



1、本文檔為精品文檔,如對你有幫助請下載支持,如有問題請及時溝通,謝謝支持!-4 -Unit 4 Learning efficiently1. in detail 詳細地Will you explain it to us in detail?請你給我們詳細地解釋一下這件事吧。2. think about考慮、回想、想起We are thinking about inviting a professor from Beijing University to give us a lecture. 我們正在考 慮從北京大學請一位教授來給我們做報告。3. at the beginning在開始時刻/地點D

2、o you start at the beginning and continue reading to the end or do you other things first ?你是 從文章開頭(的地方)開始然后繼續(xù)讀到結尾,還是先做其他的事,比如。OOOOO ?請比較:In the beginning of the class, the teacher asked us some questions. 在剛開始上課時 (剛開始那 段時間內(nèi)),老師問了我們一些問題。4. agree with 同意、和。一致、適應I agree with you/ your opinion/ your id

3、ea.The soup/ weather doesn ' t agree with me.注意:agree on是“雙方或幾方面就某一件事達成統(tǒng)一的意見或協(xié)議"意思; agree to是方不得不同意或接受另一方意見等”意思。比如:They agreed on the price of the car.他們就小車的價格達成了一致(的意見)。He agreed to his wife on buying a new flat.他只好同意他妻子的意見買一套新公寓。5. would like to do 想要做某事(也有說:should like to do )I' d li

4、ke to hear what you will tell me.我想聽一聽你能告訴我什么。6. look forward to doing 期待、盼望。(常用進行時態(tài))We are looking forward to your reply.我們期盼著你的答復。注意: The boy is looking forward to see clearly whether it ' s a snake or a rope.刃B孩子傾身向前想 要看個究竟,這到底是一條蛇還是一根繩索?7. find out(通過調(diào)查研究)得知、發(fā)現(xiàn)I won' t tell you; you must

5、 find out for yourself.我不會告訴你的;你要自己去找。8. such as像。這種的、諸如。 之類的、例如Such girls as he knew were teachers.像他所認識的這些女孩是老師。Books of reference, such as dictionaries and handbooks, sell well nowadays. 參考書, 比如詞典、 手 冊之類的,現(xiàn)在很暢銷。9. the same ()as 和。樣The 2 brothers look the same as each other.那兄弟倆長得模樣。注意:也有the samet

6、hat結構,但是兩者的意思有區(qū)別。比如:Tom is wearing the same coat that his father did last winter.湯姆穿著他爸爸去年冬天穿過的襖子。(同一件)10. apply to 應用于 ° o o o o o > 向。提出 oWe should apply the theory to practice.我們要把理論應用于實際。最近我在致力于這本手冊的編I' m applying myself to compiling this handbook during these days.寫。11. up to從事于、勝任、

7、輪到、該由、直到What are you up to here?你在這里要干什么? I' m not up to this job.我不能勝任這項工作。It' s up to you to decide when we shall start. 何時動身由你決定。This kind of single-lung fish can live up to 12 hours when out of water. 這種單肺魚離開水面能生存 多達1 2小時。12. the way用這樣的方法、從。樣子看來He doesn' t speak the way I do.他講話的方式和

8、我的不一樣。The way you work, you must be a master carpenter.看你干活的樣子,你一定是個技術熟練的木匠 師傅。13. keepin mind 記住He promised to keep my wishes in mind.他承諾要記住我的愿望。14. in a way 某中程度上、在某一點上This has been well done in a way.從某方面講,這件工作做得很好了。15. set up 建起、支起、組建、供給、恢復健康Roadblocks were set up by the police to catch the esca

9、pe prisoner.警察設置路障抓捕逃犯。We are well set up for the apples.這些蘋果能供我們吃一段時間了。He set up as a house painter and soon made a success of it.他干起房屋油漆工并彳艮快成名了。16. make sense 講得通, 有意義; make sense of 弄懂。 的意思This sentence doesn' t make sense.這個句子講不通。I can' t make sense of this email.我看不懂這封信的意思。17. be simil

10、ar to 與。相似Our opinions are similar to theirs.我們的意見和他們的相似。18. as long as 只要。 (注意:as long as的語氣比 if重)You can go out, as long as you promise to be back before 11 o' clock.你可以出去,只要你答應十 一點鐘之前回來。19. relate to 與。有關(關系良好)She doesn' t relate very well to her mother.她與她母親的關系不好。20. Some others and some

11、 few .一些。其他的。,還有一些。這是很有用途的句型,常被用來敘述一個整體里不同的分類情況。比如:Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 有些書只須淺嘗,有些書可以吞咽(囪囹吞棗),只有少數(shù)須要咀嚼、慢慢地消化。We have 40 students in our class. Some are from the local city, others from the countryside and a few from other provin

12、ces.我們班有4。人。一些是本市的,(另)一些是鄉(xiāng)下的,還有少數(shù)來自外省。21. prefer to rather than 寧可。而不愿。I prefer to be shown what to do rather than be told. 我寧愿人家做給我看,而不愿要別人跟我說如何如何去做。They prefer to listen to explanations or instructions rather than read them.他們寧愿聽 (另1J人)解釋或指示,也不去讀。22. too to do sth 太。以至不能。It' s never too late t

13、o learn.活到老學到老(永遠也不會太遲了以至不能學習)。23. I wish I were doing as well in my English class.我希望在英語課堂上做的同樣好。wish后的賓語從句要用虛擬語氣。(參見本單元“語法知識歸納”)24. Can you figure out?你能領會到/算出來?Can you figure out the meaning of unknown words from the context?你能從上下文中斷定生詞的意思嗎?課文長句難點剖析1. It is the same with reading.剖析:句子中It is the s

14、ame with是"。也如此”的意思,相當于 So it is with句型。用于前面描述的是“兩中或兩種以上”的不同情況,這些情況對于后者來說也如此。比如:Tom is very weak and lazy.湯姆非常虛弱也很懶。 So it is with his wife./It is the same with his wife.他的妻子也如此。譯文:閱讀也如此。2. One way to test whether a text is at the right level is to read the first page.剖析:動詞不定式短語作定語修飾way;該不定式短語里含

15、有一個賓語從句。譯文:檢測一篇課文是否適合(閱讀)的方法就是先讀第一頁。3. If the percentage of new words is higher than 3%, you will not be able to read the text easily and so will probably not enjoy it.剖析:句子中and是連詞、so是副詞,連詞and可以表示“因果”關系,所以,該句中沒有so也是正確的。這不是倒裝句。譯文:如果生詞超過3 %,你們會覺得課文難讀,因此,也許欣賞不了。4. That way you would be practicing readi

16、ng in English as well as studying biology.剖析:句中as well as是固定短語,意思是:也、又。比如: This boy is lively as well as healthy.譯文:這樣子,你們既訓練了英語閱讀又學習了生物。5. but I still get only about 20 out of 40 correct in the test.剖析:句子中out of是“從。里面”的意思。該短語還有“在。外、離開、出于/由于、缺乏、越出。之外”等意思。(參見:第三單元“關鍵短語詳解"第6條)His coat was made ou

17、t of his father ' s.他的襖子是用他父親的襖子改制成的。譯文:可是在測試中,四十個單詞我仍然只能正確地寫出2。個左右。6. I would rather rely on a written list than on my memory.剖析:句子中rely on是"依仗、信賴、對。有信心”意思。比如: You may rely on it that she won ' t be late.你們可以放心,她不會遲到的。譯文:(我去買東西的時候,)我寧可依賴寫下來的條子也不用大腦記東西。7. I tend to see pictures in my mind when I am reading or listening.剖析:句子中tend to d


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