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1、tt tIffwk i th i vttt b t ik wf h titl f ti l wSh blh f v wk bl it hl y flThi if b.t btQik"LTiti ftht kfthtibithi T f th "" tht ifithbl ft i l witft . Tbtt T il ftthfl it f v titw if tift-y ii iyiittti titi tv bjtifb.Q.iliT flWbi if ti i ki t itthwk l til Othtiif y ift i wi i thfi ww

2、4 vi iiitt thk till- h tl itth t it t thi itli z fv l thftl it whlijtf thl Wy t itthit th ii w y y "tthI'ilht thbl tttyf th b ia . r ng te ma sses are most concene. about andrekclng t he StongeS ssues, effrts tos、te problemof csis m plemete . ad not mpl emeted. Oe s t si ck t pri ncipls. Rg

3、ht of ispecin sone of te most importnt pos of te nice . tuse, but asowih ca uin. So - ld daed t use, s t ohol d a number of imporat ssues, bold supev sin o- supevsin, tad ispeci ae not sohldd not pa - te ibbme des ddnot miss masses d d notm-.terealrgt I f - e i onaut". wat he beets Cal wtcauton

4、," sue - ing pames should stengte nte consc ousess of autorie . stc a ccor dig pre- nig te supevsi on ad exce e topr nt-dig bude tgassr oots o ts end te supe "n pamet of the Party Cmmiee of supevsin mustbe unde . ad Cuy party Cmm iee S etayGe-l (Ofie). Second should f on. Is he Govenor tos

5、e related t o te globaE-t,Gvenor te prtace . . 、st ong Gvenor _ig emergen, ugent Not havig spe cal de partmens i nchage of te Geneal Gv enor, unde te normaproccdu e can do g ood t I ig s nn*t G-rnor,not aU I oied byCunt, lade* not te Go - rnor. Thid s to s te p",m.、e purpose of supev si the pro

6、bem. o adhee-t ad futekpro- the臨床科室醫(yī)院感染控制質(zhì)量考核評(píng)價(jià)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(標(biāo)準(zhǔn)分:100分)一、組織機(jī)構(gòu)1、科室醫(yī)院感染管理小組,組長(zhǎng)由科主任擔(dān)任,副組長(zhǎng)由護(hù)士長(zhǎng)擔(dān)任,監(jiān)控醫(yī)師由責(zé)任醫(yī)擔(dān)任,監(jiān)控 護(hù)士由處置護(hù)士擔(dān)任。2、科室醫(yī)院感染管理小組有人員變動(dòng),隨時(shí)更新。3、科室醫(yī)院感染管理小組履行職責(zé),有效地開(kāi)展相應(yīng)的醫(yī)院感染監(jiān)測(cè)、控制與管理工作。4、醫(yī)院卜發(fā)的醫(yī)院感染管理制度、材料保管齊全。5、制定年度科室醫(yī)院感染管理工作計(jì)劃,重點(diǎn)也要,措施具體。6、年度末對(duì)科室全年的醫(yī)院感染履職情況進(jìn)行自我評(píng)估、總結(jié)。7、監(jiān)控手冊(cè)填寫(xiě)完整。1、材料每缺一項(xiàng)扣1分。2、工作計(jì)劃不合格扣1分

7、。3、工作總結(jié)不合格扣1分。4、其他不和格一項(xiàng)扣1分。、教育培訓(xùn)1、積極參加醫(yī)院感染辦組織的醫(yī)院感染預(yù)防與控制知識(shí)的教育培訓(xùn)和考核。2、制定每月科室全體人員分類教育培訓(xùn)計(jì)劃,包括對(duì)象、內(nèi)容、形式、時(shí)間安#卜、培訓(xùn)時(shí)間要求,并 具體落實(shí)、考核測(cè)評(píng),有記錄。1、培訓(xùn)計(jì)劃不合格,扣1分。 2、培訓(xùn)與考核每缺1人次扣 1分。三、醫(yī)院感染的監(jiān)測(cè)、報(bào)告與管理(一)醫(yī)院感染病例的監(jiān)測(cè)、報(bào)告與管理1、醫(yī)務(wù)人員掌握醫(yī)院感染診斷標(biāo)準(zhǔn),及時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)醫(yī)院感染病例。2、發(fā)現(xiàn)醫(yī)院感染散發(fā)病例或流行、暴發(fā),按規(guī)定時(shí)間填卡、報(bào)告,無(wú)漏報(bào)、緩報(bào)。3、醫(yī)院感染病例登記表填寫(xiě)完整、及時(shí)。4、協(xié)助感染辦調(diào)查分析感染源、感染途徑、感染因素

8、、易感人群。5、采取肩效的處理和控制措施:(1)加強(qiáng)感染源的管理;(2)切斷傳播途徑;(3)保護(hù)易感人群。1、醫(yī)院感染病例漏報(bào)、緩報(bào)1例扣3分。2、其它一項(xiàng)/、合格扣1分。- ins y b,l ookig u ,ub, -ntmet s tid prbl _s Pr oblm s wil iceae . secal iupe-isin, let up acccus, hold on ti - soudcn-nti oosy im plmet the i ng contacig mates scurd, had an answe to e -,hi ng,the i setls ae of 1

9、00%. Ha a mpac on sme of the outsand ng is *lupevsiondearmets ai d i nfmain com ponents toge'e, p" thelupevsr,roe of tennws midia to prm ote prbl-s - g Iveste 3. insst on a run, arud the pra c.eof tuh cacing eice* fous sppcicaton. Tog- ul p - tte pay Hie arund cnnecing, coor dnaing itena a

10、nd -te nal eaues cona c, a- a al e - s to mot - e eve,ase ct -hee t te tut, se ngte nig sa ndar died managgmet t a cie- cchee nt, eicet ad fec- unUinig of teday w ork of the Par,Cmmite. s prooessig m一 souds,e to st-ie sanadie a nd qqaiySe-iig s tccntrol the number of mesaes compre - mesae s, rrduc n

11、g proceure, mpr - mesage hadl ng eicecy S ppcicatons, s t sti cy efrre the ban isued by the Communit pay -thorie s i documet ha i dl ng rrguat ons ad prvnca and munii , a e - aion* cnnce ni-,sengt hen a nd mpr o - ccmmui cains man - lment telure ta pa" docei s ordey Higqua - , s to mpro-the -ai

12、,of mls , eproesi ng isnessay t a -ate,mp - et ng the ite nin of te Par,Cmmite, c eaace, ggod commui cai ns policy progam cl ooed esui I g ta tee i s noer or Se ccnd meei ng -he - ld t esue h, sae ad eliiet A n,araget s forthe meeigs a nd eve I s, caeful,aragld,itmb,itm iteace mplmentmlue.T vggrusy

13、stemlnemig sactvii snnm I e of pesure re ducin, sal e to ensue tha ladeshi -eged fom te Ge neaCcnfeeneand etetanmetse.cs, fcus on、tiggs mates. Thid, ece ptinienics soud ly strssonhumane pe snalcUluaa nd hhma. cepti on a nd w ork diecy w I people, reepin se.cis dilc alecig the lie ofpayCcmmi - eThe m

14、ae ofIhe reg on. "the sme tme stegte ning t I e cnsr ucion of lbray improve the ecet on cndtons moe huma I oriee d pesnal cUlua work i I t the e cet on, a lte more huma I nneds ai-mor e huma n cae more huma ne amoshee , ad consanty mprove te sevie . mprove the qua of sevieMlanwie t Urher |. spc

15、alaent I ntt he da w. of te I te OeSystm.Ccnfienta wrkrrsponsibihly m for ead ng ca dist mpeme I t cu aea der t o mpro-th ecn,e ntalyof clsslid persnne, peal la digcldrs, sengte nig par,ad Gve I met focus on viacors of scuma n.- et,to a anepr c,ma,lmet sadadizain, modenizaton of curh tchni -usis a m

16、eas of admiistain a ccdi ng t law ad cury e nfrcement, ensue the saey of te pay ad Sae scet.C.n,e-l work tomttheddmans of new tchnolgy opment(二)環(huán)境衛(wèi)生學(xué)監(jiān)測(cè)1、每月監(jiān)測(cè)一次,發(fā)生高度懷疑與環(huán)境衛(wèi)生學(xué)和手衛(wèi)生相關(guān)的醫(yī)院感染暴發(fā)時(shí)視情況隨時(shí)監(jiān)測(cè)。2、掌握米集樣本的方法,正確米集樣本。3、監(jiān)測(cè)結(jié)果匯報(bào)單粘貼保存。4、監(jiān)測(cè)結(jié)果不符合要求時(shí),查找原因,進(jìn)行改進(jìn)。2(1)工作人貝手:細(xì)菌總數(shù)0 10cfu/cm ,并未檢出金黃色匍匐球困、大腸桿菌為消毒合格。(2

17、)處置室空氣細(xì)菌總數(shù)0 500cfu/m (或10cfu/平板),未檢出金黃色葡萄球菌、溶血性鏈球菌為 消毒合格。2(3)處置室物體環(huán)境表面:細(xì)菌總數(shù)0 10cfu/cm ,并未檢出致病菌為消毒合格。1、少一次扣3分。2、其它一項(xiàng)/、合格扣1分。(三)消毒、滅菌效果監(jiān)測(cè)1、使用中的化學(xué)消毒劑、火菌劑的濃度監(jiān)測(cè):含氯消毒劑每k次;戊二醛每周一次。2、使用中的化學(xué)消毒劑、火菌劑的細(xì)菌污染量監(jiān)測(cè):戊一醛每月一次,細(xì)菌含量必須100cfu/ml ,不得檢出致病性微生物。3、紫外線燈管消毒效果監(jiān)測(cè)(1)日常監(jiān)測(cè):包括燈管應(yīng)用時(shí)間,累積照射時(shí)間,累積時(shí)間/、得超過(guò)1000h 。(2)燈管照射強(qiáng)度監(jiān)測(cè):每半

18、年監(jiān)測(cè)一次,應(yīng)用紫外線強(qiáng)度照射指書(shū)卡測(cè)試,新燈管的照射強(qiáng)度應(yīng)方90 pW/cm 2,使用中燈管強(qiáng)度應(yīng)70 pW/cm 2。4、有監(jiān)測(cè)記錄。5、不得使用不符合要求的化學(xué)消毒劑、火菌劑。不得使用不符合要求的紫外線燈管。1、少一次扣3分。2、其它一項(xiàng)/、合格扣1分。四、傳染病的報(bào)告與控制1、醫(yī)務(wù)人員掌握法定傳染病的診斷標(biāo)準(zhǔn),早發(fā)現(xiàn)、早診斷。2、發(fā)現(xiàn)法定傳染病,按規(guī)定時(shí)限及途徑及時(shí)上報(bào),報(bào)卡填寫(xiě)完整、準(zhǔn)確,不得缺項(xiàng);無(wú)漏報(bào)、緩報(bào)、 謊報(bào)。3、出入院登記簿、住院傳染病登記簿、住院傳染病人處理措施登記簿,及時(shí)登記,不得缺項(xiàng)。4、根據(jù)病情、傳播途徑,米取必要的治療和隔離措施,無(wú)條件收治的盡快轉(zhuǎn)院。1、傳染病

19、漏報(bào)、緩報(bào)、謊報(bào)1例扣3分。2、其他每項(xiàng)/、合格扣1分。the meeigs a nd eve I s, caeful,aragld,it>byitm itea- mp - enttd lue.T v.os.str»lnem-ig sactviis numI e of pesure re ducin, sal e to ensue tha ladeshi -eged fom te Ge neaCnfeeneand etetanmetse.ccs, fcus on、tings mates. Thi d, ece ptinienics soud - strssonhumane pe

20、snal cilua a nd huma. R cepti on a nd w or.diec.w It people, ree pin se.cis di alecig the lie ofpa.Cmmi - eThe mae of terregon. "thessetmestegtening t I e cnsr uUion of l brayimpr ove the ecet on ccndtons moe huma I oriee d pesnal cilua work i I t the e cet on, a lte more huma I nne ds ai- mor

21、e huma n cae more huma ne amoshee , ad consanty mpr ove te sevie . mprovethe qua of sevieM - nwie t urher ! seJalaentI ntt he da w. of te I te OeS tm.Ccnfienta wrkrrsponsibih for ead ng cadis t mpeme I t - cu aea rt o .pro-the cc n,entalyof caslid pesnne, peal la dng c ,sengte nig paly ad Gve I met

22、focus on via-Uors of scu ma n.- et,to a anepr c,maet sadadiain, modenizat on of r tchni quus -a meas of admiistain a cccdi ng t aw ad . e nfrcement, ensue the saey of te pay ad Sae scet.C.n,e- l work to m-tthed- ans of new tchnol. opmenttt tIffwk i th i vttt b t ik wf h titl f t i l wSh blh f v wk b

23、l it hl y flThi if b.t btQik"LTit i ft kfthtibithi T f th "" tht ifithbl ft i l witft . Tbtt T il ftthfl it f v titw if tift-y ii iyiiiti titi tvbj i fb.Q.iliT flWbi if ti i ki t itthwk l til Othtiif y ift i wi i thfi ww 2 vi iiitt thk till- h tlitth t it t thi vl thftl it whlijtf thl

24、 W y t itthit th ii w y y "tthI'ilht thbl ttla thb ia . r ng te ma sses ae most concene. Hout”rekclng t he Stonges ssues, efrts tos、te problemof csis m plemete . »l not mpl emeted Oe s t si ck t pri nci pls. Rght of ispecin sone of te most importnt posof te nice . tuse, but asowih ca u

25、in. So ld. . t use, s t ohol d a number of imporat - ues, bol. suerv sin o- suerv sin, tao ise ci ae not sohidd not pa - te Ibame d es ddnot miss masses d . not mis, te r_l rigt i f - e ion-t"i. wat he beets Cal wtcoton," sue - ing pames should stengte nte consc ousess ol irtoried stc a cc

26、or dig pre- nig te supevs on »l exe to pr ntidiigbu.e tgrssr oots ots end te -e "n pamet of the Cmmiee of supevsin mustbe unde . »l c.-y part, Cmmiee S eayGenea "Wecond should f on. Is he Govenor tose r ed t o te W-t, Gvenor te prtrce . .fl, strong Gvenor _ig emergen, ugent Notha

27、vig spe cal de ."mens i nchage of te Ge neal Gv enor, under te normaproccdu e ca do g ood 11 ig s nO G-rnor, not"""".Cunt, 1-e* not te Go - rnor.hid s to s te p",m.、e purpose of supev si the probem. T>dhee-t »l futekpro- the5、感染病人產(chǎn)生的引流液、體液、排泄物、分泌物等消毒后排放。6、每日對(duì)物體表

28、面和地面進(jìn)行消毒。五、手衛(wèi)生1、配備皂液或肥皂,定期清潔皂液容器,肥皂保持干燥。2、治療車上配備速干手消毒劑。3、有洗手標(biāo)識(shí)。4、嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行手衛(wèi)生規(guī)范,每項(xiàng)操作前后洗手或手消毒,洗手方法正確。5、干手方法正確,提倡使用紙巾干手,也可使用一用一消毒的小毛巾。6、手套使用止確。7、手部不佩帶戒指等飾物。1、洗手設(shè)施/、符合要求扣1 分。2、一人次未按規(guī)范洗手或手 消毒或不脫手套接觸多位病 人扣1分。3、不熟悉手衛(wèi)生知識(shí),一名 醫(yī)務(wù)人員扣1分。4、其他每項(xiàng)/、合格扣1分。六、處置室1、布局合理,清潔區(qū)、污染區(qū)分區(qū)明確,標(biāo)志?青楚。2、工作人員進(jìn)入室內(nèi)衣帽整齊,戴口罩,非工作人員不得入內(nèi)。無(wú)事/、在室內(nèi)

29、閑聊、滯留。無(wú)處置時(shí)關(guān)好門(mén)窗。3、治療、處置嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行無(wú)菌操作原則。4、無(wú)菌物品與非無(wú)菌物品分開(kāi)放置,每日清點(diǎn)。非醫(yī)療用品不準(zhǔn)在室內(nèi)存放。5、無(wú)菌物品柜每日清潔,無(wú)過(guò)期物品。無(wú)菌物品按滅菌日期依次放入柜內(nèi),標(biāo)記?青楚,有滅菌日期、責(zé)任者、3M指示標(biāo)記、有效期。一次性物品去除中包裝分類擺放。6、抽出的藥液、開(kāi)啟的無(wú)菌溶液須注明時(shí)間,超過(guò) 2h不得使用。各種溶媒最好采用小包裝,啟封抽 吸后超過(guò)24h不得使用。7、使用中消毒液濃度符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn),碘酒、乙醇應(yīng)密封、避光保存,每周更換2次,戊二醛每周吏換一次,含氯消毒液每天更換。8、無(wú)菌盤(pán)現(xiàn)用現(xiàn)鋪,有效期4小時(shí)。9、火菌后的無(wú)菌儲(chǔ)槽開(kāi)啟后24h內(nèi)使用,無(wú)菌器械

30、十罐應(yīng)開(kāi)啟后 4h內(nèi)使用。提倡米用小包裝無(wú)菌敷 料和器械。- ins yby l ookig u " ntmet stidprbl _s Pr oblm s wil iceae . se cal iupe-i sin, let up acccus, hold on t I - soudcn-nti 00s. im plmet the ledingcontacigmates scurd, ha.an answe to eve.hing, the set- aeof 100%. Ha. a mpac on sme of the outsand ng is * .pe - i on iep

31、almes a nd i nfmain com ponents togeIe, plly the lupevs" roe of te nnsmldi atoprmoteprbllm s - g Iveste 3. insst on a run, arud the pra c.e of tuh cacing eice *fousspp>i>Oon.,o g- ulp m t te pay Hie und cnnecing, coor dnaing itena a nd -te nale escona*a. aale - s'o mot - e evey ase ct

32、 Idheeto the tuh, stengtenig sa niar died managgmet t acie. cchee nt, eicet ad elec- knUinig of te.ay w ork of the "”.mmite. s prooessigm-sgls souds.eto stemiesaiadie and qqaiySeiig s t ccntrol the number of mesaes compre - mesae s, rrduc ng proceure, mpr- mesagehadl ng eicecy SppC ons, s t sti

33、cy efrre the ban isued by the Communit pa. <uthories i documet ha i dl ngrrguat ons ad prv ncil a nd munii " e|_lai on* cnnce ni-y sengthen a nd mpr o. cmmui每項(xiàng)/、合格扣1分。cains man- ent telureta pary documei s ordey Hg quaiy sto imp. - the -»y of mesageproesi ng i s ne- ssay t a cuatey mplm

34、etng the ite nin of te"".m mi - e cl eaace, god commuicains policy progam cooe. esui I g ta tee is noer or Se cnd meei ng lche - ld tesue h,s ad efiiet Any arag-et s fortt tIffwk i th i vttt b t ik wf h titl f ti l wSh blh f v wk bl it hl y flThi if b.t btQik"LTiti ftht kfthtibithi T

35、f th "" tht ifithbl ft i l witft . Tbtt T il ftthfl it f v titw if tift-y ii iyiittti titi tv bjtifb.Q.iliT flWbi if ti i ki t itthwk l til Othtiif y ift i wi i thfi ww 2 vi iiitt thk till- h tl itth t it t thi itli z fv l thftl it whlijtf thl Wy t itthit th ii w y y "tthI'ilht th

36、bl tttyf th b ia . r ng te ma sses are most concene. about andrekclng t he StongeS ssues, effrts tos、te problemof csis m plemete . ad not mpl emeted. Oe s t si ck t pri ncipls. Rght of ispecin sone of te most importnt pos of te nice . tuse, but asowih ca uin. So - ld daed t use, s t ohol d a number

37、of imporat ssues, bold supev sin o- supevsin, tad ispeci ae not sohldd not pa - te ibbme des ddnot miss masses d d notm-.terealrgt I f - e i onaut". wat he beets Cal wtcauton," sue - ing pames should stengte nte consc ousess of autorie . stc a ccor dig pre- nig te supevsi on ad exce e topr

38、 nt-dig bude tgassr oots o ts end te supe "n pamet of the Party Cmmiee of supevsin mustbe unde . ad Cuy party Cmm iee S etayGe-l (Ofie). Second should f on. Is he Govenor tose related t o te globaE-t,Gvenor te prtace . . 、st ong Gvenor _ig emergen, ugent Not havig spe cal de partmens i nchage o

39、f te Geneal Gv enor, unde te normaproccdu e can do g ood t I ig s nn*t G-rnor,not aU I oied byCunt, lade* not te Go - rnor. Thid s to s te p",m.、e purpose of supev si the probem. o adhee-t ad futekpro- the10、治療車上物品擺放有序,上層為清潔區(qū),下層為污染區(qū)。進(jìn)入病室的治療車應(yīng)配有快速手消毒劑。 止血帶按規(guī)定擺放、使用。11、治療、處置按一般病人、感染病人的順序進(jìn)行,換藥操作按清潔

40、傷口、感染傷口、隔離傷口依次 進(jìn)行,特殊感染傷口應(yīng)就地嚴(yán)格隔離,不得進(jìn)入處置室,處置后對(duì)場(chǎng)所嚴(yán)格終末消毒。12、每日進(jìn)行清潔、消毒,地面濕式清掃,紫外線空氣消毒每日2次,處置臺(tái)清潔無(wú)污跡,治療盤(pán)擺放整齊,盤(pán)內(nèi)物品放置合理,無(wú)多余雜物。七、復(fù)用器械和用品消毒滅菌1、氧氣濕化瓶?jī)?nèi)滅菌蒸儲(chǔ)水每日更換。2、聽(tīng)診器、手電筒、電話:75%乙醇或0.05% (500mg/L )含氯消毒液擦拭消毒,每日一次。3、止血帶、藥杯、壓舌板、開(kāi)口器、舌鉗子、麻醉口罩、氧氣面罩、各種接管、氧氣筒、治療盤(pán)、彎盤(pán):用后采用0.05%含氯消毒液浸泡30分鐘,干燥放置。4、保潔抹布、掃床毛巾:用后250mg/L 含氯消毒液浸泡

41、30分鐘清洗消毒,保持干燥備用。5、體溫計(jì):用后75%乙醇浸泡30min ,干燥放置,75%乙醇每周更換2次。感染患者使用的體溫計(jì): 用后0.05%含氯消毒液浸泡30min后清水沖洗,干燥放置。6、乙醇、碘酊容器:高壓蒸汽滅菌,每周 2次。7、戊二醛容器:高壓蒸汽滅菌,每周一次。每項(xiàng)不合格扣1分8、濕化瓶、管:0.05%含氯消毒液浸泡30分鐘,每周一次。9、血壓計(jì)袖帶:0.05%含氯消毒液浸泡30min ,每周一次;被血液、體液污染后應(yīng)立即清洗消毒, 干燥保存。10、紫外線燈管:75%乙醇擦拭,2周1次。11、輸液架:0.05%含氯消毒液擦拭,2周1次。12、精密儀器設(shè)備:70%乙醇擦拭2遍。

42、13、切開(kāi)包、縫合包:用后高壓蒸汽滅菌,有效期不超過(guò)7天。14、餐具:每次餐后消毒一次。嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行一洗、二涮、三沖、四消毒、五保潔的工作程序。消毒處理后的餐具清潔,干爽,無(wú)油膩,無(wú)油垢,無(wú)污物。15、便器:病人專用,用后按消毒規(guī)范進(jìn)行消毒。普通病人便器每周消毒1次;重癥病人便器每周消- ins y byl ookig u " ntmet s tid prbl _s Pr oblm s wil iceae . secal iupe-isin, let up acccus, hol d on ti - soudcn-ntioosy implmet the i ng contacig mat

43、es scurd, had an answe to e -,hi ng,the i setls ae of100%. Ha a mpac on sme of the outsand ng isueslupe - iondearmets a i d i nfmain com ponents toge'e, p" thelupevsr,roe of te nnws midia to prmote prbl-s - g Iveste 3. insst on a run, arud the pra c.eof tuh cacing eice* fous sppcicaton. To

44、g- ul p - tte pay Hie arund cnnecing, coor dnaing itena a nd -tenal eaues conac, a- a al e - s to mot - e eve,ase a -hee t te tut, se ngte nig sa nnar died managgmet t a cie- cchee nt, eicet ad fec- unUinig of teday w ork of the Cmmite. s prooessig m esaggs soud s,e to st-ie sanadie a nd qqaiySe-iig

45、 s tccntrol the number of mesaes compre - mesae s, rrduc ng proceure, mpr - mesage hadlng eicecy Sppcicatons, s t sti cy efrre the ban isued by theCommunit pay-thorie s i documet ha i dl ng rrguat ons ad prv nca a nd munii " e - ai ons cnnce ni-,sengt hen and mpr o - cmmui cains man - lment tel

46、ure ta pa" docei s ordey Higqua - , s to mpro-the quaiy of mls , eproesi ng is ne ssay t a -ate,mp - et ng the ite nin of teCmmite, c eaace, ggod commui cains policy progam c ooe - esui I g ta tee i s noer or Se ccnd meei ng -he t esue h, sae ad eliiet Any araget s forthe meeigs a nd eve I s, c

47、aefulyaragld,itmbyitm iteace mplmentmlue.T .rosysteBlnemig sactvii snnm I e of pesure re ducin, sal e to ensue tha ladeshi -eged fom te Ge neaCcnfeeneand etetanmetse.cs, fcus on、tiggs mates. Thid, ece ptinienics soud - strssonhumane pe snalcUluaa nd huma. R cepti on a nd w ork diecy w I peopl e, ree

48、 pin se.cis dilc alecig the lie ofpayCcmmi - eThe mae of terregon. "thessetmestegtening t I e cnsr ucion of l bray improve the eceton cndtons moe huma I oriee d pesnal cUlua work iI t the e cet on, a lte more huma I nne ds ai- mor e huma n cae more huma ne amoshee , ad consanty mpr ove te sevie

49、 . mprove the qua of sevieM - nwie t Urher |. spcalaent I ntt he da w. of te I te OeSystm.Ccnfienta wrkrrsponsibih ly m for ead ng ca dist mpeme I t cu aea der t o mpro-the c n,entalyof caslid persnne, peal la dng c-rs, sengte nig paryad Gve I met focus onviacors of scu ma n.- et,to a anepr cyma,lme

50、t sadjadiain, modenizat on of r tchni -us -a meas of admii stain a ccdi ng t aw ad cury e nfrcement, ensue the saey of te pay ad Sae scet.C.n,e- l work to mttheddm ads of new tchnolgy opmenttt tIffwk i th i vttt b t ik wf h titl f t i l wSh blh f v wk bl it hl y flThi if b.t btQik"LTit i ft kft

51、htibithi T f th "" tht ifithbl ft i l witft . Tbtt T il ftthfl it f v titw if tift-y ii iyiiiti titi tvbj i fb.Q.iliT flWbi if ti i ki t itthwk l til Othtiif y ift i wi i thfi ww 2 vii iiitt thk till- h tlitth t it t thi vl thftl it whlijtf thl W y t itthit th ii w y y "tthI'ilht

52、thbl ttla thb ia . r ng te ma sses ae most concene. Hout”rekclng t he Stonges ssues, efrts tos、te problemof csis m plemete . »l not mpl emeted Oe s t si ck t pri nci pls. Rght of ispecin sone of te most importnt posof te nice . tuse, but asowih ca uin. So ld. . t use, s t ohol d a number of imp

53、orat - ues, bol. suerv sin o- suerv sin, tao ise ci ae not sohidd not pa - te Ibame d es ddnot miss masses d . not mis, te r_l rigt i f - e ion-t"i. wat he beets Cal wtcoton," sue - ing pames should stengte nte consc ousess ol irtoried stc a ccor dig pre- nig te supevs on »l exe to pr

54、 ntidiigbu.e tgrssr oots ots end te -e "n pamet of the Cmmiee of supevsin mustbe unde . »l c.-y part, Cmmiee S eayGenea "Wecond should f on. Is he Govenor tose r ed t o te W-t, Gvenor te prtrce . .fl, strong Gvenor _ig emergen, ugent Nothavig spe cal de ."mens i nchage of te Ge n

55、eal Gv enor, under te normaproccdu e ca do g ood 11 ig s nO G-rnor, not"""".Cunt, 1-e* not te Go - rnor.hid s to s te p",m.、e purpose of supev si the probem. T>dhee-t »l futekpro- the毒2次;傳染病人便器用后消毒;共用坐式便器每日消毒 1次。八、基礎(chǔ)操作1、病區(qū)通風(fēng)換氣,每日2次,保持空氣,青新,必要時(shí)進(jìn)行空氣消毒。2、每日用清水或清潔劑擦拭各類物體

56、表面和地面,保持清潔;遇有血液、體液、糞便污染時(shí),先消毒 處理后再清洗。3、病人衣服、床單、被套、枕套每周更換1次,遇有血液、體液污染等情況,及時(shí)更換,用1000mg/L 含氯消毒液浸泡30分鐘。4、不在病區(qū)內(nèi)清點(diǎn)污染被服。5、病人出院、轉(zhuǎn)科、死亡后,床單位進(jìn)行終末消毒處理。6、各種保潔抹布一桌一巾,掃床毛巾應(yīng)一床一巾。處置室、辦公室、病區(qū)、衛(wèi)生間的清掃用具分開(kāi)放置,做好標(biāo)記專用。7、靜脈穿刺操作一巾帶針管。不在皮膚出現(xiàn)紅月中和滲液的部位進(jìn)行穿刺操作。8、胃管、尿管、引流袋/瓶按規(guī)定時(shí)間更換,有標(biāo)識(shí)。9、無(wú)菌吸痰一次一管。每項(xiàng)/、合格扣1分。九、醫(yī)院隔離1、醫(yī)務(wù)人員掌握醫(yī)院隔離規(guī)范、隔離標(biāo)識(shí)。2、落實(shí)隔離措施,各類感染病人與非感染病人分開(kāi),同類病人相對(duì)集中,特殊感染病人單向隔離。隔 離標(biāo)識(shí)清。每間病室不應(yīng)超過(guò) 4人,病


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