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1、M A R V E L品牌策略案例分析商業(yè)模式創(chuàng)新MARVE L品牌概述商標簡介品牌文化漫威漫畫公司(Marvel Comics)是美國的漫 畫巨頭,與DC漫畫齊名,于1939年創(chuàng)建;于1961年 正式命名為Marvel;后于2009年12月被華特迪士尼 公司收購;于2010年9月宣布中文名為“漫威”。 漫威漫畫旗下?lián)碛兄T多著名的角色,包括蜘蛛俠、 鋼鐵俠、美國隊長、雷神托爾、綠巨人、金剛狼、 神奇四俠、惡靈騎士、蟻人、復(fù)仇者聯(lián)盟、X戰(zhàn)警、 銀河守衛(wèi)者等。2008年底,華特迪士尼公司以42.4 億美元收購Marvel Entertainment Inc.,獲得了 絕大部分漫畫角色的所有權(quán)。20

2、10年9月,Marvel 宣布其正式中文名稱為“漫威”。漫威塑造的英雄集正直勇敢的品格、堅定頑強 的信念、維護和平與正義的雄心于一身,是青少年 的英雄夢的寫照。產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈MARVE L公司歷程30年代1934年 , 馬 丁 古德曼創(chuàng)立RedCircle,開始出版通俗小說40年代1941年喬西蒙和杰克科比創(chuàng)造的美國隊長出版。50年代二戰(zhàn)結(jié)束,超級英雄題材衰落,恐怖和犯罪漫畫引發(fā)社 會對恐怖漫畫的批判。大批漫畫公司倒閉,60年代1961年,斯坦李和杰克科比創(chuàng)作出神奇四俠很快漫 威擁有了浩克、蟻人、蜘蛛俠、鋼鐵俠、雷神等受歡迎 的人物,具備了崛起的資本。70年代1970年,漫威和DC打變相的價格戰(zhàn),最終

3、獲勝。自此, 漫威的市場份額首次超越了DC。80年代80年代初,美國漫畫市場格局變動,成年讀 者成為消費主流,漫畫的銷售方式從報攤、藥妝店分銷,演變成專門的漫畫店直銷方式。 漫畫內(nèi)容變得更黑暗,更成熟。1980年,漫威宣布成立自己的影視公司 Marvel Productions,主要從事動畫出品。1986年,漫威被新世界電影公司( New World Pictures )收購,后來又于1988年轉(zhuǎn)賣 給露華濃的總裁羅納德佩雷爾曼。90年代1991年,漫威上市。上市后的漫威大肆擴張,背上了巨大的債務(wù)。“漫威電影”(Marvel Films)成立。主要售賣 版權(quán)(X戰(zhàn)警的改編權(quán)被賣給了20世紀福斯

4、, 蜘蛛俠的改編權(quán)賣給了索尼。)1991年,吉姆李、麥法蘭等一批明星畫家反 出 漫 威 自 立 門 戶 , 成 立 了 Image公司。九十年代中期,漫畫業(yè)的泡沫破滅,大批漫 畫店破產(chǎn)關(guān)門,漫威的銷售渠道受損,股價一路下跌。1996年,漫威影業(yè)(Marvel Studios)成 立 。新千年2001年,漫威宣布退出CCA,比照電影的分級制推出了自己的分級系統(tǒng)。漫威影業(yè)決定打造自己的電影宇宙,不再出售改編權(quán)。2008年的鋼鐵俠是漫威 電影宇宙的第一步。2009年,迪士尼宣布以40億美元的價格收購漫威。二戰(zhàn)結(jié)束后超級英雄題材衰落社會對恐怖漫畫的批判20世紀50年代第一次危機20世紀90年代第二次危

5、機設(shè) 立 自 律 條 例 CCA委托渠道商美國新聞公司發(fā)行DC旗下的分銷商“獨立新聞公司”代 其 發(fā) 行轉(zhuǎn)機:“神奇四俠”二戰(zhàn)結(jié)束后超級英雄題材衰落大量收購分銷公司背負巨大債務(wù)明星畫家脫離漫威成立image公司90年代中期漫畫業(yè)衰敗,漫畫店破產(chǎn),漫威銷售渠道受 損,股價嚴重下跌通過販賣漫畫人物版權(quán)來維持經(jīng)營被迪士尼收購What are success factors underlying Marvels turnaround ?The Turnaround Years: Marvel Enterprises, Inc.MARVE L公司周轉(zhuǎn)monetizing the content libr

6、ary via licensing characters for use with media products (such as motion pictures, television, publishing, and video games) as well as other consumer products (such as toys, apparel, collectibles, and food).Managing the library of characters to foster long-term value,bring them to life, using motion

7、 pictures, television, animation, or toys.”Retaining some form of control over the creative processto ensure the quality of the content that featured Marvel characterswas the third main strategic dimension.周邊產(chǎn)品深 入 角 色 角 色 質(zhì) 量Marvels three divisionsEach of its divisionscomic-book publishing, toys, an

8、d licensingwere run as distinct businesses, but the Marvel Universe provided a common theme to all activities.Comic-Book PublishingToyslicensingCustomers Marvel toys were “primarily aimed at boys from four to 12 years oldtoys usually represent the first exposure of a child to a character. It determi

9、nes whether its going to be thumbs up or thumbs down. If its thumbs up, then the likelihood of that child buying a T-shirt, a lunchbox, a backpack, and a pair of sneakers based upon that character is much higher.periodicals and graphic novels,13-23years oldMarvel maintained an “aggressive publishing

10、 schedule,” according to Gui Karyo, president of Publishing. About 60 periodicals appeared each month, and 100 to 300 graphic novels were published each year.magazinescollection“Were helping our licensees sell their products under a Marvel brand,”The licensing division licensed Marvels characters to

11、 a variety of media, including feature films, television programs, video games, animation, and destination-based entertainment (such as theme parks). Marvel also received fees from the sale of licenses for use in a wide variety of consumer products.漫畫出版玩具版權(quán)Comic-Book Publishing保持更新 與時俱進統(tǒng) 一 風 格滿足消費者訴

12、求“One of the problems with our standard comic books is that its hard for new readers to get into them if theyre coming into a story laterthey dont have an opportunity to read the previous 30 years of comic books,” Karyo explained. “What we did with the Ultimate series is move to complete adventures

13、in four to six magazines, so a new reader can come into the series and get interested in the whole story.”特點特點分銷渠道分銷渠道漫畫專營店 傳 統(tǒng) 零 售 網(wǎng) 點訂閱銷售平臺the direct marketplayed a crucial role.carry many products on a monthly basis as comic-book specialty stores.Specialty bookstores generally did not occupy prem

14、ier retail locations, were often not managed as professionally as general bookstores and mass-market retailers, and had a very narrow customer base.advantage disadvantageSales often benefited greatly from exposure in other media, particularly movies. The publishing division adjusted supply according

15、ly. “刺激消費刺激消費the comic-book publishing giants were engaged in a relatively friendly rivalryToy divisionMarvel收取的版權(quán)費是玩具銷售總值的15%,同時因為活動玩偶占玩具授權(quán)收入的90%,這一筆交易對于玩具部的運行有著重大影響,同時Marvel 的玩具部門負責為TBW進行其版權(quán)內(nèi)角色的產(chǎn)品設(shè)計,市場營銷和銷售。In July 2001, Marvel had entered into a five-and-a-half-year exclusive licensing agreement

16、with TBW, a Hong Kong-based independent company. Under this agreement, TBW licensed the right to manufacture and sell action figures that featured Marvel characters.以和TBM合作為例可以控制產(chǎn)品從設(shè)計到最終的管理和執(zhí)行過程,保證產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量control over the quality of the product, from design to final engineering and execution對于自己的產(chǎn)品有更好的認

17、識和理解Be intimately knowledgeable about and aware of our characterswe know what they are all about, what their powers are, and what the story of their life is.Benefits現(xiàn)在玩具市場充滿風險,而漫威的玩具部具擁有玩具設(shè)計師、銷售人員和 專業(yè)的銷售知識,和TBW制造公司形成完美的融合We have toy designers, salespeople, and merchandising expertise. TBW is a manuf

18、acturing company. It is a perfect blend.1998年被Toy Biz公司收購,Marvel擁有大量的玩具業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)驗In the early 2000s, Marvels toy division was widely recognized as one of the worlds foremost designers of action figures, action-figure accessories, play sets, and boys role-playing toys for the mass market.licensingLicensing

19、 represented a significant market opportunity. The licensing division licensed Marvels characters to a variety of media,also received fees from the sale of licenses for use in a wide variety of consumer products.電影制片方保留發(fā)行時間和策略的權(quán)利,漫威保留商業(yè)銷售權(quán)目前,超級英雄電影大致呈現(xiàn)出三足鼎立之勢,漫威、福斯、索尼分別坐 擁復(fù)仇者聯(lián)盟X戰(zhàn)警蜘蛛俠這三大當下最熱門的超級英雄系列

20、電影的版權(quán)。事實上,這三 大 系列曾經(jīng)都屬于漫威旗下,由漫威 一 手 創(chuàng)造。從20世紀90年代開始,漫威將旗下電影權(quán)紛紛賣給各家電影公司1986年 至 1996年期間,漫威旗下的多數(shù)超級英雄都被各家電影公司買走 索尼買走了蜘蛛俠毒液的版權(quán)福斯買走了X戰(zhàn)警神奇四俠死侍等版權(quán)現(xiàn)如今電影版權(quán)分散在各家,超級英雄無法組隊,再買回也很難“趣味“漫威角色版權(quán)歸屬圖解s.w.o.t分析歷史悠久,基礎(chǔ)雄厚, 資 金 充 裕具備優(yōu)秀的創(chuàng)作團體群眾基礎(chǔ),現(xiàn)有角色深 受喜愛(滲透到文化), 待 開 發(fā) 角 色 潛 力 大嚴格的質(zhì)量把控機制S(strength)W(weakness)新 角 色 不 夠 深 入 人 心審美疲勞技術(shù)創(chuàng)新不足版權(quán)分散利用已有資源和商業(yè)模 式制作電影開 發(fā) 有 潛 力 的 新 角 色O(opportunity)T(threats)競爭對手強勢(DC)制作成本高漫威和DC對比:漫威的主要在于商業(yè)電影,吸引觀眾眼球,DC的劇情更深刻有內(nèi)涵,在 反派的塑造上更為成功,比如小丑。 DC的電影策略上比較保守,版權(quán)只給了一


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