



1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上TitanicAside: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. There is a sheep called Titanic which is going to America with thousands of people. At this time, a young man named Jack is betting with others to win tickets of Titanic. Part1道具:一張桌子、4 張凳子、一副牌、煙 Mathew (Jacks friend): Jack, you bet ever

2、ything we have. Jack: When you got nothing ,you got nothing to lose.(對著Mathew說)Jimmy(打牌對手):I cant believe you bet our tickets(對著Jack說) Jack: Tom? Tom(對手朋友):Bet! Jack: All right. Somebodys life is about to change. Mathew? Mathew: Nothing. Jack: Jimmy? Jimmy: Nothing. Tom?(Tom把牌示意出來)Jack: Two pair. Im

3、 sorry. Mathew. Mathew: Sorry? Did you bet all our money? Jack: Im sorry, youre not going to see your mom again for a long time. Because were going to America. I am the winner,boys(一邊說一邊笑)Jimmy 抓住 Jack 的衣領,想要揮拳,最后打了一拳Tom Jack: Come on, Im going home(對著Mathew說) Mathew: I go to America! (對手他們在廝打)Jack:

4、 Titanic goes to America, in five minutes. Come on. Come on! (對著Mathew說,一邊說一邊示意Mathew跟他走) Part2Aside: At that, Jack and his friend board Titanic. At the same time, a young lady called Rose who is boarding Titanic with her future husband whom she doesnt love. Because she doesnt want to live this life

5、 any more, she has a thought of sea suicide. 道具:標有“TITANIC”的船頭Rose 想從船頭跳下去,被Jack看到。Jack: Don't do it !Rose: Stay back. Don't come any closer. Jack: Come on. Just give me your hand. I'll pull you back over. Rose: No! Stay where you are. I mean it. I'll let go. Jack: No, you won't.

6、 Rose: What do you mean, no, I won't? Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don't know me. Jack: Well, you would have done it already. Rose: You're distracting me. Go away. Jack: I can't. I'm involved now. You let go and I'm going to have to jump in th

7、ere after you. You jump I jump Rose: Don't be absurd. You'll be killed. Jack: I'm a good swimmer. - The fall alone would kill you. Water that cold, like right down there. It hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. You can't breathe; you can't think- at le

8、ast not about anything but the pain, which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you. Like I said, I don't have a choice. I guess I'm kind of hoping you'll come back over the rail, and get me off the hook here. Rose: You're crazy. Jack: That's what everybod

9、y says, but with all due respect, Miss. I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here. Come on. Come on, give me your hand. You don't want to do this Rose把手給了Jack,離開了船頭欄桿Jack: I'm Jack Dawson. Rose: Rose Jack: Nice to meet you! Would you like to take part in our dancing party? That

10、s very exciting!Rose: Really? Ok, Ill go! Jack: Lets go! Part3舞會:Lady GagaPoker Face 道具:面具 舞會完了之后 Rose: Thank you! I am very happy tonight. But I must to go back, although I am going to marry the one I dont love. Jack: Rose, listen to me, you shouldnt go on like that. You should live the life you wa

11、nt. Rose: Forget it, thats impossible for me. I really have to go now, see you next time. Part4道具:標有“TITANIC”的船頭Jack在船頭站著 Rose: Hello Jack. I changed my mind. They said you might be up here.( Rose走向Jack) Jack: Xu· · · · · ·Give me your hand.(Rose把手給了Jack)Now close your

12、eyes.(Rose把眼睛閉上)Now step up.(Rose 走上一步)Now hold on the railing. Keep your eyes closed(Rose用手抓緊船頭欄桿)Dont peek Rose: Im not. Jack: Step up onto the rail(Rose把腳踩在欄桿上)Jack: Hold on,hold on. Keep your eyes closed.Do you trust me?Rose: I trust you. Jack: All right , open your eyes.(Rose 把眼睛睜開)Rose: Im fly

13、ing JackJack和Rose做出Titanic的經(jīng)典動作,互相深情對望,準備kissJack: Wait a moment, I need a chair. Jack拿了張凳子,然后和Rose kiss. Part5道具:一塊木板、藍色的用來做水浪的彩帶,幾個人躺在舞臺上扮演浮尸 Aside: About Six hours later, Titanic was hit by an iceberg, and then after 2 hours, Titanic sank into the bottom of sea. Most people were drowned. Jack pai

14、d his own life in order to save Rose.開始放Titanic主題曲 Rose: I love you, Jack Jack: Dont you do that. Dont you say your goodbyes? Not yet. Do you understand me? Rose: Im so cold. Jack: Listen, Rose. You are gonna get out of here. Youre gonna go on and youre gonna make a lot of babies. And youre gonna wa

15、tch them grow. Youre gonna die an old lady, warm in her bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. Do you understand me? Rose: I cant feel my body Jack: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And Im thankful for that, Rose. Im thankful. You must you

16、 must do me this honor. You must promise me that youll survive. That you wont give up, no matter what happens. No matter how hopeless. Umm Promise me now, Rose. And never let go of that promise. (顫抖地說)Rose: I promise. Jack: Never let go.(Jack死了)Rose: Ill never let go, Jack. Ill never let go. Jack, Jack, Jack. Theres boat. Theres a boat, Jack. Jack.


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