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1、八年級上冊Units 12【配套課件】基礎(chǔ)鞏固I .單項(xiàng)選擇()1. How was It was great. Mile 's mum isA. a; theB. the; aC. the; the D. a; an答案: B解析:考查冠詞的用法。定冠詞the用在名詞前表特指,不定冠詞用在名詞前表一類。問句是指麥克家的晚餐, 故是特指; 答語是說麥克的媽媽是一個(gè)極好的廚師, 是 泛指。a用于輔音音素開頭的詞前,故選()2. I'm sorry to have kept you .It doesn'tmatter. I've just come.A. waitC

2、. waiting答案: C解析: 考查固定搭配。()3. Milk is good _A. to; healthyC. for; healthy答案: D解析: 考查固定短語。 飾。故選 D 。( )4. Only one.A. How oftenC. How much答案: B解析: 考查疑問副詞。意為 “多少”dinner at Mike 's house?wonderful cook. (2011 濱州 )B。B. waited D. to waitkeep sb. doing . . .讓某人一直做 our .B. to; healthD. for; health。故選 C

3、。be good for對有好處;health名詞,前可用形容詞性代詞修students in your class are from Beijing?B. How manyD. How far答句:只有一個(gè)。判斷詢問:多少?; students 為可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式。故用junk food, I think.how many 與 how much 都 how many 。()5. If you want to be healthier, you must eatA. moreC. fewer答案: B解析: 考查形容詞。B. lessD. many句意:如果你想要更健康,你必須少吃垃圾食品。

4、名詞,故用 less。()6. It A. costsC. takes 答案: C 解析: 考查動詞辨析。()7. Mary doesn'thear very well. Yes, there is with her ears.A. anything wrongB. nothing wrongC. something wrong D. wrong something 答案: C 解析: 考查形容詞修飾不定代詞,置其后,故排除 D 項(xiàng);由上文 “瑪麗聽力不好 ” 判斷:她的耳朵有毛病。表肯定的不定代詞something。故選C。()8. Can I help you? I 'd

5、like .A. two slices of breadC. two slices of breadshim half an hour to drive home every day. B. spendsD. uses句式:It takes sb. some time to do sth. 故選 C。B. two slice of breadD. two breadfood 為不可數(shù)答案:A解析:考查不可數(shù)名詞量的表達(dá)。不可數(shù)名詞bread前不能加數(shù)詞或后不能加s,故排除C、D項(xiàng);不可數(shù)名詞量的表達(dá)要借助量詞,若數(shù)超過一時(shí),量詞應(yīng)用復(fù)數(shù)形 式。故選A。()9. Dad, it 'suc

6、h a long way from our home to the park!You mean it' A. popu lar C. po ssible答案:B解析:考查形容詞辨析。 必要的,是嗎?to take a taxi? B. necessaryD. important句意:爸爸,從我們家到公園那么遠(yuǎn)。 popular流行的; necessary必要的;你的意思是乘出租車是po ssible 可能的;important重要的。故選B。()10. Hurry up, Jack. We have to go to the stati on before 11the 12: 00 t

7、rain.A. since C. as soon as答案:D解析:考查目的狀語從句。B. after D. so that:45we can catch上文“11:45前到火車站”的目的是“能趕上12點(diǎn)的火車”。故用so that表示目的。n .詞匯運(yùn)用根據(jù)所給首字母或中文提示填寫單詞。1. Don 'run athe street when the traffic lights are red.2. All the guests arrived at the party but the host didn 's up.3. On Sun day school is usua

8、lly e and stude nts have one day off.4. We need to come up with an i and make a decision at once.5. Yesterday Tom l me some money and I returned it to him today.6. At last, he (成功)in working out the maths problem.7. We must learn to look after (自己)when we are alone at home.8. Father 'day is on t

9、he (三)Sun day in June.9. When I got to the top of the high mountain, I could (幾乎不)walk any more.10. There's not much (不同)in price between the two mobile phones.答案:1. cross 2.how3.m pty4.dea 5.e nt6.succeeded 7.ourselves 8.third 9.hardly 10.differe nee綜合提能I .完形填空A long time ago in In dia, there w

10、ere a young king and a wise man who was the king ' friend. This king was a good man, _1_ he talked too much. In fact, sometimes the king could not stop talki ng.The wise man thought, “I must _2_ the king talk less. But how ?"There was a lake not _3_ from the p alace. A tortoise and two bird

11、s lived n ear the lake, and they were _4_ good friends. One day, the birds said to the tortoise, “ _5_ are going to a beautiful mountain tomorrow. _6_ you like to come with us?" The tortoise answered, “_7_ can I go with you? I can 'fly?“ We can take you," the birds said. “ Hold a stick

12、 in your mouth, and we ll carrythe stick betwee n us."“Thank you. You re very _8_,” said the excited tortoise.m flying !” He opened his said the 13. “ Why did it“ Bite on (咬住)stick, and don ' _9_. If you open your mouth, you 'lfail ,” the birds said.The next day, the king and wise man s

13、aw the two _10_ in the sky.“ Look ! ” said the king.“ Those birds are carry ing _! What' it?”The tortoise heard this and wan ted to say, “Im a tortoise! I mouth to say it, and _12_ the ground. “It 'a dead tortoise!” fall down the sky ?”The wise man answered. “ This talkative tortoise couldn

14、'hold on to the stick _14_ it 15.couldn 'keep its mouth shut. Great king, this showsThis king said, “ understand you, my friendtalkative king.()1. A. butB. andC. orD. so()2. A. hearB. helpC. watchD. see()3. A. in frontB. far awayC. nearD. beh ind()4. A. eitherB. bothC. allD. we()5. A. YouB.

15、TheyC. Peo pieD. We()6. A. ShouldB. WouldC. CouldD. Might()7. A. HowB. WhatC. WhenD. Where()8. A. politeB. luckyC.happyD. kind()9. A. ju mpB. flyC. talkD. climb()10. A. I ndia nsB. tortoisesC. birdsD. frie nd()11. A. noth ingB. anythingC. someth ing D. everyth ing()12. A. fell toB. flew overC. ran a

16、wayD. walked on()13. A. kingB. wise manC. tortoiseD. birds()14. A. soB. becauseC. whetherD. though()15. A. a littleB. too muchC. too manyD. a bitus how bad it is to talkAnd after that he became a wiser and less語篇解讀:烏龜在空中飛行本是不可能的事,但聰明的烏龜做到了。在鳥的幫助下,它含著木棍飛上了天空,但因?yàn)槎嘧鞂?dǎo)致了它跌下來摔死的下場。這個(gè)故事再一次告訴我們“沉默是金”這個(gè)道理。15

17、. B。由第一段中的“.he talked too much”和第二段中的 “must help the king talkless.”可知應(yīng)選B。n 閱讀理解Have you ever complained why life is so tiri ng? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Are your studies sometimes not successful? Well, frien ds, cheer up and smile all the time. If you see the world with your warm he

18、art, you 'lfind that the whole world smiles to you.While in school, sometimes you are tired of your lessons, but have you ever noticed the happy smile on your teachers face whe n you did a good job?One day it is fine. Just before you want to go out, it sudde niy starts to rain. Maybe you would f

19、eel very sad and start complaining about the weather. But dear frien ds, why don 'you sit dow nand liste n to the free con cert that the n ature offers you? And with the timely( 及時(shí)的)rain, crops in the fields will grow better and better and farmers will have a good harvest.Although every one want

20、s to succeed in what he tries to do, sometimes failure( 失敗)can 'be avoided. I think failure is not terrible, and terrible thing is that we are afraid of it and give up hope. When we face failure, we must be con fide nt in ourselves, draw a useful less on from it and try our best to finish what w

21、e have decided to do. As a popular saying goes ,”“ Failure is the mother ofsuccess. ”Attitude(態(tài)度)decides everything. With an optimistic(樂觀的)attitude life is easy and pl easa nt. Let'ssmile to whatever we meet and the whole world will smile to us.()1. People sometimes complain.A. the sky is alway

22、s darkB. their studies are successfulC. they see the world with their heartD. life is tiri ng)2. Accord ing to the p assage, in school.A. stude nts don 'like their less onsB. teachers will be happy if stude nts do good jobsC. teachers don 'like their teach ingD. teachers are tired of their work)3. If there is a timely rain,.A. you want to go outB. you can liste n to a con certC. crops in the fields will grow betterD. farmers can 'have a


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