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1、Unit 3 Could you please tell me where therestrooms are?一、教學目標:1. 語言知識目標基本詞匯 :restroom, stamp, bookstore, postcard, pardon,washroom, bathroom, normal, rush, suggest,staff, grape, central, mail, east, fascinating,convenient, mall, clerk, corner, polite, politely,speaker, request, directi on, correct,

2、direct,whom, address, un dergro und基本句型:Excuse me, do you know where I can buy somemedicine?Sure. There s a supermarket down the street.Could you please tell me how to get to the postoffice?Sorry, I m not sure how to get there.I won der where we should go n ext.Could you tell us whe n the band start

3、s play ingthis eve ning?You should try that new ride over there.2. 技能目標:(1)能用賓語從句禮貌的尋求幫助。(2)能用正確的方法指路。3情感目標:培養(yǎng)學生尊重他人,對人有禮貌,熱愛生活。二、教學重難點:1. 教學重點:(1)禮貌的向他人尋求幫助。(2)正確使用賓語從句。2. 教學難點:運用賓語從句禮貌的尋求幫助。三、教學步驟:Sectio n A 1 (1a-2d)Step 1 Warmi ng upGreet ingStep 2 Prese ntati on(1) Guessing gameShow pictures to

4、 the whole class, one student explains theplaceE riiglish and another one who doesn io ok at theblackboard guesseswhat place it is. For example, one stude ntsay: We can save money or excha nge money in this place,ano ther one guess it is a bank. Get stude nts to guess theplaces like bank, post offic

5、e, bookstore, museum, bathroom,washroom, mall and so on.(2) Show some stamps to students and present the newsentences:Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?Do you know where I can get some magaz in es?Step 3 Practice1) Match each thing wi

6、th a place in the picture in 1a.2) Read the phrases._ get some money_ get some magaz ines_ have dinner_ get a dictio nary_ get some in formatio n about the tow n_ buy a n ewspaper_ buy some stamps_ get a pair of shoesStep 4 Liste ningListe n and complete the conv ersati ons in the picture in1a. The

7、n check the an swers with the whole class.Step 5 PracticeMake conversations using the information in 1a. Then talkabout your own city.For example:A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to thebookstore?B: Sure, just go along Main Street un til you pass Cen ter Street.The bookstore is on yo

8、ur right, beside the bank.A: Than ks. Do you know whe n the bookstore closes today?B: It closes at 7:00 p.m. today.A: Tha nk you!B: You re welcome.Step 6 Liste ning1. Liste n and nu mber the direct ions in the order that you hearthem.2a You will hear some of the directi ons below. Number thedirect i

9、ons in the orderyou hear them._ Go to the bird floor._ Turn left._ Go to the sec ond floor._ Turn right._ The supermarket is betwee n the flower store and thebookstore._ Go past the bookstore.2. Liste n aga in. Show how the boy walks to the supermarket.Draw a line in the picturein 2a. Then get one s

10、tude nt draw the line on the blackboard.3. Listen the third time and answer the questions.1) Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy some medicine?2) Do you know how to go there?3) OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know whe n thisshopp ing cen ter closes ton ight?4) OK, thanks a lot.Step

11、7 PairworkMake conv ersati ons about the other places in the picture in2a.A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can buy some stamps?B: Yes, there s a post office in this shopping center.A: Do you know how to go there?B: Yes. Go to the third floor and turn right. Then go past thebank. The post office

12、 isbetwee n museum and library. You should be able to getstamps.A: OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you knowB: I m not sure, but you A: OK, tha nks a lot.B: You re welcome.Step 8 Read ing1. Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.2. Role - play the conversation.3. Expla in the Ian

13、guage pints in 2d.(1) Go along Main Street un til you pass Cen ter Street.1) until 和 till 同義為 直到.” ,till 多用于口語,until可以放在句首,till則不能放在句首。2) not.until 直到 才”,表示直到某一時間,某一行為才發(fā)生,之前該行為并沒有發(fā)生。e.g. I did not study En glish un til 9 oclock last ni ght.(2) Pardon? Restroom? You already want to rest? But wehaven

14、t even started yet!1) pardon 用作動詞,后面既可以跟賓語,也可以跟雙賓語;pardon sb. for doingsth 意為 原諒/寬恕某人做某事”e.g. Can you pard on me for not pass ing the exam,Mom?2)在沒有聽懂對方的話, 請對方重復一下時也可說 pardor。e.g. Pardon? I m sorry I can t follow you.(3) I m excited to try the rides!excited 和 exciting 的區(qū)另:1) excited 意為 徼動的;興奮的”,作表語時

15、,主語通常是人;作定語時,常用來修飾人,說明激動的表情。e.g. All of us were excited whe n we heard the good news.The excited child ope ned his prese nt quickly.2) exciting 意為徼動人心的”,作表語時,主語通常是物;作定語時,常用來修飾物。e.g. The movie is very excit ing.My father told me an exciting story.(4) I mea n you know, a washroom or bathroom.mean 作動詞有

16、以下含義:1) 有的意思,指(多作及物動詞),其后可跟名詞或代詞,也可跟從句。e.g. What does this word mean?2) 意味(著)(及物動詞), 常跟名詞, 有時可跟動詞-ing 形式或從句。e.g. Carl really could not do thatitwould mea n the end of his career.3). 有 意圖,打算,想,常跟名詞、代詞或動詞不定式。跟帶不定式的復合結(jié)構時,還可用于被動語態(tài)。e.g. I n ever meant to hurt you.(5) We normally say“toilets” or“washrooms

17、”.normally adv.正常地;通常地,一般地e.g. August is n ormally a slow mon th.(6) Nine thirty, so you don t need to rush!rush v.倉促;匆忙 n.倉促;匆忙e.g. Then three policeme n rushed at him. (rush.)They made a rush for the door. (rush n.)Step 9 Summary1) Excuse me. Where is Qiaotou Middle School?2) Excuse me. Could you

18、tell me where Qiaotou Middle Schoolis?3) Excuse me. Do you know how I can get to Qiaotou MiddleSchool?=Do you knowhow to get to Qiaotou Middle School?4) Excuse me. Which is the way to Qiaotou Middle School?Step 10 HomeworkMake conv ersati ons about your own tow n/city.Sectio n A 2 (3a-3b)Step 1 Revi

19、sio n1) Tran slate the senten ces into En glish.1請你告訴我,怎樣去書店好嗎?2打擾了,你知道我在哪能買到一些郵票嗎?3我想知道公園今天什么時候關門。4銀行和超市之間有一個餐館。2) Role-play the conv ersati on in 2d.Step 2 Prese ntati on1) Show a picture of fun park. Ask stude nts: Are you excited totry these in the fun park?2) Show a ride to them and say: How do

20、 you think the ride? Is itfun or scary? Do you want to have a try?Step 3 Read ing1) Read the conv ersati on in 3a quickly and true or false thesenten ces. Alice and He Wei are in Water World. The new ride looks scary. Alice was scary at first. Alice thinks the new ride is actually fun. He Wei thi nk

21、s Fun Times Park restaura nt severs deliciousfood. A rock band plays in Water World Restaura nt every evening. Alice and He Wei can go later to the restaura nt.2) Read the conv ersati on aga in and an swer the questi ons in3a.1. Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did shefeel after the

22、 ride?2. What is special about Uncle Bob s restaura nt?3. Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?Step 4 PracticeUnderline the questi ons or stateme nts in the conv ersati onthat ask for in formatio n.Rewrite them in a differe nt way.e.g. I won der where we should go n ext.Could you

23、tell me where we could go n ext?Check the an swers with the whole class.Step 6 Lan guage points1.1 was scared at first, but shouting did help.此句相當于 I was scared at first, but shouting really helped.原句是一種表現(xiàn)強調(diào)的句式,英語中,可用助動詞 do 對謂語動詞進行強調(diào),構成強調(diào)句。e.g. Please do be careful.請一定小心。I do agree with you.我完全同意你的意

24、見。He did warn you other day, remember?他 前兩天就告誡過你,還記得嗎?2. You n ever know un til you try someth ing.try 的用法1) 做名詞 have a try 試一試e.g. Why not have a try?為什么不試一試?2) 做動詞try to do sth.努力做某事e.g. Well, we ll try to finish the homework in time.那好。我們爭取及時完成作業(yè)。(2) try doing sth.表示嘗試著去做某事e.g. - I usually go the

25、re by trai n.我通常乘火車去那兒。-Why not try going by boat for a change?為什么不換乘船呢?(3) try one s 盡某人最大的努力e.g. Thank you. I will try my best.謝謝你。我會盡力而為的。3. I suggest Water City Restaura nt in Water World.suggest 作動詞,可意為顯示;間接表明”,后可接賓語從句。e.g. His behavior suggested (that) he was a kind man.他的行為顯示他是個好人。suggest 作建議

26、”講時,應注意以下兩點:1) suggest doi ng sth. 建議做某事e.g. I suggested going home.我建議回家。2) suggest 后接從句時,從句常用虛擬語氣,謂語由“ should 動詞原形”構成,should 可以省略。e.g. I suggested that we should go home 我 建議我們回家。另外,suggestion 是 suggest 的名詞形式,作 建議”講時,是可數(shù)名詞。e.g. Do you have any suggesti ons?爾有什么建議嗎?4. The restaura nt is always busy

27、, at that time so come a littleearlier to get a table.用于 就餐”的語境時,形容詞 busy 相當于 吃飯人多;餐廳擁擠”的意思;動詞 短語 to get a table 類似于漢語 定餐桌;占位子”等意思。Step 7 Homework1. 背誦 3a。2. 用“Could you tell me寫三個問路的句子。Sect ion A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c)Step 1 Revisio n1. How did Alice and He Wei think of the new ride?Students say the

28、sentences together?Alice thought that it looked pretty scary. He Weithought that it would be fun.2. After the ride, Alice and He Wei talked about theirfeeling.Alice thought that was fun! She was scared at first, butshouting really did help.He Wei told Alice that“ You n ever know un til youtry someth

29、 ing.”3. Alice and He Wei talked about Uncle Bob s.Alice thought this restaura nt looked in teresti ng. Itseemed a rock band plays there every eve ning. HeWei suggested that they could have dinner there.Step 2 Grammar Focus1) Let stude nts complete the senten ces.1. 打擾了,你知道我能在哪買到一些藥?Excuse me, do yo

30、u know where_buysome medici ne?2. 當然,順著這條街有個超市。Sure. There is a supermarket dow n the street.3. 請你告訴我怎樣到郵局好嗎?Could you please tell me_get to the postoffice?4. 對不起,我不確定怎樣到那。_, I am_ how to get there.5. 你能告訴我們今晚樂隊什么時候開始演奏嗎?Can you tell us_playing this eve ning?6. 晚上 8 點開始。It starts at 8:00 p.m.7. 我想知道

31、接下來我們該去哪兒。I_ where we_8. 你應該試試那個新的乘騎設施。You should try that new ride over there.2)Objective clauses with wh-questions上一個單元我們已經(jīng)學習了由 that 和 whether, if 引導的賓語從句。這個 單元我們繼續(xù)學習由疑問詞引導的賓語從句。疑問詞: 疑問代詞 (what、 whom、who、 whose which)疑問副詞(when where、why、how)。語序:無論主句是陳述句還是疑問句,也無論主從句間是什么引導詞,賓語從句一律用陳述語序, 即 引導詞+主語+謂語+

32、其它”女口: Could you tell me where Wei Fang lives?時態(tài)1.如果主句是一般現(xiàn)在時或一般將來時, 賓語從句的時態(tài)不受限制,可根據(jù)實際表達的需要來確定。如:Jenny knows the man was flying a kite at that time.You will understand why I did it one day.總有一天你會明白我為什么那樣做。2. 如果主句是一般過去時,賓語從句用過去時態(tài)的某種形式。如:I thought he had gone to tow n that day.我以為他那天進城去了。3. 如果賓語從句敘述的是客

33、觀事實、自然現(xiàn)象或科學真理等,從句不受主句時態(tài)的限制,用一般現(xiàn)在時。如:He said time is mon ey.他說時間就是金錢。3) Practice1. He asked_for the computer.A. did I pay how muchC. how much did I pay2.“ Have you see n the film?He asked me_A. had I see n the filmB. have I see n the filmC. if I have seen the filmD. whether I had see n the film3.“You

34、 ve already got well, haven t you? ”B. I paid how muchD. how much I paidhe asked me.she asked.She asked_ .A. if I have already got well, hadn t youB. whether I had already got wellC. have I already got wellD. had I already got well.4. He asked,“ How are you gett ing along? ”He asked_.A. how am I get

35、t ing alongB. how are you gett ing alongC. how I was getti ng alongD. how was I getti ng along5. He asked me_ told me the accide nt.A. whomB. whichC. whoD. whose6. She asked me if I knew_ .A. whose pen is itB. whose pen it wasC. whose pen it isD. whose pen was itKeys: DDBCCBStep 3 Function: Ask for

36、in formatio n politely and follow directions1)問路時應注意1問路時應首先說一聲:“Excuse me 這樣可以引起對方的注意,又不失禮貌。2當你沒聽清時,你可以說一聲 “Excuse me, would youplease say it agai 對”(不起,請您再說一遍好嗎?)或“I beg your pardon?對不起,請再說一遍好 嗎?)等,禮貌地要求對方重復一遍。3問完路后,千萬不要忘記向?qū)Ψ秸f句 “Thank you forhelping me.或 ”hank you.4問路時經(jīng)常會用到 向左(右)拐”這樣的表達,英語對此有兩種常見的說

37、法,即 turn left (right)或 turn to the left (right)。表示 在左(右)邊”,英語用介詞 on 或 at 均可。2)用英語問路及其回答1Excuse me, can you tell me where the railway stationis?打擾一下,請問火車站在哪兒?2Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the trainstation?勞駕,請冋去火車站怎么走?3Excuse me, could you tell me which is the way to thenearest hospital?

38、勞駕,請冋去最近的醫(yī)院怎么走?4Excuse me, would you please show me the way to thepost office?請告訴我去郵局怎么走好嗎?5Excuse me, would you mind telling me the way to thepolice station?勞駕,請告訴我去警察局怎么走好嗎?6Excuse me, how can I get to No. 1 Middle School?勞駕,請問去一中怎么走?7Excuse me, is this the right way to the People s Park?打擾了,請問去人民

39、公園走這條路對嗎?8Excuse me. Could you tell me if there is a QiaotouMiddle School near here?打擾了,請問橋頭中學是否在這附近?9Excuse me. Do you know how I can get to QiaotouMiddle School?=Excuse me. Do you know how to get to Qiaotou MiddleSchool?請問,你知道怎樣去橋頭中學嗎?3) 指路的方法1Take along with this street, andis onyou left. Go down

40、 this way, and turn left at the first crossing,and you II findis right there, on your left.is behi nd (n ear, n ext to, on the left of) You can just take NO.111 bus, and get off at the second stati on. And you it. Look! is in front of us far away, right there!Step 4 Practice1) Rewrite the questions

41、in 4a to make them morepolite. Where can I buy some grapes or other fruit? How does this CD player work?3How do I get to the Central Library?4Is the Italia n restaura nt n earby ope n on Mondays?Get stude nts write dow n their an swers in their books.2) What should each person ask in the followingsi

42、tuations? Let students writedow n their an swers and them say their an swersone by one. Tim is very hun gry.Could you tell me where I can get someth ing toeat?Excuse me, would you mind telling me how Ican get to a nearby restaura nt?Pard on me, do you know if there s a restaurant around here?2Sally

43、needs to mail a letter.3Helen needs to know when the bike shop closes. Ben is wondering if there s a bank in theshopping center.3) Ask students to write four questions that a tourist mightask about your city/ tow n. Then role-play conv ersations with your part ner.Step 5 ExercisesTran slate the sent

44、en ces into Chin ese.請你到那后給我打個電話好嗎?請在這條路的盡頭向右轉(zhuǎn)。你能告訴我在哪里可以買到一些郵票嗎?你可否告訴我火車什么時候到達武漢?Step 6 Homework假如你到一個陌生的城市去旅游,你想向當?shù)厝肆私庖恍╆P于那個城市的東西,請編寫一個你和當?shù)厝说男υ?。Sectio n B1 (1a-2d)Step 1 Revisio nYou are a tourist in a city, you want to know somethingabout the city. Make a conv ersatio n about ask ing informatio

45、n politely.A: Could you please tell me where the nearest bank is?B: Sure, go east along this street, then you llsee it.A: Can you tell me if there is a delicious restaura nt n ear here?B: Sure. Walk along this street, the restaura nt is on you right.A: And do you know where the biggest hospital is?B

46、: Go dow n this street, tur n left at the first cross ing, you willsee it.A: After dinner, I want to buy a pair of shoes, would you mindtelling me where then earest supermarket is?B: It s over there, just across from you.A: Haha! I see it. Thank you very much!B: You are welcome.Step 2 Lead in1) Talk

47、 about places in your city.2) Show some pictures of places and discuss what qualitiesare importa nt for each place.Step 3 1a & Pairwork1a What qualities are important for each place? Write thewords from the box next to each place below. Write themost importa nt words first.in teresti ng, fasc in

48、 at ing, in expe nsive, quiet uncrowded, big, beautiful, convenient, safe, clea nPlacesQualitiesrestroomclea n, un crowded, convenientmuseumin teresti ng, quiet, un crowdedrestaura ntclea n, in expe nsive, quietparkbeautiful, safe, bigsubwayun crowded, safe, convenientmallin expe nsive, big, in tere

49、st ing, convenient, safePair work1b Talk about places in your city using the words in 1a.A: The Fun Arts Museum is really in terest ing.B: Yes, and it s beautiful, too.A:Step 4 Liste ning (1c)1) Listen and check the sentences you hear.Con versati on 1_ You can go to Gree n Land.Con versati on 2_ Cou

50、ld you tell me where the bookstore is?2) Listen to the conversations and complete thesentences.(1c)Con versati on 1The boy asks about_ , and the clerk tells himto go to Gree n Land.Con versati on 2The girl asks about_ , and the clerk tells her togo to the corner of Marketand Middle Streets.Con versa

51、ti on 3The mother asks about_ . The father wan ts to goto a_museum.The youn ger girl wants to go to a_museum. Theboy wan ts to go to a_museum. The older girl wants to go to an_ museum. The clerk suggests they go to themuseum.3) Listen again and answer the questions (1d)Con versati on 1The boy asks a

52、bout restaura nts, the clerk suggests him goto Gree n Land, they have delicious salad. Step 5 PracticeRole-play the conv ersati ons betwee n the clerk and thetourist.A: Can you tell me where there s good place to eat?B: Of course. What kind of food do you like?A: I d like fresh vegetables.B: You can

53、 go to Gree n Land, they have delicious salad.A:Step 6 Prese ntati on2a Where do you n eed to make polite requests? Think of somepossible situati ons.Discuss them with your part ner.? In a foreig n coun try.? In public places like a bank, a post office, a library, ashopp ing mall, etc.At school.? At

54、 home, especially whe n speak ing to your elders.Zhang Mi ng is traveli ng in the USA. He wan ts to go to asmall tow n but he does ntknow the way now. What should he do?Step 7 Discussi onDiscuss the Ianguage you used to make this reques 要 (求,請求).Was it the sameeach time? If not, discuss why not.Step

55、 8 Read ing1) Read the article and match paragraph with its main idea.2d Read the article an d underline the topic sentence for eachparagraph.Paragraph 1When you visit a foreig n coun try, it is importa nt to know howto ask for help politely(adv.禮貌地).Paragraph 2Good speakers cha nge the way they spe

56、ak in differe nt situations.Paragraph 3Usually polite questions are longer. They include expressionssuch as“ Could youplease ?” or “ May I ask?”Paragraph 4However, it is importa nt to lear n how to use the right Ianguage in differe ntsituations. 2) Read the article aga in and an swer the questio ns.

57、Read paragraph 1 and an swer the questi on.What else do we n eed to lear n besides ask ing a questi oncorrectly whe n you ask forhelp?We n eed to lear n how to be polite whe n we ask for help.Read paragraph 2 and an swer the questi on.What do we n eed to think about whe n you talk to differe ntpeopl

58、e?We need to think about whom we speak to or how well weknow them.Read paragraph 3 and an swer the questi on.What can lead in to a request with a stranger on the street?“Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me” or “I m sorry to trouble you, butask ing for help.2c Find all the direct questi ons and po

59、lite requests from thepassage.Direct questi onsPolite requests1.Where are the restrooms?2. When is the school trip?3. Peter, tell me your e-mailaddress.4. Where s the post office?1. Could you tell me where therestrooms are?2. Excuse me, Mr. West.Do you know whe n the schooltrip is?3. Peter, could yo

60、uplease tell meyour e-mail address?4. Pard on me, could you pleasetell me where to park my car?2d Read the requests below. In the second column, write A ifyou would say it to some one you know and B if you would sayit to a stra nger. I n the last colum n, writewhere you think these people are.RequestPer


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