美國文學課件1timeline of american literature_第1頁
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美國文學課件1timeline of american literature_第5頁
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1、1492 Columbus "discovers" America 1492 Columbus, Journal of the First Voyage to America (published in 1825) 15001509 Henry VIII crowned King of England 1509 Persecution of Jews in Germany 1510 "Everyman" (morality play) 1510 Leonardo da Vinci designs horizontal water wheel 1512 C

2、opernicus hypothesizes heliocentric solar system 1513 Ponce de Leon discovers Florida 1517 Luther posts 95 theses in Wittenberg 1517 Coffee in Europe for the first time 1519 Cortes captures Tenochtitlan in Mexico 1519 Magellan leaves Europe to circumnavigate the globe 15201520 Chocolate brought from

3、 Mexico to Spain 1521 Manufacture of silk introduced to France 1531 Henry VIII forms Church of England 1 1531 Erasmus publishes first complete edition of Aristotle's works 1532 Michiavelli, The Prince 1532 Sugar cane first cultivated in Brazil 1533 Pizarro conquers Incas in Peru 1534 Luther comp

4、letes translation of Bible into German 15401541 Coronado and de Soto conduct separate explorations of North America 1542 Pope Paul III establishes Inquisition in Rome 1548 Spanish mine silver in Mexico 1555 Aztec dictionary published 1555 Tobacco brought to Spain from America 1559 Elizabeth I crowne

5、d Queen of England 15601560 Puritanism begins in England 1570 Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth I 1572 Francis Drake attacks Spanish in America 1574 Richard Burbage receives license to open theater in London 15801580 Italian cooking popular in Europe 1582 Gregorian Calendar adopted 1584 Sir Walte

6、r Raleigh discovers Virginia 1585 Shakespeare leaves for London 1588 Marlowe, Doctor Faustus 1590 Shakespeare, Henry VI 1590 Spenser, The Faerie Queene 1591 Sidney, "Astrophel and Stella" 1594 Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet 1595 Mercator's atlas published 1597 Second Spanish Armada scat

7、tered by storms 1597 Convicted criminals transported from England to colonies 16001600 Shakespeare, Hamlet 1602 Dutch East India Company founded 1602 Galileo investigates gravity  1603 James I crowned King of England 1605 Cervantes, Don Quixote 1605 Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot 1606 Jonson, Volpon

8、e 1607 Jamestown colony founded 1608 Smith, A True Relation of 1610 Hudson discovers Hudson's Bay 1611 King James Bible published 1614 Webster, The Duchess of Malfi 1615 Galileo faces the Inquisition 1616 Shakespeare dies 1619 First African slaves brought to Jamestown 16201620 Plymouth colony fo

9、unded 1623 Patent laws passed in England 1624 Smith, The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England. 1624 Donne, Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions 1625 Charles I crowned King of England and Scotland 1626 Dutch found New Amsterdam (later New York) 1628 Taj Mahal built 1629 Massachusetts Bay Colony fo

10、unded 1630 Winthrop, A Modell of Christian Charity 1630-46 Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation 1632 First coffee shop opens in London 1636 Harvard College founded 1637 Morton, New English Canaan 1638 Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachussetts  1638 Torture abolished in England 16401640 Bay Psalm

11、 Book  1642 English Civil War begins 1643 Williams, A Key into the Language of America  1646 First projection lantern 1649 English Civil War ends; Charles I beheaded; English Commonwealth begins 1649 English becomes official language of Great Britain, replacing Latin 1650 Bradstreet, The T

12、enth Muse 1651 Hobbes, Leviathan 1652 Minuet comes into fashion in France 1656 Quakers in Massachusetts imprisoned, deported 1656 Opening of first opera house in London 16601660 Charles II restored to throne 1660 Pepys begins Diary 1660 Water closets introduced to England 1662 Half-Way Covenant inst

13、ituted in Massachussets 1662 Wigglesworth, "God's Controversy" 1663 Descartes' works banned by Catholic Church 1664 Large periwigs come into style 1664 British annex New Amsterdam 1666 Great Fire in London 1666 Bradstreet, "Upon the Burning of Our House" 1667 Milton, Para

14、dise Lost 1670 Dryden appointed poet laureate 1670 Hudson's Bay Company formed 1673-1728 Sewall, Diary 1676 King Phillip's War 1677 Ice cream becomes popular in Paris 1678 Bunyon, Pilgrim's Progress 1680 1680 (c) Taylor, "Upon a Spider Catching a Fly" 1681 Pennsylvania founded

15、1681 Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel 1682 Rowlandson, Narrative.   1683 Purcell made court composer in England 1683 New-England Primer 1687 Newton's Principia Mathematica 1688 James II deposed; replaced by William 1692 Salem Witchcraft Trials 1693 William and Mary College founded 1693 Mather

16、, Wonders of the Invisible World 1699 Captain Kidd plunders shipping 17001700 Commode becomes popular 1700 Samuel Sewall, "The Selling of Joseph" (first American slavery protest) 1701 Yale College founded 1706 First evening paper in London 1707 Great Britain formed by England and Scotland

17、1708 Bach made organist at Weimar 1709 Piano invented 1711 Addison and Steele, The Spectator 1712 Pope, "The Rape of the Lock" 1712 Last execution for witchcraft in England 1714 Tea introduced to colonies 1718 Votaire imprisoned in the Bastille 1719 Defoe, Robinson Crusoe 17201721 Bach, Br

18、andenburg Concertos Listen 1721 Regular postal service between London and New England 1724 Gin drinking popular in England 1726 Swift, Gulliver's Travels 1728 Gay, Beggar's Opera 1731 First circulating library founded in Philadelphia 1735 John Wesley, Journals begun 1736 India rubber introdu

19、ced to England 1739 Edwards, Personal Narrative 17401740 Richardson, Pamela 1741 Handel, Messiah Listen 1742 Fielding, Joseph Andrews 1745 Quadrille (dance) in fashion in France 1749 Franklin invents lightning rod 1749 First settlement of Ohio Company 1749 Fielding, Tom Jones 1750 First playhouse op

20、ens in New York 1751 Diderot, Encyclopedia 1753 French & Indian War begins 1753 British Museum founded 1755 Johnson, Dictionary 1759 Voltaire, Candide 17601761 Mozart, age 5, begins writing minuets 1762 Rousseau, Social Contract 1763 French & Indian War ends 1765 Stamp Act causes unrest in A

21、merican colonies 1767 Boone explores west of Appalachian Mountains 1770 Boston Massacre 1770 Goldsmith, "The Deserted Village" 1773 Boston Tea Party 1773 Waltz fashinable in Vienna 1773 Wheatley, "On Being Brought from Africa to America 1774 Ashbridge, Some Account . . . of the Life 1

22、774 Continental Congress convened 1775 American Revolution begins 1775 Watt invents steam engine 1778 Cook discovers Hawaii 1778 French enter Revolutionary War 1780 1781 American Revolution ends 1781 Kant, Critique of Pure Reason 1782 Crevecoeur, Letters from an American Farmer 1783 Britain recogniz

23、es United States 1784 Franklin invents bifocals 1786 Mozart, The Marriage of Figaro Listen 1788 U.S. Constitution ratified 1789 Blake, Songs of Innocence 1789 French Revolution begins 1789 First steam-powered cotton factory in England 1789 Equiano (Vassa), Narrative 1791 Franklin, Autobiography (beg

24、un 1771) 1791 Bill of Rights ratified 1791 Slaves revolt on Santo Domingo 1792 Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of Women 1793 Reign of Terror begins 1798 Wordsworth and Coleridge, Lyrical Ballads 1799 Rosetta Stone discovered 18001800 Eli Whitney makes muskets with interchangeable parts 180

25、1 Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland 1803 Ohio becomes a state 1804 Napoleon Bonaparte crowned Emperor 1805 Battle of Austerlitz 1807 Napoleon defeats Prussians and Russians at Friedland 1807 England prohibits slave trade 1807 Gas street lights in London 1808 Beethoven, Fifth Symphony Li

26、sten 1808 Goethe, Faust 18101811 Luddites destroy machinery in England 1812 Grimm Brothers, Fairy Tales 1812 France invades Russia, fails 1812 War of 1812 begins 1813 Austen, Pride and Prejudice 1814 Napoleon defeated, banished to Elba 1814 Key, "Star-Spangled Banner" 1814 British burn Was

27、hington 1815 Napoleon returns, defeated at Waterloo, banished to St. Helena 1815 War of 1812 ends 1816 Coleridge, "Kubla Khan" 1817 Erie Canal begun 1817 Bryant, "Thanatopsis" 1818 Byron, Don Juan 1818 Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein 18201820 Tiffin founded 1820 Missouri Com

28、promise 1820 Irving, The Sketch Book ("Rip") 1820 Shelley, Prometheus Unbound 1829 Scott, Ivanhoe 1823 Mexico independent republic 1823 Cooper, The Pioneers 1827 Friction matches invented 1828 Dumas, The Three Musketeers 1828 Webster, American Dictionary 1829 Andrew Jackson inaugurated 182

29、9 Slavery abolished in Mexico 18301830 Revolution in Paris 1830 Mormon Church founded 1830 Stendhal, The Red and the Black 1832 Tennyson, "Lady of Shalott" 1834 Slavery abolished in British Empire 1834 McCormick Reaper invented 1834 Hugo, Hunchback of Notre Dame 1835 Texas declared indepen

30、dent from Mexico 1835 Hawthorne, "Young Goodman Brown" 1836 Emerson, Nature 1836 Carlyle, Sartor Resartus 1837 Gag Law passed by U.S. Congress 1838 Morse introduces Morse Code 1838 Dickins, Oliver Twist and Nicholas Nickleby 1838 Longfellow, "A Psalm of Life" 1838 Grimke, "C

31、ondition of Women in the United States" 1839 First Opium War between Britain and China 1839 Poe, "The Fall of the House of Usher" 1840 1842 Polka fashionable 1843 Wordsworth made poet laureate 1844 Marx meets Engels 1845 Great Potato Famine in Ireland 1845 Douglass, Narrative 1846-48

32、Mexican-American War 1848 Revolutions in Europe 1848 Gold strike in California 1848 Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto 18501850 Heidelberg College Founded (right) 1850 Compromise of 1850 1850 Tennyson becomes poet laureate 1850 Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter 1850 Browning, Sonnets from the Portugue

33、se 1851 Melville, Moby Dick 1851 Truth, "A'n't I a Woman?" 1852 Second French Empire declared, Napoleon III 1852 Longfellow, "The Jewish Cemetery" 1852 Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin 1852 Fern, "Hints to Young Wives" 1853 Chloroform used on Queen Victoria during c

34、hildbirth 1853 Melville, "Bartleby, the Scrivener" 1854 Republican Party established 1854 Thoreau, Walden 1855 Whitman, Leaves of Grass ("Song of Myself") 1856 Flaubert, Madame Bovary 1859 Dickins, Tale of Two Cities 1859 Darwin, Origin of Species (right) 18601860 American Civil

35、War begins (Grant and Lee, right) 1861 Davis, "Life in the Iron Mills" 1861 Jacobs, Incidents in the Life. 1861 Dickinson, "I Felt a Funeral in My Brain" 1862 Hugo, Les Miserables 1864 Pasteurization invented 1864 Tolstoy, War and Peace 1865 Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Won

36、derland 1865 American Civil War ends 1866 Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment 1867 Strauss, "Blue Danube" waltz 1868 Alcott, Little Women 1868 Armour meat-packing plant opens in Chicago 1869 Princeton and Rutgers, first intercollegiate football game 18701870 Franco-Prussian War 1870 Wagner, &

37、quot;Die Walkure" 1871 German Empire formed 1871 Eliot, Middlemarch 1871 Barnum opens "Greatest Show on Earth" 1871 Great Chicago Fire (right) 1872 Verne, Around the World in 80 Days 1872 Brooklyn Bridge Opens 1874 First Impressionist Exhibit in Paris (right) 1875 Clemens, The Adventu

38、res of Tom Sawyer 1876 Bell invents telephone 1876 National Baseball League formed 1877 Edison invents phonograph 1878 Benz invents motorized tricycle 1879 James, Daisy Miller: A Study 1879 Ibsen, A Doll's House 18801880 New York streets lit by electricity 1880 Canned fruits and meats appear in

39、stores 1880 Harris, Uncle Remus 1881 James, Portrait of a Lady 1881 Washington founds Tuskegee Institute 1882 Tchaikovsky, "1812 Overture" 1883 First skyscraper (10 stories) built in Chicago 1884 Oxford English Dictionary begins publication 1885 Howells, The Rise of Silas Lapham 1885 Cleme

40、ns, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1885 Zola, Germinal 1885 Van Gogh, "The Potato Eaters" (right) 1886 Jewett, "A White Heron" 1887 Queen Victoria celebrates her Golden Jubilee 1887 Doyle writes first Sherlock Holmes story 1888 Jack the Ripper in London 1890 1890 First m

41、otion picture shows in New York City (right) 1890 Wilde, Picture of Dorian Gray 1891 Garland, "Up the Coule" 1891 Hardy, Tess of the D'Urbervilles 1892 Chopin, "Desiree's Baby" 1892 Tchaikovsky, "The Nutcracker" 1892 Gilman, The Yellow Wall-Paper 1893 Art Nouvea

42、u appears in Europe (right) 1894 Kipling, The Jungle Book 1895 Wells, The Time Machine 1895 Marconi invents radio 1896 First modern Olympic Games 1896 Dunbar, "We Wear the Mask"1897 Crane, "The Open Boat" 1898 Spanish-American War 1899 Chesnutt, "The Goophered Grapevine"

43、; 1899 First magnetic recording of sound 1899 Chopin, The Awakening 19001900 Boxer Rebellion in China 1900 Conrad, Lord Jim 1900 Dreiser, Sister Carrie 1900 Freud, Interpretation of Dreams 1900 Planck formulates quanum theory 1900 Bonin, "Impressions of an Indian." 1901 Edward crowned king

44、 of England 1901 Norris, The Octopus 1901 Rachmaninoff, "Piano Concerto No. 2" 1901 Ragtime jazz develops in U.S. 1902 Potter, Peter Rabbit 1903 Ford founds Ford Motor Company (right) 1903 Wrights make first controlled flight  (right) 1904 Russo-Japanese War 1904 Chekhov, The Cherry O

45、rchard 1904 Wharton, "The Other Two" 1905 Sinn Fein Party founded in Dublin 1905 Ty Cobb begins playing with Detroit Tigers (right) 1905 Russian Revolution causes major reforms 1905 Shaw, Major Barbara 1905 Einstein formulates Special Theory of Relativity 1906 Sinclair, The Jungle 1906 U.S

46、. Pure Food and Drugs Act 1907 Okison, "The Problem of Old Harjo" 1907 First Cubist exhibition in Paris 1907 First daily comic strip begun 1908 Forster, A Room with a View 1908 Fountain pens become popular 1908 Ford produces first Model T 1908 Stein, Three Lives 19101910 Architect Frank Ll

47、oyd Wright popular in Europe 1910 First Post-Impressionist Exhibition in London 1912 Jung, Theory of Psychoanalysis 1912 Titanic sinks 1912 Eaton, Mrs. Spring Fragrance 1913 Armory Show in New York (right) 1913 Suffragette demonstrations in London 1913 Lawrence, Sons and Lovers 1913 Mann, Death in V

48、enice 1913 First Charlie Chaplin movies 1913 Stravinsky, "Rite of Spring" 1913 Foxtrot comes into fashion 1914 Panama Canal opened 1914 World War I begins (right) 1914 Joyce, Dubliners 1914 Frost, "Mending Wall" 1915 Sanger, Family Limitation (first book on birth control) 1916 Jo

49、yce, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 1916 Jazz popular in U.S. 1917 Russian Revolution 1917 Duchamp, Fountain (right) 1917 Bobbed hair becomes fashionable 1917 Eliot, Prufrock and Other Observations 1917 Glaspell, Trifles 1918 World War I ends 1918 Influenza epidemic kills 22 million 1918 U.S.

50、 Post Office burns first installments of Ulysses 1918 Rockne becomes football coach at Notre Dame 1918 Cather, My Antonia 1919 Versailles Peace Conference 1919 Prohibition ratified 1919 Black Sox scanal in World Series 1919 Anderson, Winesburg, Ohio 19201920 League of Nations formed 1920 U.S. declin

51、es League membership 1920 Dadaist exhibition in Cologne 1920 Babe Ruth traded to Yankees 1920 End of Russian Civil War 1920 Gandhi becomes Indian independence leader 1920 Cummings, "Buffalo Bill's" 1920 Fitzgerald, "May Day" 1921 Hyperinflation in Germany 1921 KDKA first U.S.

52、 radio station 1921 Hughes, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" 1922 U.S.S.R. formed 1922 Mussolini leads "March on Rome" (right) 1922 Insulin first administered 1922 Niels Bohr wins Nobel Prize 1922 Eliot, The Waste Land 1922 Williams, "Spring and All" 1923 Hitler's Beer

53、Hall Putsch in Munich 1923 Gershwin, "Rhapsody in Blue" 1923 Stevens, "Sunday Morning" 1923 Toomer, Cane 1923 Bennett, "Heritage" 1924 Lenin dies 1924 British Imperial Airways formed 1924 Insecticides used for first time 1924 Forster, A Passage to India 1924 Cullen, &qu

54、ot;Incident" 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial (right) 1925 Battleship Potemkin , film 1925 Hitler, Mein Kampf 1925 Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby 1925 Kafka, The Trial 1926 Metropolis , film 1926 Hurston, "Sweat" 1926 Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises 1927 German economy collapses 1927 BBC formed 1

55、927 Lindbergh crosses Atlantic by air 1927 Jazz Singer , first sound film (right) 1927 Woolf, To the Lighthouse 1927 Hemingway, "Hills Like White Elephants" 1928 Penicillin discovered 1928 First scheduled television broadcasts 1928 Lawrence, Lady Chatterly's Lover 1929 Larsen, Passing

56、1929 Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury 1929 Dali joins surrealist group 1929 Black Friday, U.S. Stock Exchange collapses 19301930 France begins building Maginot Line 1930 Pluto discovered 1930 All Quiet on the Western Front , film 1930 Porter, "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" 1930 Faulkne

57、r, As I Lay Dying 1931 Dali , Persistence of Memory (right) 1931 Buck , The Good Earth 1931 Frankenstein , film stars Boris Karloff 1931 Al Capone jailed for tax evasion 1931 Knute Rockne dies in plane accident 1931 Empire State Building completed 1932 Roosevelt elected President (will serve until 1

58、944) 1932 Huxley, Brave New World 1932 Lindberg baby kidnapped 1932 Shirley Temple begins film career 1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany (right) 1933 Modern art suppressed in Germany 1933 Japan withdraws from League of Nations 1933 King Kong , film 1933 Joyce's Ulysses allowed into U.S. 1933 Stein, Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas 1934 Hitler and Mussolini meet 1934 President Hindenburg dies; Hitler becomes Fuhrer 1934 Stalin begins purge of Communist Party 1934 Matthews, Sundown 1935 Italy i


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