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1、東師英語課程與教學(xué)論15春在線作業(yè)2一、單選題(共20道試題,共40分。V 1. Which expressi on about elicit ing is in correct?。A. Eliciting invoIves the class by focusing students attention and making them think.B. Elicit ing en courages stude nts to draw on what they already knowor partly know.C. Elicit ing takes less time tha n stra

2、ightforward prese ntati on of new Ian guage.D. Elicit ing g滿分:2分2. Lear ners may be un willi ng or eve n refuse to lear n the Ian guage of a nation whichis () to their country in economy, culture or social progress.A. i nferiorB. superiorC. more developedD. higher滿分:2分3. Which of the following are n

3、ot the main types correcti on().A. self correcti onB. peer correcti onC. teacher correcti onD. classmate corrcti on滿分:2分4. What kinds of methods can you use when you less on s().A. using videotapesB. using sheetsC. using checklistsD. above all滿分:2分5. The root of a word is also called the_ .A. stemB.

4、 suffixof errorobservingC. base formD. A or C滿分:2分6. In the followi ng sen ten ces, which one is wron g?()A. Vary in structi ons could en rich course conten ts.B. Vary in structi ons enhance opport un ities for lear ning En glish.C. Vary in structi ons helps develop stude ntsIan guage aware ness.D.

5、Vary instructions enh ance the studentsmemory ability.滿分:2分7. For most people the term ” curriculum includes those actactivities that educati on have devised for _ ,which are represe ntedin the form of a written document.A. teachersB. desig nersC. lear nersD. stude nts滿分:2分8. Which of the following

6、characteristics of a task-activity invoIvesstude nts in a way that in tri nsically motivates, lowers the affective filter, and creates adesire to excel.A. authe ntic Ian guage materialsB. in ductive reas oningC. non-li nguistic outcomeD. motivated stude nts滿分:2分9. Which is not belongs to cognitive s

7、trategies?A. resourc ingB. self-ma nageme ntC. tran slati onD. i nferen ci ng滿分:2分10. The an alytic syllabus refers n ot to what the syllabus desig ner does, but to the_required of the lear nerA. doingB. operati onsC. PracticeD. learni ng滿分:2分11. Which one of the charaters is not bel ongs to a good

8、Ian guage learner?A. Be creative and experime nt with Ian guageB. lear ns to live with errors and lear n from errorsC. recites words without un dersta ndingD. seeks out all opport un ities to use the target Ian guage滿分:2分12. () relates to the truthfu In ess of the data.A. validityB. reliabilitC. sub

9、jectD. object滿分:2分13. Which opi nio n of using En glish in the classroom is wron g?()A. teacher-guided correcti onB. group correcti onC. focus correct ing滿分:2分14. _ is the adding of a letter or sound, or group of lettersor soun ds, to a word which cha nges the meaning or fun cti on of the word.A. de

10、rivati onB. conv ersi onC. affixatio nD. backformatio n滿分:2分15. One of the principles of the Direct Method is that classroom in structi on was conducted exclusively in the ()la nguage.A. n ativeB. ano ther newC. targetD. first滿分:2分16. Who found a strong connection between aptitude andproficie ncy?A.

11、 GardnerB. KreshenC. TerrellD. Carroll滿分:2分17. In the followi ng sen ten ces, which one is wron g?()A. Vary in structi ons could en rich course conten ts.B. Vary in structi ons enhance opport un ities for lear ning En glish.C. Vary in structi ons helps develop stude ntsIan guage aware ness.D. Vary i

12、n structi ons enhance the stude ntsmemory ability.滿分:2分18. _ is a word game in which you write answers toquesti ons in a patter n of nu mbered boxes.A. an agramB. crosswordC. riddleD. word puzzle滿分:2分19. Which of the following options is not used to show a lexical itemvisually?_A. show ing by an obj

13、ectB. show ing a pictureC. show ing by mimingD. showing by listing opposite meaningsf滿分:2分20. Which one do you thi nk is not the correct stateme nt().A. as an assessor, the teacher does two things, that is, correctingmistakes and orga nizing feedbackB. the most important and difficult role that the

14、teacher has to playis to be an con trollerC.task-based teachi ng methods en courage the teacher to participate滿分:2分滿分:2分二、多選題(共10道試題,共20分。)V 1. What are the roles ofteachers nonv erbal behavior in the classroom?。A. Allow teacher to become better receiver of stude ntsB. It will active classroom atmos

15、phere.C. Teacher will become a better sen der of sig nals that rein force learning.D. It will in creases the degree of the perceived psychological close ness betwee n te滿分:2分2. Tech niq ues of no ti ng an error in clud in g().A. facial expressi onB. sentence completi onC. clarification requestD. exp

16、licit correcti on滿分:2分3. There are three Ts that can help engage the students in the writing activities. Whatare they?A. targetB. toolsC. topicmessaD. time滿分:2分4. Listed below are some possible characteristics of a disciplined ELT (En glish Language Teachi ng) classroom. Which ones do you thi nk are

17、 appropriate。.A. the less on is proceedi ng accord ing to pla nB. the class is under the teachers controlC. the teacher and stude nts show respect to each otherD. the teacher appears to be the authorityE. un discipli ned stude nts are puni shed滿分:2分5. Qualitative data of heuristic/s yn thetic resear

18、ch may con sist of ()A. eth no graphic observati ons,B. i nterviewsC. exam in ati on of textsD. collect data滿分:2分6. A typical class might be structured in the manner presented below().A. i ntroductio nB. i nputC. i nteractio nD. evaluati onE. in tegrati on滿分:2分7. What are the cognitive processes res

19、ult in the rules which compose the in terlanguage?A. Overge neralisati onB. Tran sfer of Trai ningC. Strategies of L2 Lear ningD. Strategies of L2 Communi cati onE. Lan guage Tran sfer滿分:2分8. There are three strategies for expa nding your En glish vocabulary,they are_A. con textualizati onB. discrim

20、 in ati onC. affixatio nD. substituti on滿分:2分9. For much of the class time, students are put into groups of differe nt sizes. The mostcom mon stude nt group ings are().A. whole class workB. pair workC. group workD. i ndividual work滿分:2分10. Which procedures are recommended in preparing self-report fo

21、rms (Richards andLockhart, 1996)A. identify in as much as possible the philosophy underlying the courseB. ide ntify differe nt kinds of teachi ng activities, proceduresC. prepare a less on report form滿分:2分D. prepare videos滿分:2分三、 判斷題 (共20道試題, 共40分。V 1. The meaning of a word can be showed by combinin

22、g differe nt tech niq ues.A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確滿分:2分2. When correcting an error , a teacher may suggest an appropriate alter native word orphrase.A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確滿分:2分3. If teachers do not have eno ugh time, they could finish abruptlyor run on afte bell.A.錯(cuò)誤A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確4. If there is an immediate task at hand, such as takin

23、g a test, perhaps teacher-guidedcorrecti on is the most effective solutio n.A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確滿分:2分5. It is best to correct all the mistakes stude nts make in the class.A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確滿分:2分6. In trali ngual errors orig in ate with the structure of the n ativeIan guage itself.A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確滿分:2分滿分:2分7. Qualitative method i

24、s a research method that relies less on nu mbers and statisticsbut more on in terviews, observatio ns, smallnu mbers of questi onn aires,B.正確滿分:2分8. Accord ing to Noss , there are a nu mber of facilities available to impleme nt the Ianguage policy.A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確滿分:2分9. The teacheroie can be defined as con

25、troller, assessor;organizer, prompter, participant and resource-provider .A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確A.錯(cuò)誤滿分:2分10. Before the end of the 1950s, the mastery of Ianguage structures was the mai nmeasure of compete nee in a foreig n Ian guage,A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確11. Errors can indicate the students stage of Ianguage learning and acquisti on.A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確滿分:2分12. In Communicative Approach , the focus is on Ianguage form, rather tha n onmeaning.A.錯(cuò)誤B.正確滿分:2分13. The aim at the con trolled practice stage is simply to give students prac


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