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1、甲方(委托方):Party A (Entrusting Party):法定代表人:Legal Representative:注冊(cè)地址:Registered Address:乙方(受托方):Party B (Entrusted Party):國(guó)籍:Nationality:證件號(hào):Document No.:住所:Domicile:甲方以下簡(jiǎn)稱“委托方”,乙方以下簡(jiǎn)稱“受托方”,甲乙雙方經(jīng)友好協(xié)商于2011年10月1日,就委托持股有關(guān)事宜簽署如下協(xié)議條款:Party A (hereinafter referred to as the“Entrusting Party”) and Party B (h

2、ereinafterreferred to as the“Entrusted Party”) have conducted friendly consultations andconcluded the following agreement concerning the subject matter of entrustedstshareholding on the date of 1. October, 2011.一、委托持股及股權(quán)歸屬Shareholding Entrustment and Equity Ownership1、 委托方同意根據(jù)本協(xié)議規(guī)定的條款和條件, 委托受托方以受托方名

3、義持有委托方所 有的KBA公司的股權(quán)(以下簡(jiǎn)稱“指定股權(quán)”);受托方同意根據(jù)本協(xié)議規(guī) 定的條款和條件接受委托方委托,以自己的名義持有指定股權(quán)。The Entrusting Party hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement and entrustthe Entrusted Party with the ownership of the KBCCompanys equity (hereinafterreferred to as“Designated Equity”)whi

4、ch is owned by the Entrusting Party and will be owned in the name of theEntrusted Party, while the Entrusted Party agrees to own the Designated Equity in its own name and accept theentrustment of the Entrusting Party in compliance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement.2、雙方在此確認(rèn):(

5、1)自2011年10月30日起,因持有指定股權(quán)而產(chǎn)生的在公司的股東權(quán)利、利益、 義務(wù)和責(zé)任均由委托方享有并承擔(dān);指定股權(quán)不屬于受托方自有財(cái)產(chǎn),受托方僅作為 公司名義上的股東,不享有因持有指定股權(quán)而產(chǎn)生的相應(yīng)股東權(quán)益,亦不承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的 虧損和責(zé)任。Both Parties hereby confirm the following:Since 30th. October, 2011, the Entrusting Party shall enjoy all the shareholders rand interests and assume all the obligations and respo

6、nsibilities arising from the ownership of the Designated Equity;the Designated Equity will not belong to part of the proprietary property of the Entrusted Party. The Entrusted Partywill only serve as the nominal shareholder of the Company and will neither be entitled to the correspondingshareholders

7、 interests nor bear losses and responsibilities arising fromthe ownership of the Designated Equity.(2)受托方因自身債務(wù)而導(dǎo)致糾紛、訴訟可能導(dǎo)致指定股權(quán)被凍結(jié)、查封、拍賣、變 賣或受到其他損失時(shí),應(yīng)書(shū)面通知委托方,并向相關(guān)債權(quán)人、訴訟法院說(shuō)明指定股權(quán) 的性質(zhì),確保指定股權(quán)不被凍結(jié)、查封、拍賣、變賣或遭受損失。In case that the Designated Equity may be frozen, sealed up, auctioned, sold off or may undergo

8、 any other loss dueto any dispute or litigation arising from the Entrusted Partys own debt problems, the Entrusted Prtya shall notifythe EntrustingParty of the foregoing incident or loss and inform relevant creditor and court of the nature of the Designated Equity toensure that the Designated Equity

9、 will not be frozen, sealed up, auctioned, sold off or undergo any other loss.二、股東權(quán)利的行使Exercise of Shareholders Rights1、基于指定股權(quán)而產(chǎn)生的在公司所享有的股東權(quán)利及義務(wù),均由委托方享有并承擔(dān)。 股東權(quán)利包括但不限于公司股東享有的下述權(quán)利:All the shareholders rights and obligations for the Company arising from theDesignated Equity will be enjoyed or assumed

10、by the Entrusting Party. The shareholders rights include but are notlimited to the following rights enjoyed by the Companys shareholder:(1)以轉(zhuǎn)讓、贈(zèng)與、出資、質(zhì)押、抵押、托管、租賃等可能使指定股權(quán)所有權(quán)發(fā)生轉(zhuǎn) 移或受到限制的任何方式處置指定股權(quán);The disposition of the Designated Equity in such ways as transfer, betrothal, financing, pledge, mortgage,

11、trusteeshipor lease that may change or constrain the ownership of the Assigned Equity;2)公司股東會(huì)出席、召集及表決權(quán);The rights of attendance, assembly and voting at the shareholdersCompany;(3)股東會(huì)提案權(quán);The right of submitting proposals at the shareholdersmeeting;(4)公司董事、監(jiān)事提名權(quán);The right of nominating the directors a

12、nd supervisors of the Company;(5)分紅權(quán)The right of profit-sharing;(6)公司剩余財(cái)產(chǎn)分配權(quán);The right of distributing the remaining property of the Company;(7)根據(jù)法律、法規(guī)及公司章程,作為公司股東應(yīng)享有的其他權(quán)利。Other rights the shareholder shall enjoy according to relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of theCompany.2

13、、委托方在行使上述公司股東權(quán)利時(shí),受托方應(yīng)給予無(wú)條件配合和協(xié)助(包括但不限 于向委托方或委托方指定的其他出具授權(quán)委托書(shū)或出具法律、法規(guī)性文件要求的各項(xiàng) 有關(guān)法律文件等),將上述股東權(quán)利授予委托方或委托方指定的他方。While the Entrusting Party is exercising its rights as the shareholder of the Company, the Entrusted Party shall rendersupport and assistance unconditionally (including but not limited to the i

14、ssuance of power of attorney or all relevantlegal documents required by the law and regulations to the Entrusting Party or any other Party designated by theEntrusted Party) with a view to transferring the foregoing shareholders rights to the Entrusting Party or any otherParty design ated by the Entr

15、usted Party.3、委托期限內(nèi),若委托方轉(zhuǎn)讓指定股權(quán),公司實(shí)施分紅、送股、轉(zhuǎn)增股本,該等權(quán)利 及收益由委托方享有。其中的分紅款、股權(quán)受讓款、現(xiàn)金分紅款,受托方應(yīng)出具委托指令,委托公司、付款方將其直接付至委托方帳戶,若公司、付款方直接付給受托方的,受托方應(yīng)在到賬之日起3個(gè)工作日內(nèi)全額劃至委托方指定帳戶;送股及轉(zhuǎn)增股本 作為委托財(cái)產(chǎn),由受托方按本協(xié)議規(guī)定代為持有。meeting of theIf the Entrusting Party transfers the Designated Equity and the Company distributes dividends, presen

16、ts shares orincreases the capital stock during the term of entrustment, such rights and benefits shall be entitled to the EntrustingParty. The Entrusted Party shall issue a power of attorney to authorize the Company and Payer to directly transferthe dividends for profit-sharing, equity transfer or c

17、ash bonus to the account of the Entrusting Party. If the Companyand Payer directly pay the foregoing dividends to the Entrusted Party, the Entrusted Party shall transfer the fullamount of the dividends to the account designated by the Entrusting Party in three (3) working days. The sharespresented o

18、r capital stock increased will be used as the entrusted property and held by the Entrusted Party inaccordance with the regulations of this Agreement.4、未經(jīng)委托方書(shū)面同意,受托方不得自行或授權(quán)委托方以外的其他單位或個(gè)人行使公 司股東權(quán)利。Without the written consent of the Entrusting Party, the Entrusted Party shall not exercise the rights as

19、the Companys shareholder at its discretion or auathnoyrizeorganization or individual other than the Entrusting Party to exercise such rights.5、委托方作為指定股權(quán)的實(shí)際出資人,在受托方不能或因其他任何原因未行使指定股 權(quán)相應(yīng)的股東權(quán)利時(shí),委托方有權(quán)依據(jù)本協(xié)議直接行使相應(yīng)股東權(quán)利而不需要受托方 的另行授權(quán)。When the Entrusted Party is unable to or, for any other reason fails to, exe

20、rcise the shareholders rightscorresponding to the Designated Equity, the Entrusting Party, as the actual investor of the Assigned Equity, will beentitled to directly exercise the corresponding shareholders rights according to this Agreement without theadditional authorization of the Entrusted Party.

21、三、股權(quán)處置Disposition of Equity1、指定股權(quán)的質(zhì)押、托管、轉(zhuǎn)讓(包括贈(zèng)與)等事項(xiàng)由委托方?jīng)Q定,未經(jīng)委托方同意, 受托方無(wú)權(quán)將指定股權(quán)質(zhì)押、托管、轉(zhuǎn)讓給委托方以外的其他單位及個(gè)人,或以投資、 置換等任何其他方式處置指定股權(quán)。The pledge, trusteeship, transfer (including presentation) and other matters of the Designated Equity shall bedetermined by the Entrusting Party. Without the consent of the Entru

22、sting Party, the Entrusted Party will not beentitled to pledge, entrust or transfer the Designated Equity to any organization or individual other than theEntrusting Party or to dispose of the Designated Equity in any other ways including investment and trade-off.2、委托方擬轉(zhuǎn)讓指定股權(quán)時(shí),受托方應(yīng)給予無(wú)條件配合,包括提供相關(guān)法律文件,

23、配 合委托方辦理股權(quán)過(guò)戶有關(guān)手續(xù)等。When the Entrusting Party plans to transfer the Designated Equity, the Entrusted Party shall offer supportunconditionally by providing relevant legal documents and assisting the Entrusting Party in handling the formalitiesfor the transfer of equity ownership.3、委托方擬以指定股權(quán)提供質(zhì)押時(shí),受托方應(yīng)給予

24、無(wú)條件配合,包括按委托方意志與 質(zhì)押權(quán)人簽署股權(quán)質(zhì)押合同及相關(guān)法律文件,配合委托方辦理質(zhì)押登記有關(guān)手續(xù)等。When the Entrusting Party plans to pledge the Designated Equity, the Entrusted Party shall offer supportunconditionally by signing a pledge contract and relevant legal documents with the pledger as required by theEntrusting Party and assisting the

25、 Entrusting Party in handling the formalities for the pledge registration.4、委托方擬將指定股權(quán)托管給他人時(shí),受托方應(yīng)給予無(wú)條件配合,包括按委托方意志 與受托人簽署股權(quán)托管合同及其他相關(guān)法律文件,配合委托方辦理托管手續(xù)等。When the Entrusting Party plans to entrust the Designated Equity to other party for entrustment, the Entrusted Partyshall offer support unconditionally

26、by signing a entrusting contract and relevant legal documents with the same asrequired by the Entrusting Party and assisting the Entrusting Party in handling the formalities for the entrustmentregistration.四、委托期限Term of Entrustment委托期限自本協(xié)議生效之日開(kāi)始至下述情形之一發(fā)生之日終止:The term of entrustment commences from th

27、e day of validation of this Agreement and terminates on the day whenany of the following events occurs:(1)指定股權(quán)已全部完成股權(quán)交割過(guò)戶手續(xù),已登記至委托方或委托方指定的他方名 下。The formalities for the transfer of equity ownership have been completed for all the Designated Equity which hasbeen registered in the name of the Entrustin

28、g Party or any other Party designated by the Entrusting Party.(2)受托方按照委托方指令,將指定股權(quán)全部出售,并將股權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓款全部劃至委托方 指定帳戶。In compliance with the instructions of the Entrusting Party, the Entrusted Party has sold out the Designated Equityand transfer the equity transfer payment to the account designated by the Entru

29、sting Party.(3)本協(xié)議被委托方解除。This Agreement is revoked by the Entrusting Party.五、保密義務(wù)Confidentiality1、各方同意并承諾,除非本協(xié)議中有明確規(guī)定或經(jīng)另一方同意,任何一方均不得擅自 向任何其他個(gè)人或單位泄露本協(xié)議或相關(guān)事宜,與本協(xié)議有關(guān)的任何信息,在確實(shí)需 要對(duì)外披露時(shí),應(yīng)經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致。The Parties agree and promise that unless otherwise expressly defined in this Agreement or agreed by the otherP

30、arty, either Party shall not disclose any information or matters on this Agreement to any other organization orindividual and the disclosure of any information on this Agreement, if necessary, shall be subject to the consultationand consent by both Parties.2、各方均有義務(wù)在現(xiàn)在和將來(lái)不以任何方式故意或過(guò)失泄露在洽談、進(jìn)行過(guò)程中獲知 的對(duì)方及

31、公司商業(yè)秘密,除非:At present and in the future, both Parties shall not, by any means, disclose weather or not by mistake or on purpose,any business secret obtained during negotiations or performance of this Agreement unless:(1)該秘密被秘密擁有者一方公開(kāi)而進(jìn)入公眾所知領(lǐng)域。The business secret has been disclosed by its owner and kn

32、own by the public.(2)經(jīng)秘密擁有者一方事前書(shū)面同意。The disclosure of the business secret has been proved with the written consent of the owner of the business secret.3)執(zhí)行不可上訴的法院判決裁定以及仲裁裁決The disclosure is aimed to execute a ruling of an unappealable court or an arbitration award.(4)履行國(guó)家法律、法規(guī)明文規(guī)定的義務(wù)。The disclosure

33、is aimed to perform certain obligations expressly stipulated by the state laws or provisions.六、違約責(zé)任及責(zé)任免除Liability for Breach and Exceptions1、雙方均應(yīng)嚴(yán)格信守本協(xié)議,任何一方違反本協(xié)議,應(yīng)當(dāng)承擔(dān)違約責(zé)任,并賠償對(duì)方 由此造成的所有經(jīng)濟(jì)損失。Both Parties shall comply with this Agreement in good faith. If either Party breaches this Agreement, it shall

34、 bear theliability for breach of agreement and compensate the other for all the loss thus incurred.2、委托方行使本協(xié)議第二條約定的股東權(quán)利時(shí),受托方如拒絕履行其配合和協(xié)助義務(wù)(包括但不限于:拒絕向委托方出具授權(quán)委托書(shū)或出具法律法規(guī)、股權(quán)性文件要求的 各項(xiàng)有關(guān)法律文件;拒絕與委托方簽署新委托持股協(xié)議),受托方應(yīng)就每次違約按照 指定股權(quán)公允價(jià)值的5%向委托方支付賠償金并同時(shí)賠償損失及繼續(xù)履行該等義務(wù)。If the Entrusted Party refuses to perform its obli

35、gations of rendering support and assistance to the Entrusting Party(including but not limited to: the refusal to issue a power of attorney or any other legal documents required by relevantlaws, regulations and equity-related files, the refusal to sign a new entrusted shareholding agreement with theE

36、ntrusting Party, etc) while the Entrusting Party is exercising the shareholders rights stipulated by the secondarticle of this Agreement, the Entrusted Party shall pay the Entrusting Party a compensation for each breach in anamount of 5% of the Designated Equitys fair value, indemnify the Entrusting

37、 Party for any lossthus incurred, and proceed to perform such obligations.3、發(fā)生不可抗力事件或國(guó)家法律、法規(guī)發(fā)生重大變化導(dǎo)致協(xié)議一方或雙方確實(shí)不能履 行本協(xié)議規(guī)定義務(wù)的,發(fā)生不可抗力或受國(guó)家法律、法規(guī)變化影響的一方應(yīng)在事實(shí)發(fā) 生之日起10個(gè)工作日內(nèi)書(shū)面通知另一方并提供有效證明文件,則可免除承擔(dān)違約責(zé)任。In case that any force majeure event occurs or relevant laws and provisions change dramatically so that either

38、 Partyor both Parties to this Agreement fail to perform the obligations specified in this Agreement, the Party which has beenaffected by a force majeure event or a change of state laws or provisions will be exempt from the liability for thebreach of agreement if it has notified the other Party in writing and provided valid documents within ten (10) workingdays since the day of such occurrence.七、協(xié)議效力及其他Validity of Agreement and Miscellaneous Clauses 1、本協(xié)議自委托方、受托方簽署之日生效,本協(xié)議一經(jīng)生效,任一方均無(wú)權(quán)單方解除 本協(xié)議或終止本協(xié)議的繼續(xù)履行,否則,


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