七年級英語Review of 5~6 Unit 7 Topic1When were you born 湘教版知識精講_第1頁
七年級英語Review of 5~6 Unit 7 Topic1When were you born 湘教版知識精講_第2頁
七年級英語Review of 5~6 Unit 7 Topic1When were you born 湘教版知識精講_第3頁
七年級英語Review of 5~6 Unit 7 Topic1When were you born 湘教版知識精講_第4頁
七年級英語Review of 5~6 Unit 7 Topic1When were you born 湘教版知識精講_第5頁
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1、用心 愛心 專心七年級英語七年級英語 Review of 56 Unit 7 Topic1:When were you born? 湘湘教版教版【本講教育信息本講教育信息】一. 教學(xué)內(nèi)容: Review of 56 Unit 7 Topic1:When were you born? Review of 56一. 請你和我一起大聲讀單詞和短語,見詞匯表 P49521. sunglasses 太陽眼鏡,墨鏡2. goods 商品,貨物3. movie theater 電影院4. sell 賣,售5. Mrs. 夫人,太太6. rest 休息,歇息7. hold 拿,抱;握??;舉行;進(jìn)行8. sig

2、n 指示牌,符號9. Wet Paint 油漆未干10. lane 小巷,胡同11. avenue 大道12. maple Road 紅楓路二. 學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo) 通過復(fù)習(xí)習(xí)題,回顧 56 單元的知識點(diǎn)。 Unit7 Topic 1一. 請大聲和我一起讀單詞,見詞匯表 P53571. birthday 生日2. thirteenth 第十三3. celebrate 慶祝4. party 聚會,晚會,黨派5. fun 有趣的;有趣的事6. bet 敢說,八成兒7. date 日期,約會8. ill 有病的,不健康的9. accept 接受10. refuse 拒絕,不愿11. reason 理由,原因1

3、2. were (are 的過去式)是13. was (is 的過去式)是14. Spain 西班牙15. present 禮物,贈品16. doll 玩偶,玩具娃娃17. shape 形狀,外型;使成型;制造18. aha 啊哈19. triangle 三角形;三角形的20. square 正方形;廣場;平方的;方形的21. circle 圓,圓圈;將圈起來22. rectangle 長方形;長方形的23. oval 橢圓,橢圓形的24. camel 駱駝25. centimeter 厘米,公分26. word 單詞,詞,話27. dictionary 詞典,字典28. player 播放器

4、,比賽者,選手29. tape 磁帶,錄音帶30. object 物體,賓語31. tour 旅行32. special 特別的,專門的33. candle 蠟燭34. surprise 驚奇,詫異;使驚奇,使詫異二. 短語集中學(xué)1. plan to do 計(jì)劃做某事2. have a party for sb 為某人開聚會用心 愛心 專心3. you bet 當(dāng)然4. be born in/on/at 出生于5. the shape of 的形狀6. use sth for 用某物來做某事7. look up 查找8. talk to 和某人談話9. buy sth for sb 為某人買某

5、物10. would like to do 愿意做某事11. ask sb to do 讓某人做某事12. give sb sth 給某人某物三. 詞匯拓展 1. fun(n) 有趣的事 (adj) 有趣的,可笑的 funny(adj) 滑稽的,令人發(fā)笑的 eg. Skiing has a lot of fun. 滑雪很有趣的。 Its a fun story. 真是一個有趣的故事。 Its a funny story. 真是一個滑稽的故事。 a funny-looking man 一個樣子滑稽可笑的人 2. ill(adj)有病的,不健康的。只能做表語,不能用做定語。 sick(adj)不舒

6、服的,生病的。既可做表語又可以做定語。 3. 表示形狀的詞匯:triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval 4. player (n) 播放器,運(yùn)動員,比賽者 eg. The CD player is very cheap. 那種 CD 播放器很便宜。 Yao Ming is a basketball player. 姚明是一個籃球運(yùn)動員。 5. 表示月份的詞1. January 一月2. February 二月3. March 三月4. April 四月5. May 五月6. June 六月7. July 七月8. August 八月9. Septemb

7、er 九月10. October 十月11. November 十一月12. December 十二月 注意:只有月份名詞,介詞用 in;有月份和日期同時出現(xiàn),介詞用 on。并且月份名詞首字母一定要大寫。 eg. When is the Teachers Day? 什么時候是教師節(jié)? Its on September 10th. 在九月十號。 When will the spring come? 春天什么時候到來? Its in March. 在三月份。用心 愛心 專心四. 短語和句型講解 1. be born in/on/at 出生于 對于這個短語后所接的介詞取決于后面接的是哪種類型的時間,

8、一般接地點(diǎn)都用介詞in。 eg. I was born in 1978 in Harbin. 我 1978 年生于哈爾濱。 I was born on August 6th. 我生于 8 月 6 日。 2. buy sth for sb have a party for sb 結(jié)構(gòu)歸類:for+ person: buy, make, get give sth to sb pass sth to sb 結(jié)構(gòu)歸類:to+ person: give, teach, show, send eg. She made a doll for me She made me a doll. 她為我做了一個娃娃。

9、 My dad bought a computer for me My dad bought me a computer. 我的父親為我買了臺電腦。 They want to give her a surprise.They want to give a surprise to her. 他們想給她一個驚喜。 3. use sth for sth/doing sth 用某物來做某事 use sth to do 用某物來做某事 eg. We can use chopsticks for eating. We can use chopsticks to eating. 我們用筷子來吃飯。 4. l

10、ook up 查找,注意在其后如接代詞做賓語,應(yīng)該將代詞置于 look 與 up 之間。 eg. I want to look up the new words in the dictionary. 我想在詞典上查查這些新詞匯。 Can you look them up for me ? 你能幫我查一查他們嗎? 5. would like to do 想要做某事 would like sb to do 想讓某人做某事 eg. Would you like to come to my house today? 今天來我家好嗎? Yes, Id love to. 好的,我非常愿意去。 I woul

11、d like you to meet my cousin, Liu Chang. 我想讓你認(rèn)識一下我的表兄,劉暢。 6. 典型句型 (1)問生日 When is your birthday? 答語:I was born on August 6th, 1978. (2)問日期 Whats the date today? 答語:Its April 19th. (3)問星期 What day is it today?用心 愛心 專心 答語:Its Wednesday. (4)問顏色 What color is it? 答語:Its black and white. (5)問形狀 What shape

12、 is it? 答語:Its round. (6)問長度 How long is it? 答語:It is 20 centimeters long. (7)問寬度 How wide is it? 答語:It is 15 centimeters wide. (8)問用途 What do we use it for? 答語:We use it to look up the new words.五. 語法提示 1. 序數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞序數(shù)詞寫法基數(shù)詞序數(shù)詞寫法onefirst1steleveneleventh11thtwosecond2ndtwelvetwelfth12ththreethird3rdthi

13、rteenthirteenth13thfourfourth4thfourteenfourteenth14thfivefifth5thfifteenfifteenth15thSixsixth6thsixteensixteenth16thseven seventh7thseventeenseventeenth17theighteighth8theighteeneighteenth18thnineninth9thnineteennineteenth19thTententh10thtwentytwentieth20thtwenty-onetwenty-first21stone hundredon hu

14、ndredth100thtwenty-ninetwenty-ninth29ththirtythirtieth30thone hundred and oneone hundred and first101stfortyfortieth40thfiftyfiftieth50thsixtysixtieth60thseventyseventieth70theightyeightieth80thninetyninetieth90th 總結(jié): 1. 從第 1 到第 3 為獨(dú)立的特殊形式 first, second, third 2. 從第 4 到第 19 的序數(shù)詞 以基數(shù)詞加“th”構(gòu)成:fourth,

15、fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth 3. 第 20 以上的序數(shù)詞 (1)從 20 到 90 等以-ty 結(jié)尾的十位整數(shù),把 y 改成 i 再加“eth”構(gòu)成序數(shù)詞。 twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth用心 愛心

16、 專心 (2)100 的序數(shù)詞為:hundredth (3)其余的兩位或多位數(shù),只將個位改成序數(shù)詞,其余仍用基數(shù)詞表示 twenty-first, thirty-second, forty-third two hundred and ninety-eighth(第 298) three thousand, seven hundred and twenty-first(第 3721) 序數(shù)詞的用法: 1. 序數(shù)詞可以作主語、賓語、表語、狀語和定語 The second is better than the first. 第二個比第一個好。(作主語) He has built five bridg

17、es since 1950, now he is starting on the sixth. 自 1950 年以來,他已建造過五座橋了,現(xiàn)在他正開始建第六座橋。(作賓語) Mary is the first to complete the test paper in her class. 瑪麗是她們班上第一個完成試卷的人。(作表語) She always comes first. 她總是第一個到。(作狀語) This was the first time he came to China. 2. 序數(shù)詞可以表示日期 Its September the first today. 今天是 9 月

18、 1 日。 It happened on September 18th, 1931. 這件事發(fā)生在 1931 年 9 月 18 日。 3. 序數(shù)詞可以表示編號 the twelfth lesson (= Lesson 12)第十二課 the second paragraph (= Paragraph Two)第二段 the fourth Middle School (= No.4 Middle School)第四中學(xué)【典型例題典型例題】 例 1. September is the _ month of the year. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth 解析:解析:這句話

19、的意思是九月份是一年當(dāng)中的第九個月。根據(jù)句意,應(yīng)選擇序數(shù)詞,先排除 A 選項(xiàng);并且 9 的正確序數(shù)詞表達(dá)法應(yīng)為 ninth,所以正確答案是 C。 例 2. Whats the date today? Its _. A. the May forth B. the fourth of May C. of May the fourth D. fourth May 解析:解析:此句話的意思是“今天是幾號?今天是五月四號” 。五月四號的寫法可以有:May fourth,但是在選項(xiàng)中沒有此答案,我們分別來仔細(xì)看下這四個選項(xiàng),B 選項(xiàng)是以名詞用心 愛心 專心所有格來書寫的,可以選擇,所以此題的正確答案是 B

20、。【模擬試題模擬試題】 (答題時間:30分鐘)I. 將下列日期序號填在正確的節(jié)日前 ( )1.Fools Day(愚人節(jié)) ( )2.Teachers Day ( )3.Womens Day ( )4.Childerns Day ( )5.Christmas Day (圣誕節(jié)) A. December 25th B. March 8th C. April 1st D. September 10th E. June 1stII. 根據(jù)句意及首字母補(bǔ)全單詞 1. The last month of a year is D . 2. How are you planning to c your bi

21、rthday? 3. I b its going to be fun. 4. My mothers b is in July. 5. N comes before December. 6. We are going to h a birthday party for Jim. 7. Whats the d today? 8. W is Kates birthday? 9. The first month of a year is J . 10. There are s days in a week.III. 單項(xiàng)選擇 ( )1.Our teacher was born May 2nd, 198

22、0. A. in B. on C. at D. to ( )2.The students are from different . A. country B. countrys C. countries D. countryes ( )3.I born in China. A. am B. is C. was D. were ( )4.Today is . A. Oct,31th B. Oct,31st C. Oct, thirty first D. Oct, thirty-one ( )5.Tomorrow is Sunday. Whats your . A. plans B. planned C. planning D. plan ( )6.They are their festival. A. celebrate B. celebrated C. celebrates D. celebrating ( )7.My birthday is . A.1990, May


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