1、n our Countyserve s nearly30cars for privatepurpose s,onlythe firsthalf of thisyear, carsfor private purpositi on-related consum ption of civilse rvantsha sbeen sw eptbyfina nce , consumer,regar dless ofcost,extravagance andwaste in thecivilservi ce position-relatedconsumption, a buse,corruption and
2、embezzlement,corruptionis important.Then, underthe conditi ons ofmarket economy,how to reformthe existing civilduty consumpti on management, explores asour ce topreve ntand curbthe postconsumptioncorruptionwa y, iscurrentlya majorissue facedbyhonestw ork.Recently, I conducted research ont hisissue,t
3、 hispr oblem on some humble opi nions.First, t heexisting public servant s duty consumpti ont he main pr oblem s see n fromthe investigationand reasons,inrecentyears, publicservants duty consumptioncausedbythe a buses a nd nota per sonof integrity,i sone ofthemajorproblems in t heparty in Gover nmen
4、t,its operationor derhave a negative effectonthe partyandGovernme ntorgans,seri ously damaging theimageofthe partyand the Gover nment, underminingthe relationshi p betw een partyand themasses,effect,opening upa nd e conomic construction.FromI Countyin recentyears ofgoverna nce situati on see,positi
5、onsconsumption int heproduced oftwonot phe nomenon r enderingfourafeatures:a is positionsc onsumpti on sy stem lost ha s dueofbindi ng,right isgreatert han r ules,a nd rig htis greatertha nmethod of phenomenon more highl ight;II i sin positions consumpti on inthe CameraObscuraoperation,using terms,w
6、ill positionsconsumpti on into ha sper sonal consumpti on,w illcor porate poi nts toint opersonalpointsto,makespositionsconsumption insome aspe cts has into positions enjoy andself-dealing ofmeans;three i s topositi onsconsumptionforname,fraud,false impersonator,Trendof negative corrupti on phenome
7、nasuch as corruption andmisappropriation; fourpalace s,followthefashion, rivalries,wasteful,a ndpostconsumpti on became a symbol ofshowing offtheirindividualca pacitie s.Ca usedbypubli cserva nts dutysince 2004,t he correct inve stigation iposesorconsumpti on ofmany twophe nomenon i n whi ch people
8、reflectt he biggest problems are: (a) theofficialcar problems. Mainly i nthree aspe cts:one ist helarger buses cost ex penditure.A ccordi ng tostatistics, untilNovember2003,XXCounty township Departmentbus 159cars,w hich de partm ntowns thebus 145vehicles,and showeda n increasi ng trend.Fina ncialex
9、penses cost perbus peryearto35,000yuan, andin fact every costup to 50,000yuan. Some unit salso hiringtemporarydrivers and ex penditure onwagesa nd subsidi es. Nece ssary to keepa car,but al so de pe nda nts, le adingtolargerexpenses.Second, gongchesiyong bree dunhealt hy tendencies.S ome pe ople bel
10、ievet hat now some busdriversuseone-t hird, one -thir dleadi ng privateone -third usedforofficialpurposes.Some publicservant s,especia lly leadi ng officials mot oring, cars for privatepurposes,violati ng theself -disci plinereg ulations,a nd eve n leadt o traffic acci dents.Accordi ngtostatisticsfr
11、om related departments,七年級生物下冊教學(xué)工作計劃愉快的寒假生活結(jié)束了,在新的學(xué)期里本人繼續(xù)擔(dān)任七年級四個班生物教學(xué)工作。因為上學(xué)期統(tǒng)考成績不好,爭取本學(xué)期成績上升1-2 個名詞。為了更好的完成本學(xué)期的工作,就要在教學(xué)過程中要采用適當(dāng)?shù)慕虒W(xué)方法。七年級學(xué)生正處于對人體生理產(chǎn)生好奇的青春期階段, 對于本學(xué)期生物學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容興趣比較濃厚,因此讓學(xué)生用科學(xué)的態(tài)度對待青春期和人體生理的知識。行將本學(xué)期的教學(xué)工作計劃如下:一、指導(dǎo)思想以全日制義務(wù)教育中生物課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為依據(jù),在繼承我國現(xiàn)行生物教學(xué)優(yōu)勢的基礎(chǔ)上,力求更加關(guān)注學(xué)生已有的生活經(jīng)驗;更加強調(diào)學(xué)生的主動學(xué)習(xí),增加實踐環(huán)節(jié),使每一個
12、學(xué)生通過學(xué)習(xí)生物,能夠?qū)ι飳W(xué)知識有更深刻的理解,能夠在探究能力、學(xué)習(xí)能力和解決問題能力方面有更多的發(fā)展;能夠在責(zé)任感、合作精神和創(chuàng)新意識等方面得到提高。二、 教學(xué)目標(biāo)1、在教學(xué)中要注意繼續(xù)落實生物課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)提出的課程理念:面向全體學(xué)生, 實現(xiàn)因材施教, 促進(jìn)每個學(xué)生的充分發(fā)展。努力提高學(xué)生們的生物科學(xué)素養(yǎng), 教學(xué)目標(biāo) , 內(nèi)容和評價都應(yīng)有利于提高每個學(xué)生的生物科學(xué)素養(yǎng)。2、教學(xué)中要使學(xué)生在知識, 能力 , 情感 , 態(tài)度和價值觀等方面有所發(fā)展 , 必須引導(dǎo)學(xué)生主動參與和體驗各種科學(xué)探究活動。3、在學(xué)習(xí)知識的同時要特別注意科學(xué)研究方法的培養(yǎng),要注意對學(xué)生綜合能力的培養(yǎng),要通過組織學(xué)生參加各種實踐
13、活動,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣。力爭創(chuàng)造條件盡可能多開教材中提出的調(diào)查,技能訓(xùn)練 , 探究和資料分析活動。4、教學(xué)中要注意合理選擇現(xiàn)代教學(xué)手段的應(yīng)用。三 、教材分析本學(xué)期講授義務(wù)教育課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)實驗教材 生物學(xué)( 七年級下冊) 。第四單元生物圈中的人, 教學(xué)內(nèi)容介紹人的生理活動和生長發(fā)育都依賴于生物圈的資源和環(huán)境。人類的活動更影響和改變著生物圈。這個單元的學(xué)習(xí), 既要了解人體的構(gòu)造和生理, 還要關(guān)注人和生物圈的關(guān)系。四 、 學(xué)情分析七年級的學(xué)生入學(xué)半年,對生物學(xué)科的學(xué)習(xí)取得了一定的成績,學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣也已初步養(yǎng)成. 學(xué)生記憶快,但是記憶時間短暫。一部eaders driving avehicle a cci
14、de nt caused by road accide nts,1, 1 pe oplek illed and direct e conomi c losses amounting tomoret han 100,000 yuan.Third, highefficiencya nd lowcost ofthebus. Surveysshowthat,the operating cost softaxis forthe8200/.Is afundamentalpriority ofthereform,it isa difficultproblem that mustbesolved i nthe
15、 r eformpr ocess.Cl early,t hepostconsumpti onaverages t hreeyearsbefore asabase andfi ne-tuned onthe basis ofthis single practices must beimpr oved.Im provement sto adheretothree principles:first,underthe existing policy provi sions a pprov ed for publicservants duty consum ption standards, calibra
16、tion,is notcontrary to policy.Se cond,a ccordi ng tothe localfinancialsit uationand peopl essustainability, publicservant s duty consumptionstandardsapproved, bot h financialrea ch,a nd people passi ngthrough.Third,accordingtothe operationalneeds ofcivilservantsre sponsiblefora uthorized public serv
17、ants duty consumpti on standards, botnd the Gover nment, underminings.Ca usedbypubli cserva nts dutyngtostatisticsfrom related departments,n our Countyserve s nearly30cars for privatepurpose s,onlythe firsthalf of thisyear, carsfor private purpositi on-related consum ption of civilse rvantsha sbeen
18、sw eptbyfina nce , consumer,regar dless ofcost,extravagance andwaste in thecivilservi ce position -related consumpti on, a buse,corruption andembezzlement,corruptionis important.Then, underthe conditi ons ofmarket econom y, how to reformthe existing civil duty consumpti on man agement,expl ores asou
19、r ce topreve ntand curbthe postconsumptioncorruptionwa y, iscurrentlya majorissue facedbyhonestw ork.Recently, I conducted research ont hisissue,t hispr oblem on some humble opi nions.First, t heexisting public servant s duty consumpti ont he main pr oblem s see n fromthe investigationand reasons,in
20、recentyears, publicservants duty consumptthe relationshi p betw een partyand themasses,effect,opening upa nd e conomic construction.FromI Countyin recentyears ofgoverna nce situati on see,positi onsconsumption int heproduced oftwonot phe nomenon r enderingfourafeatures:a is positionsconsumpti on sy
21、stem lost ha s dueofbindi ng,right isgreatert han r ules,a nd rig htis greatertha nmethod of phenom enonmor e highl ight;II i sin positions consumpti on inthe CameraObscuraoperation,using terms,will positionsconsumpti on into ha sper sonal consumpti on,w illcor porate poi nts toint opersonalpointsto
22、,makespositionsconsumption insome aspe cts has into positions enjoy andself-dealing ofmeans;three i s topositi onsconsumptionforname,fraud,faconsumpti on ofmany twophe nomenon i n whi ch people reflectt he biggest problems are: (a) theofficialcar problems. Mainly i nthree aspe cts: oneis t helargerb
23、uses cost ex penditure.A ccordi ng tostatistics, untilNovember2003,XXCounty township Departmentbus 159cars,w hich de partme ntowns thebus 145vehicles,and showeda n increasi ng trend.Fina ncialex penses cost perbus peryearto35,000yuan, andin fact every costup to 50,000yuan. Some unit salso hiringtemp
24、orarydrivers and ex penditure onwagesa nd subsidi es. Nece ssary to keepa car,but al so de pe nda nts, le adingtolargerexpense s.Second,gongchesiyongbreedunhealt hy tendencies.S ome pe ople believet hat now some busdriversuseone-tusedbythe a buses a or,Trendsince 2004,t he correct inve stigation ipo
25、sesorhird, one -thir dleadi ng privateonend nota per sonof integrity,i sone ofthemajorproblems in t heparty inof negative corrupti on phenome nasuch as corruption andmisappropriation; four-third usedforofficialpurposes.Some publicservant s,especia lly leadi ng officials mot oring, cars for privatepu
26、rposes,violati ng theself-dipacitie s分學(xué)生課上注意力不集中,不能明確學(xué)案要求進(jìn)行自主學(xué)習(xí)。根據(jù)學(xué)生這些特點,我們教師要從培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣、提醒學(xué)生注意力切入,使學(xué)生帶著興趣去學(xué)習(xí)生物學(xué), 逐步培養(yǎng)學(xué)生獨立自主學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣的養(yǎng)成, 并培養(yǎng)學(xué)生能運用生物學(xué)規(guī)范語言回答問題的能力,同時還要繼續(xù)加強學(xué)生的堂清工作。五、教學(xué)策略:主要采用小組討論,分析,探究,實驗,比較,歸納等方法。六、教學(xué)實施繼續(xù)深入學(xué)習(xí)有關(guān)教育理論和轉(zhuǎn)變教育觀念,在繼承傳統(tǒng)教育優(yōu)勢的基礎(chǔ)上力爭使自己的課堂有所創(chuàng)新和提高。繼續(xù)探究符合新課標(biāo)的課堂教學(xué)模式,并注意及時收集和整理相關(guān)的資料和模式。組織好
27、學(xué)生進(jìn)行探究性學(xué)習(xí)并提高其質(zhì)量,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生分工合作,樂于交流。學(xué)習(xí)和應(yīng)用現(xiàn)代教學(xué)手段和技術(shù)并運用到課堂教學(xué)中,提高課時效率和教學(xué)質(zhì)量。積極教研教改,設(shè)計好教案,上好課, 寫好教學(xué)反思。激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)興趣。精心設(shè)計導(dǎo)語;運用生動的語言;加強情感教育;精心誘導(dǎo),強化教學(xué)。為探險究性學(xué)習(xí)創(chuàng)設(shè)情景。例如, 提供相知的圖文信息資料、數(shù)據(jù);或呈現(xiàn)生物標(biāo)本、模型、生活環(huán)境;或從學(xué)生的生活經(jīng)驗、經(jīng)歷中提出控究性的問題;或從社會關(guān)注的與生物學(xué)有關(guān)的熱點問題切入,等等。鼓勵學(xué)生自己觀察、思考、提問,并在作出假設(shè)的基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行探究方案的設(shè)計和實施。重視探究報告的撰寫和交流。培養(yǎng)學(xué)生通過文字描述、數(shù)字表格、示意圖、曲線圖等
28、方式完成報告,并組織交流探究的過程和結(jié)果。結(jié)合具體的教學(xué)內(nèi)容,采用多種不同的教學(xué)策略和方法,達(dá)成課程目標(biāo)。建立課外活動興趣小組,組織好生物課外興趣小組活動,能夠?qū)τ刑厥馀d趣的學(xué)生進(jìn)行個別指導(dǎo)。讓他們成為同學(xué)中的小老師,老師的得力助手。(11)教學(xué)中使學(xué)生在知識、能力、情感、態(tài)度和價值觀等方面都有所發(fā)展,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生主動參與和體驗各種科學(xué)探究活動。在傳授知識的同時要注意科學(xué)方法的培養(yǎng), 注意對學(xué)生綜合能力的培養(yǎng)。通過組織學(xué)生參加各種實踐活動,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣。力爭創(chuàng)造條件盡可能多開展教材中提出的調(diào)查、技能訓(xùn)練、探究和資料分析活動。eaders drivi ng avehi clea cci den
29、tca usedbyroa d accide nts,1, 1 pe oplekill ed and dire cteconomiclossesamountingto morethan 100,000 yuan.Thir d, high efficiencyand lowcost ofthebus. Surveys showthat,thentalpri ority ofthereform, it isa difficult problemthatmustbesolved inthe reformprocess. Clearly,the postconsumptionaveragest hre
30、eyears beforeasa base andfine-tunedon thebasis ofthissi nglepra ctices m ust be impr oved. Improveme nts toadhere to three pri nci ples: first,under theexpositions, butalso thenatureofthework andthew orkloacivilservi ceexaminationof responsi bility, sy stem, low fault investigation system,thereports
31、aid.Whileothermeasure sto keepDisciplinei nspecti ona nd supervisionorgans,fina ncial,aunits a nd t heworktaskof differencessex,unifie d ofstandard shouldf public servantsdutyconsumption monetizationreform progress,to strengthas elastihihasm ustofflexible disposalright ;butsince setofstandard mistin
32、g policyprovi sionsa pprove dforpubli cservantustafterfinancian ofinspecti on, notconsuml,and audit,sectoras duty consumptiudita pprove dHouto implemeonsta ndar ds, calibrati on,is not contrary topoli cy.Second,a ccordi ngto thel ocalfina nci alsituati on a nd peoplessustainability, publi cservantsd
33、utyconsumption ston staa ndar dpti on asre quire d, evenshifting consumer behavintation.(C) reform package.Porto stop,serious cases to dealwith.Tublic serva nts duty consumhree iptionelasticityofconsumptiontolimitconsumdeas, publicservants duty consumptionmonetization reformof politics,the eption,tu
34、rni ng mess int o kitchenafterdi nneconomyand ther,followt hdeepeni ng ofthe reform,publit hecivilr ds approve d,bothfina ncialrea ch,a nd people pa ssi ng through.Tservant witc servanth ahowto usepersonaltitles dutyconsumpti on a ssomew here betweesubsidi es,or howt omanagea perhird,a ccordi ng to
35、theoperationalneedsof civilservasonaldutyconsumption use ofsubsints responsi bleforaut horize d publi cservantdies.T herefore,we mustestablia ndperfectwithncea nd urge ncy.Firstofall, civilserva ntsespecia llypartyand Govers duty consumptipublicservants duty consumptionnmentlea dersand publionsta nd
36、ar ds,bothc serva nts dutyconsumpti ont here arebig drawba cks. NPC deputiesa ndCPPCCmembers andthe br oad massesare concernedabout.Secondly, the3since 2004,t he correct inve stigation i n our Countyserve s nearly30cars for privatepurpose s,onlythe firsthalf of thisyear, carsfor private purposesorpo
37、siti on-related consum ption of civilse rvantsha sbeen sw eptbyfina nce , consumer,regar dless ofcost,extravagance andwaste in thecivilservi ce position-relatedconsumption, a buse,corruption andembezzlement,corruptionis important.Then, underthe conditi ons ofm arket economy, how to reformthe existin
38、g civil duty consumpti on management, explores asour ce to preve ntand curbthe postconsumptioncorruptionwa y, iscurrentlya majorissue facedbyhonestw ork.Recently, I conducted research ont hisissue,t hispr oblem on some humble opi nions.First, t heexisting public servant s duty consumpti ont he main
39、pr oblem s see n fromthe investigationand reasons,inrecentyears, publicservants duty consumptioncausedbythe a buses a nd nota per sonofintegrity,i sone ofthemajorproblems in t heparty in Gover nment,its operationor derhave a negativeeffectonthepartyandGovernme ntorgans,seri ously damaging theimageof
40、the partyand the Gover nment, underminingthe relationshi p betw een partyand themasses,effect,opening upa nd e conomic construction.FromI Countyin recentyears ofgoverna nce situati on see,positi onsconsumption int heproduced oftwonot phe nomenon r enderingfourafeatures:a is positionsconsumpti on sy
41、stem lost ha s dueofbindi ng,right isgreatert han r ules,a nd rig htis greatertha nmethod of phenomenon more highl ight;II i sin positions consumpti on inthe CameraObscuraoperation,using terms,will positionsconsumpti on i nto hasper sonal consumpti on,w illcor porate poi nts toint opersonalpointsto,
42、makespositionsconsumption insome aspe cts has into positions enjoy andself-dealing ofmeans;three i s topositi onsconsumptionforname,fraud,false impersonator,Trendof negative corrupti on phenome nasuch as corruption andmisappropriation; fourpalace s,followthefashion, rivalries,wasteful,a ndpostconsum
43、pti on became a symbol ofshowing offtheirindividu alca pacitie s.Ca usedbypubli cserva nts dutyconsumpti on ofmany twophe nomenon i n whi ch people reflectt he biggest problems are: (a) theofficialcar problems. Mainly i nthree aspe cts:one ist helargerbuses cost ex penditure.A ccordi ng tostatistics
44、, untilNovember2003,XXCounty township Departmentbus 159cars,w hich de partme ntowns thebus 145vehicles,and showeda n increasi ng trend.Fina ncialex penses cost perbus peryearto35,000yuan, andin fact every costup to 50,000yuan. Some unit salso hiringtemporarydrivers and ex penditure onwagesa nd subsi
45、di es. Nece ssary to keepa car,but al so de pe nda nts, le adingtolargerexpenses.Second, gongchesiyong bree dunhealt hy tendencies.S ome pe ople believet hat now some busdriversuseone-t hird, one -thir dleadi ng privateone -third usedforofficialpurposes.Some publicservant s,especia lly leadi ng offi
46、cials mot oring, cars f orprivate purpose s,violati ng theself-di sci plinereg ulations,a nd eve n leadt o traffic acci dents.Accordi ngtostatisticsfrom related departments,(13)在教學(xué)中注意繼續(xù)落實生物課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)提出的課程理念:面向全體學(xué)生,實行因材施教,促進(jìn)每個學(xué)生的充分發(fā)展;教學(xué)目標(biāo)、內(nèi)容和評價都有利于提高每個學(xué)生的生物科學(xué)素養(yǎng)。教者宜發(fā)揮優(yōu)生的帶頭作用,以點帶面,可以采取劃分學(xué)習(xí)小組的形式,開展學(xué)習(xí)競賽,讓優(yōu)生更加出
47、類拔萃,學(xué)困生迎頭趕上,從而達(dá)到提高整體水平的目的。因班上缺乏優(yōu)生,且大部分學(xué)生厭學(xué)情緒嚴(yán)重,好玩,沒有養(yǎng)成良好的學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣,教者需要下一番苦功,多接近學(xué)生,了解學(xué)生,做學(xué)生的知心朋友,與學(xué)生交流情感,多做學(xué)生的思想工作,動之以情,曉之以理,幫助他們完成由厭學(xué)到愛學(xué)的思想轉(zhuǎn)變,迎頭趕上先進(jìn)班級。(定期進(jìn)行階段考試,及時進(jìn)行試卷分析和講評,了解學(xué)生對知識的掌握情況,以便查漏補缺,確保教學(xué)效果。(15)正確評價學(xué)生。為了給每個學(xué)生有一個合理的評價。孫本星2012年 2月 26日eaders drivi ng avehi clea cci dentca usedbyroa d accide nts,1
48、, 1 pe oplekill ed and dire cteconomiclossesamountingto morethan 100,000 yuan.Thir d, high efficiencyand lowcost ofthebus. Surveys showthat,theoperatintalpri orit yofthe reform,itis adifficultproblem them that mustbesolved inthe reformprocess. Clearly,the postconsumptionaveragest hreeyears beforeasa
49、 base andfine-tunedon thebasis ofthissi nglepra ctices m ust be impr oved. Improveme nts toadhere to three pri nci ples: first,under theexistingpolicyprovi sionsa pprove dforpubli cservants duty consumptihighand lowpositions, butalso thenatureofthework andthew orkloaIn reformof method Shacivilservi
50、ceexaminating,approved civilservants positi onsconsumptionstandardtobigonof responsi bility, sy stem, low fault investigation system,thereportsaid.Whileotunifie d,andsmalldi spersed suitahermeasure sto keepble,thatmost positionsconsumptiDisciplinei nspecti ona nd supervisionorgan proje ct shoul d ac
51、cor ding to poli cy provides pr oposedunifiens,fina ncial,a uditi ngdepartments shouldd standard,strengthensuperviconsiderto ranks,a nd units a nd t heworktasksionand inspe ctionof differences sex,unifie d ofstandard shouldofpublicservants dutyconsumptionmonetization reform progress,to strengthas el
52、astihen thihasm ustofflexible disposalright ;butsince setofstandard mustafterfinancial,and audit,sectoran ofinspecti on, notconsumpti onasre quire d, evenshiftingudita pprove dHouto implemeonsta ndar ds, calibrati on,is not contrary toconsumer behavi orto stop,serious cantation.(C) reform package.Pu
53、blises to dealwith.Three ipoli cy.Second,a ccordi ngto thel ocalfina nci alsituati on a nd peoplessustainabilitc serva nts duty consumptionelasticitydeas, publicservants duty consumptionmonofconsumptiontolimitconsumy, publi cservantsdutyconsumption staon sta ndar dption,turni ng mess int o kitchenaf
54、terdi nne r,followt hconomyand thedeepeni ng ofthe reform,publit hecivilr ds approve d,bothfina ncialrea ch,a nd people pa ssi ng through.Tservant witc servanth ahowto usepersonaltitles dutyconsumpti on a ssomew here betweesubsidi es,or howt omanagea perhird,a ccordi ng to theoperationalneedsof civi
55、lservasonaldutyconsumption use ofsubsints responsi bleforaut horize d publi cservantdies.T herefore,we must establi sa ndperfectwithncea nd urge ncy.Firstofall, civilserva ntsespecia llypartyand Govers duty consumptipublicservants duty consumptionnmentlea dersand publionsta ndar ds,bothc serva nts d
56、utyconsumpti ont here arebig drawba cks. NPC deputiesa ndCPPCCmembers andthe br oad massesare concernedabout.Secondly, the9positi on-related consum ption of civilse rvantsha sbeen sw eptbyfina nce , consumer,regar dless ofcost,extravagance andwaste in thecivilservi ce position -related consumpti on,
57、 a buse,corruption andembezzlement,corruptionis important.Then, underthe conditi ons ofmarket econom y, how to reformthe existing civil duty consumpti on man agement,expl ores asour ce topreve ntand curbthe postconsumptioncorruptionwa y, iscurrentlya majorissue facedbyhonestw ork.Recently, I conducted research ont hisissue,t hispr oblem on some humble opi nions.First,
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