



1、N0.1畢業(yè)典禮幼兒園全體英語朗詩.(給予每個學(xué)生一張kindergarten字母卡片)念出下面的朗詩K is for Kin dergarte n-h ip, hi p, hooray.I is for imagi natio n we use everyday.N is for nu mbers we know one, two, three.D is for draw ing, the best you can see!E is for exercise to kee p our bodies strong.R is for read ing books all day long.G i

2、s for good frien ds. We made more each day.A is for the alp habet we know how to say.R is for rememberi ng everythi ng we lear ned.'ve had some.T is for treats every Friday we earned.E is for exciteme nt. This year weN is for next year. First grade here we come.N0.2It's time to say good bye

3、now and so before you go we'd like to tell you somethi ng that we thi nk you'd like to knowWe're going to start our school daysFor twelve more years and the nWhe n we graduate the n ext timeWon't you p lease come back aga in畢業(yè)詩歌三:Dear principal, teachers and friendsToday is a won der

4、ful dayToday we graduateOur life are better because of youNow we would like to say tha nksThank you principal , Thank you for this wonderful schoolThank you teachers , tha nk you for everyth ing you have taught usThank you for your wisdom and un dersta ndingThank you parents and familyThank you for

5、tak ing us to school everydayThank you classmatesThank you for being our frie ndsWe will miss you all everydayDon t forget us, we won ' t forget youGoodbye and best wishes to all of you親愛的園長,老師,朋友們 今天是一個特別的日子,今天我們畢業(yè)了 謝謝你們,因為你們,生活變得豐富多彩。謝謝親愛的園長,謝謝您為我們創(chuàng)造了這么好的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境 謝謝尊敬的老師,謝謝您教給我們的一切,謝謝您的理解與關(guān)懷。謝謝爸爸媽

6、媽,謝謝你們每天不辭辛苦的接送我們。謝謝小伙伴們,謝謝你們的友愛與幫助。我們會非常想念你們的, 不要忘了我們,因為我們會把這份思念深藏心底。再見了幼兒園,再見了園長,老師,阿姨, 再見了親愛的小伙伴們。畢業(yè)詩歌四:Today is the last time I sta nd hereTeachers and childre n together,How happy I am.In a few days, I will en ter p rimary school,To be a first-year stude nts,Sitti ng in the bright classroom,To

7、read and write, how much air!Dear teachers,I have a lot to say to you:Three years ago whe n I first came here,Throw ing toys all over the floor, but also temper;Today, here is my own,No mud on the face,Gloves to wash his own socks,Will be singing, dancing, pain ti ng, storytell ing,Know a lot of reas ons.Dear teachers,I tha nk you from the bottom of my heart!Goodbye, teachers,I will certa inly look after you,I report to you into lear ning今天,是我最后一次站在這里, 和老師、小朋友在一起, 我是多么歡喜。再過幾天,我就要進小學(xué), 做個一年級小學(xué)生, 坐在明亮的教室里, 讀書寫字,多么神氣!親愛的老師, 我有許多話想說給您: 三年


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