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1、Un it 1 Frie ndshipi閱讀理解(2018 湖南長沙檢測)People all n eed friends because n obody wants to be Ion ely and a friend can help you ingood and bad times. You ve made friends since childhood, but you still don t know who yourtrue friends are. Here are some sig ns to tell you if your frie nd is a true friend.

2、Always hon estHon esty is importa nt to keep a relati on shipalive. A true frie nd always tells you the truth.It may be hard sometimes but lying can destroy a frien dship. It is importa nt that your friend speaks hon estly and never makes up stories.Always there for youThere are always periods in yo

3、ur life when you have problems or difficulties.A true friendwill always have time to liste n to your problems and give advice. It may not be able to offer a soluti on to yourproblems but the fact that your friend spe nt time liste ning to you is a sig n he/she cares for you. Your friend is not atrue

4、 friend if he/she can n ever spare time for you whe n you are in trouble. You also n eed to be reas on able andaccept that your friend also has other things to do so he/she can t always listen immediately to your problems.Always respectful( 尊敬的)A true friend will always respect your opinion whether

5、he/she agrees or not. Your truefriend may disagree but n ever in sists that he/she is correct.Always un dersta nding2It is possible that some problems will arise between you and your friend. A true friendwill always be forgiving (體諒的)and understanding, even if it isn t his/her fault. We areall diffe

6、re nt people and we all make mistakes. A true friend is always forgivi ng andunderstanding because he/she doesn t want to take the risk of losing his/her best friend.1. Accord ing to the passage, a true frie nd will always_ .A. follow your adviceB. offer a soluti on to your problemsC. listen immedia

7、tely to your problemsD. respect your opinion even if he/she disagrees with it2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Never tell lies to frien ds.B. Spare time for frien ds.C. Share fun with frien ds.D. Pay attention to a friend s opinions.3. A true frie nd will always forgive an

8、d un dersta nd you because_.A. he/she wants to help youB. he/she doesn t want to lose youC. he/she wants you to feel con fide ntD. he/she doesn t care about your mistakes4. What s the author s purpose of writing this passage?A. To teach us how to make true frien ds.B. To find out how long a frien ds

9、hip can last.C. To in troduce his experie nee in making frien ds.D. To tell us how to find out if a friend is a true friend.n.七選五(2017 河南豫南九校聯(lián)考)You may have grow n up livi ng with your sisters and brothers, or this may be your firsttime to share your livi ng space with some one else.1 However, it ca

10、n also be a great part of your3college experienee. Follow these tips to make sure you and your roommate keep thingspleasa nt throughout the year.Be clear from the beg inning.Maybe you hate it whe n some one in terrupts you while you are sleep ing every morning. Maybeyou need ten minutes before talki

11、ng to anyone after you wake up. 2 It s not fair to expect him or her to pick up onthem right away, and com muni cati ng what you n eed is one of the best ways to get rid of problems before theybecome problems.3This may seem simple, but it s probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates can avoid

12、conflicts. Don t you think he/she ll mind if you borrow his/her shoes for a quick soccergame?Don t borrow, use, or take his/her things without getting permission first.Be ope n to cha nge.You should expect to lear n, grow and cha nge duri ng your time at school.4 As the termprogresses, you should re

13、alize things will cha nge for both of you. Be comfortable whe n addressing things thatunexpectedly come up. Set new rules, and be flexible about your changing environment.Follow the golde n rule.5 No matter what your relati on ship is at the end of the year, you can take comfortin knowing you acted

14、like an adult and treated your roommate with respect.A. Respect your roommate s things.B. Let your roommate know about your prefere nces.C. Treat your roommate as you d like to be treated.D. Livi ng with a roommate is really a won derful thi ng.E. Hav ing a roommate surely has its challe nges.F. You

15、 should correct your bad habits first.G. And the same should happe n to your roommate, if all goes well.川.完形填空(2017 安徽合肥質(zhì)檢)4I retired from my family busi ness four years ago. But I ve never been1 of any challenge.in a 2In the last two years, I have trained hard, spe nding 150 hours3 with my gro und

16、team.When the big day came, thousa nds of people gathered to 4 the laun ch. It was a 5 start with a smooth and steadytake-off. I was6 but still had some doubts I was flying into the_7and I couldn t guarantee I d see my friends and family again.The capsule where I stayed was desig ned to8 if I Ian de

17、d on the water, but I was notsure whether I could9 the cruelty of the ocea n.10 , I kept watch ing the weather,com muni cati ng with my land team and11 the altitude to achieve the perfect speed anddirect ion.On myfifth day, I noticed Iwas losing oxygen.12 , I managedto save mylife by adjustingthe pr

18、essure in the oxyge n cyli nder (氧氣筒)to stop the oxygen escaping.I knew it was vital to stay13 to con trol the flight altitude and my oxyge n flow, soI held a spo on in my hand If I14, it would fall and wake me up. I never questioned whyI was doing this. It such a unique15 to see our beautiful pla n

19、et from on high.Seeing the coast of Australia again on my 11th day was a hugewas n early over. It was to be a new world record. I could see my teamover.fly even higher to break ano ther20 for the hot-air balloon flight.1.A.shy B.skepticalC.fo ndD.co nfident2.A.pla neB.helicopterC.carD.hot-air ballo

20、on3.A.debat ingB.preparingC.carv ingD.traveli ng4.A.welcome B.i nspectC.delayD.wit ness5.A.perfect B.falseC.poorD.fresh6.A.amusedB.puzzledC.excitedD.frighte ned7.A.futureB.unknownC.shelterD.reality8.A.digestB.recycleC.floatD.flyI ve sailed around the world before. And Ive decided to fly east from We

21、ster n Australia16. I knew my jour ney17 below as I flewt19 me. Next year, I want to5This 18 really pushed me to my limit, but it has n9.A.survive B.showC.evaluateD.comment6要尊重室友的東西。故答案為A 項。10.A.FinallyB.HoweverC.Therefore D.Besides11.A.losing B.ignoringC.provingD.adjusting12.A.StrangelyB.LuckilyC.N

22、ormallyD.Conveniently13.A.calm B.awakeC.patientD.relaxed14.A.looked aroundB.carried onC.dropped offD.turned up15.A.experience B.excuseC.dreamD.tradition16.A.lossB.disasterC.burdenD.relief17.A.exercisiB.celebratingC.escapingD.quarreling18.A.challengeB.accident C.raceD.failure19.A.interestedB.confused

23、C.annoyedD.discouraged20.A.promiseB.balanceC.recordD.barrie答案精解精析I閱讀理解 語篇解讀 什么樣的朋友是真正的朋友 , 本文給出了一些判斷標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。1.D 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段的 A true friend will always respect your opinion whether he/sheagrees or not. 可知答案。2.C 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。A 項在第二段提到了;B 項在第三段提到了;D 項在第四段提到了;唯獨沒提到 C 項。3.B 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)全文最后一句 A true friend is always for

24、givingand understanding becausehe/she does nt want to take the risk of los ing his/her best friend.可知答案。4.D 主旨大意題。本文旨在告訴我們?nèi)绾闻袛嘁粋€朋友是否是真正的朋友。n.七選五 語篇解讀 本文為說明文。主要介紹了在上學(xué)時和室友交往應(yīng)該注意的事項。1.E 根據(jù)設(shè)空處后的 However 可知前后兩句為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,由此可知答案為E 項。2.B 根據(jù)設(shè)空處后的內(nèi)容可知 ,期望他們立即意識到你的喜好是不公平的,表達(dá)你的需要是在問題出現(xiàn)前就把問題解決掉的最佳方法之一,故設(shè)空處應(yīng)選 B 項。3.A

25、 本段作者告誡讀者在沒有得到室友允許的情況下, 不能使用他 / 她的東西。由此可見本段的主題是74.G 設(shè)空處前的意思為 : 在校期間你應(yīng)該期望學(xué)習(xí)、成長和變化。設(shè)空處后的意思為漸過去,你應(yīng)該意識到,事情會為你們兩個變化。由此可推出答案為G 項。5.C 根據(jù)主題句中的thegolden rule ” ,再根據(jù)設(shè)空處后的內(nèi)容可知答案為C 項。川.完形填空 語篇解讀 本文為記敘文,介紹了作者退休后挑戰(zhàn)熱氣球旅行的經(jīng)歷。1. A 根據(jù)連詞 But 可知這里指作者從來沒有害怕過任何挑戰(zhàn),故選 A 項。be shy of 害怕。2. D 根據(jù)最后一段最后一句可知,作者決定乘熱氣球從西澳大利亞飛向東部,故

26、選 D 項。3. B 作者在最近兩年里努力訓(xùn)練,花費了 150 個小時和地面上的團隊一起為乘熱氣球旅行做準(zhǔn)備,故選 B項。4. D 成千上萬的人聚集在一起觀看熱氣球起飛,故選 D 項。welcome 歡迎;inspect 檢查;delay 拖延,延誤;wit ness 目擊。5. A 根據(jù)下文可知,這是一次完美的開始,故選 A 項。perfect 完美的;false 假的;poor 可憐的,貧窮 的 ;fresh 新鮮的。6. C 根據(jù)連詞 but 的提示可推斷雖然作者感到興奮但仍然有一些疑慮,故選 C 項。amused 被逗樂的 ;puzzled 困惑的 ;excited 興奮的 ;frightened 害怕的。7.B 因為仍然有一些疑慮,所以 unknown 最符合句意。 the unknown 不為人知的地方。8.C 根據(jù)下文“ if I landed on the water”可知這里指漂浮”,故選C 項。digest 消化;recycle再利用;float 漂,浮;fly 飛行。9.A 根據(jù)下文the cruelty of theocean ”可知選 A 項。survive 從.中挺過來。10. C 句意:


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