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1、Approach to Cultural Differences in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiation and its Impacts中美商務(wù)談判中的文化差異及其影響探析1. 中美文化差異的表現(xiàn) 21.1時間觀的差異 21.2“面子”觀的差異 31.3禮儀差異 32. 中美文化差異對談判的影響 42.1文化差異對談判影響的理論依據(jù) 42.2中美文化差異對中美國際商務(wù)談判影響的典型案例分析 53. 應(yīng)對中美文化差異的建議 93.1靈活運用中國文化的精華 93.2避免繁縟的禮節(jié) 93.3克服“面子”偏見 9Foreign trade intercourse betwe

2、en China and other countries has become close more and more since china entered WTO. America is the most important trade partner to China. And a fixed number of Sino-American trades are steadily on the increase. In this condition, successful negotiation plays a significant role in trade contact in t

3、he future. However, the different cultural value system has deepened some conflicts. Therefore, cross-cultural business communication is very important. This article focuses on the negotiations cultural differences between china and the U.S.A. China is the world's largest developing country, has

4、 a long history and strong cultural system; and the United States is the world's largest developed country, so I choose the two countries.This paper reviews cross-cultural theories, such as cross-cultural exchange negotiation theory, cultural theory to analyze the cultural difference between Chi

5、nese and American and also give the suggestions how to solve the problems on different cultures Key words: the different culture business negotiations affect strategies 隨著經(jīng)濟全球化的發(fā)展,繁榮的商業(yè)活動,國際商務(wù)談判越來越多。但是,不同的文化價值體系,加深了一些沖突。因此,跨文化商務(wù)溝通是非常重要的。本文的重點是中國和美國在談判中文化差異。因為中國是世界上最大的發(fā)展中國家,有著悠久的歷史和深厚的文化制度,而美國是世界上最大的

6、發(fā)達國家,所以本文選擇了兩個國家。本文回顧了跨文化的相關(guān)理論,如文化理論,跨文化交流和商務(wù)談判的理論分析了中國和美國之間的文化不同,然后提出了在談判過程中怎樣避免和解決文化差異問題?!娟P(guān)鍵詞】文化差異  商務(wù)談判  影響  應(yīng)對策略 IntroduceSeeing from the surface, the international business negotiation is a technique to contest, in reality it is a kind of contesting culturally and

7、hitting. I think, negotiate must bring the participation of persons by all means, the person participate and then bring the permeating of the subjective, and the permeating of the subjective come from his background of social culture and the culture accomplishment of his own accomplishment. With dee

8、pening to the Cognition of international business negotiates, People feel the culture factor have overstepped the others more and more such as the economic factor, political factor, and become the key factor that rises the decisive function. It has caused Value highly of the theories and business en

9、terprise field, and become a hot problem they investigate and pay attention to. Therefore, in the front trend of economy globalization increasingly, on international business negotiating, each concerns foreign enterprise of our country must add culture to background, it is a worth view in culture me

10、ntal factor. And brought it into the development strategy and organize construction of the business enter in time, realizing the both parties" international business of culture congenial and the benefits for winning negotiation targets. However, currently our country over-emphasizes in the inte

11、rnational business of strategy negotiation contests with technique, but to the research of layer, the recessive culture factor returns are weaker. Therefore, enhance the research of the culture factor of the international business on negotiation becomes the urgent matter at the moment.Negotiations O

12、verview This chapter provides a description of negotiations as a method of conflict resolution by first defining negotiations, then briefly discussing the negotiation styles continuum, and finally identifying the fundamental skills of a negotiator. Negotiations Defined As a matter of fact, negotiati

13、on plays an important role in our daily life.What then is negotiation? A modern definition of negotiation is two or more parties with common and conflicting interests who enter into a process of interaction with the goal of reaching an agreement (preferably of mutual benefit).3 Negotiation is a deci

14、sion-making process that provides opportunities for the parties to exchange commitments or promises through which they will resolve their disagreements and reach a settlement. In brief, a negotiation is two or more parties striving to agree when their objectives do not coincide. If one party is sign

15、ificantly more dominant (powerful) than another, they will attempt to simply enforce their will on the other. Other times, both parties may choose to enlist the aid of an outside neutral party to “mediate” the issue. Generally, the mediators role is a facilitator, bringing the parties together and a

16、ssisting them to work through the particular issue. Another tool for the resolution of conflict involves the use of an “arbitrator.” There are generally two types of arbitration; binding and non-binding. In both cases the arbitrator hears the positions of both parties and then renders a decision. Fo

17、r binding arbitration, both parties are “bound” to the decision. Under the non-binding case, either party is free to disregard the arbitrators decision. Another approach would be to attempt to settle the issue through a process in which the parties interact in a manner that will eventually bring abo

18、ut an agreement that would resolve the issue in controversy. The third approach falls into the realm of negotiations with definitional characteristics that separate it from the other types of resolution. Nature of Business Negotiation 1. Negotiation is a dynamic giving-and-getting process. 2. Negoti

19、ation means cooperation and competition as well. 3. Negotiation means reciprocity, but no equality.Criteria for Successful Business Negotiation1. The degree of achievement of negotiation objectives. 2. High efficiency of negotiation, that is, benefits from negation are higher than negotiation costs.

20、 3. The maintenance of reciprocal and cooperative relationsClassifications of Business Negotiation 1. Political negotiation, economic negotiation, military negotiation and private affairs negotiation according to the nature of negotiation; 2. Buyers negotiation, sellers negotiation, agents negotiati

21、on and cooperators negotiation according to the negotiating parties concerned; 3. Governmental negotiation, semi-governmental negotiation and non-governmental negotiation according to the department of the negotiation belongs to; 4. Host country negotiation, home country negotiation the third countr

22、y negotiation according to the location of negotiation; 5. Solo negotiator negotiation and negotiating team negotiation according to the number of negotiators; 6. Bilateral negotiation and multilateral negotiation according to the negotiating parties involved; 7. Oral negotiation and written negotia

23、tion according to the form of contact of negotiator party. Characteristics of Business Negotiation 1. Negotiation is dynamic, transitory and directive, 2. Trying to persuade your counterpart to understand or accept your proposals, 3. There must be interrelations and conflicts in opinions, interests

24、and even behavior patterns, 4. Conveying and exchanging information through logical thinking and relevant suitable expressions, 5. Negotiation is a process of adjusting needs and finally reaching agreement, 6. There must be the bottom line of interest for each party 7. Interests you get from negotia

25、tion determined by the strength of your company, negotiating strategy and relevant environmental factors, 8. Negotiation is science as well as art.Principles of Business Negotiation 1. Try to expand your general interests during the whole process of negotiation, 2. Skillful at creating open, fair an

26、d just competitive situation, 3. Make objectives clear and compromise at suitable time while attacking, 4. The principle of equality and reciprocity, 5. Stress your interests, not standing point, 6. Stick to objective criteria independent from personal emotions, 7. Separate personal affairs form bus

27、iness, 8. Try to put forward proposals to benefit to both parties, 9. Pay attention to not all the cases that need negotiating.Planning Business NegotiationPreparation before Business Negotiation 1. Get to know what you want and what your counterpart wants from the negotiation,2. Hold firm 3. Realiz

28、ing your counterpart at the beginning adequately. 4. Let your counterpart know something about your strength, 5. be calmPlanning Business Negotiation 1. Determine negotiation theme and objectives, 2. Determine the lowest acceptable bottom line of each terms, 3. Confirm the negotiation place, time, a

29、nd period, 4. Choosing your team and dividing the work 5. Confirm the negotiation agenda 6. Determine the negotiation style 7. Ensure the good logistics, such as accommodation, communication, arrangement of negotiating room, relevant information and files, 8. Imitate the real negotiation and make th

30、e final check on your planThe different culture in Sino-U.SThe different between Chinese and foreigner culturesWith China entry the WTO and hold the Olympic Games in 2008, the relationship between China and Western in politics, economy, Cultures have become more and more close. It is undoubted that

31、the etiquette plays an important role in this process. To the definition of etiquette, China and Western have a different understanding. As Chinese thinks that the etiquette is the common behavior standards that all the members must obey, and its purpose is to keep the normal living order of the soc

32、iety. In ancient China, a famous philosopher thought that etiquette was a principal to deal with the relationship between man and supernatural beings, man and ghosts, man and men. There are also many words about etiquette in English. For example, courtesy which means courteous behavior, good manners

33、; protocol which means system of rules governing formal occasion, e .g, meetings, between governments, diplomats, etc. And these words are all from the same French words about etiquette. Of course, more spread and more profound cultural comment of the western etiquette is from the Classical Period,

34、i.e., old Athens and Roma culture. Today, etiquette becomes the reflection and manifestation of one countrys politics, economy, and culture in peoples social contact. And it includes the principal and moral that people should obey in daily life. Etiquette formed in the process of the deposition of c

35、ulture and social contact. So every nation has their own standard of etiquette which created with the spirit of this their nation, because of this formed the cultural difference between different nations. As languages is the carrier of the human culture. This difference must reflect in the language

36、of different nations. So in the following, we will compare China with British and America as the representation of Western, to get some cultural difference in etiquette, and then analyze the reasons. Furthermore, we will discuss how tolerant western culture. The different valueThe society in china w

37、ith strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group, they think the harmonious interpersonal relationship is the foundation in the society, so they pay more attention on the team opinions. But the society in American has an individualistic attitude and rela

38、tively loose bonds with others. American would like to say “I think, I believe, my opinion is” this all express their views, but in Chinese dont like to use these words. And for example, a Chinese after dinner in an American family, he wants to say goodbye in Chinese way:” Mr. Steve, it is too late,

39、 you should have a rest, I bother you so much, I am sorry for that.",if he says that, the friend will unpleasant and say:” No, come on, I don't think you are bothering me, we talk so good, Listen, if you want to go, because you want to go, not I"。In American mind, one person is only re

40、sponsible for himself. Chinese decision-making is the collective bargaining; in general and also avoid personal decision. China's negotiating team often exchanges their views in order to coordinate the group's actions. When the other party's proposals go beyond the purview of the Chinese

41、 side, they have to consult higher authorities or report to superiors consent or group discussion. In the United States, individuals can make decisions on behalf of the company, the U.S. negotiators dispatched usually have enough power and they can authorize direct negotiations within the framework

42、of decision-making issues.The formation of different decision-making mechanism has its own different reasons. Chinese culture is a high power based culture, the experience, job, educational level and the other formation of a different type of vertical relationship between upper and lower levels is v

43、ery important. The members of negotiation team in China can only act within their competence; the final decision is usually made at higher levels in negotiations. American culture is a low power distance-based culture. The concept of equality in the United States by the impact of interpersonal relat

44、ionships were generally horizontal state, the exchange of the two sides are equal. Business negotiators have horizontal (equal) relationship. They are less attention on informality, equality, the orthodox business etiquette, courtesy, and seat. Negotiations, the United States often is a person appoi

45、nted solely responsible for the negotiations, It is responsible to make the necessary decisions and complete the necessary tasks, in their purview to make their own decisions.The different goalsAmericans are generally not as concerned with building long-term associations as they are with getting the

46、ir immediate business issues resolved (just as Americans are not as concerned about the long-term business picture as they are about quarterly profits). This means that Americans enter the first meeting expecting an issue-oriented outcome, often through a process of bargaining. For Chinese, however,

47、 bargaining too soon can be a sign of untrustworthiness. In Chinese culture it is customary for the negotiators to strive to establish a relationship prior to dealing with task-related issues; resolving a particular issue is simply not the first goal. If the talks of the two sides failed to establis

48、h a relationship of mutual trust transactions often ended in failure. Americans believe that the ultimate aim of the negotiations signed a contract on economic benefit. For the United States, the contract is entered into negotiations, if the primary and fundamental task is to reflect the interests o

49、f their individual value. They signed the contract as a separate course of conduct. American people do not attach importance to the establishment of friendly and cooperative partnership, but in fact they are more focused on the realization of real value. Collectivism of Chinese culture and individua

50、lism of Western culture is the key that makes the difference objective of negotiations for the two sides. Chinese culture is a typical collectivist culture. In the collective orientation of culture, the Chinese interdependence, mutual cooperation, "relationship" is essential everything tha

51、t people have interdependent "relationships" proportions. Therefore, the Sino-US talks, the Chinese side on the "relationship" is most important for the Chinese side. Individualism is the core of American culture. Therefore, the Sino-US business negotiations, the U.S. negotiators

52、 pursue a more practical focus on the content, signed a contract because of value of their individual interests and goals. Americans quickly establish business relationships, but these relationships are generally shallow and not particularly long lasting. Throughout the Orient, it takes time to deve

53、lop the relationship, but once it's developed, it tends to last for a very long time. This simple observation means that Americans and some Europeans tend to lose out on business deals.It is also a fairly common practice for multinational corporations to rotate people through a country every two

54、 or three years. Of course, once that expat leaves, they take with them relationships which take months or years to cultivate. To make matters worse, many companies tap employees who are experts in technical or management matters or are known as their overseas managers. However, a recent study finds

55、 other skills vital for success. The different thinking orientationThe Chinese like to tend to take context and the specific situation into account in rule interpretation. The American likes to have more rules based or bases on application of abstract principles such as regulations or laws. Sino-US

56、business negotiations, Chinese like to discuss common interests. Chinese negotiators consider that general principle is the starting point to solve other problems. The first general principle determined, it will be possible on the details of the contract negotiations. The "start with the princi

57、ples and then discuss the details" of the strategy negotiation is the most distinctive feature. Americans believe that the world is constituted by the facts rather than concepts, so they will not be too sure what pure reason. They re-negotiation process pay more attention on the details than th

58、e whole, when they faced with a complex negotiating mandate, Americans often tear down into a series of small tasks. To price, delivery, warranty and service contract issues such as sub-sub-solution, time to solve a problem, have the concessions and commitments from start to end, the final agreement

59、 is the sum of a series of smaller agreements. So when the negotiations start, they went straight to the topic to discuss specific amounts. They think that the general principles of non-essential, and only real specific questions to get the negotiations progress. Differences in the negotiation strate


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