



1、連詞成句練習 1. do, you, morning, do, when, exercises( ?)_2. I, usually, 8:00, play, piano, at, the (.)_3. I, sometimes, my, grandparents, visit (.)_4. the, I, evening, watch, often, in, TV (.)_5. what, do, on, do, you, weekend, the ( ?)_6. I, time, sleep, can, because, long, a (.)_7. summer, why, best, l

2、ike, you, do ( ?)_8. favourite, what, your, is, season ( ?)_9. like, season, which, do, best, you ( ?)_10. writing an Hes e-mail study in the (.)_11. weekend, every, I, play, piano, the (.)_12. about, how, you ( ?)_13. fall, best, like, I (.)_14. is, your, when, birthday ( ?)_15. like good winter is

3、 but I fall best (.)_16. the like whats weather spring in(?)_17. I, eat, at, evening, in, dinner, usually, 7:00,the (.)_18. are, doing, you, what ( ?)_19. Mr Li, is, this (.)_20. is, there, for, a, you, call (.)_21. Amy, music, to, is, listening (.)_22. tigers, what, the, doing, are ( ?)_23. baby, i

4、s, the, monkey, swinging (.)_24. doing, she, what, is ( ?)_25. climbing, they, trees, are (?)_26. they, lunch, are, eating (?)_27. they, chess, are, playing ( ?)_28. baby, the, is, doing, what, kangaroo ( ?)_29. is, birthday, her, June, in ( ?)_30. is, Mum, dinner, cooking, the, in, kitchen (.)_31.

5、I, watch, usually, TV, go, and, shopping (.)_32. moring, when, you, do, exercises, do ( ?)_33. is the date what today( ?)_34. birthday, is, her, November, 15th (.)_35. your is in February birthday ( ?)_36. elephants, the, are, doing, what (.)_37、dancing is monkey the baby( ?)_38、mother panda doing the what is ( ?)_39 I can to speak mom your (?)_40 is my in birthday fall (.)_41 usually in snows


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