



1、Section A 第 2 課時(3a4c)教學目標類別學習重點重點單詞passenger, trouble t himself、onto hit重點短語get off right away, to oneT s surprise get into trouble?fall downagree to do sth.重點句式1. A woman next to him was shouting for help,2* I'hanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers ,the doctors saved the man in time.3. The old m

2、an had a heart problem and needed to go to the hospital right away.心 Did you hurt yourself playing soccer?5” The bus driver» 24-year-old Wang Ping stopped the bus without thinking twice.自主學習方案1. 自學生詞,并記住拼讀及拼寫。2. 預習課本,找出重點短語及句子。課堂教學過程Step 1情景導入T :Whe n you see some one lyi ng on the road because

3、 of ill ness orbeing hurt, will you leave or send him/her to the hospital? Lef s read thepassage on Page3.環(huán)節(jié)說明:由現(xiàn)實生活中常常發(fā)生但又敏感的話題入手,引起學生的思索,同時又引出要學的內(nèi)容。Step 2完成教材3a3b的任務1閱讀3a短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答問題?!癉o you think it comes from a n ewspaper or a book? How do you know?”2. 認真閱讀短文,標注出故事中所發(fā)生的事情,完成后讓學生展 示自己的答案,教師點撥。3

4、. 再次細心閱讀短文,理解每一句話的意思,小組合作解決遇到 的疑難問題。4. 教師點撥短文中出現(xiàn)的重點和難點。5. 熟讀短文,識記背誦知識要點。6. 小結訓練。(B) (1)You mustn' the bus until it stops.A. get upB. get offC.get dow nD. get over(C ) (2) We all expect the student_the singing competiti on.A .winB. beatC . to winD. to beat(A ) (3)Tosurprise, parents bought a new

5、computer forA. her ; her ; herB. her ; her ;hersC. she ; hers ; herD. hers ; her ; her(B ) (4) the kind man, the girl was saved.A. Thank forB. Thanks toC . BecauseD. Thanks a lot環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過閱讀分析文章,學生的閱讀分析能力在這一環(huán)節(jié) 得到提升;小結訓練又及時地鞏固強化了重要的知識點。Step 3完成教材3c的任務1認真閱讀3a短文,思考3c中的問題。2組討論發(fā)表自己對三個問題的觀點。Step 4 完成 Grammar

6、 Focus 4c 的任務1. 朗讀Grammar Focus中的句子。2. 參考學案上的單元語法精講精練,引導學生歸納語法知識。3. 完成4a4b的練習。4. 教師糾正學生答案。5. 小組中一個學生扮演病人,其他學生猜測病人的疾病并且給出好的建議,完成后邀請幾組學生展示,完成4c。Step 5問題探究1. The boy with his parentsis (be) asleep.介詞短語不作主語)。2. He expects to receive (receive) a gift 不定式作賓語)(A )3. Thanksthe teacher; or we can' t succ

7、eedA toB for C in由句意可知,使用Thanks to “多虧了”。Homework完成4a 4b的練習讀記后,完成自學導練作業(yè)。教學反思Section B 第三課時(1a Id)教學目標類別學習重點重點單詞knee 目 sick * ourselves重點短語get hit on the head, hurt oneself have a nosebleed重點句式1* He hurt himsclf in P E. class.2. You should run it under water.自主學習方案1. 自學生詞,記住拼讀及拼寫。2. 預習課本,找出重點短語及句子。課堂

8、教學過程Step 1情景導入T : There are many accidents happening every day. But do you know how to deal with these problems? What should you do whe n you have a no sebleed? And what should you do whe n you cut yourself? If you don' t know the answers to the questions please don' worry. Today we will lea

9、rn how to deal with the problems.環(huán)節(jié)說明:由生活中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的意外為話題引出本節(jié)課所要學的內(nèi)容,貼近生活,弓I起學生的學習興趣。Step 2完成教材1a的任務1. 讓學生仔細觀察1a中的三幅圖片,然后根據(jù)圖片信息回答問 題: What happened to them?2. 小組討論出現(xiàn)1a中的意外情況時,我們應該怎么辦?然后將1a中所給出的句子按正確的順序排序,集體核對答案。3. 兩人一組利用1a中的信息編練對話,并邀請幾組學生表演對 話。參考案例A:What' s the matter with you?B : I fell down and hur

10、t my back.A : You should go to hospital to get an X-ray and rest for a few days.4. 小結訓練漢譯英。(1) 在上面扎上繃帶。Put a ban dage on it.(2) 在自來水下沖洗。Run it un der water.(3) 把你的頭仰起來。Put your head back.環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過本環(huán)節(jié)的學習讓學生知道出現(xiàn)這些意外后的應急措施,同時,對話練習又提高了學生的口語表達能力。Step 3完成教材1b 1d的任務1. 學生齊讀1b中的句子,為聽力練習做好準備。2. 認真聽錄音,將對話中護士所提的問

11、題標注出來, 集體核對答3. 再認真聽一遍錄音,將相應問題治療方案的字母與在冋題后面,完成1b,集體核對答案。4. 聽第三遍錄音,并跟讀,整體感知對話。5. 利用1b、1c中的信息,仿照1d的形式兩人一組來練習對話, 并邀請幾組學生表演對話。參考案例A : Who came to your office today?B : First,a boy came in. He hurt himself in P . E. class.A : What happened?B :6. 小結訓練。(C) The teacher tells the studen in the hallway.A. not

12、run C . not to run StepB . don' run D. doesn ' t to run4問題探究happe n的用法1. 這個故事發(fā)生在2003年。This story happened in 20032. 今天上午她發(fā)生了交通事故。An accide nt happe ned to her this mor ning.3. 昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一個朋友。I happe ned to see one of my friends in the street.注意:L和2* st lxro so.happen + :丨介詞+地點/時間發(fā)生"b

13、 sb. happen to do Sth,"碰巧干Homework1. Act out the conversation after class.2. 讀記后完成自學導練作業(yè)。教學反思Section B 第 4 課時(2a? 2b)教學目標類別學習重點重點單詞accident 亍 climber 亍 situation, kilo» rock 亍 knife, bloodmean, importance, decision 寸 spirit * death, nurse重點短語be used to» take risksrun out (of)竽 cut off

14、,get out of,be tn control of重點句式1. Aron is used to taking risks.2. Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions and of being in control of ones life.自主學習方案1. 自學生詞,并記住拼讀及拼寫。2. 預習課本,找出重點短語及句子。課堂教學過程Step 1 情景導入T : Hello ,everyone! Have you ever heard of Aron Ralston? He is an American man who

15、is interested in mountain climbing. He has many expetiences in climbing mountains. But unluckily , he lost his arm when he climbed the Utah. Do you want to know what happened to him? Let ' s read the story together.環(huán)節(jié)說明:以 Aron Ralston 的故事為話題,設置懸念,引起學生 的好奇心,引出本節(jié)課的學習內(nèi)容。Step 2 完成教材 2a 2b 的任務1. 學生朗讀

16、 2a 中的短語,教師糾錯,兩人一組互相提問背誦。2. 在運動的時候可能出現(xiàn)一些意外或是問題, 看看 A,B 和 C 所 代表的三項運動中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的意外或是冋題分別是什么, 然后將代表 三項運動的字母 A,B 和 C 分別寫在可能出現(xiàn)的意外或問題前面的 橫線上。完成后小組內(nèi)互相交流答案。3. 認真閱讀短文, 在你不理解的語言知識點下面畫橫線, 然后在 字典里查詢不理解的單詞及短語。4. 教師讓學生再讀短文,回答下列問題以檢查學生的理解情況。(1) When did Aron almost lose his life?(2) How did he save his life?(3 ) What

17、does“ between a rock and a hard place” mean?5. 教師根據(jù)學生閱讀理解情況點撥短文中出現(xiàn)的重點和難點。6. 熟讀課文,識記背誦知識要點。7. 小結訓練。(A) (1) The boystay up, but now he going to bed early.A. used to, is used toB. is used to, used toC. used to, used to(D) (2)The thiefthe lift and ran away.A. got offB. got onC. got intoD. got out of(B)

18、(3) He sits in the front of the classroomhe can hear theteacher clearly.A. so onB. so thatC. i n order toD. so that(C) (4) The bran ch(樹枝)of the tree is dead.So we should.A. cut offB. cut off itC . cut if off D. cut them off(C)(5) After a short rest, they keep on.A. to workB. workC. work ingD. works

19、環(huán)節(jié)說明:通過本環(huán)節(jié)的學習使學生對 Aron Ralston的事跡有了 進一步的了解,同時Aron Ralston的優(yōu)秀品質(zhì)也使學生受到了教育; 而且通過小結訓練讓學生對重要知識點進行了鞏固練習。Step 3問題探究1. be used to 的用法他習慣于自己照顧自己。He is used to look ing after himself.used to do sth. “過去常干 ”;be used to sth. /doing sth. “習慣 (干)”。2 run out (of)他的錢用光了。He ran out of his mon ey. = His mon ey ran ou

20、t.sth. +run out; sb. run out of 十 sth.Homework讀記后完成自學導練作業(yè)。教學反思Section B 第 5 課時(2c? 3b)教學目標類別學習重點重點單詞ourselves 冬 kilo重點短語give up* keep on doing stli. * because of tmind doing sth.重點句式1. Aron almost lost his life three times because of climbing accidents.2. He doesn? t mind taking risks.3. Aron didn&#

21、39;t give up after the accident and keeps on climbing mountains today.自主學習方案1. 預習課本,找出重點句子及短語。2. 用短語造句,然后完成自學導練作業(yè)。課堂教學過程Step 1情景導入T: We read the story about Aron. Who can tell us about the story in En glish?環(huán)節(jié)說明:合學生明確的教學任務,讓學生帶著目的去讀文章并 完成相應的任務,效果更佳。Step 2完成教材2c2e的任務1. 認真閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成 2c中句子的判斷正誤,正 確的

22、圈True,錯誤的圈False,不知道的圈Don'know,完成后集體核 對答案。2. 再次認真閱讀短文,在短文中找出 2d 中五個問題的答案,完 成后請幾名學生展示答案,教師點撥。3. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容將 2e 中的句子排列順序,集體核對答案。4. 將排好順序的句子熟讀, 然后兩人一組根據(jù)這些句子提示向各 自的搭檔講述 Aron 的故事,可以根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容添加細節(jié)。環(huán)節(jié)說明:這一環(huán)節(jié)的訓練, 有助于學生的閱讀水平和口語能力 的提高,同時又鞏固加深了學生對文章的理解。Step 3 完成教材 3a 3b 的任務1小組內(nèi)通過對話的形式來完成 3a, 人扮演護士,其他學生扮 演前來就診的病人, 護士就病人的情況給出建議, 然后邀請幾組學生 來表演對話。參考案例A:What 's the matter?B : I have a sore throat.A: You should drink some water with honey , and you shouldn'


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