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1、1 / 15東城區(qū)20182019學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期期末教學(xué)統(tǒng)一檢測高二央語2019.1本試卷共10頁,共120考試時長100分鐘.考生務(wù)必將答案答在答題卡上住試 卷上作答無效。考試結(jié)束后將答題卡交回.第一部分:知識運用共兩節(jié),45分)第一節(jié)語ife填空(共10小題*每小題1.5分,共15分)閱讀下列短文,報據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空在未給撻示詞的空白處僅填寫一個適當?shù)膯卧~,在 給出提示詞的空白處用括號內(nèi)所給詞的正確形式填空.The Warwick Cheese Festival takes place in June every year. This annual event is the biggeatc

2、heese festival in North America* (attract) tens of thousands of Canadians and 2 (visitor) from all overthe world, They can try over 100 kinds of cheese made all over Quebec at the festival. And they 3 (invite)to vote for th* Peoples Choice Priae of the year.Passage 2Winter break was fast approaching

3、 All Scott wanted to do was to go snowboarding,4 Scotts parents had different plans. They had booked a weeklong trip to Hawaii,Scott hated warm weather and asked 5 he could just stay at his best friend*s house so that he couldsnowboard every day. His parents didnt want to hear anything of it. He kep

4、t 6 (debate) with them aboutthe topic * but they would not change their tnimls. Family time waa important to them4and it was atradition that they spent winter brefik together.Passage 3Although he is only eleven years old* James helps the age Every day, he goes to Redhill 7 trainto help three old peo

5、ple with housework and shopping. In this way he has made their livs much easier.It is through Jatnes h&rd work tha: a Neighbourhood Care Program has been started. So farTJamesand his friends 8(form) & group ofyoung volunteers to seek out the people _ need hdp, They do this without funding an

6、d withoutrecognition. Their main aim is 10 (make) a difference through personal sacrifice. “,高三芙語第1頁(共10頁 第二節(jié) 完形填空(共劉小題每ZbL5分共加分闔讀下面短文,戟握其大怠,從每題所給的A.B.C.D四個選項中*送出最隹選項,并在 善題卡上將諫項涂黑。2 / 15The uni verve KBJa way of sending help from even the most unlikely of placesWhen Tony received a wrong-number mess

7、age on his mobile phont, he could have juyt1】it* Instead9he gathered five of his six children anda picture to send to Sydtthe girl on the other end of the line just to give her a little 13* However* he had noidea that replying to this random message would 14 hi呂familys life.Thewaa from Sydfwho was d

8、ress shopping when she decided to gel a second15* Sa she took & picture of herself ia the new dresa that she had chosen and sent thmessage to who she thought was her friend.Tony sent herAmessage 16 right away* but heAISOwanted to let her know that her pretty picturehadnt ended up in the 7 hands

9、t so he included a picture of hi5 kids giving a big thumbs-up, T figuredthat the childrens 18 would be far better than some middle-aged man!Syds friend Mandi was so deeply touched by thethat she posted it onlinefwhere it quickly went viraL Not only 4 it just a sweet 20 of kindness on Tony s part but

10、 Look at thosecute kids of hi!Once the story 21 the webTpeople discovered that one of Tonyl children was from the picture. Theyoungest childfKAiiler wasnt home &t the time 23 his metn had taken him to his chemotherapy(4t)appointment.Once Mandi read about Kaitlers cancer diagnoms, she shared his

11、GoFundMe page* whichsnowballed into a widespread 24 of giving Thousands of people have donated to the little boys page.Kaizlers mom $ys she can+t express how衛(wèi)5 her family is for the financial help, and no oneCMbelieve this rush of good fortunefrom a airnple wrong-numbermenage |It is ao refreshing to

12、 be 27 that There are good people in the world who stili care about others andare quick to be 28 and kind io others(nshe stated* *1 would also like to thank EVERYONE from thebottom of my heart 9 . aU the kind wordft* “I the donationsr all the love and support We honestlywould never have been able co

13、 3J it thi far in our journey without every single one of you! 1111, A, copiedB. returnedC. ignoredD. recognized12, A* borrowedB. inventedC. foundD. took13* A. spaceB. pc5.ceC. encOuragemcnTD. description14. A* changeB. ruinC. controlD. plan15. A pictureE opinionC placeD. chance16. A. offB overC* up

14、Q back爲三英語21017. A. differentB wrongC ordinaryD free18fA, companyB* responseC. explanationD permission19. A. exchangeB* participationC, preferenceD. strategy20* A. actB. talkC. stateD. smileZl. A. caughtB ranC. hitD. searched22tA. hidingB. escapingC. droppingD. missing3 / 1523* A. unlessB althoughC*

15、 becauseD. once24. A. anxietyB. predictionC. roilD* wave25. A. gratefulB. concernedC. famousD. eager26. A. fellB cameC. leftD heard27, A. remindedB. arrangedC, greetedD. persuaded28 A, outspokenB generousC. faithfulD energetic29. A. ofB. withC* aboutD. for30. A. urgeB. pasC Pastime is written and de

16、signed to be kept Andtreasured. We know children love going onlinebut we also know how much they enjoy holding aprinted magazine in their hands* and the excitement they get hen each new Isue drops through theletterbox personally addressed to them.4 / 15Ssbscription Pastime is published six times且yea

17、r An annual subscription costs just 20 and makes agreat gift for any child aged eight to twelve. To order by phoneEDial 1-800-821-0156 and use Offer Code WEBSAVE86 for print-onlysubscriptions You can cancel at any time for magazines that haven4器Eiipped yet.31. If a reader is interested in lestivals,

18、 he can read_ ”A. HistoryK WorldC SportD. Art眈*What does the magazine provide?A* Photos of talented art 1sts氐Stories created by children,C. Suggestions on readers* problems.D+Book re views written by students.呂亂For subscriptiotii one needs to know that the nwgaine_ A, offers electronic copiesB costs

19、 20 Jor each copyC_ is for kindergarten childrenD is published every two monthsBEveryyear,1. 5 millionkids aroundtheworld dieas aresultof not gettingvaccines(疫苗) .Thisis partly because tiwisparting and storing medianes can be a huge cliallenge in some countries.Anurudh Gaxi亡MIU17 knows this firsthan

20、d When he was a baby in lndmfhis grandparentscarried him 10 mile to a health clinic in a remote village to receive a vaccine But by the titne theyarrivedt the vaccines were no longer usable because they had been overheated.Vaccines* Anurudh later learnedtmust be kepi cool to stay effective But refri

21、gerating them requireselectricity or i precious resources that many developing高三萎語第4更(共10賈countries lack*Akhcagh Anurudh eventually received the vaccine he needed( hi” experience as a baby and thesad reality that so many other children arent as lucky motivated him to take action. The high schoolstud

22、ent invented Vaxxwago口,a portable vaccine-carrying device thatgenerates itsown power to keeplifesaving medicines cool as theyre delivered to remote areas around the world.Anurudh firt got his idea for Vaxxwagoo tn 2014. He read several textbooks to learn everythinghe could aboutrefrigeration andthen

23、 he didresearch online to learn more about vaccines* R&tber than5 / 15relying on electricity or ice. Anurudh figured outAway to use wheels to power a refrigeration system forabout eight hours. The entire rechargeable cooling system can be pulled to areas in need of vaccines by& bicycleta car

24、, or an unimaL Eventually Anurudh took his design to professors at Johns HopkinsUniversity for advice. Not only did they confirm Vaxxwagon could workp but they offered him fundingto help build it”Anurudh was rewarded with the 2015 Google Science Fair LEGO Education Builder Award forhis invention. An

25、urudh says his final goal is to start selling Vfixxwagon to relief organizations, so it canbe used to help people around the world.Anurudh who plans to pursue engineering degree in collegetsay5, Dorft give up on your ideas.But always try to help others with your projects. Thats the point of engineer

26、ing一to help people. 34*Why do many children die every year?A. They lack qualified medical teams,B. They caiuiot afford unable nedicines.C. They dont have an electricity systemD* They have no access to effective vaccines,35 Whet is special abour Vaxxwagon?A It can serve as a fridge.B, It can produce

27、safe vaccines.C. It can detect deadly diseases.D. Jt can be a m(?ans of transport.36. Which of the following words can be町describe Anurudh?A. Caring and creative,B Modest and sympathetic.C* Loyal and determtned*D. Honest and hard-working.37. What can we learn from the story?A. Practice makes perfect

28、.B. One good turn deserves another.C Motivation is the mother of success.D AU things are difficuh before they ere easy*高三英語第5英(共10頁)cWhy Black Friday Shoppers Still Crowd StoresTo many f us it*s the differencebetween playing n spon and playing a videoAs framer ci ptRRstores may be* they are still pl

29、aces where actual human beings interact. In a storeTthr*coLirReouFT,shopper prfnrrrLs the approving *ct of finding a present. That item mighl be heavilypromoted by the store but it doesnht drop into one*s cart. It is picked up and examined before adectMon is made. Maybe it fifets put back on the she

30、lf when lhe shopper changes his or her mind.Maybe there詢a conversation with a sales clerk. The process ij* not that different than it would havebeen decades ago.Online* the shopper has barely logged in before being faced with disturbing譏gorithtnic(大數(shù)據(jù)的)AUggatiotis basedon earlier purchases. This har

31、dly qualifiesas shopping. This hardly qualifLesas thinking.Perhaps we are reading Coo much into the Black Friday phencniEnon But we suspect one reasonBlck Friday remains is that it involves an act of resistance against the Internet age. That would hardlybe unreasonable. There arent many tudi?s a bow

32、ing rhjit time ?pent in stores i, bad for one s health-while theie are quite a few drawing a link betwe亡n time spent online and depression. Perhaps thepeople crowding into stores arent the crazy ones after熬lh3S. What cn we infer from the first two paragraphs?2 Physical stores are not- so popular as

33、before.B. People spend more on Black Friday bargains,C Americans have an unhefilthy shopping habit,D. Goods in iitorei ere cheaper than those online,髙至芙語610 M39. The author thinks people love to go holiday shopping mainly because_ .A. they feel tired of shopping onlineB. they think it ia good for th

34、eir healthC* they hope to pass down the holiday traditionD. they can have real communication with others40. What does the author think of the Bl&ck Friday phenomenon?A. Puzzling.B. UnusuaLC. Ouv-of-chte.D. Underst anda b le.41. What is mainly discussed in the passage?A. The psychology of shoppin

35、g 7 / 15B The development of retailing.C* The mflueacea of e-commcrce.D The features of holiday economy.DAn open office issupposed to forceemployeesto cooperate. To hav電them talk more fac to face.To get them off instant messenger (IM) and braiiutorming new ideas. But a recent study by tworee&rch

36、ers offers evidenceTOsupport what many people who work in open offices already knowi Itdoesnt really work that way The noise causes people to put on headphones and tune out. The l&ck ofprivacy causes others to work from home when they caa And the sense of being in a fishbowl meansmany choose ema

37、il over a desk-side chat.Ethan Bernstein and Stephen Turban* two Harvard Business School professors, studied twoFortune 500 companies that made the shift to an open office environmenr from one where workers hadmore privacy Using * sociometric electronic badges (1ftandmicrophones * as well data on em

38、ail and instant messenger use by employees, the researchers found inthe first study th&t after the orgmiuation made the move to open-plan offices v workers spent 73% lesstime m face-terface interaction Meanwhile email use rose 67% and】M use went up 75 Ji,The participants wore the badges and micr

39、ophones for several weeks before the office w&sredesigned and for several after and the company gave the researchers access to their electronic communi cat ion 3. The results were astonishing. * We were surprised by the degree to which we found theeffects Bernstein said* The badges could tell th

40、at two people bad a face-to-face interaction withoutrecording actual spoken words* The高三英語第3頁(共10頁researchers were careful to make sure other factors weren*t in questionthe business cycle wassimilar for instance* and the group of employees were the same.In a second $tudy* the researchers looked at t

41、he changes in interaction between specific pairs ofcalleaguc finding a similfir drop in face-to-face communication and a smaller but still significantincrease in electronic correspondnce,Another wrinkle in their researchTBernstein said4ts that not only did workers shift the way ofcommaiucatioa they used* but they also亡nded to interact with different groups of people onlinethan they did in person* Moving from on& kind of communication to another may not be all bad一*maybe email is just more efficientt he said一but if managers


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