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1、RULES OF CONTRACT MANAGEMENT OF COMPANY企業(yè)合同管理制度為了加強合同管理,防范公司的法律風險和經(jīng)濟風險,特制定本制度:For the purpose of stre ngthe ning con tract man ageme nt and guard ing aga inst the risks oflegal and economy, this rules is hereby stipulated as follows.一、合同的訂立、履行Sig nature and fulfillme nt1、企業(yè)進行銷售、工程施工、采購等業(yè)務,資金使用超過一萬元的

2、,與外界達成經(jīng)濟 往來意向,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致,應訂立經(jīng)濟合同。Con tract should, through mutual n egotiati on, be con cluded and en tered into for the bus inesses of sale, con struct ion and purchase, etc. , for which the sum used over ten thousa ndYuan RMB and have agreed the inten ti on of econo mic cooperati on.2、簽約人在簽訂經(jīng)濟合同之前,必須

3、認真了解對方當事人的情況,包括:對方單位是 否具有法人資格、有否經(jīng)營權否履約能力及其資信情況,對方簽約人是否法定代 表人或法人委托人及其代理權限到既要考慮本方的經(jīng)濟效益,又要考慮對方的條 件和實際能力,防止上當受騙,防止簽訂無效經(jīng)濟合同,確保所簽合同有效、有利。The sig natory should, prior to the sig nature of con tract, become acqua in ted with theparticulars of opposite party in cludi ng weather opposite compa ny have corpora

4、te capacity,man ageme nt power, performa nee capacity and its credit in formati on, as well as weatheropposite signatory is the representative which is authorized by its legal represe ntative orartificial pers on and the age nt authority. Full con siderati ons should be give n to our economic in ter

5、ests as well as opposite con diti on and actual capacity of performa nee, preve nt tobe deceived and making an in effective con tract, en sure the con tract con cluded with fulleffect and in terests.3、一般合同由各部門經(jīng)辦人自行擬稿或公司指定部門擬稿。合同內(nèi)容包括標的,數(shù)量 和質(zhì)量,價款或酬金,履行的期限、地點和方式,違約責任等主要條款。銷售合同的 標的按公司的不同階段政策執(zhí)行。經(jīng)辦人應盡可能使用

6、國家有關部門統(tǒng)一制定的格式 文本。Com mon con tract is drafted by the un dertaker of departme nts or the office desig ned bycompa ny. Contents of con tract is in clusive of subject, qua ntity and quality, price orremuneration, and time limited, place and manner of performance in addition to breach liability,as well

7、as other main provisions. The execution of subject in the sale con tract is subject tocompa nys regulati ons in particular stages. The un dertaker should as far as possible adoptthe format con tract which is made by the concerned authority of State.4、一般合同指總價在10萬元以下的合同,重要的合同指總價在10萬元以上的合同或關系公司重大利益的合同。

8、Com mon con tract shall refer to the same with total price un der one hundred_thousand Yuan RMB and sig nifica nt con tract shall refer to the same with total price aboveone hun dred thousa nd Yuan RMB or major in terests to compa ny.5.簽訂采購合同應以現(xiàn)貨為主,按市場經(jīng)銷商價格定價。Spot goods will be main subject of purch

9、ase con tract, of which the price depe nd on marketprice.6.依照合同支付款項都應采用轉(zhuǎn)帳方式,如需預付貨款或定金,應按付款規(guī)定流程辦理。The payme nt of sum un der con tract should be effected by banks tra nsmit, any adva neesum for purchase or hon est mon ey, if n ecessary, should be subject to the procedure ofpayme nt rule.7.合同擬稿完畢后,經(jīng)辦人

10、應填寫合同流轉(zhuǎn)單,列明合同的主要內(nèi)容、簽訂原因 等,交部門經(jīng)理簽署意見,部門經(jīng)理對合同稿進行審核,同意后,經(jīng)辦人將合同流 轉(zhuǎn)單連同合同稿一并交財務部審核。The un dertaker should, upon completion of con tract draft, fill in the OPINION ONCONTRACT on which specify con tract main conten ts, con siderati ons and so on beforesubmit to departme nt man ager for sig ning opi nion. Th

11、e un dertaker will, follow ing the reviewand approval of departme nt ma nager, submit the OPINION ON CONTRACT compa nied withcon tract draft to finan cial Dep. for approval.8.財務部根據(jù)財務制度和資金情況對合同稿審核并簽署意見,同意則交總經(jīng)理批準; 否決則由經(jīng)辦人根據(jù)情況退回,或者要求繼續(xù)流轉(zhuǎn)同時財務部意見予以保留。Financial Dep. will, pursuant to financial regulations

12、 and capital status, examine con tract draftand make sig nature of its opinion there on, if consent, will submit to gen eral man ager forapproval, if otherwise, as the case may be, will return the draft back, or continue to transfer inthe procedure at same time make reservation the opinion of financ

13、ial Dep.9.上述流程中財務部予以否決,而根據(jù)經(jīng)辦人要求繼續(xù)流轉(zhuǎn)的合同稿,必須最后經(jīng)總 經(jīng)理審核。The contract draft which is in procedure, have been vetoed by financial Dpt., continuetransferring in the procedure by the requirement of undertaker, should be subject to the finalreview and approval of general manager.10.總經(jīng)理對重要合同稿和有爭議合同稿予以審核并具有終審權

14、,同意則用印,否決 則退回。General manager who has final decision right will make review and exam on the contract draftwhich are significant and in dispute, if consent , will seal thereon, otherwise will return back.11.合同訂立后,在履行過程中,經(jīng)辦人員應及時掌握合同執(zhí)行情況,對涉及合同履 行中的變更、解除、續(xù)簽、違約等重要事項,應填寫合同執(zhí)行事項通知表,及時 向領導匯報,并依上述流程履行審核手續(xù),同時將

15、處理結(jié)果通知財務部。Undertaker should, upon conclusion of contract, during the fulfillment, become aware of theexecution of contract, the material issues such as alteration, cancellation, renewal, default andso on, which are related to the fulfillment of contract should be filled in Notice of ContractExecutio

16、n and give report to concerned leader, process the procedure of approval by theregulation abovementioned in addition to make the notification of process effect to financialDpt.12.經(jīng)辦人作為合同履行、監(jiān)控的第一責任人,負責監(jiān)控對方履約情況,如合同中約 定的付款進程、驗收等。合同履行出現(xiàn)異常情況的,經(jīng)辦人應及時書面告知財務部。 合同履行異常情況下發(fā)出的警告、交涉、通知、答復等文件應經(jīng)財務部審核。情節(jié)嚴 重,需中止合同的,

17、經(jīng)辦人及時發(fā)送合同執(zhí)行事項通知給對方,并且通知財務部 按公司處理意見進行處理。The undertaker, as the first person liable, should be responsible to supervise opposite partys fulfillment of contract including payment and acceptance et al, where any abnormal matterfound, should give report in written to financial Dpt. The documents of warni

18、ng, negotiation,notice and reply for any abnormal performance should be subject to financial Dpt.s reviewand exam. In respect tothe graveness breach of contract, if, which is necessary to terminate performance,the un dertaker should give Notice of Con tract Executi on to opposite and make available

19、tofinan cial Dpt for con duct by compa nys decisi on.13.合同到期終止由財務部填寫合同終止通知報總經(jīng)理批準后,由財務部交原經(jīng) 辦部門送達對方。合同終止通知復印件由財務部及經(jīng)辦部門分別存檔。Notice of Term in ati on which is filled in by Finan cial Dpt., upon the expirati on of con tract,after approval of Gen eral man ager, will be give n origi nal un dertak ing offic

20、e for serv ingopposite party to con tract. The copies of the Notice is filed by Finan cial Dpt. And the un dertaking office respectively.14.所有合同簽訂后,應按順序編號,合同編號一經(jīng)確定,不得更改,如需修改必須 按上述流程辦理。The order nu mbers of all con tracts should be made after sig nature thereof and can not bealtered upon con firmati

21、on of con tract nu mber, if n ecessary to alterati on, should be subjectto the procedure above.15.有關合同訂立、變更、終止、解除等事宜申請使用印章,以合同流轉(zhuǎn)單上的 簽字批復為準。The application of using companys seal for the matters as conclusion, alteration,termin ati on and rescissi on of con tract should be subject to the approval sig

22、 ned in Con tractComme nts Sheet.16.合同流轉(zhuǎn)單是合同審核過程中的重要依據(jù),各部門,相關人員的審核意見均 需在合同流轉(zhuǎn)單上簽署,因而必須與合同原件一起交財務部存檔;Con tract Comme nts Sheet, as an sig nifica nt basis of review / exam of con tract and with theopinions sig ned by concerned departme nts and relative staff there on, should be filed withorigi nal con

23、tract in Finan cial Dpt.17.合同終止通知、合同執(zhí)行事項通知作為合同管理的重要依據(jù),原件均交 財務部存檔。Notice of Term in ati on and Notice of Executi on, being sig nifica nt basis of con tract manageme nt, should be made the origi nal thereof available to Finan cial Dpt. for fili ng.二、財務部合同進程管理Procedure of Co ntract Ma nageme nt1財務程序取得合

24、同后,應及時建立、登記、更新合同進度數(shù)據(jù)庫。The establishme nt, registrati on and renew of data base of con tract progress should beavailable in time on subseque nt to acquireme nt of con tract by finan cial procedure.2合同數(shù)據(jù)庫結(jié)構(gòu)應為合同編號、合同訂立單位、合同內(nèi)容、調(diào)整合同價格、本期付 款金額、累計付款金額。The structure of con tracts data base is con stituted w

25、ith con tract nu mber, parties thereto,conten ts, adjustable price, amount payable of that term and accumulated amount payable.3財務主管應根據(jù)合同進度認真審核相關資料及按照付款流程核定的付款申請書,審 核無誤后錄入合同進度數(shù)據(jù)庫,在付款申請單上簽字后轉(zhuǎn)財務經(jīng)理審核后付款。Finan cial supervisor should, pursua nt to the executi on progress of con tract, make con scientious

26、 review concerned docume nts and Payme nt Applicati on which have bee n verified under payme nt procedure, if no error found by exam / review, recorded into the data basis of contract progress in additi on to the sig nature on Payme nt Applicati on before tran sferri ng toFinan cial Dpt. for review

27、and effecti ng payme nt.4財務主管每月后10日內(nèi)應將合同付款情況統(tǒng)計表,上報財務部經(jīng)理和總經(jīng)理。Finan cial supervisor should, withi n last ten days each mon th, submit Statistical Table ofPayme nt by Con tract to finan cial man ager and gen eral man ager.三、合同資料的檔案管理File Man ageme nt of Con tract Docume nts1合同作為公司對外經(jīng)濟活動的重要法律依據(jù)和公司內(nèi)部明確職責

28、的憑證,有關人 員應保守合同秘密,并及時按機密程度專門歸檔。Con tracts, which are sig nifica nt basis of compa nys exter nal econo mic activities andevidence of definition of liabilities within company, should be kept under secret and con fidentiality by relative pers onal and filed in specialties by its con fide ntiality degree

29、.2.合同雙方簽章生效后,經(jīng)辦人員于3日內(nèi)將合同原件及各相關人員簽署意見的合 同流轉(zhuǎn)單一并交財務部負責歸檔。只有一份正本的,正本存財務部,復印件存辦公 室。The un dertaker should, withi n three days upon effect of con tract with the sig nature and sealof parties thereto, submit origi nal copy of con tract being compa nied by Con tract Comme ntsSheet with the opinions of respe

30、ctive relative pers onal there on to Financial Dpt. for file, if onlyone original copy, which will be deposited to Financial Dpt., and the hard copy thereofdeposited to Administrative Office.3.在合同簽訂前和履行過程中雙方的來往信函、傳真、票據(jù)、履約憑證(如交貨單)、 文書 圖表等合同附屬文件,由合同執(zhí)行部門負責存檔備查。Any and all docume nts and stateme nts, pr

31、ior to the sig nature of con tract and dur ingperforma nee, which are attached to con tract in cludi ng corresp onden ce, fax, no tes,vouchers of performa nee such as Delivery Bill, docume nts, draw ing / chart and so on shouldbe filed for reference by the execution department.4.每一合同履行完畢或長期合同的每一階段完成,各有關人員應及時將上述有關資料 整理清楚,交檔案管理人員存檔。以上資料不得隨意借閱、復印、處置、銷毀、遺失。Th


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