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1、初一英語名詞單復數(shù)練習題及答案一寫出下列單詞的復數(shù)形式this booksheepwatchdiarydaydress boxpeachsandwich二選擇1. The _ in near our house are very beautiful.A. clothB. water C. flowers2. Tom is one of the Chinese in our school.A. boy B. boys C. boies3. A cat has four , doesnt it?A. foots B. feet C. feets4. There are three and five

2、 in the room.A. American, Japanese B Americans, Japanese C.American, Japanese5. Can you see nine in the picture?A. fish B. books C. horse6. The has two.A. boy; watchB. boy; watches C. boys; watch7. The are flying back to their country.A. Germany B. Germanys C. Germans8. The girl brushes her every da

3、y before hegoes to bed.A. tooths B. teethC. teeths8.1 saw many in the street.A. peoples B. people C. people s10.The green shirt is his .A. brotherB. brothersC. brother s三 選擇填空1. They come from different A. country B. countries C. a country D. countrys2. How many do you see in the picture?A. tomatos

4、B. tomatoes C. tomatoD. the tomato3. They are.A . woman teachersB. women teachersC. women teacher D. woman teacher4. Would you like ,please?A. two glass of waterB. two glasses of waterC. two glass of waters D. two glasses of waters5. Most of live in .A. Germans, German B. German, GermenC. Germen, Ge

5、rmany D. Germans, Germany6. There are some in these .A. knifespencil-boxes B. knivespencils-boxC. knivespencil-box D. knivespencils-boxes7. like by air.A. Greens, travellingB. The Green, travelingC.The Greens, travelD. The Greens, traveling8. I wonder why are interested in actionfilms.A. the peopleB

6、. people C. peoplesD. the peoples9. There is no in the plate.A. applesB. orangesC. riceD. eggs10. My uncle has three .A.childB.childs C.children D.childrens四 . 填入所給名詞的正確形式1. I have two2. There are two in the zoo.3. There are many on the road.4. A few are drawing on the wall.5. The are playing footba

7、ll now.6. Please take two for me.7. I like the red8. Would you please clean your now?9. Do you want some ?10. There are ten in ourschool.一、請寫出下列詞的復數(shù)形式citieszoos countries teeth mice boysbrooms cars trees horses buses foxes branches babies families dishes radios photos pianos knivesleaves lives thiev

8、es men women children feet these watches diaries days books dresses sheep teas boxesstrawberries peaches sandwichespapers juice water milk rice people CDs oxen deer fish二、單項選擇1.C .B .B .B .A.B .C .B .B 10.C三、選擇填空1.B .B .B .B .D.D .D .B .C 10.C四 . 填入所給名詞的正確形式1. knives .boxes .buses .boys .children6.p

9、hotos .tomatoes .teeth .milk 10.womenteachers初一英語名詞單數(shù)變復數(shù)測試題名詞單數(shù)變復數(shù)填空1: 2: 3: :4::5::6:二:代詞/ be 動詞單數(shù)變復數(shù)this that I youshe he it am is三:把下列的單詞變?yōu)閺蛿?shù)形式四:句子單數(shù)變復數(shù)1: : This is a book. . 2: Thatisaneraser.3: It is a red apple.4: I am a boy. 5: He /She isateacher.6: Whatsthis?五:名詞復數(shù)變單數(shù)練習1: Those are myfriends

10、.2:TheyareEnglishboys.3:Theyaresomeerasers.4:Thesearedictionaries.5: we are students. 6: what color are your books六:根據(jù)句意及所給單詞填空。1: : are my English books.2: The two boys are my 3: those your parents?Yes, they .4: -Who are the man and the womanin the picture?They are my .5: My aunt Jane and my mother

11、 are .:They are my 。7: I have two . They are on the desk.:I have some of my family.:Do you like these? 10: Are those your ?七:漢譯英;1 :這些是我的帽子。2 :那些不是課桌。3 :他們不是男孩。4 :這個棒球在沙發(fā)上嗎?不,它在椅子下面。5 :這些字典是紅色的嗎?不,它們是藍色的。選擇 a 或 an 或者不填penbagapplebananaorangeoranges hourhouseumbrellaAeiRa: MemE waterchild children用 a

12、/an 填空: Is it Chinese book or English book? This isring, and it is orange ring. Mary isEnglish teacher. Tomis Chinese teacher. This isbike. It s old bike. This is telephone number. That is ID card. I lost my keys. It sset of keys. It s apple, not pear. This is peach. That sorange. You have banana, b

13、ut I have egg. Is there umbrella on the desk? There is island in the sea. There is picture on the card. I haveold book. apple is a kind of fruit. There isarmchaira:mtFeE in the living room. I d like egg. Look, there isbird in the tree. Is there map on the wall? There isbenchbentF in the park.寫出下列名詞的

14、復數(shù):butterfly sky thief boy toy leaf wife life half knife shelf potato photo_man ChineseGermanwoman Japaneseherotoothsheepnegrofootfishtomato翻譯:兩個男工人兩個女工人兩個小孩個中國人條魚 4 只綿羊 4 只鹿5 只鵝 5 英尺 6 顆牙齒 6 個女人 7 只腳 7 個男人寫出下列句子的復數(shù)句子: This is my friend. That is his brother. Is this your sister? Is that her cousin?

15、What s this? This is an apple tree. It is an old backpack.寫出下列單詞的復數(shù)形式:bird chick chick-fish-church pencil box toydonkey monkey babycandy-family-potato- tomato 選擇填空: It s autumnC:tEm , are fallingdown from trees.A.leafB. leafs C. leaves D. leaves There are fiveunder the tree.A.sheepB. sheepes C. ship

16、s D. sheeps What are these in English?-arestamps.stAmpA. They B. It C. Those翻譯:一杯咖啡:一瓶牛奶:一杯茶:給我一些面包: 我喜歡吃米飯: 勿踏草坪:我們度假時天氣真好。玩的高興:好的 / 壞的消息:瓶子里有一些豆奶。杯子里有茶嗎?桌子上有很多菠蘿和葡萄。Daisy 有很多筆記本。一條新聞:一個意見:一塊蛋糕:一瓶墨水:兩瓶果汁:三張紙 :四杯水:練習題: - would you like something to drink, Tara?-Yes, I d like someA. sandwiches B. hot dogs C. waterD. bread The little baby has twoalready.A.toothB. toothsC. teeth D. teeths Help yourself to .A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chickenD. any chicken The teachers have two to live in.A.woman


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