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1、Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents 單元測(cè)試姓名: 班級(jí):學(xué)號(hào):一、單選題(共15題;共30分)1 . I have nothing to do this weekend.Why don't you with us? We have a party this Sunday.A. comeB. to comeC. comingD. comes2 .After two classes, they kept on basketball.A. practiceB. to practiceC. practicingD. practiced3

2、 . Why don't Jim talk to Sam?Because he had a fight Sam yesterday.A. inB. onC. outD. with4 .Miss Li likes to communicate her students, so her students like her very much.A. onB. inC. withD. for5 .Kate offered an old man clean the house.A. helpB. to helpC. helpingD. helped6 .I had a fight with my

3、 friend, we are still good friends.A. So thatB. As soon asC. UntilD. Although7 .Jim reached for中手去拿)a cup of coffee but didn't drink., he passed it to me.A. InsteadB. Instead ofC. BecauseD. Because of8 . What do you the film?It's too scary. I don't like it.A. think ofB. look throughC. ta

4、ke afterD. argue with9 .I don't understand the meaning of the sentence. Could you please it again?Of course.A. explainB. decideC. continueD. control10 .This part of the story was not good, so I decided to.A. cut them outB. cut out themC. cut it outD. cut out it11 .Linda with some of the world

5、9;s best swimmers at the next game.A. will competeB. won't competeC. competedD. didn't compete12It's getting cold. Would you mind the window?Of course not.A. closingB. to closeC. closedD. close13.She parked her car outside the window, but the next morning she found it missing.A. as usual

6、B. at leastC. as ifD. at all14 I feel upset because I am too heavy. do more exercise to lose some weight?A. Why don'tB. Why notC. Why not toD. Why to15 .You can't cross the street now. You have to wait the traffic lights turn green.Oh, sorry and thank you.A. whenB. afterC. untilD. while二、完形填

7、空(共10分)Showing your feeling is important. It is a mistake not to talk to anyone 1 you'refeeling sad, worried or nervous. If you keep bad feelings inside, it can even make you 2.But if you 3with someone, like your mom or dad or your best friend,you'll usually begin to feel 4than before. Now y

8、ou're not all alone with yourproblems or worries.5 , it doesn't mean your problems and worries willdisappear magically6申奇地).But at6 , someone else understands what's7with you and can help8find ways to solve your problems.Your mom and dad want to know if you have any9They love you and the

9、y want to know what's happening in your life. But if you don't want to talk with them, what shouldyou do? Find a trustworthy«S 的 friend or teacher at school or a relative. Maybe that person canhelp you deal with your problems. Then you'll feel as10as before.1. A. whatB. whenC. howD.

10、 why2. A. sickB. activeC. strongD.happy3. A. tellB.speakC. talkD. say4. A. worseB. betterC. wellD.good5. A. WhateverB. HoweverC. WheneverD. But6. A. leastB. lastC. firstD. now7. A. matterB. moreC. wrongD. some8. A. themB. youC. usD. him9. A. problemsB. wrongC. questionsD. thing10. A. happilyB. badC.

11、 sadD.happy三、閱讀理解(共2題;共20分)(一)Hi, I'm Amy.I'm here to help you with any study - related problem, big or small.Please send me a message anytime.AmyMy problem is time I don't have enough time.Next month, I will have twelve exams.How can I possibly study for all of them? I think it's di

12、fficult and impossible. CindyHi, Cindy.It isn't impossible but you have to get started now.Make a study plan and prepare for each subject.It's better to study for an hour a day than just once a week, all day.AmyI share a bedroom and a desk with my sister.When we study at the desk together, s

13、he distracts (使分心、)me because she is noisy.I try to talk with her about it, but she gets angry.Can you help me?JaneHi, Jane.You can discuss with your sister to use the desk at different times.Or you can study at the school library a few times a week.If it's easier to write instead of talking fac

14、e to face, try messaging her and explain how you feel.AmyI'm silly (愚蠢的).I just find it hard to study.I always stop and start and I keep getting the feeling that I'm learning wrong things.I don't think you can really help me.LizaLiza, you're not silly at all! Lots of students have th

15、e same experience as you.Sometimes things will improve if you join a study group.Join a group and meet twice or three times a week after school to study together.It's helpful for lots of students.Amy(1) What is Cindy's problem?()A.Her teachers don't like her.B.Her parents don't under

16、stand her.C.She doesn't want to study for her exams.D.She doesn't have enough time to study for her exams.(2) Who lives in the same bedroom with her sister?()A.Amy B.Cindy C.Jane D.Liza(3) The best word for ' " is !()A.terrible B.scared C.lucky D.excited(4) What does Amy think of Li

17、za?()A.She is silly. B.She is noisy. C.She learns quickly. D.She has a common problem.(5) Amy advises Liza to .A.make a plan B.join a study grou C.talk with her friends D.study in the school libraryI work in a very busy office in a primary school.One morning, I got a phone call from a man.“ Please h

18、elp me, Mrs. Bla!ck” the man said on the phone. “ My girl's teacher asked her to spell ten words.Could you please help her to finish the homewor?k ”O(jiān)f course, that wasn't my job, but I still asked, “ Do you want me to do the homewo?rk”“ Yes, it won't take you long to finish i, t ” the ma

19、n said.“ Well, that was not really why the teachegrave her the homework.She needs to learn to spell the words by herself, ” I explained.“ So what should I do the? n” the man asked.I told him to bring his daughter to the library.There she could look up the words in a dictionary.The man said he would

20、like to go there.I put down the phone and shook my head.Fifteen minutes later, I was surprised to see my father walk to my office and put a piece of paper in front of me, saying, “ This was your homework twenty years ago, Jenny.Let's go ytotothe librar finish it now. ”( 1) Where does the writer

21、work? ()A.In a library. B.In a hospital. C.In a primary school. D.In a middle school.( 2) What was the girl's homework?()A.To spell ten words.B.To buy a dictionary.C.To make a phone call to her father. D.To share housework with her father.( 3) What did the man on the phone really want to do(?)A.

22、He wanted to know the way to the library.B.He wanted to go to the office to ask for help.C.He expected Mrs. Black to be his daughter's teacher.D.He wanted Mrs. Black to finish her own homework.( 4) What did Mrs. Black advise the man to do?()A.To bring the homework to her.B.To do the homework by

23、himself.C.To help his daughter look up the words in a dictionary.D.To ask the girl's teacher for help.( 5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?()A.Mrs. Black didn't like to help others.B.The man on the phone is Mrs. Black's father.C.The man on the phone finished the h

24、omework alone.D.Mrs. Black always knew who the man on the phone was.四、翻譯(共10分)1 .她瀏覽了一下今天的新聞,沒發(fā)現(xiàn)什么有趣的事情。She today's news and didn't find anything interesting.2 .你可以刪掉文中你不喜歡的內(nèi)容。You can what you dislike in the article.3 .把這個(gè)跟那個(gè)對(duì)比一下,你就知道哪個(gè)更好。this one that one and you'll know which is better

25、.4 .我希望你能解決這個(gè)問題。I hope you can the problem.5 .秦凱每天訓(xùn)練以便能贏得下個(gè)月的比賽。Qin Kai trains every day he can win the match next month.五、用方框中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空(共 10分)sound nice write friend feel you like need help howWe have a lot of trouble in our life, but we have to face them. When you are feeling unhappy or forget h

26、ow great you are, there are six ways to make you good about yourself.(1)Look in the mirror (鏡子)and say to,“I'm a special person and there's no one in theworldme. I can do anything! ” It may notso goodlIlJWworks!(2)Do something for someone.others always makes you feel good.(3)Smile! Be to peo

27、ple you meet. Look for the good things in your friends and family.(4)Learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate your own room or learn to swim? Go for it! New challenges (挑戰(zhàn))are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished.(5)Read and start a diary. Turn off the TV

28、and let you門magination想象)fly! If you have any thoughts, dreams or anything you want,them down! Writing always helps to express your feelings.(6)Stay with your family. We all our family time. Talk with your Mum and Dad ormaybe even your cousin.六、根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容,從方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)倪x項(xiàng)補(bǔ)全對(duì)話,其中有兩項(xiàng)多余。(共 5分)A: Jenny, you look

29、 unhappy. What's wrong with you?B: A: Really? Why?B: A: You're right. But Kate is a good student.B: She said she went to the hospital to visit her mother and had no time to do it.A: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But I think she could tell your teacher about this.B: I think so. But what sho

30、uld I do, Mom?A: B: Yes, I talked to her, but she didn't say anything to me.A: Don't worry.B: I hope so.A. Did you talk to her today?B. Did you write a letter to her?C. What's the matter?D. I argued with my friend, Kate.E. I think she will understand you and talk with you.F. Because she wanted to copy my homework, but I


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