



1、WOR格式英國留學申請書全英文范文導讀:本文 英國留學申請書全英文范文,僅供參考,如果能幫助到您,歡迎點評和分享。英國是世界上第一個工業(yè)化國家,首先完成工業(yè)革命,是西方國家中的老牌強國。英國資本高度發(fā)達,人民所得高,生活環(huán)境好,社會福利好,教育制度優(yōu),是許多人留學移民的目標國家。2016年1月20日,全球最佳國家排名出爐,英國排名第3,可見英國在世界的影響力之大。今天為大家?guī)砹擞魧W申請的一則范文。I have a few strong passions in life; Indie music, Chelsea FCandliterature.Since there areno univ

2、ersitycoursesfor theformertwo my decisionconcerningwhattostudyat專業(yè)資料整理are theuniversity is a simple one. The only people for memad ones, the ones mad to live was once said by Jack Kerouacin hiswork On The Road; the opportunityto experiencelivingwhile studyingamongstsomeofthefinestliteraryme. Ifeelmi

3、nds in the country is overwhelmingly exciting forthat for too long I have been confined to my suburban prisonwheremy talentfor EnglishLiteratureisbeingwastedamongstthedesolate,uninspiringconfinesof MidBedfordshire.Moreover,sidesteppingtherisk ofsoundingarrogant, I have been told I possess a flair fo

4、r the subject andmy grades wouldcertainly suggest so.The subjects I took for my AS levels were English Literature,History,Government and PoliticsandCommunicationStudies.For my Alevels I decidedtostoptakingCommunication Studies as I deemed it was best to focus onthreesubjects. Nevertheless, I believe

5、 that all three of thesesubjectshavecontributedmoreunderstandingtomyknowledgeof EnglishLiterature.History,for example,hasalsocontextualiseanywrittenworkI maybe askedtostudy.GovernmentandPolitics hastaughtme manypoliticalaided my ability to pick out key points within text andworks, for example inwith

6、NationalistandImperialistviewpoints.Communicationsphilosophies that are evident in literaryYear 12 we studied the play Translations which is litteredStudies revealed tome a whole new dictionary of ideologiesbenefit of taking theseI wasnt previously aware of. Anothersubjects is that theyare all exami

7、nedby bothcourseworkand timed exams. This means that through hours of practiceandfamiliarisation I have refined my exam techniques.Last yearI was also fortunateenoughto beselectedtoparticipatein ascheme organizedbymyschoolandtheUniversityof Bedford.It gave us theopportunitytoget aand achieved15 poin

8、tstowardsa potentialdegree throughcoursework Itook part in. This was certainly an enlighteningexperiencethat willundoubtedlystand me in verygoodstead forthe initialadjustmentperiodthataccompaniesthe beginningofuniversitylife. This year Ihavebeenselectedtotake partintheAdvanceExtensionAward.Notonly i

9、s thisa fantasticboostto my studentrepertoirebutalso the course itself shouldfurther aid my ability to realizemy full potential in the subject.WhenI achievetherequiredpotentialand finishmydegree I have ambitionsto utilise my skills as writer of somekind, preferably an author or a poet. Myliterary he

10、roes areThomas Hardy, John Keats, The Smiths lyricist Morrissey andmy personal favourite Oscar Wilde. It is my dream to one dayhave myname illuminatedin historyas a writer whohasinspired people in the same way theseand other writers haveinspired me.Lastly, to quote Wilde; consistency is the last ref

11、uge of theunimaginative.As a studentI am anythingbutconsistentwhen it comes to thestudying of literature. Of course by thisI dont mean I can be as equallybrilliant as awful, the Dorianlecturesglimpse of university life as I attended a number ofwil telGray within me l l you I am neverawful,what I ama

12、rticulating is that I bring my own ideas to the subject and donot simply regurgitateanswers that are well documentedalready. That is not tosay that I do not thoroughly researchand acknowledge the criticism of the worksI study but in myopinionEnglish Literature isan innovative subjectwhereinterpretationand creativityshoulddominate.StudyingEngli


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