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1、通州區(qū)金郊初中“導學式”高效課堂.八年級英語學科導學案 2013-11-28八(上)Unit Six Reading ( 2)主備:顧成梅 審核:導學目標:1讀懂文章,了解扎龍自然保護區(qū)的基本情況。2培養(yǎng)學生根據(jù)上下文猜測詞義的能力。3復習和拓展有關(guān)保護野生動物的詞匯。4引導、教育學生保護鳥類、保護自然。導學過程:【自主學習】根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容填空Were some rare birds. We like living in _.We live in Zhalong _. Zhalong _us enough food and _.Every year many_ come to see us. W

2、e had a happy life there. But three years ago,it changed.There was a big fire in our ideal home,and some people wanted to change our home into _ and _.The number of us is getting smaller & smaller. Therere only about 500 in China now. We are_ animals and now in _. We want to have a_in Zhalong. P

3、lease tell people the _ of protecting _.We want to come back home! Please help us! 【合作探究】1.在中國東北部 2.世界上最重要的濕地之一3.為它們提供食物和棲息地 4.一些珍惜鳥類的天堂5.全年/全天 6.去那兒稍事停留7.在白天很活躍 8.去研究鳥類9.為了有很多的農(nóng)田和家園的空間 10.導致11.野生動物越來越少的空間 12.持續(xù)做某事13.有足夠的食物吃 14.理解濕地的重要性15.制定法律來阻止著一切 16.觀鳥協(xié)會成員17.記錄他們的種類 18.記錄他們數(shù)量上的變化19.需要更多的人來數(shù)和描述鳥類

4、20.整年生活在扎【精講點撥】1.The area provides food and cover for a lot of vide vt. 提供provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 為“某人(某事)提供某物”1)羊供給我們羊毛。(2種)2)他們供給我們食物。(2種)2.Many birds live in Zhalong all year round.all year round 一年到頭,全年1)這里的天氣全年都很舒適。2)農(nóng)民們長年累月在地里干活。3. While some go there only for

5、a short stay.1)while 作連詞,有兩種含義:作“當時候”解時,引導時間狀語從句;作“而,然而”解時,表前后意義上的對比。我們正聊天的時候,米莉進來了。有人浪費食物,而有人卻食不果腹。2) while 作名詞,一段時間,一會兒老虎只能跑一小會。4. and 40 per cent of them live in Zhalong.per cent of 意為“百分之”我班里35%的學生是女孩。_of the students in my class _ girls.中國30%的淡水在湖里。_ of the fresh water in China_ in the lakes.5.

6、Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings.in order to 意為“為了,目的是”, 相當于“to”我們建立更多的濕地是為了幫助更多的野生動物。We build more wetlands_/_ help more wildlife.他坐直了以便能清楚地看到黑板。He sits straight _ _ _ see the blackboard _.6.This will lead to less and less space for w

7、ildlife.lead to 導致 1)身體缺乏維生素就會生病。Vitamin deficiency (維生素缺乏) can _ illness. 2) 砍伐竹林會導致熊貓的食物越來越少。Cutting down bamboo forests can _less and less food for pandas.7.The Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong.prevent vt. 意為“阻止”,“預防 ” prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事相似的短語有

8、: stop sb. from doing keep sb. from doing我們應該阻止人們把濕地變小。【自主評價】一、根據(jù)句意及提示填入適當?shù)膯卧~。1. This book _ (提供) useful information about different types of cranes.2. You have a _ (極好的) English dictionary.3. She planned a short _ (停留) in a hotel.4. Is there any _ for my clothes in that cupboard (櫥柜)? 5. She _ (記錄)

9、 everything that happens to her in her diary.6. Were living in a time of great _ (變化).7. Millions of _ (觀光者) visit Rome every year.8. Lets _ (數(shù)數(shù)) out loud from one to ten. 9. Could you _ (描述) it?10. I cant _ (理解) his words.11.The Chinese _(政府) has made laws to protect them.12.The fishermen keep _ (釣

10、魚)in the river, and soon there may be little _(剩下)二、單項選擇。1. -Cranes need more peoples help.-Yes. People working in the reserve are doing something _ these birds. A.protectB.protectingC.to protectingD.to protect2.If more and more wetlands disappear(消失), there _space for plants and animals. A.will goi

11、ng to be fewer and fewer B.is more and more C.will be less and lessD.is going to be fewer and fewer3.The weather in north China _ hot in summer. A.must be B.can be C.might beD.mustnt be4.I hope _ finish your homework first. A.you toB.youC.to youD.that5.He couldnt run _ to catch up with the cat. A.en

12、ough fastB. quick enoughC.fast enoughD. enough quickly6.Hurry up, theres no time _. A.leavingB.leftC.leavesD.leave7.My brother and I want to visit _ at hospital. A.one of our good friendB.one of our best friend C.one of our good friendsD.one of our best friends8.Zhalong is a wonderful home for crane

13、s and _ birds. A.anotherB.otherC.the otherD.others9. The parents _ food and clothes.A.provide the children to B.provide the children forC.provide the children against D.provide the children with10.Please tell me the change _ the number of students in our school. A.in B.intoC.to D.with三、完成句子。1.How ma

14、ny _ (自然保護區(qū)) for birds are there in China?2. China has been _ (最重要的之一) markets for cars.3. The forest _(提供食物和庇護所) for the wild animals.4. We plan to _(給貧困地區(qū)的孩子們提供) some books.5. 世界上沒有太多的鶴剩下了,但在這里你能很容易觀看到。There are _ _ cranes _ in the world, but you can _ _ _ here.6. 糟糕的計劃會導致以后的困難。Bad plans will _ di

15、fficulty later. 7. 越來越多的人開始明白濕地的重要性。 More and more people start to _ wetlands.8.沒有人能阻止他記錄鳥類在數(shù)量上的變化。 Nobody can _9.他為了保持健康一年到頭鍛煉。 He exercises_ _ keep fit.10.許多人帶手機是為了拍照和聽音樂。Many people take mobile phones _take photos and listen to music. 11.小孩子白天總是充滿活力。Little children are always _ . 12.扎龍的鳥類正面臨著許多問題

16、。The birds in Zhalong Nature Reserve _.V.完形填空。Flies usually live in the dirty places. Lets look at a fly, and see where it _1_. First it flies out of the window; _2_ it stands on _3_ dirty things in the street; and third it flies back to the house and walks over your _4_.When a fly walks on the dirt

17、y things in the street, its _5_ have got some germs _6_ them. When the fly walks on your food with its dirty feet, it _7_ the germ on your food.What can you learn from this?First, we learn that we _8_ leave dirty things in the street or on the ground near _9_. Second, we learn that all food must be covered _10_ flies may not get to it. Third, we learn that flies often carry germs and we must kill them as soon as we see them.1.A.walksB.standsC.livesD.flies2.


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