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1、80 分強(qiáng)化限時訓(xùn)練 ( 六 )( 限時 60 分鐘 )第二部分 閱讀理解 (共兩節(jié) ,滿分 35 分)第一節(jié) (共 10 個小題 ;每小題 2.5 分,滿分 25 分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的 A、B C 和 D 四個選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。A【社會文化類】Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable,whether you are a book-lover or merely go there tobuy a book as a present.You may even have entered the shop just to find s

2、helter from a sudden shower.Whatever the reason,you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings.The desire topick up a book with an attractive dust-jacket is irresistible but you might end up with a rather dull book.Abook-lover rarely adopts this method of selection. All too often you soon

3、become absorbed in some bookor other,and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent far too much time there andmust dash off to keep some forgotten appointment without buying a book,of course.This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is,I think,the mainattraction o

4、f a bookshop.There are not many places where it is possible to do this.A music shop is verymuch like a bookshop.You can wander round such places to your heart s content.If it is a good shop,no assistant will approach you with the unavoidable greeting:“Can I help you,sir? ” You neednt buy anything yo

5、udon t want.In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finishedbrowsing.Then,and only then,are his services necessary.Of course,you may want to find out wherea particular section is,but when he has led you there,the assistant should retire considerately and lookas if h

6、e is not interested in selling a single book.You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop.It is very easy toenter the shop looking for a book on,say,ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latestbest-selling novel and perhaps a book about brass-rubbin

7、g something which had only uncertainlyinterested you up till then.This volume on the subject,however,happenedto be so well illustrated and the part of the textyou read proved so in teresti ng that you just had to buy it.This sortof thi ng can be very dan gerous.Apart from running up a huge acco un t

8、,you can wastea great deal of time wan deri ng from secti on to secti on.1.What is most likely to happe n to a book-lover in a bookshop?A. Lost in some book,he forgets someth ing else importa nt.B. Anno yed by the shop assista nt,he dashes off for an appo in tme nt.C. Attracted by its cover,he buys

9、some book turning out to be a dull one.D. Un satisfied with its surr oundin gs,he leaves the shop without buying a book.2n the author s opinion,a shop assistant in a bookshop is supposed to _ .A. greet customers in a more suitable mannerB. retire from the job if he has no passi on for itC. l eave cu

10、stomers alone before services are n eededD. offer nice services from the very mome nt customers step into the shop3.ln a bookshop with a diversity of books,you tend to_.A. ig nore the latest best-sell ing novelB. be trapped in a dan gerous situati onC. buy some book you are not at all in terested in

11、D. buy other books in stead of those you in itially want語篇解讀:你喜歡讀書嗎?你有沒有在書店里消磨時光的經(jīng)歷呢?你認(rèn)為什么是書店吸引你的地方?文章介紹在書店中度過的時間是非常愉快的,有時間你也可以去感受一下。答案及剖析:1. A 推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章第二段 .that you realize you have spent far too much time there and mustdash off to keep some forgotten appointment without buying a book,of course.推

12、斷知,愛書之人容易沉浸在書海中,從而會忘記重要的事情,所以選 A 項(xiàng)。2. C 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章第三段In a bookshop an assista nt should remai n in the backgro undun til you have fini shed brows in g.The n,and only the n,are his servicesnecessary.可知,書店服務(wù)員在顧客看書選書的時候是不需要過多關(guān)注的,只有在有需要幫助的時候,服務(wù)員才提供服務(wù),由此選 C 項(xiàng)。3.D 推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章最后一段It is very easy to enter th

13、eshop looking for abook on,say,ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel and perhaps abook about brass-rubbing something which had only uncertainly interested youup till then.推斷知 , 很多購書之人原本打算買某一本書 , 但在書店選購看書的過程中 , 受到其他書籍的影響 , 從而最后出來的時候買的可能是另外一本書了 , 而忘了他 最初要買的書 ,

14、由此該題選 D 項(xiàng)。B【短篇故事類】 Myfather was 44 and knew he wasn t going to make it to 45.He wrote mea letter and hoped that somethingin it would help me for the rest of my life.Since the day I was 12 and first read his letter,some of his words have livedin my heart.One part always stands out.“ Right now,you are

15、 pretending to be atime-killer.But I know that one day,you will do something great that will set you amongthe very best. ”Knowing that mydad believed in megave mepermission to believe in myself. “You will do somethinggreat.”He didn t know what that would be,andneither did I,but at times in my life w

16、hen I ve felt proud of myself,I rememberhis words and wish he were here so I could ask.“ Is this what you were talkingabout,Dad?Should I keep going? ”A long way from 12 now,I realize he would have been proud when I made anyprogress.Lately,though,Ive come to believe hed want me to move on to what com

17、esnext:to be proud of,and believe in,somebody else.It s time to start writing my own letters to mychildren.Our children look to us with the same unanswered question we had.Our kids dont hold backbecause they re afraid to fail.They re only afraid of failing us.They don t worry aboutbeing disappointed

18、.Their fearas mine wasuntil my father s letter-is of being a disappointment.Give your children permission to succeed.They re waiting for you to believein them.I always knew my parents loved me.But trust me.That belief will be morecomplete,that love will be more real,and their belief in themselves wi

19、ll be greater if you write the wordson their hearts, “Don t worry;you ll do something great. ” Not having that blessing from their parentsmay be the only thing holding them back.4.We lear n from the text that the authorA. lost his father whe n he was youngB. worked hard before he read his father s l

20、etterC. asked his father s permission to believe in himselfD. k new exactly what great thi ng his father wan ted him to do5.Which of the following is true of the author?A. He got no access to success.B. He wrote back to his father at 12.C. He was sure his pare nts loved him.D. He once asked his fath

21、er about the letter.6.The main purpose of the text is toA. describe children s thinkingB. a nswer some questi ons childre n haveC. stress the importa nee of com mun icati onD.advise pare nts to en courage their childre n語篇解讀:本文是一篇記敘文。作者通過自身的經(jīng)歷告訴父母們:要相信自己的孩子,讓孩子認(rèn)為他們是最棒的,他們就一定能成功。答案及剖析:4.A 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。從第一段第

22、一句 My father was 44 and kn ew he was n t goi ng to make it to 45. 和第二段第一句Si nee the day I was 12 and first read his letter可知,作者在很小的時候就失去了父親,故 A 項(xiàng)正確。根據(jù)第二段第一句可以排除B 項(xiàng);根據(jù)第二段中的.I remember his words and wish he were here so I could ask.可排除 C 項(xiàng);根據(jù)第二段中的 He didn t know what that would be,and neither did I可排除

23、 D 項(xiàng)。5. C 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由最后一段第三句可知,作者知道父母是愛他的,故選 Co6. D 主旨大意題。通讀全文可知,作者敘述父親給他的信的目的是建議父母鼓勵孩子,故選 D。C(2018 浙江余姚中學(xué)高三英語最后押題卷)The bicycli ng craze came in whe n we were just about at the right age to enjoy it.At first even“ safety ” bicycles were too dangerous and improper for ladies to ride,a nd they had to have

24、tricycles.My mother had (I believe) the first female tricycle in Cambridge; and I had a little one,and weused to go out for family rides,all together; my father in front on a bicycle,and my poor brother Charlesstanding miserable on the bar behind my mother.I found it very hard work,pounding ( 轟 隆隆行進(jìn)

25、) awayon my hard tyres; a glorious,but not a pleasurable pastime.Then,one day at lunch,my father said he had just seen a new kind of tyre,filledup with air,a nd he thought it might be a success.A nd soon after that every one had bicycles,ladies andall; and bicycli ng became the smart thin g,a nd the

26、 lords and ladies had their pictures in the papers,riding along in the park,i n straw boater hats(硬草帽).My mother must have falle n off her bicycle pretty ofte n,for I remember see ingthe most appalling cuts and bruises ( 青腫) on her legs.But she never complained,and always kept thesemishaps( 災(zāi)禍)to he

27、rself.However,the great Mrs.Phillips,our cook,always knew all about them; as indeed she knew practicallyeveryth ingthat everhappened.She used to draw us into the servants hall to tell us privately:“ HerLadyship had a nasty fall yesterday;she cut both her knees and sprained her wrist.Butdon t let her

28、 know I told you.” So we never dared say anything.Similar littleaccidents used to occur when,at the age of nearly seventy,she insisted on learning to drive a car.She never mastered the art of revers ing(倒車),a nd was in every wayan unconven tio nal and terrify ing driver.Mrs.Phillips used to tell us:

29、 “ Her Ladyship ran into the back ofa milk-cart yesterday; but it wasnt muchhurt ” ; or “ A policeman stopped her Ladyship because shewas on the wrong side of the road; but she said she didn t know what the white line on the roadmeant,so he explained and let hergo on. ” Mrs.Phillips must have had an

30、 excellent Intelligenee Service at her_command,for the stories were always true eno ugh.7.Accord ing to the passage,which of the followi ng stateme nts is true?A. Bicycli ng dema nded too much hard work for wome n.B. Bicycli ng was con sidered un safe and uni adylike the n.C. Wome n preferred to rid

31、e tricycles because tricycles could carry young childre n as well.D.Tricycles were more convenient for wome n to ride.8. What made it possible for bicycli ng to become popular among wome n?A.The writer s father popularised it. B.Air-filled tyresbegan to be used.C.Noble people started enjoying it. D.

32、Newspapers had pictures of cyclists.9. What does the un derl ined sentence in the last paragraph imply?A. Mrs.Phillips served as a spy as well as a cook.B. Mrs.Phillips was in comma nd of all the serva nts as an In tellige nce Service.C. Mrs .P hillips was the most kno wledgeable cook they had ever

33、met.D. Mrs.Phillips had an outstanding ability to gather information.10. The writer s mother was stopped by a policeman one day because_ .A.she failed to follow the road systemB.she was too old as a driver the nC.she could not con trol the car D.she behaved too proudly語篇解讀:文章講述了自行車剛剛開始流行的一些相關(guān)情況。答案及剖

34、析:7. B 由第一段第二句話 At first even safety bicycles were too dangerous and improper for ladiesto ride ”可知,即使是安全型”的兩輪自行車也是太危險或不適宜 婦女騎行,因此選擇 B 項(xiàng)。8. B 第二段“ myfather said he had just seen a newkind of tyre,filled up with air,and he thought it mightbe a success.A nd soon after that every one had bicycles,ladie

35、sand all ” ,告訴我們充氣輪胎的使用使騎自行車變得普及。9. D 菲利普太太之所以了不起是因?yàn)樗皫缀踔腊l(fā)生的每一件事”,就好像“有一個出色的情報部在為她工作”。因此D 是正確答案。10. A 由最后一段“ A policeman stopped her Ladyship because she was on the wrong sideof the road; but she said she didn t know what the white line on the road meant,so he explained and lether go on”可知,答案為 A。第二

36、節(jié)(共 5 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 10 分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。Trampoli ningWhat s more fun than standing still?Jumping upand down on a springy piece offabric( 織物)!This activity is known as trampolining and it s sweeping the nation.The idea of trampoli ning is an cie nt.Eskimos have bee n throw i

37、ng each other inthe air for thousands of years.Firemen began using a life net to catch people jumping from buildi ngs in1887.11._A gymnast namedGeorge Nissan and his coach Larry Griswold made the firstmoderntrampoline in 1936.They got the idea by watching swing artists bouncing off of a tight net at

38、 thecircus.Theynamedtheir equipment after the Spanish word trampolin,which means divi ng board.12. _ In 1942 they bega n making trampoli nes to sellto the public.13._Experts find that more than 100,000 people hurt themselves while usingone each year.Clubs and gyms use large safety n ets or other equ

39、ipme nt to make it safer.Mosttrampoline injurieshappen at home.Since trampolinesare more affordablethan ever,injuries are even more com mon.These injuries happen for many reasons.People may bounce too high and land off of the trampoline or onto the spri ngs.14._ Perhaps the worst injuries happe nwhe

40、n untrained people try to do flips(快速翻轉(zhuǎn) ).Landing on your neck or head cancause injuries or even kill you.But don t let all that bad news keep you down.There are many things that youcan do to practice safe trampoli nin g.Trampoli nes have bee n around for a whilenow.They have brought a lot of joy to

41、 manypeople.They can be a good source of exercise and activity.15._ But they can also be deadl y.It is importa nt to follow someprofessi onal guida nce.Be sure that you are practici ng safely while havi ng a good time.Happybouncing!A. They can help people improve their bala nee and moves.B. Trampoli

42、nes may be fun,but they can also be dangerous.C. The men wan ted to share their idea with the whole world.D. Injuries also happen when many people are jumping at the same time.E. You can surround your trampolinewith a net so that people don t fall off of it.F.They found a winner when they performed

43、a piece of spring across a steel frame.G.And in the early 1900s,circus performers bega n bouncing off of n etti ng to amuse audie nces.語篇解讀:本文是一篇說明文,主要介紹了蹦床運(yùn)動的歷史,并分析在做蹦床運(yùn)動時人們會受 傷的原因以及蹦床運(yùn)動的好處等。答案及剖析:11. G 根據(jù)本段內(nèi)容可知,本段主要介紹了蹦床的起源。G 項(xiàng)意為“20 世紀(jì)初,馬戲團(tuán)演員開始在織網(wǎng)上表演彈跳來取悅觀眾”,也屬于蹦床的歷史,且銜接上文。故選 G12. C 上文提到,George Ni

44、ssan 和他的教練 Larry Griswold 在 1936 年制作了第一個現(xiàn)代蹦床,他們的這一想法源于馬戲團(tuán)的藝術(shù)家;又根據(jù)下文可知,在 1942 年他們開始制造蹦床并向大眾出售。C 項(xiàng)意為“他們(George Nissan 和他的教練 Larry Griswold) 想將自己的想 法與世人分享”,與上文話題緊密相連,并引出下文的“ to sell to the public ”。故選 C。13. B 下文提到,很多人在玩蹦床時傷到自己。B 項(xiàng)意為“蹦床可能很有趣,但是它們也可能很危險”,與下文話題緊密相連,符合語境。故選 B。14. D 上文講述的是人們在玩蹦床時受傷的一個原因。D 項(xiàng)

45、意為“很多人同時在蹦床上玩時也可能會受傷”,也是人們在玩蹦床時會受傷的一個原因,與上文形成并列關(guān)系。故選 D。15. A 上文講述的是玩蹦床的好處。A 項(xiàng)意為“它們也能幫助人們提高自己的平衡能力和移動能力”,也是玩蹦床的好處,與上文形成并列關(guān)系,符合語境。故選 A。第三部分語言運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分 45 分)第一節(jié)完形填空(共 20 個小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 30 分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C 和 D 四個選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。I believe in dancingbelieve it is in my16 to dance to the beat o

46、f myheart and the music in my mind.So I dance daily.The seldom-used dining room of myhouse is now an ofte n-used17 an ope n space with a hardwood floor,stereo(立體聲音響),and a disco ball.Each morning whe n I walk through the house on the way to18 coffee,I tur non the music,a nd it s dance time!I dance a

47、lone to19is play in g.Ta ngo( 探戈舞)is a recent attract ion for me.It s a 20 dan ce,so I m up to three21_ a week,three ni ghts out dancing.If you do not dance,we will know you are a fool.But if you dance,we will think31_ the challe nge of tan go.A friend thoughtyour32! ”O(jiān)n the contrary,its a 33con sid

48、ereddecisi on.Mylove for tangohides a fearfear the boredom that comes withnot34 and not taking chan ces.Mygoal now is to dance all thedances35I can,and then to sitdow n conten tedafter the lastfine tango some sweet night andpass on because therewasnt anotherdance left i nme.16.A .n atureB.turnC.dire

49、ctio n D.way17. A.bathroomB.classroom C.bedroomD.ballroom18.A. buyB.borrowC.makeD.serve19.A.whateverB.howeverC.whicheverD.whoever20.A.slowB.difficult C.perfectD.popular21.A.performa ncesB.speechesC.l ess onsD.conferences22. A.co nfide ntB.delighted C.traditio nalD.frighte ned23.A.movedB.stayedC.jump

50、edD.hidde n24.A.con fusedB.annoyedC.i nspiredD.pleased25.A. prete ndB.walkC.escapeD.watch26.A.ra nB.lookedC.droppedD.remai ned27.A.fortu nateB.foolishC.safeD.brave28.A.leaveB.da nee C.smileD.quit29.A.frie ndB.messageC.secretD.questio nThe first time I went tango dancing I was too22to get out on the

51、floor.Iremembered ano ther time I had23 on the side,whe n the dancing bega n after avillage wedding on the Greek Island of Crete.The difficult footwork (步法)24me. “ Don t make a fool of yourself,” I thought. “Just 25.Readi ng my mi nd,a n older woman26out of the dan ce,sat dow n beside me,a ndsaid, I

52、f you join the dancing,youwill feel 27 .If you do not,you will also feelfoolish.So,why not28?” And,she said she had a29 for me.She whispered,well of you for30.Reflect ing on her wise words,I不止。答案及剖析 :16.A 考查名詞辨析。根據(jù)該空后的“ .to dance to the beat of myheart and the music in my mind. ”可知 , 作者認(rèn)為自己天生就會跳舞 ,

53、故選 nature 。17.D 考查名詞辨析。根據(jù)后面的“ .stereo( 立體聲音響 ),and a disco ball. ”可知 , 作者家中的餐廳現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)成了一個舞廳 (ballroom) 。18.C 考查動詞辨析。由于作者是在自己的家中 , 所以此處應(yīng)指沖 / 煮咖啡。 make coffee 為 習(xí)慣搭配 ,意為“沖 / 煮咖啡”。19.A 考查連詞辨析。 上一句中提到作者打開音樂 , 現(xiàn)在是跳舞的時間了 , 故此處指作者伴著 正在播放的任何音樂跳舞。 whatever 意為“無論什么”。20.B 考查形容詞辨析。 根據(jù)該空后提到的作者每周要拿出三個晚上的時間在外學(xué)習(xí)跳探戈 舞可

54、知,探戈舞是比較難跳的一種舞 ,故選 difficult 。21.C 考查名詞辨析。由于探戈舞是一種難跳的舞蹈 , 所以此處表示作者每周要上三次課 (lessons) 來學(xué)習(xí)這種舞蹈。22.D 考查形容詞辨析。聯(lián)系下文中作者講述的另外一次情況可知, 他一開始害怕自己會出丑 , 所以根本不敢跳這種舞蹈 , 不敢到跳舞的地板上去 , 故選 frightened 。23.B 考查動詞辨析。根據(jù)該空后的 on the side 和下文中的“ Don t make a fool of yourself. ”可知 , 作者害怕出洋相 , 不敢亂動 , 于是待 (stayed) 在一旁不敢跳舞。24.A 考

55、查動詞辨析。 根據(jù)該空前的 difficult 和下一句中作者告訴自己不要讓自己出丑可 知 , 這些步法把作者弄糊涂 (confused) 了。25.D 考查動詞辨析。根據(jù)上Ta ngo? At your age? You must be out ofmy strong love for tango was un believable.31.A.turned downB.gave inC.thought about D.took up32.A.ageB.mindC.bodyD.place33.A.deeplyB.slightlyC.normallyD.suddenly34.A.creating

56、B.sleepingC.playingD.learning35.A.if onlyB.now thatC.as long asD.as soon as30.A.trying B.thinkingC.cheeringD.lying語篇解讀 :本文是一篇記敘文 ,文章主要講述了作者對舞蹈的熱愛和迷戀:生命不息 , 跳舞一句“ Don t make a fool of yourself”可知 , 作者怕出丑 ,所以他告訴自己只看 (watch) 不跳。26. C 考查動詞辨析。根據(jù)后文的.sat down beside me. ”可知,這位女士讀懂作者的想法后不跳舞了,即退出(dropped out

57、) 了,然后坐到作者旁邊。27. B 考查形容詞辨析。根據(jù)上文中的Do n t make a fool of yourself ”和下一句中的“.you will also feel foolish, ”可知,此處指去跳舞會讓作者感覺傻乎乎的(foolish),不去跳舞還是會讓作者感覺傻乎乎的。28. B 考查動詞辨析。根據(jù)下文可知,這位女士是在鼓勵作者去跳舞:既然無論去跳舞還是不 去跳舞都會讓作者感覺傻乎乎的,那為什么不去跳舞(danee)呢?29. C考查名詞辨析。結(jié)合下文中whispered一詞可知,她說她要告訴作者一個秘密(secret)。30. A 考查動詞辨析。聯(lián)系上一句可知,這位

58、女士所說的秘密是:如果你不跳舞,大家會覺得 你是個傻瓜;如果你跳了,大家會因?yàn)槟愀矣趪L試(trying)而贊賞你。31. D 考查動詞短語辨析。作者思考了這位女士的話后開始跳探戈舞了。take up 在此處表示“開始從事”。32. B 考查名詞辨析。根據(jù)前面的“Tango? At your age?”可知,朋友覺得作者對跳探戈舞如此熱愛實(shí)在難以置信,因此覺得作者肯定是發(fā)瘋了。be out of one s mind 意為“犯傻;瘋狂”。33. A 考查副詞辨析。前面提到朋友認(rèn)為作者對探戈舞的熱愛很不正常。結(jié)合該空前的Onthe contrary 可知,事實(shí)與朋友想的恰恰相反,作者是經(jīng)過深思熟慮

59、才作出了這個決定,故選deeply。34. D 考查動詞辨析。作者害怕因?yàn)椴辉賹W(xué)習(xí)、不再冒險而產(chǎn)生的無聊。作者學(xué)跳探戈舞也 是一種學(xué)習(xí),故選 learning。35. C 考查連詞辨析。只要“我”能跳舞,“我”的目標(biāo)就是跳所有的舞。as long as 意為“只要”,在句中引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句。第二節(jié)(共 10 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 15 分)(2018 浙大附中全真模擬)閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1 個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。In Chin a,the history of people pla nting and using bamboo can date back as faras 7,000 years.As early as the Shang Dyn asty,bamboo was used in an cie ntpeople s daily lives .It wa


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