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1、2021屆閱讀理解專項練習4Tired of Neck Pain? We are proud to offer a gadget that will relieve your backand neck pain Neck Massages instantly! How does Neck Massager work? iseffective Massager is so why The reason Neckdefinitely its innovative, scientific, time-tested methods that it uses to target the aching a

2、reas of your body and bring you long-awaited relief. Not only does this well-designed device reduce pain and tension, but also it improves your mood and overall health! Only the 2 AAA batteries will make sure that you can use it whenever tension strikes!People are already enjoying the benefits of Ne

3、ckMassager: Whenever I use it, I instantly feel happier and more relaxed, so the effect really ' Sandra Reamess a big one! lasts Neck Massager is not my small pleasureitm not so good with tech, so I was nervous about figuring outhow to use it, but I'this device is so simple to use that even

4、someone like me had absolutely no problem. I have started to sleep better aswell ,and that was one of the most surprising benefits ofPat Sullivan the Neck Massager! How much is it? Compared to all themedical expenses and other alternatives, Neck Massager isdefinitely worth a try. It's now availa

5、ble 50% OFF, which means you're able to get it 46!for only £ you can now feel great in No pills, no doctor appointments, no wasted timeyour own home!“As of February 12, 2021, you can still get a NeckMPORTANT INFORMATION!Massager with DISCOUNT!L Q.用里N?y L gWhat makes Neck Massager so effecti

6、ve?1.8. Its well-designed look. Its working methods. A.The 2 AAA batteries.D. The long working time.C?What does Pat Sullivan think of the device? 2.B. It is oversized. It is light.a. It is simple to use.D. It is safe to operate.C?How much will you have to pay if you buy one in March,2021? 3. £

7、23.B.£46. C.£69. D.£92.a.【答案】1 -5 ACDThe sound that woke Damian Languell at 8:15 in the morning was so loud he assumed it came from inside his house in Wade, Maine. As he got up to investigate, he heard another sound, this one coming most definitely from outside. Looking out of his be

8、droom window, he noticed a tree enveloped in smoke about 500 yards away. A car wrapped around the tree's base, its engine on fire.Grabbing buckets of water, he and his wife ran to the crash site. Up close, the accident looked worse. The car was split nearly in two, and the tree was where the dri

9、ver's seat ought to have been, as if planted there. No one should have survived this crash, and yet there was 20- year-old Quintin Thompson, his terrified face pressed against the driver's side window,in visible pain.Languell tried putting out the fire with his buckets of water but failed. W

10、hen the flames got into the front seats, he knew he had to get the young man out. So Languell opened the car's back door and climbed in. Using a pocket knife he'd brought with him, he cut through Thompson's seat belt. Now that Thompson was free, Languell pulled him out, and dragged him t

11、o safety before the entire car was in flames.It is empathy that drove Languell to help, just as he said, My heart goes out toThompson. When you are that close to that level of hurt, you feel it so directly. For his heroic action, Languell was added to the list of real-life heroes changing the world.

12、Where was the first sound actually from?4.B. A car crash.A. A house on fire.C. The bedroom window. D. The basement.What do we know about Quintin Thompson?5.A. He saved his car from fire. B. He was successfully rescued.D. He was capable of helping himself out.C. He remained calm all the time.Which of

13、 the following best explains empathy/'underlined in the last paragraph?6A Honesty. B. Wisdom. C. Sympathy. D. Responsibility.7. Which words can best describe Damian Languell?A. Daring and generous. B. Caring and grateful.D. Ambitious and reliable.C. Courageous and noble.BBCC【答案】 三 are an integra

14、l part of sea life and sustain it by providing Coral reefs(珊 瑚礁)as nutrients organisms. They also supply and recycle various shelter and habitat towell as enable a growing fish population, along with other species, for a healthy and climate average in water temperatures due to diverse ecosystem. How

15、ever, the rise u (白化現 bleaching coral resulted change has in more frequent and longtime events that damage their health, causing fish and other sea species to abandonfe) them.In order to restore this delicate ecosystem, scientists from the UK and Australia involved using loudspeakers underwater near

16、 damaged coral conducted a study that reefs to make them sound healthy and attract fish, potentially kick-starting the natural recovery process of coral reefs and their dependent life forms. The location for this east the in the Coral Sea, found alongside Barrier experiment was the Great Reef coast

17、of Queensland, Australia. The site is noted to have the largest coral reef system in the world.-the crackle of snapping shrimp “Healthy coral reefs are remarkably noisy placeswhen sounds on fish. whoops the and grunts of Young fish concentrate these anda stuSteve settle: place for they're lookin

18、g a to said Simpson, dy and co-author professor at the University of Exeter, UK.By using loudspeakers to copy such sounds, parts of dead coral reefs were found were fish, compared to places where no sounds twice to attract as many healthy function as coral reefs to fplayed. “These returning fish, ar

19、e crucial or natural help could to kick-start ecosystems. Boosting fish populations in this way recovery processes, preventing the damage we're seeing on many coral reefs around the world," said lead author, Tim Gordon.What causes the phenomenon of coral bleaching? 8.B. Noise pollution. Div

20、erse species. a. D. Climbing temperatures. Fishing industry.B.What approach is introduced to recover the coral reefs?9. Removing damaged coral reefs. a. B. Using loudspeakers to keep fish away. b. Building new homes for sea species. C.Playing certain sounds to appeal to fish. D.Why are Steve Simpson

21、's words quoted?io.To provide some findings of the study. a.To show the progress of the experiment. B.To explain reasons for the new approach. C.To give another solution to the problem. D.What can we infer from the last paragraph?ii.The attempts are in vain. a.Natural recovery is impossible. b.I

22、nitial success has been achieved. C.The coral reefs have returned to normal.d.【答案】DDCC四As we reflect on the evolution of fitness over the centuries, and the emergenceof a well- organized and growing讓ness“ market and industry, it is well to ask ourselves: what have we lost, and what have we gained? O

23、bviously, much good has come out of these recent developments: there's widespread awareness of the importance of regular exercise, nearly every community has a gym or fitness club where people can go or pay to work out, and we understand more about how the human body works. Yet despite the many

24、health and fitness methods, programs, and resources, the general population has never been so and out-of-shape. A recent World Health Organization 久坐的physically sedentary in the U. S. dropped for the first time 壽命report indicates that life expectancy since 1993. The health of modem people is declini

25、ng, despite highly advanced medical technologies and the booming health and fitness industry.as People are simply not that be? A large part of it is motivation. How could motivated to move their body and get healthy as they were in the past. We live in a society where the inability to operate one

26、9;s body in a practical and effective manner is no longer an embarrassing condition. The fitness industry, no matter how good each new program claims to be, has failed to get the majority of people to value, practice, and enjoy physical exercise.more even from dilemma to come expect So, should we th

27、e answer to this the will equipment? Or programs varied, or more technologically advanced and solution come from a different mindset, a simpler approach and practice, and overall a new culture?What does the author tell us about fitness industry in paragraph 2?12.It provides better technology. a. It

28、is supported by most people. B.It brings about positive effects. c.It costs people too much money.d. What is the main reason why people fail to do physical exercise?13 .A. Not enough equipment. B. Lack of inner drive.D. Embarrassing living conditions. C. Misguided instructions.14 . What does the aut

29、hor seem to agree with?B. Rely on standard practice. A. Change attitudes to fitness.D. Turn to more advanced programs. C. Seek more potential customers. 15. What is the best title for the text?B. Misunderstanding about fitness A. Lost in fitnessC. Evolution of fitness D. Importance of fitness 11-15

30、CBAA【答案】五Sweetest Day in America is always the third Saturday in October. This holiday is much more important in some regions than in others Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo being the biggest Sweetest Day cities. It is a holiday that is gaining in popularity every year throughout the country.Sweetest

31、Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in October as a day to make someone happy. It is an occasion which offers all of us an opportunity to remember not only the sick, aged, and orphaned, but also friends, relatives and associates whose helpfulness and kindness we have enjoyed.Over 60 years ago, a

32、 man in Cleveland, believing that the city's orphans and shut-ins (臥病在床的人)too often felt forgotten and neglected, thought of the idea of showing them that they were remembered. He did this through the distribution of small gifts. With the help of his friends and neighbors, he distributed these s

33、mall remembrances on a Saturday in October. During the years that followed, other Clevelanders began to participate in the celebration ceremony, which came to be called “Sweetest Day/, . In time, the Sweetest Day idea of spreading cheer to the underprivileged was broadened to include everyone, and b

34、ecame an occasion for remembering others with a kind act or a small remembrance. And soon the idea spread to other cities all over the country.Sweetest Day is not based on any single group's religious affection or on a family relationship. It is a reminder that a thoughtful word or deed enriches

35、 life and gives it meaning. Because for many people remembering takes the form of gift-giving, Sweetest Day offers us the opportunity to show others that we care, in a practical way. 16. We can learn from the first paragraph that Sweetest Day is.A. sometimes the third Saturday in October hardly cele

36、brated in Detroit BC. of equal importance in every part of the USA D. getting increasingly popular in the USA 17. Sweetest Day was intended to remember. A. the young and disabledB. friends and relativesC. orphans and shut-insD. the sick and aged18. We can infer from the passage that the birthplace o

37、f Sweetest Day is.A Detroit B Cleveland C Buffalo WashingtonDDCB【答案】 六 Mandara seemed to know something big was about to happen. So she let out adaughter Kibibi and climbed up into a tree. She her 2-year-old yell, caught hold of lives at the National Zoo in Washington D.C.big the witnesses said she

38、seemed to sense And on Tuesday, August 23rd, was before any humans knew what that earthquake shook much of the East Coast going on. And she's not the only one. In the moments before the quake, an orangutan )let out a loud call and then climbed to the top of her shelter.(猩猩 Brandie Smith, the zoo

39、keeper. from their normal call, said “It's very different like animals of Madagascar) will sound an alarm if they see or “The lemurs (monkey hear something highly unusuaf'. But you can't see or hear an earthquake 15 minutes before it happens, can you?if you're an animal.Maybe you can

40、hearing: said Brandie Smith. "Animals canhear above and below our range ofenvironment, sensitive abilities. They're more to the special "That's part of their which is how they survive." it before quake seemed the Primates weren't only animals that to sense theran 蜥蜴 happen

41、ed. One of the elephants made a warning sound and a huge lizard and birds kind flamingoes cover. quickly for The a of gathered the before quake stayed together until the shaking stopped.So what kind of vibrations 震動were the animals picking up in the moments before the quake? Scientist Susan Hough sa

42、id earthquakes produce two types of wavesa weak "P" wave and then a much stronger "S wave. The "P" standsfor“primary . And the "S" stands for “secondary . She thinks the "P wave might bewhat sets the animals off.Not all the animals behaved unusually before the

43、 quake. For example, Smith said the zoo's giant pandas didn't jump up until the shaking actually began. But many of the other animals seemed to know something was coming before it happened: I'm not surprised at all, Smith said.19. Why did Mandara act strangely one day?A. Because it sense

44、d something unusual would happen.B. Because its daughter Kibibi was injured.C. Because it heard an orangutan let out a loud callD. Because an earthquake had happened.20. According to Brandie Smith,.A. many animals hearing is sharpB. earthquakes produce two types of wavesC. primates usually gather to

45、gether before a quakeD. humans can also develop the ability to sense a quake21. Which animal seems unable to sense quake?A. A giant panda.B. A flamingo. C. A lemur. D. A lizard.22. What is the best title for the passage?A. How animals survive a quakeB. How animals differ from humansC. How animals be

46、have before a quakeD. How animals protect their young in a quake【答案】AAAC七A British-designed electronic newspaper which is made of plastic and no larger than a table mat 蟄子is to enter the market next year. The new newspaper was conceivedS 出 by Cambridge University scientists. They came up with the id

47、ea of replacing silicon chips硅片with plastic ones. It is being developed by PlasticLogic, a company based in Dresden, Germany.It looks just like a table mat, and is as light as a magazine. But you can download hundreds of newspapers at the touch of a button, and read them quite safely, the BBC report

48、ed on its website.The plastic paper is produced in a safe clean room at the Plastic Logic factory, which opened last month as the world's first plastic-electronics factory. Every part of the product, from the screen to the electronics, is made of plastic. And it is described by engineer Dean Bak

49、er as op quality. Baker says the plastic newspaper could help solve the problem of waste material associated with traditional newspapers.There's a huge amount of waste. We have paper distributed發(fā)all over the country each day and then thrown into the bin. This doesn't need to happen anymore.

50、All of the copies could be made electronically and stored on a single e-reader with the appearance of paper. he says.People can expect to see the plastic newspaper next year, the BBC says.23. According to the first paragraph, the electronic newspaper .A. is made of silicon chipsB. is smaller than a

51、table matC. was developed by a company in EnglandD. was designed by more than one person24. What's special about the electronic newspaper compared with traditional ones?A. It looks like a table matB. It's as light as a magazine.C. People can download and read lots of newspapers on itD. Peopl

52、e can receive the BBC report at the touch of a button.25. What can we learn about the electronic newspaper from the last two paragraphs? A. It will produce a huge amount of plastic waste.B. It will be harder to distribute than before.C. It will have no visual 視覺的appearance.D. It will save a huge amo

53、unt of paper.26. What's people's attitude towards the electronic newspaper according to the BBC?A. Hopeful.B. Doubtful. C. Disappointed.D.Worried【答案】DCDA八 Sometimes people come into your life and you know at once that they were sure to bethere. They serve some sort of on purpose, teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you wa


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