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1、邢 唷? ?OQ?BCDEFGHIJKLMN欹? 慳?jbjbAA V,+?+?.4?8?|4閖?HHjjj :Ui鑙阨阨阨阨阨阨,輑R/oZ j?.u? uu j虯.jj?虯虯虯u?.j.j鑙虯B?.u鑙虯虯?|g.磇蹀 啄?!A?榟磇4筳0閖篽?塷虯塷D磇虯.44 -8?448Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence SpectrometerSKYRAY-EDX 600Product Quotation SystemThis quotation system is to be explained by Skyray Instrument Inc. All R

2、ights Reserved.Contents1. Product Name and Specifications2. Main Hardware Configuration of EDX 6002.1 Direct ratio count detector2.2 X-Ray Tube2.3 High/Low Voltage Power Supply2.4 Multi-Channel Pulse Amplitude Analyzer2.5 High-Resolution Camera3. Peripherals of EDX600 (Optional and charged additiona

3、lly)3.1 Computer3.2 Color Ink-Jet Printer3.3 Regulated Power Supply4. Software Configuration of EDX 6004.1Precious Metal analysis software4.2Plating thickness analysis software (Optional)5. Configuration of Samples5.1 Sample Chamber5.2 Fixing Metal Bracket6. Collimators Filtering7. Other Main Access

4、ories8. Necessary Technical Documents Enclosed9. Warranty and After Service1. Product Name and Specifications1.1. Name and model of the product:SkyrayEnergyDispersiveX-RayFluorescenceSpectr o m e t e r-E D X6 0 01 . 2 .M a n u f a c t u r e r :S k y r a yI n s t ru m e n tI n c .1 . 3 .Q T YU NI T (

5、 S e t )S U M( U S D )1S e tU S D 2 5 , 9 9 5. 0 0( E x c l u d i n gt a x )1 . 4 .P i c t u r eo fE X D6 0 0E D X 6 0 0M o d e l1 . 5 .W o r k i n gC o n d i t i o n?W o r k i n gt e m p e r a t u r e :1 5 - 3 0 d e g r e e?R e l a t i v eh u m i d i t y :d7 0 %?P o w e rs u p p l y :A C2 2 0 / 1 1

6、 0 ? 5 V1 . 6 .T e c h n i c a lP e r f o r m a n c ea n dSp e c i f i c a t i o n s1 . 6 . 1 .A n a l y t i c a lr a n g eo fe l e m en t s :A u ,A g ,C u ,Z n ,N i ,P d ,P t1 . 6 . 2 .T h ee l e m e n tc o n t e n tr a n g ef r o m1p p mt o9 9 . 9 9 %can be analyzed.1.6.3. Measure time: 60-200s1.6

7、.4.The measure repeatability can be 0.1% when the content of samples is more than96%.1.6.5. Long-term working stability being 0.1%1.6.6. Suitable temperature range is from 15?to 30?1.6.7.Power supply: AC 220(5V. (Thepurified AC regulated power supply is recommended.)1.6.8. Independent matrix effect

8、correction model1.6.9. Multi-variable non-linear regression procedure1.6.10. Arbitrary optional analysis and identification models1.6.11. Ability to analyze 7 elements simultaneously2. Main Hardware Configuration of EDX 6002.1Direct ratio count detector2.2X-Ray TubeTechnical Specifications and Featu

9、res:2.2.1. Service life is longer than 10,000 20,000hours.2.2.2. Emitting X-ray to excite the samples2.3High/Low Voltage Power SupplyTechnical Specifications and Features: 0 k V ,1 m A2 . 3 . 2 .P r o v i d i n gp o w e rs u p p l ye xc l u s i v e l yt oX - r a y2 . 4M u l t i - C h a n n e

10、 lA n a l y z e rT e c h n i c a lS p e c i f i c a t i o n sa n dF e at u r e s :2 . 4 . 1 . D a t ap r o c e s s i n gw i t ht h eco l l e c t e ds i g n a l s ,a n dt r a n s f e r r in gt h er e s u l t st ot h ec o m p u t e r2 . 5H i g hR e s o l u t i o nC a m e r a2 . 5.1 Observing samples3.

11、 Peripherals of EDX 600 (Optional and charged additionally)3.1 Computer3.1.1Function: Helps the X-ray analyzer with data processing3.1.2 Configuration: OS ?Windows 2000/XP3.1.3 Memory: 256M3.1.4 Monitor: 17?SVGA LCD3.1.5 HD: 80G or more3.1.6 DVD-ROM: 24X or more3.1.7 CPU: P4 2.63.2 Color Ink-Jet Pri

12、nter3.2.1 Function: To print out the analysis results from the computer.3.3 Regulated Power Supply3.3.1Function: To provide stable and reliable power supply to the instrument.3.3.2 Optional models1. Purified AC regulated power supply2. Online UPS4. Software of EDX 600Functions of the software:We can

13、 observe the samples with the camera.Analysis ten elements simultaneously within 1 to 3 minutesAutomatic initialization and calibrationA variety of fitting analysis methods for spectra4.1Precious Metal analysis software4.1.1Introduction of Functions: To analyze the components and contents of the sam

14、plesrapidly and accuratelyIt has various mathematic models, making it easier to analyze all kinds of materialsand samples.It can plot a number of working curves, each having its own working condition, makingit more convenient to test the samples.It sets freely the tube voltage and tube current of th

15、e instruments, and performs morespecialized testing on the samples?elements.It can make comparison between reference spectra, making it easier to analyze thematerials comparatively.4.1.2 Sample of the Detection Analysis Spectrum:Detection Analysis Spectrum for Precious MetalRemarks: The above pictur

16、e is for reference only.4.2Plating Thickness Analysis Software (Optional and charged additionally)4.2.1Introduction of Functions: To detect and analyze the thickness and components ofplatingAnalyze single-layer, multilayer and alloy plating.Many methods are available in analyzing plating.Show units

17、in both British system and metric system simultaneously.4.2.2AS a m p l eo ft h eD e t e c t i o nA n a l y si sS p e c t r u m :5 .C o n f i g u r a t i o no fS a m p l e sS t a n d a r ds a m p l e sa r eu s e df o rp lo t t i n gw o r k i n gc u r v e s .5 . 1S a m p l eC h a m b e r5 . 2F i x i

18、n gM e t a lB r a c k e tF o rf i x i n gs m a l ls a m p l ew hi c hi sd i f f i c u l tt ob ep u ti nt hes a m p l ec hamber6. Collimators FilteringThe facular diameters of collimator is 3mm (for Precious Metal analysis)The facular diameters of collimator is 1mm(for Plating thickness analysis)(Acc

19、ording to the software you choose)7. Other Main Accessories7.1 High voltage cable7.2 High voltage and X-ray tube filament cable7.3 USB line for camera7.4 X-ray indicator lamp7.5 Radiator fan7.6 Protective shield7.7 Interface board7.8 Power supply board7.9 Transformer7.10 Main switch7.11 Proximity sw

20、itc h7 . 1 2P o w e rs u p p l y7 . 1 3S i g n a lp r o c e s s i n gb o a r d7 . 1 4L i n eb a n k7 . 1 5C o v e ro ft h ei n s t r u m e n t8 .N e c e s s a r yT e c h n i c a lD o c u m e n t sE n c l o s e d 8 . 1 O p e r a t i o nI n s t r u c t i o nB r o c h u re ,c o n t a i n i n go p e r a

21、 t i o nr u l e sa ndm e t h o d st od e a lw i t hs i m p l ef au l t so ft h ei n s t r u m e n t8 . 2AL i s to ft h eP a r t s8 . 3闚I n s p e c t i o nR e p o r tf o rF i n i s h e dGo o d9 .W a r r a n t ya n dA f t e rS e r v i c e9 . 1W ep r o v i d et r a i n i n gt ot h eop e r a t o r so ft

22、 h ec u s t o m e r s .9 . 2T e c h n o l o g ys e r v i c ea r ef r e e ,a n dw ep r o v i d ef i e l dt r a i n i n gtot h eo p e r a t i o ns t a f fo fo u rc u st o m e r s .9.3 With proper use, when the faults of the instrument are caused by the imperfectionof the craft or material, and is conf

23、irmed so by the technical staff in the After-SalesDivision, and the instrument remains intact, then the guarantee period of thisinstrument is one year, starting from the day it was certified.9.4 We provide maintenance for life. Please keep the valid purchase warrant, invoice,and warranty card with y

24、our full address and contact information.9.5 The upgrade service of the software is free.Skyray Instrument Inc. PAGESkyray Instrument Inc.Add: 639 Granite Street, Suite 222, Braintree,MA 02184Tel: +1-781-519-4765Fax:+1-781-519-4766E-mail: salesusaSkyray-Website: PAGE 2Skyray Instrument Inc. &34=

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