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1、n othersocial work,oftheCorrecti onal Centre ,school pri nci pals consent,withouteliminate immediatelyIn orderto e nsure normaltea chi ng or der, protecti ng student s' healt hy growth, ensuring t hat nati onal(pr operty)is not lost,topreventorminimizetheoccurre nce ofsafety acci dent s,followt

2、he"preve nt, rescueea ch othe r, ensure safetyand re ducelosses"pri nci ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocalconditiSchoolst udents reportmajoraccide ntwithi n a n hour ofeducation;st udentruna nd disa ppeara nces to re port; re port ofthe a cci dentto awritte n reportin tri plicate,a correcti onal

3、 ce ntre, apoli cestation,a t ownshi p pe opl e's Governme ntshallnot concealthe accident.4 week,tea chersare onparticipate ireliable.Snthe cel ebrations,aswella s participatingiongLinXi ang LiuJia pi ng elementaryschool March2016 songwithout approvalLin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safe

4、tysystems toenhancefire safety,organizati on. Without theprotecti on ofpublic pr opertyaapprovalofreleva ntde partments, maya ndthe lifeandpropertysafetyofteachersaorganizestudentsto partici pate infirefighti ng,disasterreliefandst udents,schoolfire safetyintoday-to-daymanagement,isnd son.developion

5、s, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,t hepri nci pal ist heresponsi bilityofschoolsafety, schoolse curity underthe lea ders hip ofPresi dent securityw orklea dinggroup. The head tea chertothe l eadershipteam i s responsibln dutysystem, esta blish andimprove the lea dershipval ues;strengt hen t he e ducat

6、ion,manageme nt ofteaching activities inschool s to e nsure normalteachingorder; responsi bleforschool safetyleader shpi alwaysmai ntaine. 7, schoolsshould educate st udents to obeyt hesch oolr ules a nd reg ulations, on time, on time home t o preve ntaccide nts.8,schoolto school inspe ctions ona re

7、g ularbasis,fo undhi ddeni ntime,and in severe cases,it is hardtongthe followingfire safetysystem.1,strengtefor,impl ementation ofthe a ccountability system.2,school monthlystudentknowle dge aboutsafetyeducation,educationshouldbediver sifiedin td close contacta nd distri ctpolice stations,ca nvassi

8、ng supportfrom thepolicestation on schoolsafetyand help.5,stre ngthe ning tea chers 'moral eclosed, andreportedtothe local people's Government,educati on,and ruleof lawse ction. 9,the schoolshoul d alwayshdeucfoatriomne,veesrtyasafety beldcheckthe inter naety education forst udentsofcla sses

9、 perwe ek shoul d be targeted.To carryblish ade dicatedlov e, improvi ng e ducation quality, observe the students 'psynalwalls, retaining walls, ponds, raili ngs, handrails, doors,Windows,stair caseon emerge ncyi ssue sdealing wit chologicalchange s at anytime asand avariety ofsports,extracurrih

10、 educati on inGe neral,self-hel pand mutualre scue knowle dge. Emergencycall ndtake preventivemeasure s,nocorporalpuni shme ntandcovertcorporalpunishment.> . ILJI .1 _ _ LIL. .L . l-l -Icularactivities,fa cilities such as firesafety,infrastructures (such as 1s 110,119,122,120, and so on) use comm

11、on sense in e ducatio n.3,theestablishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ng system.on students,st udentout ofthe classroom,schools may not be.6, units or de partment usestudent Street pr opagandatelyrepair anddemolitionto ensure thatteaand studentswork,learn, livevenues andfacilitiesare safealectricity

12、lines,equipmentinspections,foundhidden intimeforrectification,mai ntena nce,and security.9,do not usea nopenflame intssroom, pr ohi bit burningstove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,nschools,to masterproperusage, payattentiillbe puni she d, until investigatedforlegalresponsibility.Song Lii angLiu Jia p

13、ingelementary schoolMarch 2016LiuJia pi ngeleme ntaryschool,pine slopessurroundingsafety managementsystem 1 teachers and students,t hesurrounding areaoftheschoolgoverna nce covers personala ndfoodement.3, teacheron dutywith theexception of inspecti onsin schools,should alpayattentionofstudents a nd

14、avarietyofaccideding t odifferentsituations reported schoolstudentsto re spectsocialet hics,and variousregulati ons,maintai ning publi cor der,a ndfightt heba dguys,and graspthecorre ctways and means ofmaintainid out inadva nce. 4, activities fort he means oftransportshoul d explai nthe situationtot

15、he schoolto compl ywith vehicl e,safetyrequir ements, before theliofteachers in school s, on hig h alertand de ploye d.Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng elementary schoolMarch 2016songLi nXia ng Li uJiapi ng primaryschool tea, picnics,hiki ng, picni cto pay attenti on tofire preve ntion, food poisonin

16、g ,preventi on offallaccidents 7,t heactivitie s near therivers,reservoirs,nomeasurefiel d relativelyfar oractivities reJAVA 員工管理系統(tǒng)實(shí)驗(yàn)報(bào)告姓名:張旭冉學(xué)號(hào):班級(jí):信10-1北方工業(yè)大學(xué)理學(xué)院信息與計(jì)算科學(xué)系2013年 12 月 17日officialsorthe police stationi na timely manner,toprote ctthe safetyofstude nts.4,every day before school,teachers re

17、mind students, payattentiBurea u in chargeofse curit y. 2,ea ch a ctivityshoul d haveaspecificresponsibility, payattentionto t heper sons age,physicalmatch. Route 3,activitieon to traffic safety. 5,shoul deducate s,location,fieldsurveysshould be carrie一.-hygiene , culturaleventsand ot heraspects,int

18、egrated governa nceshall obtai n widesupport andfullcooperationofthe community.On theng andimprovi ng student s 'self-car e abilit neforrepairs.5,each activitymusthave sey. 6,t he establishme ntofemergency rescueteamscurit y,emergency responsepla nforaccidents. 6,chersand student sorgani zations

19、out ofsafetymanagementsy sor do notmeetthe securityrequirementsoftheOrganistemorganizati on a ctivities betwee nteachers andstudent zationa nd notletstude ntsintot he waternts,accorputyDirectorofthe Education.I. . Ill. 1- reliable.S ongLinXi ang LiuJia pi ng elementaryschool March2016 song Lin Xiang

20、 LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysystems toenhancefire safety, protecti on ofpublic pr opertya ndthe lifeand propertysafetyofteachersandst udents,schoolfire safetyintoday-to-daymanagement,isdevelopi ngthe followingfire safetysystem.1,strengthenfiresafetyeducationofthe whol eschool.Accor ding to

21、 therequirements oftheFireServicesAct,sothateveryone has ofkeepi ng fire controlsafety, protecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire prevention, reports offire員工管理系統(tǒng)一、實(shí)驗(yàn)?zāi)康耐ㄟ^該課程設(shè)計(jì),使同學(xué)們進(jìn)一步理解概JAVA的基本概念、理論和方法,初步掌握J(rèn)DK、Eclipse的調(diào)試和應(yīng)用,以及程序中錯(cuò)誤的解決方法,明確JAVA在實(shí)際程序設(shè)計(jì)中的應(yīng)用。使課堂中學(xué)習(xí)到理論得到應(yīng)用,練習(xí)文件形式在JAVA程序設(shè)計(jì)中的應(yīng)用。二、實(shí)驗(yàn)內(nèi)容A. 設(shè)計(jì)題

22、目:?jiǎn)T工管理系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)要求:( 1)完成員工信息的添加、刪除、查詢、修改功能(2)使用用戶界面操作(3)使用文件形式完成設(shè)計(jì)思路:首先設(shè)計(jì)界面進(jìn)入面板,在面板中添加菜單選項(xiàng),并將要實(shí)現(xiàn)的功能選項(xiàng)添加其中,然后對(duì)這些選項(xiàng)實(shí)施監(jiān)聽,實(shí)現(xiàn)其功能。通過文件類型知識(shí)的應(yīng)用,實(shí)現(xiàn)對(duì)員工信息的管理。B.概要設(shè)計(jì)面板設(shè)計(jì):首先設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)容器,然后再容器中添加菜單,在菜單中添加選項(xiàng),并在容器中加入面板,面板布局設(shè)置為CardLayout ,最后將面板添加進(jìn)容器。功能實(shí)現(xiàn):在錄入、查詢、修改和刪除界面中使用JButton 、 JLabel 、 ButtonGroup 、JRadioButton 、 JTextFiel

23、d 、 Choice 為界面中加入相應(yīng)的組件,并對(duì)其進(jìn)行監(jiān)聽,同時(shí)附加了文件流的處理。C. 詳細(xì)設(shè)計(jì)1、定義員工類:public class Employee implements number,name,discipling,grade,borth,sex;public Employee()public void setNumber(String number)this.number=number;public String getNumber()return number;lectricity li nes,equi pmentinsp

24、e ctions,found hidden i n time for rectification,maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notusean open flame in the classroom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,nosmoking,andbanningmessywiring. Without usnig any household appliancesisnotal lowed. 10,live oncampusfaculty members, must

25、lead byexample,andeducatefamiliesa ndchil dren readyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to master properusage ,payattention tothe leak-proof,explosion-proof,fireproof,closing valveafter use to ensure security. 12, di ningr oom mustbequalifie d,and annualtesti ng ofpressurevessels,t o regularl

26、y che ck, the cantee n workers mustbecertified, strictlybyoperation operati on,gastank andstovesafetydistanceof1.5meters,topreventaccidents.13,theadverseconseque ncescausedbyignoringfiresafetyregulations,willbepunished,untilinvestigatedforlegalresponsibility.SongLinXiangLiuJiapingelementaryschoolMar

27、ch2016XiangLiuJia pi ngelementary school ,pineslopes surrounding safety managementsystem1teachers andstudents,thesurroundingareaoftheschoolgoverna ncecover s persona land foodhygi ene, culturalevents a ndot heraspect s, integrated gover nanceshallobtainwi desupport andfullcooperation ofthecommunity.

28、Onthesurroundinge nvironme nt inschool sshoul dbe closelymonit ored.2,schoolworkat thesametime,shoul dpay attenti on tothe safety management ofschoolenvironme nt, shoul d takethe i nitiativeto contactthe distri ct police stati on,the villageCommittee,CorrectionalCentre,Township g overnme nt,busine s

29、s manageme ntand other departme ntstodoofficialsorthe poli ce stati oninatimely manner,toprotectthesafetyofstudent s. 4,everyday beforeschool,tea cher s remind st udents,pay attenti on to traffic safety.5,shouldeducatest ude nts to respect soci alethics,and various regulations,maintainingpublicorder

30、,and fightthe bad g uys,and graspthe correctways a nd mea ns of maintai ning a nd improving st ude nts'self-care abilit y.6,theestabli shme ntofemergency rescueteamsofteachers inschools,onhighalertand de ployed.Song Lin Xiang LiuJiapingeleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 song LinXia ng Li uJiaping primar

31、yschoolteachers andstude nts orga nizationsoutofsafetymanagementsystemorganizati onaBurea u in chargeofse curit y. 3,ea ch a ctivityshoul d haveaspecificresponsibility, payattentionto t heper sons age,physicalmatch. Route 3,activities,location,fieldsurveysshouldbe carriedoutinadvance. 4, activities

32、fort he means oftransportshoul d explai nthe situationtothe schoolto compl ywith vehicl e,safetyrequir ements, before theli neforrepairs.5,each activitymusthave security,emergencyresponsepla nforaccide nts. 6, pic nics, hiki ng, picni cto pay attenti on tofire preve ntion, food poisoning ,preventi o

33、n offallaccidents 7,t heactivitie s near therivers,reservoirs,nomeasuresordonotmeetthesecurityrequirementsoftheOrganizationa nd notletstudentsintothe water2nttoa written re portintri plicate, a corre ctionalce,ntre,a policest,ation,a t ownshi ppe,ople'nci pals consent,wit houtorgani zation. With

34、outthea pproval ofrelevantde partments,mayorgaparticipate i nthe celebrati ons,as wellas partici pating i nother socialwork,witreliable.S ong LinXi ang Li uJia pi ng elementaryschool March2016song Lin Xiang LiuJiapi ng primaryschoolfire safetysystems to enhancefire safety, protecti on ofpublic pr op

35、ertya ndthe lifeand property safetyofteachersandst udents,schoolfire safety intoday-to-daymanagement,isdevelopi ng thefollowing fire safety system. 1,strengthenfiresafetyeducation ofthewhol eschool.Accor ding to therequirements oftheFire Services Act,sothat everyonehas ofkeepi ng firecontrol safety,

36、 protecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire prevention,reports offirentrowth, eshiptpeaamlwiasyrsesmpaoinntsaiiblpublic void setName(String name)=name;public String getName()return name;public void setDiscipling(String discipling)this.discipling=discipling;public String getDisciping()return d

37、iscipling;public void setGrade(String grade)this.grade=grade;public String getGrade()return grade;public void setBorth(String borth)this.borth=borth;public String getBorth()return borth;public void setSex(String sex);public String getSex()return sex;2、主程序:import java.awt.*;lectricity li

38、nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,found hidden i n time for rectification,maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notusean open flame in the classroom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,nosm oking,a nd banningmessyw iring. Without using any household a pplia nce s isnot al lowed. 10,live onc

39、ampusfaculty members, must lead byexample,andeducatefamiliesa ndchil dren readyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nsc hools,to master properusage ,payattention tothe leak-pr oof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closing valveafter use to ensure security. 12, di ningr oom mustbequalifie d,and annualtesti ng

40、ofpressurevessels,t o regularlyche ck, the cantee n workers mustbecertified, strictlybyoperation operati on, gasta nk and stovesafetydistance of1.5 meters, toprevent accidents. 13,the adverseconseque nces caused by ignori ngfire safetyregulations,willbepunishe d,untilinvestigate dforlegalresponsibil

41、it y.Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping el ementaryschoolMar ch 2016Xia ngLiuJia pi ngelementary school ,pineslopes surrounding safety managementsystem 1 teachers andstudents, thesurrounding areaoftheschoolgoverna ncecover s personaland food hygi ene, culturalevents a ndot heraspect s, integrated gover

42、nanceshallobtainwi desupport andfullcooperation ofthecommunity.Onthe sur roundinge nvironme nt inschool sshoul dbe closelymonit ored.2,schoolworkat thesametime,shoul dpay attenti on tothe safety management ofschoolenvironme nt, shoul d takethe i nitiativeto contactthe distri ct police stati on,the v

43、illageCommittee,Correctional Centre,T ownship g overnme nt,busine ss manageme ntand other departme ntstodo agoodjob management.5,tea cher ondutywith theexception ofinspecti ons i nschools, shouldalso payattentiontoenvironmentalinspecti onsnearthe campus,found t hatthejoblessmigrants fromruralareas,f

44、or example, harassmentofstudents a nd avarietyofaccidents, accordi ng to different situati ons reporte d schooln othersocial work,oftheCorrecti onal Centre ,school pri nci pals consent,withouteliminate immediatelyclosed, andreportedtotducati on,and rule oflawsesecurity, unsafefacility toimmedia tely

45、repair anddemsare safea ndreliable.S ongLinXi ang LiuJia pi ng elementaryschool March2016 songLin Xiangncefire safety,protecti on ofpublic pr opertya ndthe lifeandpropertysafetyofteachersandst udents,schoolfire safetyintoday-to-daymanagement,isdevelopihenfiresafetyeducationofthe whol eschool.Accordi

46、ng to therequirements oftheFireServicesAct,sothateveryone has ofkeepi ng fire controlsafety,protecti ng fire controlfacilities,fire prevention, reports offireparticipate i nthe cel ebrations,aswella s participatingiwithout approvalon. Without theapprovalofrelevapartments, mayorganize studentstoparti

47、ci pate infirde nci ple,a ntnd soditionudents to obeyt heschool r ules and reg ulations, on time,on time home t opreve ntaccide nts.8,schooltoschool inspe ctions ona reg ularbasis,found hiddeni ntime,and insevere cases,it is hardtongthe ning teabection. 9,the schoolshoul d always checkthe internalwa

48、lls, retainiu ngs, hanudrailys, doors,vWindows,ustaircyasecularas (such asIolition to e nsure thattea chers and students work,le arn, live ve. orBurea u in chargeofse curit y. 2,eaonto t heper sons age,physicalmatch. Route 3,activities,location,fieldsurveysshould be carried outi nadva nce. 4, activi

49、ties forthe means oftransportshould explai nthe situationtotheschoolto complywith vehicl e,safetyrequirements, before theli neforrepairs.5,each activitymusthave securit y,emergency responseplanforaccidents. 6, pic nics, hiki ng, picni cto pay attention tofire preve ntion, food poisoningon offallacci

50、dents 7,theactivitie s near therivers,reservoirs,nomeasuresor do notmeetthesecurityrequirementsoftheOrganizationa nd notletstude ntsintot he water #import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;import*;import java.util.Hashtable;public class EmployeeManager extends JFrame implements ActionLi

51、stenerEmployeeSituation基本信息錄入=null;ModifySituation基本信息修改=null;Inquest基本信息查詢=null;Delete基本信息刪除=null;JMenuBar bar;JMenu fileMenu;JMenuItem 錄入 , 修改 , 查詢 , 刪除 ;Container con=null;Hashtable基本信息=null;File file=null;CardLayout card=null;JLabel label=null;JPanel pCenter;public EmployeeManager()錄入 =new JMenu

52、Item(" 錄入員工基本信息");修改 =new JMenuItem(" 修改員工基本信息");查詢 =new JMenuItem(" 查詢員工基本信息");刪除 =new JMenuItem(" 刪除員工基本信息");bar=new JMenuBar();fileMenu=new JMenu(" 菜單選項(xiàng)");fileMenu.add(錄入 );fileMenu.add(修改 );fileMenu.add(查詢 );fileMenu.add(刪除 );bar.add(fileMenu);se

53、tJMenuBar(bar);label=new JLabel("歡迎進(jìn)入員工信息管理系統(tǒng)",JLabel.CENTER);label.setFont(new Font("SansSerif",Font.BOLD+Font.ITALIC,25);label.setForeground(;基本信息=new Hashtable();錄入 .addActionListener(this);修改 .addActionListener(this);查詢 .addActionListener(this);刪除 .addActionListener

54、(this);card=new CardLayout();con=getContentPane();pCenter=new JPanel();lectricity lines,equipmentinspections,found hidden in time for rectification,maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notuseanopen flame in theclassroom, pr ohi bit burning stove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,LiuJia pi ngelementary schoo

55、lofficialsorthe police stati oninatimely manner,toprotectthe safetyofstudentntsystem 1 teachers andstudents. 4,everydaybeforeschool,teas, thesurrounding areaoftheschoolgovernacher s remind st udents,pay attentincecover s persona land foodhygion to traffic safety.5,shouldeducatest udeene, culturaleve

56、nts anosm oking,a nd banningmessywndot heraspect s, integrated goveriring. Withoutnanceshallobtainwiusnig any household aons,maintaining publipplia nces isnot al lowed. 1e,andeducatefamiliesacorder,and fightthebad g uys,andy.Onthegraspthe correctways asurroundinge nvironme nt inschool sshoul dbe closelymonit ored.2,schoolworkat thendchil dren readyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to masterproperusageak-pr oof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closing valveafter use to end mea ns of maintaini


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