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1、、語(yǔ)法填空高一年級(jí)英語(yǔ)暑假作業(yè)語(yǔ)法填空和單句改錯(cuò)(定語(yǔ)從句和名詞性從句)A.定語(yǔ)從句Thirty-nine Steps is one of the most excit ing filmsare directed by Alfred Hotchcock.Thosewere not fit for their work could not see the beautiful clothes.Is there anyone in your classfamily is in the city?Win ter is the time of yearthe days are short and ni

2、ghts are long.Because of the traffic jamI was caught in, I was late for the meeti ng.Last summer we visited the West Lake,which Han gzhou is famous in the world.He must be form Africa,can be see n from his ski n.Because of the finan cial crisis, days are gonefor one ni ght.He is the only one of the

3、stude nts who( know) the truth.It ' s helpful to put chren in a situationthey can see themselves differently.When ever I met her,was fairly ofte n, she greeted me with a sweet smile.I have reached a point in my lifeI am supp osed to make decisi ons of my own.Those successful deaf dancers think t

4、hat dancing is an activitysight matters moretha n heari ng.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front ofsat a small boy.I want to use the same dicti onarywas used yesterday.He talked a lot about things and personsthey remembered in the school.I lost a book, title I can't remember now.This is the reas

5、 on..5.16.17.local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yua nthey are all aga inst the plan. is n eeded is a supply of oil.20. Tom didn ' t attend the meeting,18.19.Allwe exp ected.B.名詞性從句1.2.3.The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient' s fearhe would die of the disea

6、se.There is no po ssibilityBob can win the first p rize in the match.It worried her a bither hair was turning gray.more coun tries can use n atural en ergy in the future rema ins to be see n.The teacher said that light( travel) faster tha n sound.In some countries,are called“ p ublic schools” are no

7、t owned by the state.Why don t you bringto his attention that you are too busy to do it?After seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.9.That isI was born and grew up..9.10. Whether ways will be found to stop p olluti on or not is justworries the p ublic.11. he will go to work in a m

8、ountain village surp rises all of us.12. I firmly believehe said at the meeting was right.13. Word came from Mr. Smithhe could arrive on the follow ing Saturday.I might tur n to my En glish teacher for help.14. An idea occurred to me15. app eared to me that he enjoyed the food very much.16. She is v

9、ery dear to us. We have bee n prep ared to do it takes to save her life.17. The fact has worried many scientiststhe earth is becoming warmer and warmer theseyears.18.was most i mp orta nt to her, she told me, was her family.19. Why not try your luck downtown. Bob? That' sthareest jobs20. The ord

10、er camethe soldiers should leave the small village the next morning.二、單句改錯(cuò)A.定語(yǔ)從句..9.He is work ing hard, it will make him p ass the final exam.This is the magaz ine which I copied the p aragra ph.Smok ing, that is a bad habit, is, however, popu lar.Is oxyge n the only gas which helps f

11、ire burn?I have bought two ball pens, n either of them writes well.The engin eer whom my father is talk ing has just come from abroad.The foreig n guests, most of them were scie ntists, were warmly welcomed at the air port.The huma ns are destro ying n ature day by day, it of course, will cause seve

12、re puni shme nt. It was at eleve n owheodhey went out of the cin ema.10. Life is like a long race that we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.11. Occasions are quite rare that I have the time to spend a day with my kids.8.19.All the n eighbors admire this family who the par

13、ents are treat ing their child like a friend.That is the day whe n ril n ever forget.For many cities in the world, there is no room to sp read out further, i n which New York is an exa mp le.Teachi ng is a job that you are doing someth ing serious but in terest ing.The p lace where in terested me mo

14、st was the Childre n's Palace.Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers that consumer complaints have resulted in cha nges in the law.The factory in which we'll visit n ext week is not far from here.I want to use the same dict ionary that was used yesterday.My n eighbours use

15、d to give me a hand in time of trouble, that was very kind of them.21.B.名詞性從句I am sure that some one will tell me the reason why you have n ' t told me.I believe you 'nesytur best and things will improve very soon.As is known to us all is that the 2008 Olym pic Games will take p lace in Beij

16、i ng.The companies are work ing together to create which they hope will be the best transport in the 21st cen tury.That he referred to in his article was unknown to the gen eral reader.As his best frien d, I can make accurate guesses about which he will do or think.The sport the n was a little diffe

17、re nt from which we curre ntly know as gymn astics.They waited p atie ntly for which seemed a long time, sta mping in the snow to kee p their feet..8.19.20.mea ns ofwarm.With your help, there is no doubt that our plan is meant for will work out successfully.T

18、he idea has widely bee n acce pted man should live in harm ony with n ature.That they are closest friends is not clear though they live together.Nobody would sta nd out admitti ng the fact, for some reas on, why they lost the game.Recen tly the hos pital has impo rted that they call a sca nner.I don

19、 know whether the future holds in store for me, but I wil l face the storms of life bravely.A warm thought came to me I might hel p wash my momEn ergy is that makes thing work.The questi on came up at the meet ing if we had eno ugh money for our research.It worried her a bit the hair was turning gra

20、y.Obviously we do morning exercises every day does us good.The reas on why I plan to go is she will be disa ppoin ted if I don's feet on Thanksgiving Day.t.參考答案一、語(yǔ)法填空A.定語(yǔ)從句1. that 2.who 3.whose 4.when 5.which 6.for 7.which10.where 11.which 12.where 13.where 14.which 15.as8.whe n16.that9.k nows17.whose18.why 19.that 20.asB.名詞性從句1.that 2.that 3.that 4.whether 5.travels 6.what 7.it8.what9.where10.what 11. That 12.what 13.that 14.that


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