



1、建造的英文短語精選合集羅馬不是一天建造而成的,同樣的,我們的知識積累也不 是一天就能夠完成的.下面是給大家整理的建造的英文短語,供大家參閱!建造的英文短語篇11. The demand generated by one factory required the construction of another.一家工廠產(chǎn)生的需求使得必須再建造一家工廠.2. Builders must fasten down roofs of newly-built homes more securely.建造工人必須把新建房屋的屋頂固定得更牢靠些.3. Workers at the plant build th

2、e F-16 jet fighter.這個工廠的工人建造 F-16噴氣式戰(zhàn)斗機.4. The high and low-rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s are crumbling.20世紀(jì)60年代建造的上下不一的公寓樓群正在逐漸破損 坍塌.5. The company has recently moved into a new purpose-built factory.該公司最近搬進(jìn)了 一家專門建造的新工廠.6. The Normans built the castle which was reduced to ruins under Cro

3、mwell.諾曼人建造了這座后來在克倫威爾統(tǒng)治時期變成廢墟的城7. He approached me to create and design the restaurant.他請我建造弁設(shè)計該飯店.8. Many of Kuwait s spacious freeways were engineered by W S Atkins.科威特有很多寬闊的高速公路是阿特金斯集團設(shè)計建造 的.9. Early settlers built frames of spruce, maple and pine.早期的定居者用云杉木、楓木和松木建造屋架.10. The place is a bit jerry

4、-built.這地方建造得有些不牢靠.11. The yacht is built of cedar strip planking.游艇是用雪松木條建造的.12. Concrete purpose-built resorts are littered across the mountainsides.山坡上到處都是專門建造的水泥度假屋.13. It was built piecemeal over some 130 years.它是在差不多130年的時間里一點一點地建造起來的.14. back-to-backs built for the poor in the 19th century19世

5、紀(jì)為貧民建造的連排式房屋15. The school is built of brick.那所學(xué)校是用他建造的.建造的英文短語篇2這座橋的建造對這兩個鎮(zhèn)的交通很重要.The building of the bridge is very important for thetransportation between the two towns.建造這座建筑物花了好幾個月時間.The erection of the building took several months.他們建造了一個鞏固的城垛.They built a strong battlement他不顧朋友們的反對,繼續(xù)他建造飛行器的方

6、案.He continued with his plan to build a flying machine, in spite of the mockery of his friends.大樓是用水硬水泥建造的.The building is made of hydraulic cement.一條新鐵路正在建造之中.A new railway is being built.他建造碼頭和倉庫,為建造道路、學(xué)校和住宅做方案.He built wharves and warehouses and planned for roads and schools and homes.譚可自己設(shè)計了所有的家

7、具讓建造商來建造.Tanco designed all the furniture himself and had his builders make it.幾乎所有快速開展的城市的治理者們都認(rèn)為他們需要有地 鐵或類似地鐵的設(shè)施,如果建造地鐵,或許 2060年才能完工, 而建造快速公交系統(tǒng)的話,2021年就可以使用了.And bus rapid transit systems can be built more quickly.建造的英文短語篇3他們?yōu)槲医ㄔ炝艘凰孔?然后就走了.They built my house for me, and then they left.這幢大樓是按那位建筑

8、師的設(shè)計建造的.The building was constructed from the design of that architect.這棚屋是用附近森林里長的樹木建造的.The hut was constructed from trees that grew in the nearby forest.在那里,我回想著美國和建造美國這個國家的人.And in that place, I think about America and those who built it.沒有人從分析層級上設(shè)計或者建造.No one designs or builds from an analysis l

9、evel.再沒有什么能象群眾的雙手那樣去建造一切為破壞而建的 東西.There is nothing like the hand of the populace for building everything that is built bydemolishing.如果其他人建造了你的衛(wèi)星,他們就掌握著技術(shù)他們就控 制著你在付費的情況下能使用的和你能獲得的東西.他說.If someone else builds your satellite they have control of the technology what they will allowyou to use and what y

10、ou get for your money, he says.他們建造了它.They built it .這些依賴于下面的層以及所有使用它們的應(yīng)用程序,所以,理想情況下,在應(yīng)用程序被建造在它們之上之前, 它們十分地穩(wěn) 定.These depend upon the layer below, and all applications that use them depend on them, so,ideally, they are pretty stable by the time that applications are built atop them.如果這是我們幫助建造的世界,那我抱歉.If this is the world we helped create, then I apologize.在湖的右岸有一排凝灰?guī)r建造的房子,這是一家飯館.On the right from the lake there is a restaurant built of tuff.如果說它們之間有什么類似之處的話,那


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