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1、英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例 英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例ContentsSection 1: Language Analysis of Unit 3 SnowbirdsSection 2: Translation Process of English Long SentencesSection 3: Translation Methods of English Long Sentences Section 4: Translation of the Text Section 5: Homework 英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例Section 1: Language Ana

2、lysis of Unit 3 Snowbirds Anybody who drives in Arizona at this time of year will be familiar with annual migration of “snowbirds” retired people seeking to escape the sub-zero temperatures of the north for the warmer desert winter. As many as 300,000 snowbirds flock here each year, so if you havent

3、 seen them before, theres a good chance that you will encounter one of them when you find yourself stuck behind a caravan with Nebraska license plates doing 40mph on a s i n g l e - l a n e h i g h w a y .英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例形合與意合 由于英語具有形合的特點(diǎn),漢語具有意合的特點(diǎn),因此英語語篇中常常存在許多結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜的長(zhǎng)句,而漢語語篇中句子卻往往簡(jiǎn)潔短小。英漢兩種語言形合與意合的不同特點(diǎn),

4、對(duì)于翻譯的指導(dǎo)意義在于:進(jìn)行英漢翻譯時(shí),應(yīng)首先分析句子的表層結(jié)構(gòu)、邏輯關(guān)系,進(jìn)而確定句子的功能意義;進(jìn)行漢英翻譯時(shí),應(yīng)首先分析句子的功能意義,然后組織句子的結(jié)構(gòu),采用不同的語言形式。英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例Section 2: Translation Process of English Long Sentences翻譯過程:1.分析英語原句的基本結(jié)構(gòu),找出句子主干。2.弄清句子主要成分與修飾成分之間的關(guān)系,分析句子的邏輯關(guān)系。3.漢語表達(dá)通順、達(dá)意。英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例Section 3: Translation Methods of English Long Sentences 一

5、、順譯法 漢語的表達(dá)習(xí)慣是多用小句子, 多用較短的前置修飾語, 詞語相對(duì)穩(wěn)定并通常按時(shí)間順序或邏輯順序來安排詞語和句子的先后位置。因此, 在翻譯英語長(zhǎng)句時(shí)通??刹捎谩皵嗑洹焙汀白冃颉钡姆椒?。如果原文所敘述的一連串動(dòng)作基本上按動(dòng)作發(fā)生的時(shí)間先后安排或原句的內(nèi)容按邏輯關(guān)系安排時(shí),翻譯時(shí)則可按照原文順序譯出。 英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例Four scores and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the

6、proposition that all men are created equal. 87年前, 我們的先輩們?cè)谶@個(gè)大陸上創(chuàng)立了一個(gè)新的國(guó)家, 它以自由為立國(guó)之本, 奉行所有人生來平等的原則。英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例二、倒譯法 倒譯法是指顛倒英語長(zhǎng)句的語序, 將句子成分的前部分放到譯文的后部, 或?qū)⒑竺娌糠址诺阶g文前面。這樣易會(huì)更加符合漢語習(xí)慣。英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例A student of mathematics must become familiar with and fix in mind the signs and symbols, the definitions and t

7、echnical terms in mathematics, in order that he may be able to have the foundation of the mathematical subject and master it well for further study. 為了能打下數(shù)學(xué)基礎(chǔ), 掌握好數(shù)學(xué),以便進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)深造, 一個(gè)學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)的人必須熟悉并牢記數(shù)學(xué)中所用的記號(hào)、符號(hào)、 定義和術(shù)語。英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例 三、分譯法 分譯法是翻譯長(zhǎng)句時(shí)常用的方法。所謂“分譯”, 就是將長(zhǎng)句的某些成分從句子主干中拆開, 另作處理。運(yùn)用分譯法可以使疑問層次清楚、簡(jiǎn)潔明確。當(dāng)原

8、句中的從句或修飾語與主句間的關(guān)系不十分密切時(shí), 可以按照漢語多用短句的習(xí)慣把從句或短語化為句子, 分開敘述。 英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例Manufacturing process may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.制造過程可分為單件生產(chǎn)和批量生產(chǎn)。單件生產(chǎn)指少量的生產(chǎn),批量生產(chǎn)指大量 相同零件的生產(chǎn)。英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例 四、重新組合法 所

9、謂“重新組合”, 就是脫離原句的層次和結(jié)構(gòu)的安排, 按漢語敘事論理的習(xí)慣重新組合成句。運(yùn)用重新組合法來翻譯可以擺脫原文語序和句子形式的約束, 使譯文自然、流暢, 更加符合漢語的表達(dá)習(xí)慣。當(dāng)原句的表達(dá)次序與漢語表達(dá)習(xí)慣不同時(shí), 則可打破原文詞序和結(jié)構(gòu), 按照時(shí)間順序和邏輯順序重組句子。這是長(zhǎng)句翻譯中較難掌握的一種方法, 需要有較好的母語和外語駕馭能力 。英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例It is common experience that a certain amount of regular exercise improves the health and contributes to a fee

10、ling of well-being whether or not exercise adds to the length of life.不管運(yùn)動(dòng)是否能延年益壽, 但一定量的運(yùn)動(dòng)可以增進(jìn)健康并使人精神愉快, 這一點(diǎn)卻是人們共有的體驗(yàn)。英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例Section 4: Translation of the Text1. Anybody who drives in Arizona at this time of year will be familiar with annual migration of “snowbirds” retired people seeking to e

11、scape the sub-zero temperatures of the north for the warmer desert winter.每年這個(gè)時(shí)候,只要是在亞利桑那州開車,人們都會(huì)看到熟悉的一幕:一年一度的“雪鳥”遷徙。所謂“雪鳥”,就是一些退休族。他們?cè)O(shè)法躲避北方的零下氣溫,開車到暖和一些的沙漠地方過冬。 英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例2. As many as 300,000 snowbirds flock here each year, so if you havent seen them before, theres a good chance that you will e

12、ncounter one of them when you find yourself stuck behind a caravan with Nebraska license plates doing 40mph on a single-lane highway.每年聚集到這里的“雪鳥”多達(dá)30萬。所以,你以前要是沒有見過他們,當(dāng)你前面出現(xiàn)一輛拖車式房車,掛著內(nèi)布拉斯加州的車牌,在單車道的高速公路上以40英里的時(shí)速擋著你的道,這很可能就是一個(gè)“雪鳥”。 英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例Section 5: HomeworkTranslate the following long sentences

13、 into Chinese.1. Since the molecules of a gas are much too far from each other to repel or attract each other, it is very easy to compress a gas, while a solid or liquid is almost incompressible, because the repulsion of the electric charges of which its atoms are made up are far stronger than any f

14、orce we can apply.英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例2In reality, the lines of division between sciences are becoming blurred, and science again approaching the “unity” that it had two centuries ago-although the accumulated knowledge is enormously greater now, and no one person can hope to comprehend more than a fraction of it.3. My mother died in her 88th year, a mighty age for one who at 40 was so delicate of body as to be accounted a confirmed invalid destined to pass away.英語四級(jí)筆譯長(zhǎng)難句翻譯范例4. What the New Yorker would find missing is what many outsid


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