



1、Passage 1絲綢之路是一條橫貫亞洲、連接歐亞大陸的著名古代陸上商貿(mào)通道。絲綢之路已有2000多年的歷史,她的魅力是永恒的。今天,古老的絲綢之路沿線(xiàn)眾多的歷史名勝、文化古跡、壯麗的自然風(fēng)光和多姿多彩的風(fēng)土人情仍然吸引著成千上萬(wàn)來(lái)自世界各地的游客。歷史上,駱駝曾是絲綢之路上的主要交通工具;今天,游客可乘飛機(jī)、火車(chē)、汽車(chē)沿絲綢之路旅行,既快捷便利,又舒適安全。絲綢之路中國(guó)段沿線(xiàn)有著眾多的歷史文化古跡。主要有被稱(chēng)之為世界第八奇跡的秦始皇兵馬俑、保存釋迦牟尼舍利的法門(mén)寺、敦煌莫高窟等。The Silk Road was a famous trade passageway in ancient ti

2、mes, connecting Asia to Europe. The 2,000-year-old Silk Road has demonstrated a lasting charm through the centuries.Today it still attracts thousands of tourists from across the world with its rich historic sites, cultural relics, beautiful natural scenery and colorful folklore.In the past, camels w

3、ere a major means of transportation. Today tourists can travel along the route in more efficient and comfortable ways by air, rail and car. The Chinese section of the Silk Road boasts numerous historic sites and cultural relics which include: Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Dynasty, the 8t

4、h wonder of the world; Famen Temple which still keeps sacred bone fragments of Buddha; and Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang. Passage 2在任何一處都不能一覽全景是中國(guó)園林的一大特征。整個(gè)園林,或多或少由幾個(gè)孤立的部分組成,只能漸漸地被游客發(fā)現(xiàn)。整個(gè)園林“猶抱琵琶半遮面”的設(shè)計(jì)特點(diǎn),使之保持了一種神秘的魅力。由于氣候植被與地形不同,中國(guó)各地園林風(fēng)格不一。上海的園林不會(huì)與北京的園林一樣,城市的園林不同于鄉(xiāng)村,也不同于畫(huà)家筆下的山間勝地。在豫園,南北建筑式樣和景觀(guān)設(shè)置風(fēng)格得到了完美

5、的統(tǒng)一。建造者們高深的藝術(shù)造詣,使得豫園以其布局上獨(dú)有的和諧對(duì)稱(chēng)協(xié)調(diào)均衡而馳名于江南。An important characteristic feature of the Chinese garden is that no one point gives an overall view of the garden. It is made up of more or less isolated sections which have to be discovered gradually. As the composition is never entirely revealed, it reta

6、ins some of the charm of the unknown.The variety among Chinese gardens is due to differences in climate, vegetation and location. A garden in Shanghai cannot resemble one in Beijing. City gardens are different from gardens in the country, or mountain retreats as illustrated by the painters.In Yu Gar

7、den, elements of both the Northern style and Southern style of architecture and landscaping are here happily married into a magnificent unified whole. Due to the artistic attainment of the architects, the garden has been well known in southeast China for its harmony, symmetry, proportion and balance

8、 in layout. Passage 3蘇州古典園林的歷史可上溯至公元前6世紀(jì)春秋時(shí)期吳王的園囿,歷代造園興盛,名園日多。明清時(shí)期,蘇州成為中國(guó)最繁華的地區(qū),私家園林遍布古城內(nèi)外。1618世紀(jì)全盛時(shí)期,蘇州有園林200余處,現(xiàn)在保存尚好的有數(shù)十處,致使蘇州素有“人間天堂”之美譽(yù)。      作為蘇州古典園林典型例證的拙政園、留園、網(wǎng)師園和環(huán)秀山莊,誕生于蘇州私家園林發(fā)展的鼎盛時(shí)期,以其意境深遠(yuǎn)、構(gòu)筑精致、藝術(shù)高雅、文化內(nèi)涵豐富而成為蘇州眾多古典園林的典范。The history of the Suzhou classical gardens can b

9、e traced back to the 6th century BC when the king of Wu of the Spring and Autumn Period built a royal garden. Gardening thrived in successive periods and famous gardens increased in number. In the Ming and Qing periods, Suzhou became one of the busiest areas in China with private gardens scattered a

10、ll over the city and its suburbs. Especially from the 16th to 18th centurythe golden period of garden buildingits gardens exceeded two hundred, of which dozens have been preserved in good condition. Therefore, Suzhou has consistently been called “paradise on earth”.As typical examples of Suzhou clas

11、sical gardening, the Humble Administrators Garden, the Lingering Garden, the Master of Nets Garden and The Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty, all built in the period of the prosperous development of private gardens, are noted for their imagination-inspiring atmosphere, exquisite workmanship, supe

12、rb artistry and rich cultural content. Those earned them the position of model and representative among Suzhous numerous classical gardens. Passage 4八十年前的上海已有“東方的巴黎”之稱(chēng),和國(guó)際大都會(huì)倫敦、巴黎起名。上海人口近1700萬(wàn)。在上海,上、中、下各階層各有消費(fèi)天地。3元吃一碗拉面,或是20元喝一杯卡布奇諾,豐儉由人。七八十年前,舊上海的公共租界所遺留下來(lái)的歷史記憶,讓上海人較其他地區(qū)的中國(guó)人更容易投入現(xiàn)代城市國(guó)際化的消費(fèi)趨勢(shì)。事實(shí)上,20

13、世紀(jì)初外國(guó)人在上海建設(shè)的眾多設(shè)施,是今日上海重新躋身國(guó)際城市之列的基礎(chǔ)。如果說(shuō)高樓林立代表了上海的經(jīng)濟(jì)繁榮,吸引了國(guó)內(nèi)外人才匯集此地大展拳腳,那么休閑娛樂(lè)選擇之多,則表現(xiàn)了上海多姿多彩的城市生活,吸引了海內(nèi)外游客紛紛前來(lái)上海觀(guān)光旅游。80 years ago Shanghai was already crowned as the “Oriental Paris”, which is equal in fame to international metropolis London and Paris. The city has a population of nearly 17 million.

14、 People from different social strata in Shanghai can take their pick from a wide range of choices based on their consumption powers-from paying three yuan for a bowl of traditional la mian to 20 yuan for a cup of cappuccino. 70 or 80 years ago, old Shanghais public concessions left historical memori

15、es, which make Shanghai natives easier to join modern metropolis international consuming trends, compared with other people in China. Indeed, the many facilities developed by foreigners in Shanghai in the early 20th century have paved the way for modern Shanghai to rejoin the rank of global cities. If the towering skyscrapers are the signs of Shanghais economic prosperity and attract both domestic and overseas talents to converg


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