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1、精品資料可編輯修改8D報告8D Report編號 Report N0.:1客戶投訴信息描述Descripti on of Customer complai nt客戶名稱Customer Name問題類型Problem Type失效模式Failure Mode投訴發(fā)生地點Locati on投訴來源Source產(chǎn)品信息 Product In formatio n產(chǎn)品類別Classificati on產(chǎn)品型號及名稱Product Model and Name產(chǎn)品料號ProductPart#問題產(chǎn)品批號Product LotNo.關(guān)鍵部件型號及名稱Key Part Model and Name關(guān)鍵部件

2、料號Key Part Part#關(guān)鍵部件批號Key Part Lot No.問題產(chǎn)品數(shù)量Defective Qty問題嚴(yán)重程度ProblemSeverityD0 :準(zhǔn)備 Preparation主題Subject接收日期Date Received2012/4/5D1 :團隊 Team先鋒Pion eer組長Team Leader成員TeamMembersD2 :問題描述Problem Description500 張仙湖植物園車輛專用通行證中,證卡表面打印錯誤?!爸病贝虺伞爸怠本幹迫耍篒ni tiated By:日期:Date:2012/4/6D3 :應(yīng)急措施 Con tai nment Act

3、io n(s)可插入文本、附件(文件、圖片等)1 nsert Text and/or attachments (documents, pictures, etc.) 無。證件已經(jīng)下發(fā)。責(zé)任人:Resp on sible:完成日期:Completi onDate:D4 :根本原因Root Cause(s)可插入文本、附件(文件、圖片等)1 nsert Text and/or attachments (documents, pictures, etc.)4 月 2 日市場部臨時接到交通局緊急制證需求,制作仙湖植物園車輛專用通行證,市場部雜證組沒有按照管理體系要求,先由客戶簽字確認(rèn)排版,再進行批量印

4、刷。其次,對版面沒有進行仔細檢查,導(dǎo)致通行證上岀現(xiàn)錯字。責(zé)任人:Resp on sible:楊蘭英完成日期:Completi onDate:D5 :糾正措施 Permanent Corrective Action(s)可插入文本、附件(文件、圖片等)1 nsert Text and/or attachments (documents, pictures, etc.)精品資料可編輯修改嚴(yán)格按照管理體系流程執(zhí)行。責(zé)任人:Resp on sible:完成日期:Completi onDate:D6 :效果驗證Effectiveness Verification可插入文本、附件(文件、圖片等)Inser

5、t Text and/or attachments (documents, pictures, etc.)責(zé)任人:Resp on sible:完成日期:Completi onDate:D7 :防止再發(fā)生 Actio ns to Preve nt Recurre nee可插入文本、附件(文件、圖片等)Insert Text and/or attachments (documents, pictures, etc.)責(zé)任人:Resp on sible:完成日期:Completi onDate:D8 :關(guān)閉、總結(jié)及經(jīng)驗Closure - Conclusion - Learning可插入文本、附件(文

6、件、圖片等)Insert Text and/or attachments (documents, pictures, etc.)責(zé)任人:Resp on sible:日期:Date:是否關(guān)閉?Closure ?是否YesNo備注Remark客戶意見、未關(guān)閉的原因等Customer Comme nt, reas on of un closed, etc.關(guān)閉人:Closed By:關(guān)閉日期:Closed Date:8D 欄位說明:各欄位填寫說明Colu mn filled in structio n:1.如果欄位空間不夠,請自行調(diào)整或增加必要的附件;If the space isnt enough

7、, pls adjust the size or addn ecessary attachme nts;2.在必要欄位插入圖片、附件、壓縮文件、圖表等內(nèi)谷;Insert pictures, files, attachments, compress files, charts,etc. if n ecessary;3.信息欄位不適用時,請用 表示;If the item is not applicable, pls fill in it.模板項目Template Item填寫單位Resp on sibleto complete解釋說明Expla nati on精品資料可編輯修改編號 Report

8、 No.:各事業(yè)部根據(jù)文件定義給岀的報告編碼(待客戶抱怨系統(tǒng)上線后系統(tǒng)自動生成編碼)Report No. is assig ned by each Group/Divisi on accord ing to thedocument requirements. It will be assigned automatically after using the Customer Complaint Man ageme nt System.精品資料可編輯修改客戶名稱Customer Name問題類型Problem Type問題類型指如外觀、電性能、尺寸等For Example: Cosmetic,

9、Electricalcapability, Dime nsion, etc.失效模式 FailureMode失效模式指如:臟污、劃傷、劃痕等For Example: Dirt, Scratch, etc.抱怨發(fā)生地點Locati on抱怨發(fā)生的地點The locati on where the compla int occurred抱怨來源 Source抱怨是來自哪里的投訴,如來自市場投訴,客戶工廠等Where the compla intarises from, such as: market, customer factory, etc.產(chǎn)品類別Classificati on產(chǎn)品分類,如:

10、電池、電芯、機構(gòu)件、塑膠件等Product Classificatio n, suchas battery, cell, hous ing, plastic, etc.產(chǎn)品型號及名稱Product Modeland Name具體產(chǎn)品的型號及名稱The model and n ame of the failure product產(chǎn)品料號 Part#問題產(chǎn)品批號Product LotNo.關(guān)鍵部件型號及名 稱Key Part Modeland Name女口:電池的關(guān)鍵部件是電芯Example : Cell is the key part of Battery關(guān)鍵部件料號Key PartPart#關(guān)

11、鍵部件批號Key Part Lot No.問題產(chǎn)品數(shù)量Defective Qty分選岀在各環(huán)節(jié)產(chǎn)生不良產(chǎn)品的數(shù)量Qua ntity of defective product foundfrom sorting activities at each process stage問題嚴(yán)重程度Problem Severity嚴(yán)重程度根據(jù)各事業(yè)部文件中定義的客戶抱怨等級(如:重大、嚴(yán)重、一般、輕 微)Problemseverity can be defined according to the document of each Group/Divisi on, e.g. Sign ifica nt,Ma

12、jor, Gen eral, Minor.DO、D1主題 Subject抱怨的主要內(nèi)容,一句話概述Main conten t of the complai nt describe as asubject接收日期DateReceived抱怨接受到的時間The time whe n accepted the complai nt.先鋒Pion eer一般為主管階層,監(jiān)督小組的進度,支援及對決策決定權(quán)力。The person oftencomes from the man ageme nt in gen eral, resp on sible for supervis ing, support in

13、g anddecisi on-mak ing in the team work.組長 TeamLeader領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組成員按計劃完成小組各項活動Lead the members to complete eachactivity accord ing to the acti on pla n.成員 TeamMembers各部門相關(guān)人員,女口: PE, QA, ME,等相關(guān)人員 Releva nt pers onnel of eachdept., e.g. PE, QA, QE, ME, etc.D2問題描述ProblemDescripti on陳述接受到抱怨的具體內(nèi)容,可插入附件、圖片等相關(guān)信息De

14、scribe thecontent of this compla int, and in sert releva nt in formati on such asattachme nts, pictures, etc.責(zé)任人編制此份報告者Name of individual responsible for establishing this精品資料可編輯修改Resp on sible:report完成日期Completi onDate:問題描述填寫完成時間The date whe n the problem description filled outD3應(yīng)急措施Con tai nmentAc

15、tio n(s)描述接受到客戶抱怨所采取的應(yīng)急措施,含對在制品,運輸途中,倉儲,顧客工 廠等地方采取的措施(24 小時內(nèi)完成) Describe actio ns after receiv ingcustomer compla in ts, it contains the acti ons take n on products on-li ne, in-delivery, storageand customer factory, etc.(completed within 24 hours)責(zé)任人Resp on sible:制疋應(yīng)急措施的責(zé)任人Name of i ndividual respo

16、n sible for establishi ngemerge ncy acti on完成日期Completi onDate:應(yīng)急措施的完成時間The completi on date of containment acti onsD4根本原因 RootCause(s)從發(fā)生原因、流岀原因、流岀而未檢測岀等方面進行詳細的分析,可插入分析圖、數(shù)據(jù)、圖片等進行說明(7 天內(nèi)完成)Use this section to provide a detailedexpla nati on/results of the Root Cause An alysis in clud ing occurredrea

17、s on, escape reas on, escape but not detected reas on. In sert an alysis chart, data,pictures to dem on strate.(completed withi n 7 days).責(zé)任人Resp on sible:分析原因責(zé)任人Name of i ndividual respon sible for root cause an alysis完成日期Completi onDate:根本原因分析完成時間The completi on date of root cause an alysisD5糾正措施P

18、erma nentCorrectiveActio n(s)描述詳細的糾正措施計劃,跟進計劃執(zhí)行情況并提供相應(yīng)的證據(jù)(含:圖片、數(shù) 據(jù)、圖表、測試報告等)(14 天內(nèi)完成)Use this section to provide a detailed explanation of the CorrectiveAction Plan, follow up the implementationof pla n and provide releva nt evide nces (pictures, data, charts,in specti on reports, etc). (completed w

19、ith in 14 days)責(zé)任人Resp on sible:措施執(zhí)行人 Name of in dividual resp on sible for impleme nting the acti on.完成日期Completi onDate:措施完成時間 The completi on date of acti onsD6效果驗證Effective nessVerificati on提供相關(guān)的證據(jù)顯示問題已得到改善,如:圖片、文件、數(shù)據(jù)等(14 天內(nèi)完成)Provide releva nt evide nces to prove the problem has bee n improved,

20、 e.g.pictures, docume nts, data, etc.(completed with in 14 days)責(zé)任人Resp on sible:驗證人 Name of individual responsible for verifying the effectiveness完成日期Completi onDate:驗證完成時間The completi on date of verificati onD7精品資料可編輯修改防止再發(fā)生Acti ons toPreve ntRecurre nee證明通過改善可以防止類似問題的發(fā)生或?qū)⒋烁纳菩袆油卣褂陬愃频倪^程以防止 再發(fā)或標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化于我

21、們現(xiàn)行的過程, (如: 控制計劃, 形成文件, 設(shè)備、 夾具改造 等) Use this section to provideimprovement evidenee to preventcompla ints recurre nee; or tran sform preve ntive acti ons into process or sta ndardize ourcurre nt process to avoid recurre nee. (Con trol pla ns, docume nts, equipme nt/jig updates,etc.)責(zé)任人Resp on sible:預(yù)防措施制疋和執(zhí)仃者Name of in dividual


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