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1、第15條只有學(xué)而不厭的老師,才能教育出學(xué)而不厭的學(xué)生。敎師英文的勵(lì)志格首第 1 條 A smile is a kind of state, but also aresponsibility.A teacher never teach a timid a heroic to students.Only education study of teacher, the studentsstudy.作為一名園丁,我堅(jiān)信每一朵花都有盛開的理由。教育是植根于愛的,充滿愛心的人,就會(huì)是成功的人。Eyes with children, a goal in your heart.用愛心去塑造,用真誠去感召,用人

2、格去熏陶。春風(fēng)化雨,滋潤學(xué)生的心田;雷厲風(fēng)行,提升自身的素養(yǎng)。Tolerant, but don' t indulge: preference, butdon' t spo11, smooth and in the spring rain.第 10 條 Do the researchers first, secondly do managers.第 11 條 May be the gardener regular watering, as theircandle torch burning.第條Ten years trees,educating people in one hu

3、ndred.第13條認(rèn)認(rèn)真真教書,踏踏實(shí)實(shí)做人。第貝碼頁7.總共總頁數(shù)頁第 14 條 The gardener,lofty title, I wish you all the peaches and chunhui times square.第 16 條 Teacher* s greatesthappiness is to groups ofchildren to the other side of theideal.第17條學(xué)高為師,身正為范!第18條Learn like a stream, not to advance is to go back.第19條心靈塑造的最佳工程師。第20條Wi

4、th love, patience, sincerity to inspirechildren purechildlike innocence.第21條Education is rooted in love and caring people,it can be a successful man.第 22 條 Spring rain, nourishing students hearts; Highefficiency, to improve its quality.第23條 你對生活微笑,那么生活也對你微笑。第24條 凡事皆有可能,機(jī)遇屬于有自信的競爭者。教師英文勵(lì)志格言第25條 對所學(xué)知識(shí)

5、資料的興趣可能成為領(lǐng)悟動(dòng)機(jī)。第26條教師最重要的職責(zé)之一是培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的自信。第27條用愛心啟迪孩子的心靈,用激情點(diǎn)燃孩子的智慧。第28條你不能預(yù)知明天,但你可以把握今天。第29條Friendly with the children, he saw the sprinkled on the earth is love.第 30 條 Friendly attitude, always a teacher good itself.第31條首先做研究者,其次才做管理者。第 32 條 Interest in the knowledge data could becomprehend motives.第33

6、條要把陽光灑向教室的每個(gè)角落。第34條教育無小事,事事須盡力。第35條有時(shí)寬容引起的道德震動(dòng)比懲罰更強(qiáng)烈!第36條從零開始,持之以恒。第貝碼頁7.總共總頁數(shù)頁第37條我愿做人梯讓年輕人踏著我的肩膀攀登科學(xué)高峰。第38條打電話的時(shí)候請你微笑,對方一定感覺得到。第39條The best engineers heart shape.第40條選擇了遠(yuǎn)方,就要風(fēng)雨兼程。第41條Bad things hap pen to good p eople good, even if,also want to be good.第42條寬容,但不縱容:偏愛,但不溺愛,貴在春雨潤物。第43條教師與畫家不一樣的是他要?jiǎng)?chuàng)造

7、真善美的活人。第44條教書育人是教師的天職,既有苦,也有樂。第45條愛孩子,是我快樂的源泉。第46條Sometimes tolerance caused by the moral shock isstronger than punishraent!第47條Education is no small matter; Teachers have nosection.第48條Sprinkle sunshine to to every corner of theclassroom.第49條學(xué)如逆水行舟,不進(jìn)則退。第 50 條 Education is no small matter, must try

8、 our bestto everything.第51條 每個(gè)孩子都是一粒種子。我愿做陽光,給他們以溫暖。第52條 讓我們用自己的行和自己的心教育我們的孩子。第53條快樂工作,快樂生活。第54條 教育的過程有艱辛,也有快樂,我卻樂得其所。第 55 條 Full of childlike innocence, standard words anddeeds, good for the students.第56條教著,感受著;走著,快樂著。第57條Let love glistened in teaching, let the studentsgrow in love.第58條生命的蠟燭,因思維而點(diǎn)燃

9、;生命的火花,因智慧而第貝碼頁7.總共總頁數(shù)頁燦爛。第59條習(xí)于智長,優(yōu)與心成。第60條Life is short, only virtue can be handed it tothe remote future.第61條讓師愛在教誨中閃光,讓學(xué)生在關(guān)愛中成長。第62條微笑是一種境界,更是一種責(zé)任。第63條With love to enlighten the child' s mind, thewisdom of thechildren with passion.第 64 條 And so, in the process of education and teaching,we ca

10、n learn a lot.第 65 條 Only an interest to the outside world things canmaintain mental health.第66條誦讀六十五條,習(xí)慣牢記心頭。world.第67條Dogged willpower can conquer any peak in the第68條踏踏實(shí)實(shí)做人認(rèn)認(rèn)真真做事。第69條Love the children of self is a person, lovesomeone else,s child is god.第70條美德大多存在于良好的習(xí)慣中。第71條The vitality of life i

11、s to keep learning,learning, andlearning.第72條World affairs and in fine, the world is easy togive in easily.第73條 天荒地老,教師的童心不泯。第 74 條 Let us use their own and their own heart educationof our children.第75條愛校、愛生是我們職責(zé)。第76條Professional is a man first, for the teacher.第77條愛自我的孩子是人,愛別人的孩子是神。第78條一個(gè)怯弱的教師決不能教出一個(gè)英勇的學(xué)生來。第 79 條 Work for the pleasure of others, to get to theirown perfect.第 80 條 Our greatest hap pi ness is to gro ups o


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