



1、pep小學五年級上冊期中重點測試答 案及解析姓名:得分:一、將下列單詞按畫線部分的讀音分類。(12分)sunnybeefprettyyelloweatflowersnowcowseewindywindowhow1. /i:/2. /I/3. /?u/_4. /au/二、按要求完成下列各題。(16分)5. don '(優(yōu)整形式)6. noodle (復數(shù))7. have(第三人稱單數(shù))8. Saturday (縮寫形式)9. sandwich (復數(shù))10. he (賓格) 11.they re (完整形式)12.whatabout (同義短語)三、英漢互譯。(10分)13.在周末 14

2、. my favourite teacher15.做作業(yè) 16. healthy food17. draw cartoons四、選詞填空。(10分)at with in on like18. Look the pictures.19. They don t have the maths Mondays.20. We have a reading class Mr Reed.21. Do you often watch TV the living room?22. What s your father?五、單項選擇。(20分)()23.What s your teacher?A. liked B

3、. to like C. likeTuesday?A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Thursday( )25. We have, hamburgers and tea.A. sandwich B. sandwichs C. sandwiches()26. What would you like drink?A. for B. to C. in( )27. How many books do you, Tom?A. have B. has C. is there()28. Would you like milk? Yes, its healthy.A. any B. some

4、 C. a()29. Lets volleyball.A. play B. playing C. to play()30. We have English Mondays and Thursday.A. on B. in C. at()31. Do you often books in this park?A. read B. reads C. reading( )32. I often books and TVA. read; read B. watch; readC. read; watch六、情景對話 (10分)()1.當你要表達你喜歡三明治,它們很健康時,你會說:A. I like s

5、andwiches. They are healthy.B. I like sandwiches. They are fresh. C. I have some sandwiches.()2.當你詢問別人什么是他最喜歡的食物時,你會說:A. What s your dinner? B. Who is your favourite food?C. What is your favourite food?()3.當你要表達請給我一個三明治時,你會說:A. I have a sandwich. B. Some sandwiches, please.C. A sandwich, please.()4.

6、當你要詢問別人想喝點什么時,你會說:A. What would you like to drink?B. Do you drink some tea?C. What do you often drink on the weekend?七、閱讀理解。(10分)Hi, I ' mTim. I m from Dongfang School. Today is Tuesday.We have maths, Chinese . My computer teacher is very funny. He is very strong. I like him.We have sandwiches a

7、nd fish for lunch on Wednesdays. Potatoes are my favourite food. Saturday is my favourite day. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course I do my homework on Saturdays, too. What about you?根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案。()38. What day is it today?A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday.C. Friday. D. Saturday.()39. What do they

8、have for lunch on Wednesdays?A. Pork and rice. B. Tofu and green beans.C. Sandwiches and fish. D. Mutton and tomatoes.()40. What' s Tim'A. He is tall and thin. B. He is very funny and strong.C. He is so heavy. D. He is active.()41.A. Yes, he does.B. Yes, he like.C. Nohe doesn ' Dt. No, h

9、e does. ()42. What does Tim do on Saturdays?A. He often plays football and docs his homework.B. HeC. He often watches TV and plays ping pong.D. He often sing.八、書面表達。(12分)有一個男孩叫Jack。他今年十歲了,他又矮又胖,他喜歡紅 色。他最愛的食物是牛肉和面條。我們是好朋友。請你發(fā)揮想象 力,以“Jack為題,用第三人稱寫一篇作文。參考詞7匚: short, fat, favourite , food, beef, friends

10、 .要求:1.條理清楚,意思連貫,語句通順,標點正確。2 .根據(jù)提示寫出杰克的特點3 .不少于50個單詞。小學五年級上冊期中重點測試答案及解析一、1. /i:/ beef eat see2. /I/ sunny pretty windy3. /?u/ yellow snow window4. /au/ flower cow how二、5. do not 6. noodles 7. has 8. Sat. 9. sandwiches10. him 11. they are 12. how about三、13. on weekends/on the weekend 1載最喜歡的老師15. do h

11、omework 16.健康的食物17.畫漫畫四、18. at 19. on 20. with 21. in 22. like五、23. C“What+be動詞+某人+like?意為 什么樣? "。Like是介詞,意為 像”。24. B根據(jù)事實,在星期二之后一定是星期三,故答案為Bo25. C sandwich勺復數(shù)形式應該在末尾直接加-es。26. B “What would you like to drink?S為 禰想喝什么?”。27. A表示要用動詞have/haa故排除C項。因主語為you,故答案是28.B在表示請求、建議或希望得到肯定回答的疑問句中 ,常用som環(huán)用any;

12、句中的milk為不可數(shù)名詞,故不能 用a修飾。29. A “l(fā)et sb. do stht為 讓某人做某坐”,是固定搭配。30. A在具體的星期幾前要用介詞on。31. A在一般現(xiàn)在時的一般疑問句中,當主語為 you時, 謂語動詞用原形,故排除B和C。32. C看書"用read,看電視”則常用watch,故選C。六、33. D 34. D 35.A 36. D 37. A 七、38. A 39. C 40. B 41. A 42. A 八、JackThis boy is Jack. Last year he was ten years old. He was fat and short, because he slept all day a


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