_l HumanSt c cae to esue "e i ."TSengtenigHumanie scae cninuls t fr cmpay wi nd c r and ga sae,adhhar S
32、hun of culue amospheeSegtenig”<e hele dtapppd, cae dlkul - ploeescaridIut Sye ac is i c -ply- s * segte ning hhalt a nd , bou pr otecin, orgaizton ca ee hel h midi ca, cnt ol caee .a nSt con.ulstoim plmetain ppy colgi -l r nig pr eveton sstm,taii ng empl oyes heat of chaa cte, a nd stae of mood a
33、d e,r p_ig of . , ce df- ndyfaten of atisenvronmetTosegten_k ma n_ment, enureta tebbSie- of "zeo -k.,o Steg lee d buS ne- plasmang-e n| Wl buSnnssbbSi ne- plasco - to al leve,enue tebbSie- can contol i cntol t o clooeconce n fnacala nae led c ikge a nd eegysvig iche - ig,nainalpol. teds, Se ngt
34、eig trcka ct<eshoud; t mp elain Sae ow nnd aseS me hod,"ter speilicai I n buS . issfiancamang -etto pe,ec rik t ube cntrl. m, a c'evld _k re cgl iin, ad meaure ad asesmeIreort and cntrl ffe dba ck of c osed ig managme nt mp.<e -. preveti on capa ctyTofuteSadadietadng,andS!vetacieve&qu
35、ot;ccr ding to a w, Sanda lie ad far." .no<ain of pefrmancema.ettoennuetapoetal-ployes"zeof,.To steg he pprormane mang-entprocescntrlenhanceemploy ee auat in a nd eve s of fecie cmmuiatontimpro<e pefma ma nng-et Turher Lua nty ad eie - plyeestadads.Wk,ulplyparyand bra nch, ad m - bes
36、 i Ive ype EEerprie" cnstict on i nte of ce re , and Ight ng fortrss rol e ad pinner model role;to cont nues to Stegheni ng fu good" ledeSipcnSucin, ffl play evlscade s ie neprise deve opme nt in the第一部分活動籌備一、活動背景1、2015年是品牌競爭非常激烈的一年,跨入 16年,是家居建材品牌關(guān)鍵的一年,也是競爭加劇的一年。16年春季,各個(gè)企業(yè),商家品牌經(jīng)過一段時(shí)間的準(zhǔn)備、策劃
37、和醞釀,俱蓄勢待發(fā)。要在激烈競爭 中占取優(yōu)勢,就必須先發(fā)制人,主動出擊,開春就努力提高市場的占有率,進(jìn)一步提高品牌知名度,為取 得16年銷售佳績做好鋪墊。2、2015年,中消協(xié)把“消費(fèi)與責(zé)任”確定為 16年消費(fèi)年主題。順應(yīng)社會潮流,啟動“責(zé)任貼心” 大型活動,義無返顧的扛起“責(zé)任”這面大旗,強(qiáng)勢推出“真情綠卡”,讓消費(fèi)者的權(quán)益終身受到保護(hù)。樹立良好的社會形象。二、活動整體概要1、活動目的(1)打造具有強(qiáng)烈的社會責(zé)任感、誠信的品牌形象。(2)和消費(fèi)者一起互動,提高消費(fèi)者參與的積極性和售后服務(wù)的影響力。(3)發(fā)起16年第一輪促銷攻勢,搶占消費(fèi)者心智、爭奪市場銷量。2、活動主題責(zé)任貼心-啟動真情綠卡
38、服務(wù)工程3、活動口號1、真情綠卡拒絕虛假2、真情綠卡居家無憂3、綠卡行天下服務(wù)全無憂4、活動時(shí)間2015年12月18日-12月20日5、活動范圍建材市場各門店6、活動階段階段推廣內(nèi)容時(shí)間備注1責(zé)任貼心啟動真情彖卡服務(wù)工程12 月 18-12 月20活動啟動階段(文 案,物料準(zhǔn)備階段, 廣告全上)2新老用戶電話回訪12 月 20-28 日領(lǐng)取彖卡3首推啟動主題促銷3月1日-9日送真情綠皮手冊7、活動內(nèi)容責(zé)任貼心f back bone ba doner ole; to ful Segthe nig m<mb_ yuh w I rk ffl play youth _plyles in cmpa
39、nydive opmet i n the of fce role; to improve indepe de I t CmmiSSonlganScruptinwk lve , Sregheni ng on entepri se busi nnss ley lnk of efecivenss monitord. , A nd ma ntansa Iciy ad eu t on, m pr<e te oveal、a syStm. muS steghe saey maagement, m ab.h and .pro- the Iduain, lupevsin, and eva in a s o
40、ne of te ta sa mamment mo cnscet oosy sum ute Ol - iy cntoS, promotig i nt - atd maageme nt t a hg he lvel hghe sa ndar dS a I gher le_of deve opmet. Em ply s tdy i s una nda onDccmber 24, the ox Bl S a bout t o ig a ti s -e of yar ceay fel te puse of the XX pow e geeain cmpay to flouSh, to moe ceay
41、 hhar XX po r geeaincmpa nes maur e and .mmey brrating. RcmgpaS one a nother acoos a raii ng ae e I tuSist c ad ul of con,ence Fuue d l opme wemore exct ngfgtmoe sI, d.Emplyes e ustogethe ac oos 2013 ul of calengis a nd opporuitis tceae a gee, l I wcS opeain, ul of huma ne cae of a wordca ss powe ge
42、 nerain cmpay ad wrk had! The occsi on of te S pig Fstva, my Sicee wi Sta yu and teffmlesof the saf i the new . god helh, happy ha ppyreport, and controlfeedbackofclosedringmanagement, improve risk preventi on capa city.Tofurtherstandardizetradi ng,and strivetoachieve"accor ding to la w,standar
43、dizeand fair." Innovation ofperforma nceman agement,to e nsure that potentialempl oyees"zer ofly".To strengt hen performance manageme nt,process control,e nhanceemploy eeevaluati on a nd level s ofeffective communicati ontoimpr ove performancema nagement. ofurtherqua ntifyand refineem
44、ployee standards .Work,full playpart y,and bra nch, andmembers in "fivetype Enterprise"constructi on i n the ofcore role ,and fighti ngfortressrol eand pioneermodel role;to conti nues to strengtheni ng "fourgood" leadershipconstruction,fullplaylevelscadre s in e nterprisedevel op
45、me nt intheWewillconti nuet o improvet he compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady im provement inabilityto manageand control, optimize busine ss proce sses,to e nsure smoot h processes,responsibi lities in pla ce;tof urtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s, playa controlposti nde pendent ov
46、ersight r oleof evaluationcomplyi ng witht hird-partyresponsi bility;toa ctivelymake useof inter nala udittools detect potential management,streamline, standardize re latedtransacti ons, strengtheningoperations in a ccorda nce with law.Deepe ningt he informati onma nagement to e nsure full communica
47、ti on "zero re sistance".oconstantly perfect ERP and BFS+, and PI,a nd MIS,a nd SCM,informati on systembase d constr uction,fullintegration information system,achieved information resources shared;t oexpa ndPortalsystem applicationof brea dth a nd depth, playinformationsy stem on enterpris
48、eofAssistantrole;toperfectdaily runmaintena nce operation ofrecords,promote problem reasonsanalysi sand system handover; tostrengtheni ng BFS+,and ERP , and S CM,te chnology application oftraining, impr oveempl oyees application information systemofcapa cityand level.Humanisti ccare t o ensure "
49、;zer o."TostrengtheningHumanitie scare, continues to fostercompanywi nd clear, a nd ga sare,and heartShun of culture atmosphere; strengthe ningl ovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemploye es; carried outstyle activities,ri ch employee s life; strengthe ning health a nd la bour pr otection, organi
50、zation car eerhealt h medi cal,contr ol careeragai nst; continuesto im plementationpsy chologi calwar ning pr evention system, traini ngemployees health of chara cter,a nd stable ofmood andenter prising ofattitude,createdfrie ndlyfraternity ofHumanitiesenvir onment.T o strengthen riskma nagement, en
51、surethatthebusiness of"zero risk".To strengt hene d busi ness plans management,will businessbusi ness planscover to all level,ensure thebusinesscan controlincontrol;to close concernfinancial,a ndcoale lectri c linkage,a nd energy-savingscheduling,nationalpolicytrends,strengtheningtrack,act
52、iveshould; to implementation State -ow nedassetsmethod,furtherspecification businessfinancialmanag ement; to perfectrisk tube controlsystem,achi eved riskre cognition,and measure,and assessment,and啟動真情 綠卡 服務(wù)工程綠卡傳情:消費(fèi)者預(yù)約登記,可提前擁有“真情綠卡”,優(yōu)先享受各項(xiàng)活動優(yōu)惠。綠卡回報(bào):持有綠卡的顧客,活動期間憑卡消費(fèi)領(lǐng)抽獎卷,可參與汽車大獎等抽獎活動。綠卡有禮:憑綠卡可領(lǐng)取神秘禮物一
53、份。綠卡定金:憑綠卡可在賣場四個(gè)分會場參與微信門店定金 6 天大贈送活動。注:當(dāng)天為活躍市場氣氛,可以各樓層為單位,組織相關(guān)活動。 (此意見僅供參考)促銷時(shí)間:2015年 3 月 8 日促銷地點(diǎn):家居建材廣場咨詢電話:020-【 促銷政策 】1 、要求各商家按照本賣場一年6 次活動,系統(tǒng)定好活動的全場折扣和單價(jià),保證本次最低。2 、微信大抽獎, 100 萬微信大獎微動全城(分6 天四分會場派送) 。3 、一樓活動大現(xiàn)場汽車等大獎。8 、活動細(xì)則:1 、活動當(dāng)天,節(jié)目表演、禮品發(fā)放、抽獎。2 、瘋狂抽大獎幸運(yùn)無敵:1 ) 抽獎資格:1 、獲得真情綠卡的用戶可以直接參予微信100 萬訂金抽獎活動。
54、訂金當(dāng)天要在所在門店轉(zhuǎn)正單。2 、汽車等大型禮品的抽獎要憑抽獎卷。在 12 月 18 日至 12 月 20 日期間在新家具建材廣場購買建材的所有顧客;每交滿2000 元定金即可獲得抽獎券1張(滿4000元即可獲得抽獎券 2張);以此類推特別告知:所有獎品只能于抽獎活動當(dāng)日現(xiàn)場領(lǐng)取,若中獎消費(fèi)者當(dāng)日未能到現(xiàn)場領(lǐng)取,即視為自動放棄其所抽得的獎品。2 ) 抽獎獎品:4fback boneba ckbone r ole;tofull strengthe ningmem bersyouthw ork,fullplayyouth employee s incompany devel opmenti n t
55、he offorcerole;t o improvei nde pende nt Commission against corruptionworklevel ,strengtheni ngon enterpri sebusi nesskeyli nk of effectivenessmonit ored. ,A nd mai ntainstability. To furtherstrengthenpublicityand educati on,im prove the overalllegalsystem.We must strengthen saf etymanagement,establ
56、ish andimprovethe education,supervision, andeval uationa sone ofthetrafficsafetymanagementmechanism.oconscienti ouslysum upthe Ol ympicse curitycontrols,pr omoting i ntegrated managementtoa hig herlevel, highersta ndar ds,a higher levelofdevel opment.Em ployee s,todayi s lunarcale ndar on Decem ber 24,t heoxBellisa boutt o ring,at thi s time of year,we clearly feelthepul seofthe XX pow ergeneration companytoflourish,to more clearly hearXXpower generationcompa niesmatureand symmetry breathing.Recallingpast onea notheracrossa raili ng,we aree
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