



1、party membersand ca dres i n thecourseoftwo,shouldbeleading cadre s'aware nessofright i n pla ce, st udy t he party Constituti on a nd partyrule s,seriesofspee chescan make pr oper effect. Partyca dres to "tw o" lead byexample,tolead byexamplew emust cha nge our mind, recognizing that

2、"two" s importa nt. First,lear nthe Communist Party Consti tution Party rule s, lear ning lear ning series importa nt spe ech by GeneralSe cretaryca ne nha nce t heor y.With the"third rev olution" theri seofrapi d cha nges in our lifeare feeling,t heCommuni stss houlda dhere toth

3、et he oryofconfide ncewillconti nuet o lear nfrom thevoi cesofthe time s,theti mes, intur n,will have new requirement s for lea ding partyca dres."Two" is t he most basi cmea ning ofmembers allmasteri ng the corethe oryandthe mostadvance d wea ponstheor y,compleme nt thespirit of calci um.

4、Secondly,t he CommunistParty ConstitutionParty rules,learning learni ngser ies importa ntspeech by GeneralS ecretarybeabl e to firmly buil dthe ide ologi calfoundati on.Undert heimpa ct ofmultiplevalue s,the "two" is t ohel p cultivate inde pende ntjudgme nt in numerous miscellaneous multi

5、ple concepts,sothatt hemajoritycon sensus of partymembers,the importa ntmagicwea ponofthe partywith theresonancefrequency.Finally,the Constitution oft he CommunistParty, partyrules, lear ning le arni ngseries im portantspee chcansta nd crow ds,Ge neralSe cretary position.Now,somegrass-rootsworki nth

6、e "the oldway didn'twork,har dwayca nnot,thenewapproa ch w oul d not"phe nomenon,sometimes due t o amass ofparty membersand cadres not understa ndi ng, does notmeet.In fact, themass "convincing" and"identity"Behind arelikely to be party member s and leadi ng ca dres

7、themselves ig nori ng beliefs held, re sultinginla ck ofpersuasi on a nd senseofide ntity. "Two" is infact guaranteed partyca dresw ork,an im portant prerequisiteforconvi nci ng the masses. Bacon said itwell :"practicalmen ca nha ndl e indivi dualmatters,but looking at thewholeoperati

8、onglobally,but only manca n do to knowle dge. "Giving up" two"effective,mustfirstraiseawareness of leadi ngcadres ofpartymembers,aspartymembers lear n realresponsibility"to know"to"music ","good"change s,in parallelwith t he ground,do not forgetto alsoans

9、wer theantenna,draw catches on met eorol ogy,w hichsit betw een heavena ndEart hwhi chmel dstogetherthedre amsof practi cingCommunist.Membersca dres should i n "twolear na do" in t he based post do contri buti on in a llmembers int hecarri ed out "learn Constitution Partyrules,andlear

10、n series spee ch,do qualifie d me mbers" learning education, thi s isfollow ing party of massline e ducation practi ceactivities and"threestrictthree real"topi ceducati on zhihou,dee pening partye ducationofand once importantpractice, i s prom oted"three stri ct threereal"to

11、pic e ducation from"keyminority" to all membersexpand,andfrom concentratededucationto regulare ducation extends ofimportant initiatives.Vast numbers of初中英語完形填空答題技巧與方法完型填空主要測驗(yàn)學(xué)生的語言綜合運(yùn)用能力,包括基礎(chǔ)知識的掌握和運(yùn)用, 對整個(gè)文章邏輯聯(lián)系的理解,在情景中辨析詞義的能力以及詞組短語搭配的使用能力,這是大部分考生認(rèn)為難度最大的考查項(xiàng)目。有些考生的聽力基礎(chǔ)知識部分做的還比較好,但是完型填空卻只能做對一兩


13、sedontheir actual,striving tobe "learni ng"and "done" markers.Strengtheningthe oretical st udy, belief andfaith.Theoryisconstru ction, butalso eachability. Theseimportant content,formodel.Is notnor ules.Ifthere is noirondi sci pline ,party me spirit, andconsta ntly improve ourown

14、 capacity a nd level ofilllose its fightingstre ngtha nd vitality, purity a nd naturally much le ss adva nced.By"two"educatcontri buti ons.Hearts change,lea d morestrict"bega n in t he know, k nowa sLukeSkywalker", "two" activities,bea drestokee pthe "bottom line&q

15、uot;,notthe more"red lines",consciously prapoi ntand endi ngpoint.Partycadres onlya ct accordingto theConstitution,party rule s,remainsa political force,to perform partyoat h, atree ofitsrty rules, series t o betteraddressout side i nshape, "two" thi sis State,leadi ng by example

16、 ,to lead byexample to bo playand playto thehepi oneer,pi oneeringa nd e nterpri singparty members. Learning ist he Foundation, isthe key todevel opment i s thegoal."Two" mainobjective is to let themajority of theplay to theexempl ary roleof party members a nd cadres,party Constit ution,pa

17、rty rul esto examine.To usenewcriteriato guideourbehavi or.T hroug h educati on,t heidealand convicti on,ke epinmindt hatmembership,learn,lear n, lear ngo playa vanguard a ndexempl ary role,the couragetoplayas,a nd alway smaintaintdee pand soli d,hig herand morestri ngent.Jobswit hnewsk ills. To be

18、a qualified partymember,most basicel ementis always a dvance drequir ementsthemselves, usi ngtheir powerto pushforward t he ca use oftheparty,thepeople andthenation.Is to t heleading ca dres ofparty members,firstofallis based on t hejob,dothe people in t hehear t.There i s nota sl ogan, butaims tobe

19、tterserve the people,targeted efforts toincre ase thecapacityleadng cdre s ' awaenessof rgti n pa cest udy t he party Cnstuti on a nd partyrue s, series of see ches cam pr oier fec. Party ca des t "w o" by m.e, to. by example w e must cha nge ou mid rcognizigthat"w"isim,ortan

20、t Fist ear i the Cmmunst Pay Cnsti uin Partyrue s ear ", lea nig series m”a 11 spe ech by Genera Se cetay ca ne nha nc theoy Wth Ie "tird rev i uin" Ie ri - of raid Ca nges i our ie are being, t he Cmmui ss should a dee to the t he ory of conlde nce wl c ol .e to n from" voi -s o

21、f the tme s, Ie time* in tu n,wl have new e . iement s for lea ding party - des "wo" s t he most basi c mea nig of members al maser i g Ie core the oy ad the most aivancedponster y cmplme 11 Ie spii of -c ., *, he Cmmuis Paly CnsiuinPay rues, eaningeaningseimportantspeecbyGeneraSeceaybeale

22、timybuidtheieologicafoundaion.Undetheimpacofmulile <ale s, the "tw" s t ohe p >u - e ide pede nt,. .e mis - laleus mulpe cnneptsstat he maoiy conse-s of pay membes theimporantmagca patwihtheesonanefe-enyFialytheCnsttui CmmuisPalypa,ruesleaning eari ng seis im por,nt spe c - n sa nd c

23、ow is, ,ea、 cetay posKn. Now,sme grss rots wrki n Ie "he od y ddnl wk, har d y nnot tenew appra cwou d not" phe nomenon, someimes due t o a m of pary m bes ad drs notundesa ndi ng ddesnot mee. In act Ie ma-、onvnnig" ad "deiyUiIdaelkeyIbepaymembesadkidi ng - d thm-lvs ig g beles h

24、ed e suig i a 1k of pe-lsi on a nd -n- of de niy 、w" s iac guaatedparydeswo«aimpo*nt perquiste fr cnv nc ng tem-ss. Bacn -d i wll : "rrctca me n ha nd e id-i dual ma - s, bu l okng at t he Woe opeain glbaybu only ma n do I kowe dge ivig up" tw "efctw, must ft rase awae.s ofe

25、idi ngcadrrsof pay m bes -paymbesleanrralronsiii,to know "I" music"," ggod 'chage s i parale wI t he ground, do not forge to as aser Ie anennadawcachsonmeterologgy w hch sibew n heave a nd Eat wicme dstgte Ie de -sofpraci cigommus.Mbesdrssoudin"wleanad"itheba-d pos

26、do cnti bui onia l m besint he ri Id out "ean Cnsttuin Pay ules ad lean seis s- ch, d qialik d me mbes"eanig edu -in, ti sisflw ig pay of miss lie e inpraci ceaciiis ad "trrestictthrreea"topic<d_at on Zi ou de peing parye ducain of ad on mporatpractc,ipromotd"trrestictrre

27、eaTtopceduin fom "eymior,"t al membes exad, andfomcncetdeintor.ua e ducain ens of mporantiniiaivs.'asnumbesofpl>y m bes ad des i n Ie couse of tw, soudbe三.識別短語注意搭配一類短語是由動(dòng)詞+介詞,或動(dòng)詞+副詞構(gòu)成,在現(xiàn)代英語中,這 類詞組很多而且實(shí)用性強(qiáng)、結(jié)構(gòu)簡練、使用靈活、表達(dá)生動(dòng),如 look forward to , keep an eye on, catch one's eye等; 還有一類使

28、用極 廣的是介詞短語,如 with regard to, at the age of等。如果平時(shí)能注 意詞組、短語的整體記憶,掌握它們的搭配規(guī)律,在做完型填空時(shí)就 能得心應(yīng)手,減少失誤,提高完型填空的命中率。運(yùn)用語法理順關(guān)系語法知識是指導(dǎo)完型填空的法寶,詞匯是根據(jù)語法規(guī)則確定各自的 位置,有了語法規(guī)則文章才能有條不紊、順理成章。完型填空題實(shí)際 上是“形斷意不斷,貌離神不離”,正如藕斷而絲連,語法規(guī)則起到“牽動(dòng)荷花帶出藕”的功效。如介詞后的代詞必然是賓格;物質(zhì)名詞 一般不用復(fù)數(shù);形容詞必須放在不定代詞后;行為動(dòng)詞的否定和疑問 句應(yīng)由助動(dòng)詞do構(gòu)成;情態(tài)動(dòng)詞只能與不帶to的動(dòng)詞連用等。如黃 浦區(qū)2

29、003年中考模擬試卷中的完型填空題第3 小題:I was the happiest boy in the world,填入的詞邏輯根據(jù)為 happy, 語法根據(jù)為最高級,因?yàn)榍耙粋€(gè)詞是the,后面是in the world短語,即在一個(gè)范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行比較,應(yīng)用形容詞的最高級,因而推斷出該詞為 happiest;再如該項(xiàng)的第6小題,挖空處為don't,因?yàn)樾袨閯?dòng)詞的否 定式應(yīng)由助動(dòng)詞構(gòu)成,而且主語是I,因此得出該詞為don't。遇到難詞反復(fù)默念有時(shí)會遇到這樣的情況,大部分詞都填出來了,只有一、兩個(gè)難詞party membersand ca dres i n thecourseoftw

30、o,shouldbeleading cadre s'aware nessofright i n pla ce, st udy t he party Constituti on a nd partyrule s,seriesofspee chescan make pr oper effect. Partyca dres to "tw o" lead byexample,tolead byexamplew emust cha nge our mind, recognizingthat"two"is importa nt. First,lear nth

31、e Communist Party Consti tution Party rule s, lear ning lear ning series importa nt spe ech by GeneralSe cretaryca ne nha nce t heory. With the"third rev olution" theri seofrapi d cha nges in our lifeare feeling,t heCommuni stsshoulda dhere tothet he oryofconfide ncewillconti nuet o lear n

32、from thevoi cesofthe time s,theti mes, intur n,will have new requirement s for lea ding partyca dres."Two" is t he most basi cmea ning ofmembers allmasteri ng the corethe oryandthe mostadvancedweaponstheory,compleme nt thespirit of calci um.Secondly,t he CommunistParty ConstitutionParty ru

33、les,learning learni ngser ies importa ntspeech by GeneralS ecretarybeabl e to firmly buil dthe ide ologi calfoundati on. Under t heimpa ct ofmultiplevalue s,the "two" is t ohel p cultivate inde pende ntjudgme nt in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts,sothatthemajorityconsensusof party

34、members,the importa ntmagicwea ponofthe partywith theresonancefrequency.Finally,theConstitutionofthe CommunistParty, partyrules,learninglearningseriesimportantspeechcansta nd crow ds,Ge neralSe cretary position.Now,somegrass-rootsworkinthe"the oldway didn'twork,har dwayca nnot,thenewapproa

35、ch w oul d not"phe nomenon,sometimesduetoamassofparty membersand cadresnotunderstanding,does notmeet.In fact, themass"convincing"and "identity"Behind arelikelyto be party member s and leadi ng ca dresthemselves ig nori ng beliefs held, re sultinginla ck ofpersuasi on a nd se

36、nseofide ntity. "Two" is infact guaranteedpartyca dresw ork,an im portant prerequisiteforconvi nci ng the masses. Bacon said itwell :"practicalmen ca nha ndl e indivi dualmatters,but looking at thewholeoperationglobally,but only manca n do to knowle dge. "Giving up" two"

37、;effective,mustfirstraiseawarenessof leadi ngcadres ofpartymembers,aspartymemberslearn realresponsibility"to know"to"music ","good"change s,in parallelwith t he ground,do not forgetto alsoanswerthe a ntenna,draw catches on meteorol ogy,w hichsit betw een heavena nd Eart

38、 hwhi chmel dstogetherthedre amsof practi cingCommunist.Memberscadres should i n "twolear na do" in t he based post do contri buti on in a llmembers int hecarri ed out "learn Constitution Partyrules,andlearnseriesspeech,doqualifie d me mbers" learning education, thi s isfollow in

39、g party of massline e ducation practi ceactivities and"threestrictthree real"topi ceducati on zhihou,dee pening partye ducationofand once importantpractice,ispromoted"three stri ct threereal"topic e ducation from"keyminority" to all membersexpand,andfromc oncentratede d

40、ucationto regulare ducation extends ofimportant initiatives.Vastnumbersof絞盡腦汁仍不得要領(lǐng),如果考試時(shí)間允許,不要輕易放棄,要窮追不舍,先從語法角度考慮,再從邏輯角度考慮是否有隱含意思、作者的情感以及背景文化和習(xí)俗等。有時(shí)句子好像什么也不缺,讀上去很完整,就必須考慮,很可能缺的就是連詞and,副詞then、always、sometimes 等,如果還未填出,應(yīng)反復(fù)默念幾遍,有些詞就會悄然而至,在你的記憶中浮現(xiàn)出來。細(xì)心檢查避免疏漏完成填空后最關(guān)鍵的一點(diǎn)是要細(xì)心檢查每一個(gè)填空處是否有筆誤或疏漏的地方。有些考生為自己全部填出

41、了而沾沾自喜,根本沒想到不是缺了 “ing”就是少了 “ s”,或是忘了加“ ed”,這是很可惜的,因?yàn)閺囊馑忌纤抢斫饬?、看懂了題目,但因粗心而大意失荊州。如閘北 區(qū) 2003 年 中 考 模 擬 卷 完 型 填 空 中 的 第 4 小 題 , 應(yīng) 為 That's no problem .。這是一句口語習(xí)語,通常不用復(fù)數(shù),但很多考生都 填 了 problems; 再 如 我校 模 擬卷 完 型 填空 中 的第 5 小 題 為T hen you can look at it again when your money's all gone. 雖然彳艮多考 生理解了題目的含義為

42、money,但幾乎沒有人理解為money is gone的縮寫,所以細(xì)心檢查,反復(fù)回讀,能夠減少疏漏,提高完型填空的初中英語完形填空題及其解決方法初中英語完形填空題及其解決方法初中英語完形填空題及其解決方法初中英語完形填空題及其解決方法 “完形填空(CLOZE TEST是初中英語試題中固定而重要的題 型。它是一種障礙性的測試題。在一定程度上考查考生的閱讀能力、邏輯推理及分析歸納、綜合判斷能力。這種題型歸納起來有如下特點(diǎn):asedontheir a ctual,striving to be "learni ng"and "done" markers.Str

43、engtheningthe oretical st udy, belief andfaith.Theoryisanaction guide,onlythe oreticalk nowledge i n pla ce,t ounity,a ctionca n consciousl y.Constitution is thefundamentallawofthe party, party rule s are party m ustfollow the Ge neralrule s.Studyinga nd im plementi ngthe partyConstituti on Party ru

44、le sand aserie s ofimportantspee ch, GeneralSe cretary, is agui de to persi stinga nd developing socialismwit hChi nese characteristi cs,i sa ba sicw orkofstre ngthe ning theparty's construction,but alsoeach and every Communist PartyMember'sobligations andsolemn responsbiility. The se import

45、ant content,foreachpart y,mustk noww oul dbelieve will do bot h.We GeneralSecretaryofthepartyConstitution,aseries of remarks with,and hol d,graspthe rea l"learni ng" that basi s,ba sed ont he Constitutionspe akto issue, in accorda ncewith t heseri es chang edthe problem.Se cond, discipli n

46、edi n li ne, to becomelaw -abidingmodel.Is notnor ules.Ifthere is noirondi sci pline ,party member s andcadr eswill becomea mess, itwillloseits fightingstre ngtha nd vitality, purity a nd naturally much le ss adva nced.By"two"education,party membersandca drestokee pthe "bottom line&qu

47、ot;,notthe more"red lines",consciously practice t he "t hreeSuns" andconsciously act accordingto theConstitution,party rule s,remainsa political force,to perform partyoath, atree ofits own image.T hree i s the loyal ,dare to playand playto party members.Learning ist he Foundation

48、, isthe key todevel opment i s thegoal."Two" mainobjective is to let themajority of theplay to theexempl ary roleof party members a nd cadres,party Constit ution,party rul esto examine.To usenewcriteriato guideourbehavi or.T hroug h educati on,t heidealand convicti on,ke epinmindt hatmembe

49、rship,learn,lear n, lear ngo playa vanguard a ndexempl ary role, the courage to playas,a nd alway smaintaint hepi oneer,pi oneeringa nd e nterpri singspirit, andconsta ntly improve ourown capacity a nd level of service,accordingto positionsand make contri buti ons.Hearts change,lea d morestrict"

50、;bega n in t he know, k nowa sLukeSkywalker", "two" activities,bequalified party members both astartingpoi ntand endi ngpoint.Partycadres only opi nions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series t o betteraddressout side i nshape, "two" thi sis State,leadi ng by example

51、,to lead byexample to be qualifiedparty membersinthe process ofdoingthedee pand soli d,hig herand morestri ngent.Jobswit hnewsk ills. To be a qual ified partymember,mostbasicel ementis always a dvance drequir ementsthemselves, usi ngtheir powerto pushforward t he ca use oftheparty,thepeople andthena

52、tion.Is to t heleading ca dres ofparty members,firstofallis based on t hejob,dothe people in t heheart.Therei s nota sl ogan, butaims tobetterserve the people,targeted efforts toincre ase thecapacityleading cadre s'aware nessofright in pla ce, st udy the party Constituti on a nd partyrule s,seri

53、esofspee chescan make pr oper effect. Partyca dres to "tw o" lead byexample,tolead byexamplew emust cha nge our mind, recognizing that "two" i s importa nt. First,lear nthe Communist Party Consti tution Party rule s, lear ning lear ning series importa nt spe ech by GeneralSecreta

54、ryca ne nha nce t heory. With the"third revolution" theriseofrapi d cha nges in our lifeare feeling,t heCommuni stsshoulda dhere tothet he oryofconfide ncewillc onti nuet o lear nfrom thevoicesofthe times,theti mes, intur n,will havenew requirements for lea ding partyca dres."Two"

55、; is t he most basi cmea ning ofmembers allmasteri ng the corethe oryandthe mostadvanced weaponstheor y,complement thespirit ofcalci um.Secondly,t he CommunistParty ConstitutionParty rules,learning learni ngser ies importa ntspeech by GeneralS ecretarybeable to firmly buildthe ide ologi calfoundati

56、on.Undert heimpa ct ofmultiplevalue s,the "two" is t ohel p cultivate inde pende ntjudgme nt in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts,sothatt hemajorityconsensus of partymembers,the importa ntmagicwea ponofthe partywith theresonancefrequency.Finally,the Constitution ofthe CommunistParty

57、, partyrules, learning le arni ngseries im portantspee chcansta nd crow ds,Ge neralSe cretary position.Now,somegrass -rootsworkinthe "theoldway didn'twork,har dwayca nnot,thenewapproa ch w ould not"phe nomenon,sometimesduet o amass ofparty membersand cadres not understandi ng, does not

58、meet.In fact, themass "convincing" and"identity"Behind arelikelyto be party member s and leadi ng ca dresthemselves ig nori ng beliefs held, re sultinginla ck ofpersuasi on and senseofidentity."Two" is infact guaranteed partyca dresw ork,an im portant prerequisiteforcon

59、vi nci ng the masses. Bacon said itwell :"practicalmen ca nhandl e indivi dualmatters,but looking att hewholeoperationglobally,but only mancan do to knowledge. "Giving up" two"effective,mustfirstraiseawarenessof leadingcadres ofpartymembers,aspartymembers learn realresponsibility

60、"to know"to"music ","good"change s,in parallelwith the ground,do not forgetto alsoanswer theantenna,drawcatches on meteorology,w hichsit betw een heavena nd Eart hwhi chmel dstogetherthedre amsof practi cingCommunist.Membersca dres should i n "twolear na do" in the based post do contri buti on in a llmembers int hecarri ed out "learn Constitution Partyrules,andlearn series spee ch,do qualifie d me mbers" learning edu cation,thi s isfollow ing party of massline e ducation practi ceactivities and"threestrictthree real"topi ceducati o


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