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1、Discovering Useful StructuresUnit 1Where the past participle is used?So many thousands of terrified people died.He found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London.But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people.Attribute(定語定語)attributePredicative(表語)(表語

2、)Translate the following phrases, and try to find out what the items relate to. 一片碎玻璃一片碎玻璃 開水開水 一枚用過的郵票一枚用過的郵票 一箱埋起來的硬幣一箱埋起來的硬幣 穿破的鞋子穿破的鞋子 一臺損壞了的計算機一臺損壞了的計算機結(jié)論:結(jié)論:以上的短語都帶有過去分詞,這些過以上的短語都帶有過去分詞,這些過去分詞都是充當(dāng)定語,而且我們都可以用過去分詞都是充當(dāng)定語,而且我們都可以用過去分詞作表語的形式來改寫以上短語。去分詞作表語的形式來改寫以上短語。a broken piece of glassboiled wat

3、era used stampa buried box of coinsa damaged computerwornout shoes2. Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning.terrified peoplereserved seatspolluted watera crowded rooma pleased winnerpeople terrified of (cholera)seats reserved for water polluted by a room crowded of a winner pleas

4、ed at astonished childrena closed door the tired audience a trapped animal a broken vase children astonished at/by a vase broken by a door closed by the audience tired by an animal trapped in/byGrammar一、過去分詞作定語一、過去分詞作定語1 1、單個的過去分詞作定語時一般兼有被動和完成的意、單個的過去分詞作定語時一般兼有被動和完成的意義,常作前置定語。義,常作前置定語。 e.g.:a lostlo

5、st animal an usedused stamp an injuredinjured finger a brokenbroken coin a lightedlighted candle注意:過去分詞作定語時,有時只有被動意義。注意:過去分詞作定語時,有時只有被動意義。 e.g.:spokenspoken English 英語口語英語口語 writtenwritten exercises 書面練習(xí)書面練習(xí)一只迷路的動物一只迷路的動物一枚用過的郵票一枚用過的郵票一個受傷的手指一個受傷的手指一枚破損的硬幣一枚破損的硬幣一一支點燃的蠟燭支點燃的蠟燭 少數(shù)表示位移或狀態(tài)改變的不及物動詞的少數(shù)表示

6、位移或狀態(tài)改變的不及物動詞的過去分詞只有完成的意義過去分詞只有完成的意義fallenfallen leaves 落葉落葉 the risenrisen sun 升起來的太陽升起來的太陽the advancedadvanced countries 發(fā)達國家發(fā)達國家 drunkendrunken man 一個醉鬼一個醉鬼a returnedreturned student 一名留學(xué)生一名留學(xué)生 a retiredretired teacher 一名退休教師一名退休教師an escapedescaped prisoner 一名逃跑的囚犯一名逃跑的囚犯 by-goneby-gone days 過去的歲

7、月過去的歲月2 2、過去分詞作后置定語,表示被動和或完、過去分詞作后置定語,表示被動和或完成意義成意義。 e.g.:How I regretted the hours wasted in the woods! 我多懊悔在樹林浪費的時光啊我多懊悔在樹林浪費的時光啊We11 go to visit the bridge built hundreds of years ago我們要去看那座建于幾百年前的橋我們要去看那座建于幾百年前的橋我喜歡穿這種布料做的衣服。我喜歡穿這種布料做的衣服。I like wearing clothes made of this kind of cloth魯迅寫的書很受歡迎

8、魯迅寫的書很受歡迎The books written by Lu Xun are popularPractice: Change the following Past Participle into clauses.1) He told us of the great wrong done to him.= He told us of the great wrong _ to him. which had been done注:注:本句中的過去分詞作定語,既表被動又表完成。本句中的過去分詞作定語,既表被動又表完成。2) The United States is a developed coun

9、try. = The United Stated is a country _ .which has developed注:本句中的過去分詞作定語,只表示完成。注:本句中的過去分詞作定語,只表示完成。3) Have you noticed the bridge being built there?= Have you noticed the bridge _ there?which is being built注:本句中的過去分詞作定語,表示被動的注:本句中的過去分詞作定語,表示被動的動作正在進行。動作正在進行。二、過去分詞作表語二、過去分詞作表語1 1、過去分詞作表語,表示主語的特點或所處、

10、過去分詞作表語,表示主語的特點或所處的狀態(tài),其前的系動詞有包括的狀態(tài),其前的系動詞有包括bebe在內(nèi)的多種在內(nèi)的多種形式。形式。 e.g.:Everyone present is very inspired at his speech 聽了他的發(fā)言,在場的所有人都很振奮。聽了他的發(fā)言,在場的所有人都很振奮。 You seem frightened. 你似乎受了驚嚇。你似乎受了驚嚇。2 2、過去分詞作表語,構(gòu)成的系表結(jié)構(gòu)與、過去分詞作表語,構(gòu)成的系表結(jié)構(gòu)與被動語態(tài)的區(qū)別:被動語態(tài)的區(qū)別: 過去分詞作表語,強調(diào)主語的特點或所過去分詞作表語,強調(diào)主語的特點或所處的狀態(tài);而被動語態(tài)中,主語是處的狀態(tài);

11、而被動語態(tài)中,主語是動詞動詞所表示動作的承受者。所表示動作的承受者。 e.g.:This shop is now closedclosed 這家商店現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)關(guān)門了。這家商店現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)關(guān)門了。( (狀態(tài)狀態(tài)) ) This shop is closedclosed at 6 pm everyday 這家商店每天這家商店每天6 6點關(guān)門。點關(guān)門。( (動作動作) Practice: Complete the sentences using the past participle as the predicative.1. 丟了錢他自責(zé)不已。(丟了錢他自責(zé)不已。(blame)He _ about lo

12、sing the money.2、你為什么總是看上很疲勞?這些日子睡得好嗎?、你為什么總是看上很疲勞?這些日子睡得好嗎? Why do you always _ ? Do you sleep well these days?3.我對昨晚看的電影很失望。我原以為它能好些。我對昨晚看的電影很失望。我原以為它能好些。 I _ the film I saw last night, I had expected it to be better.got blamedlook so tiredwas disappointed with4.聽說那位明星死了,人人都很驚訝。聽說那位明星死了,人人都很驚訝。 Ev

13、erybody _to hear the death of the famous film star5.要去動物園了,孩子們非常興奮。要去動物園了,孩子們非常興奮。 The children _ going to the zoo6.他的傷口感染了一種新病毒他的傷口感染了一種新病毒. His wound _ a new viruswas shockedare really excited aboutbecame infected with1. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _ as 3M. A.

14、knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known高考鏈接高考鏈接B解析:答案B。此處考查過去分詞作后置定語,3M與know之間是被動關(guān)系,故用過去分詞表示被動。2. The disc, digitally _ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. A. recorded B. recording C. to be recorded D. having recordedA解析:答案解析:答案A A。此處考查過去分詞作后置。此處考查過去分詞作后置定語,定語,discdisc與與

15、recordrecord之間是被動關(guān)系,故之間是被動關(guān)系,故用過去分詞表示。用過去分詞表示。3. Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge. A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. knownD解析:答案解析:答案D D。knowknow與與wordswords,expressionsexpressions,phrasesphrases構(gòu)成動賓關(guān)系,故用過去分詞表示構(gòu)成動賓關(guān)系,故用過去分詞表示被動。被動。4

16、. The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smeltB解析:答案解析:答案B B。此處為現(xiàn)在分詞作定語,修。此處為現(xiàn)在分詞作定語,修飾飾flowersflowers。smellsmell為系動詞,不能用于被動為系動詞,不能用于被動語態(tài),相當(dāng)于語態(tài),相當(dāng)于which/that smells sweetwhich/that smells sweet。3. Complete the sentences using the past participle as the predicative.1.He got _ about losing the money.2.Why do you always look so_ after working for a whole day?3.I was _ with the film I saw last night. I had expected it to be better.worriedt


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