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1、大學英語四級綜合-32(總分: 180.00 ,做題時間: 90 分鐘)一、Unit 3 (總題數(shù):4,分數(shù):180.00)Passage OneIn this study, we found that the household media environment was related to a child% academic achievement, saidDina Borzekowski, EdD, lead author of the study and assistant professor in the Department of Population and FamilyHe

2、alth Sciences at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Amongthese third graders, we saw that even whencontrolling for the parents education level, the childs gender and the amount of media used per week, those who hadbedroom TV sets scored around 8 points lower on math and language arts tests and 7

3、 points lower on reading tests. Ahome computer showed the opposite relationship-children with access to a home computer had scores that werearound 6 points higher on the math and the language arts test and 4 points higher on the reading test, controlling for thesame variables. The study followed a d

4、iverse group of third-grade students from six schools in northern California. During the course ofa school year, nearly 400 students and their parents were asked to report on the types of media available in the home,including television, videotapes, computers and video games, as well as how often th

5、e child used them. The childrensmath, reading and language arts skills were tested twice over the year using the Stanford Achievement Test.Overall, children who had a television set in the bedroom but did not have a computer at home scored the lowest, whilestudents without TV in the bedroom but with

6、 access to a computer at home scored the highest. Students who gained atelevision in the bedroom over the course of the school year scored lower in all areas than those who had their TV takenaway during the same period.The researchers did not find a consistent negative association between test score

7、s and the amount of televisionwatched per week.Educators and parents are looking for ways to improve childrens standardized test scores. This study suggests thatsomething as logical and straightforward as taking TV sets out of kids bedrooms, or not putting them there in the firstplace, may be a solu

8、tion, said the co-author of the study, Thomas N. Robinson, MD, MPH, an associate professor ofpediatrics and medicine at Stanford University and director of the Center for Healthy Weight at Lucile Packard ChildrensHospital at Stanford. While this study does not prove that bedroom TV sets caused the l

9、ower test scores, it adds toaccumulating data that kids shouldnt have TVs in their bedrooms. It also suggests that investing in a home computer fora child to use may be an additional strategy to help your childs test scores. The best combination was having both: noTV in the bedroom and also a home c

10、omputer to use. /(分數(shù): 45.00 )(1).The same variables at the end of the first paragraph refer to _ (分數(shù): 9.00 )A. household media and childrens academic achievementB. the number of TV sets a family hasC. the parents education level, the childs gender and the amount of media used per weekVD. math tests,

11、 language arts tests and reading tests解析:語義題。文章第一段倒數(shù)第二句指出,在這些三年級的學生中,當他們對其父母的受教育水平、學 生的性別以及每周利用媒體的時間進行限制后,發(fā)現(xiàn)那些臥室里有電視的孩子在數(shù)學和語言測試中的得分 要低 8 分左右,在閱讀測試中他們低 7 分;該段最后一句介紹了在相同的變量 (the samevariables) 之下家 庭電腦對孩子成績的影響,由此推斷,此處“相同的變量”指的就是上一句提到的父母的受教育水平、學 生的性別以及每周利用媒體的時間,故選 C。(2)_ .According to the passage, theho

12、usehold media involved in the study include_9.00 )A. only TV sets and computersB. only TV sets and video games分數(shù):C. computers, videotapes, video games and radiosD.TV sets, computers, videotapes and video gamesV解析:推斷題。文章第二段前兩句指出,研究對象是來自加利福尼亞州北部 6 所學校里的三年級學生,在 一個學年中,有近 400 名學生和家長被要求報告家里所用的媒體種類,包括電視機、錄

13、像機、電腦和電子 游戲機,以及孩子們使用這些媒體的頻率,由此推斷,研究中涉及的家用媒體包括電視機、錄像機、電腦 和電子游戲機,故選 D。(3) .What did the researchers say about the television?(分數(shù): 9.00 )A. It may not necessarily lead to bad academic performance.VB. It may cause the lowest test scores.C. It should be avoided by school children.D. It has direct relatio

14、nship with lower test scores.解析:推斷題。文章第三段最后一句指出,研究者并未發(fā)現(xiàn)考試成績和每周看電視的時間始終有負關(guān)聯(lián); 最后一段倒數(shù)第三句指出,研究并未證實臥室里的電視會導致考試成績偏低,由此推斷,研究者認為電視 并不一定會導致成績差,故選A。(4) .Thomas N. Robinson thought that the best way to improve childrens test scores was_(分數(shù): 9.00 )A. to put a TV set in childrens bedroomsB. to put both a compute

15、r and a TV set in childrens bedroomsC. to provide children with computersD. to let children use computers while there was no TV in the bedroomV解析:推斷題。文章最后一段開頭指出,教育學家和家長都在尋求提高孩子成績的方法,研究表明,不在 孩子臥室中放置電視可能是一個解決方案;最后兩句指出,購買電腦供孩子使用也可能有助于提高孩子的成績,最好的組合就是:臥室中不放置電腦,同時家中有電腦可供使用,而這些都是托馬斯N羅賓遜的觀點,故選 D。(5) .The mo

16、st suitable title for the passage is _ (分數(shù): 9.00 )A. The Influence of TV Sets in BedroomsB. The Influence of Computers in BedroomsC. The Influence of Household MediaVD. Childrens Academic Performance 解析:主旨題。文章首段明確指出,家庭媒體環(huán)境與孩子的成績相關(guān);接下來通過列舉研究結(jié)果表明,臥 室中放置電視可能導致孩子考試成績偏低,而電腦則可能有助于提高孩子的成績;最后專家建議不要在孩 子的臥室中放

17、置電視,而應為孩子提供電腦。綜合可知,文章主要說明了家庭媒體對孩子成績的影響,故選 C。Passage TwoThere is a new type of small advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified colunms. It issometimes placed among situations vacant, although it does not offer anyone a job, and sometimes it appears amongsituations wanted, alt

18、hough it is not placed by someone looking for a job, either. What it does is to offer help in applyingfor a job.Contact us before writing your application, or Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae orjob history, is how it is usually expressed. The growth and apparent suc

19、cess of such a specialized service is, of course,a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment. It is also an indication of the growing importance of thecurriculum vitae (orjobhistory), with the suggestion that it may now qualify as an art form in its own right.There was a time when job se

20、ekers simply wrote letters of application. Just putdown your name,address, age and whether you have passed any exams, was about the average level of advice offered to young peopleapplying for their first jobs when I left school. The letter was really just for openers, it was explained, and everythin

21、g elsecould and should be saved for the interview. And in those days of full employment the technique worked. The letterproved that you could write and were available for work. Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticat

22、ed was called for. The advice then was to putsomething in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest. It might be the aggressive approach. Your search isover. I am the person you are looking for, was a widely used trick that occasionally succeeded. Or it might be somespecial feature specia

23、lly designed for the job interview. There is no doubt, however, that it is increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in theprocess of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.(分數(shù): 45.00 )(1).The new type of advertisement which is app

24、earing in newspaper columns_ (分數(shù): 9.00 )A. informs job hunters of the opportunities availableB. promises to offer useful advice to those looking for employmentVC. divides available jobs into various typesD. informs employers of the people available for work解析:細節(jié)題。文章第一段指出,這些小廣告有時放在“招聘”欄目里,但它其實并不提供任何工

25、作;有時放在“求職”欄目里,但并不是找工作的人們刊登的。它的目的是為求職的人提供幫助,所以B 正確。C項文章中沒有提到。(2)_ .Nowadays a demandfor this specialized type of service has been created because_(分數(shù):9.00 )A. there is a lack of jobs available for artistic peopleB. there are so many top level jobs availableC. there are so many people out of workVD. t

26、he job history is considered to be a work of art解析:細節(jié)題。文章第二段提到,這種特別服務的出現(xiàn)和成功反映了當今的高失業(yè)率,所以C 正確。(3)_.In the past it was expected that first job hunterswould _ (分數(shù): 9.00 )A. write an initial letter giving their life historyB. pass some exams before applying for a jobC. have no qualifications other than

27、being able to read and writeD. keep any detailed information until they obtained an interviewV解析:細節(jié)題。文章第三段第三句提到,這樣的信只是給開啟的人看的,其他的情況能夠而且應該保留到 面試的時候再解釋,由此可知,在信中不必寫得太詳細,應該在得到面試機會時再透露更多的細節(jié),所以 D 正確。(4) .Later, as one went on to apply for more important jobs, one was advised to include in theletter_ (分數(shù):

28、9.00 )A. something that would distinguish one from other applicantsVB. hinted information about the personality of the applicantC. ones advantages over others in applying for the jobD. an occasional trick with the aggressive approach 解析:細節(jié)題。文章第四段提到,當你上了一個臺階之后,就需要寫稍微復雜些的內(nèi)容了。接下來的建議就是,在信里面增加一些能使你脫穎而出的內(nèi)

29、容,所以 A 正確。B 項(有關(guān)申請人個性的隱含信息)、C 項(申請人申請工作時相對于其他人的優(yōu)勢),均不正確;D 項(用主動積極的方法偶爾耍點花招)只是引人關(guān)注的其中一種方法,太片面,故排除。(5)_.The curriculum vitae has becomesuch an important document because_(分數(shù): 9.00)A. there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertisedVB. there has been an increase in the number of applicants w

30、ith degreesC. jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadaysD. the other processes of applying for jobs are more complicated解析:細節(jié)題。 文章最后一段指出, 具有大學教育背景的求職者越來越多, 這使得個人履歷顯得更為重要, 所以 B正確。Passage ThreeBurn rate is the speed at which a startup business consumes money. My rate would be $50,000 a month whe

31、n mynew media company started. So, I began looking around for individuals who would be my first investors. Angelmoney it was called. But when I reviewed my list of acquaintances, I found the number got small.With no other choices, I began meeting with the venture-capital companies. But I was warned

32、they took a huge shareof your company for the money they put in. And if you struggled, they could drop you cold.As I was searching for angel money, I started to build a team who trusted meeven though I didnt have money forpaychecks yet.Bill Becker was an expert in computer programming and image proc

33、essing at a Media Lab at M.I.T. With his arrival,my company suddenly had a major technology guy in-house.Katherine Henderson, a fihnmaker and a former real-estate dealer, joined us as our director of market research.Steve White came on as operating officer.We had some really good people, but we stil

34、l didnt have enough money. One night, my neighbor, Louise Johnson,came for a visit. She and I were only nodding acquaintances, but her boys and ours were constant companions. Sheran a very good business at the time.Louise was brilliant and missed nothing. She had been watching my progress closely. S

35、he knew I was dying formoney and I had prospects but could offer no garantees of success.She told me that her attorney had talked to mine and the terms bad been agreed upon. She handed me an envelopewith a check for $ 500,000.I almost fell down. I heard her voice as if from heaven.I have confidence

36、in your plan, she said. Youll do well. Youre going to work hard for it, but its satisfying when youbuild your own company.Who would have thought ld find an angel so close to home. There were no words sufficient for the moment. We justsaid good night. She left and I just stood there, completely humbl

37、ed and completely committed.(分數(shù): 45.00 )(1).For a newly-established business, burn rate refers to_ (分數(shù): 9.00 )A. the salary it pays to its staffB. the interest it pays to the bankC. the way in which it raises capitalD.the speed at which it spends moneyV解析:細節(jié)題。文章首段首句提到,“燃燒速率”是指新興公司花錢的速度,由此可知本題選D。(2).

38、By saying angel money, the author refers to _ (分數(shù): 9.00 )A. the money borrowed from banksB. the money spent to promote salesC. the money raised from close friendsD.the money needed to start a businessV解析:推斷題。文章首段提到,當我的新媒體公司開業(yè)時,燃燒速率是每月五千美元,于是我到處尋找首 批個人投資,人們稱之為 Angel money,由此可以推斷 Angel money 就是第一批投資商投

39、入的資金,故選 D。(3).To get help from a venture-capital company, you may have to _ (分數(shù): 9.00 )A.put up with unfair termsVB. change your business lineC. enlarge your business scopeD. let them operate your business解析:推斷題。 文章第二段提到, 由于沒有其他的選擇, 所以我開始和風險投資公司見面。 但人們警告我, 投資公司會拿走公司相當大的一部分股份。由此可以推斷這種交易是不公平的,故選A。(4)_

40、.The author easily built a team for his companybecause _ (分數(shù): 9.00 )A. they were underpaid at their previous jobsB. they were turned down by other companiesC. they were confident of the author and his businessVD. they were satisfied with the salaries in his company 解析:推斷題。文章第三段提到,作者說團隊里每一個人都很信任他,即使自

41、己沒有錢可以付他們工資。 由此可見,作者很容易就為他的公司建立了一個團隊是因為團隊成員對作者及其創(chuàng)辦的公司都很有信心, 故選 C。(5)_ .Louise decided to lend money to the author because_ (分數(shù): 9.00 )A. she wanted to join his companyB. she knew he would build a teamC. she knew his plan would succeedVD. she wanted to help promote his sales解析:細節(jié)題。文章倒數(shù)第五段提到,Louise 一直

42、在密切關(guān)注作者的進展情況,她知道我需要錢而且有前途,文章后面又提到, Louise 遞給作者一個信封,里面裝有一張 50 萬美元的支票,并說她對作者的計劃 有信心。由此可知 Louise 決定借錢給作者是因為她知道他的計劃會成功,故選C。建立團隊是在 Louise借給我錢之前,故排除 B。Passage FourFrom early in her studies of parent-child interaction, Haight observed that many parents playan intentional role in encouraging their kids to p

43、retend, and obviously see that role as important.I was struck by the extent to which caregivers were pretending with their very young children, even before the childrenwere displaying independent pretend play, she said.In one study with a group of middle-class, white Americans, the very consistent f

44、inding was that parents viewedpretending as important to their childrens development, viewed it as an enjoyable activity, and thought that their rolewas significant in helping their children learn how to pretend.Through subsequent research, Haight concluded that these parents might be on to somethin

45、g. Weve found that, infact, when children pretended with their caregivers, it was more complex, more elaborate, and also more extendedthan when they pretended by themselves, she said. And they used the ideas that the parents initiated in theirsubsequent pretending. A child playing by himself, for in

46、stance, might sit behind a toy steering wheel and simply turnthe wheel and make engine noises. A parent joining in can take the child on a pretend trip, teaching along the way. Among the things that parents begin to communicate very early through pretending, whether consciously orunconsciously, is t

47、heir culture, Haight noted-her observations based on a study involving both Chinese (in Taiwandistrict) and white, middle-class Americans. For the Americans, she found, pretend play was often childcentered andrevolved around a toy or object. The Chinese parents more often than not initiated the play

48、 and used it to teach socialcustoms or routines, like how to greet a guest or teacher.Its fascinating to see how deeply ingrained cultural beliefs get incorporated into pretend play-its one of manyeveryday practices through which children get socialized into their culture, Haight said. The long-domi

49、nant thinking,that most pretending starts with the child, would predict that pretend play would look pretty much the same wherever,regardless of the context-but were saying that doesnt appear to be the case.How individual parents pretend with their kids also depends a lot on how they see their paren

50、tal role, Haight said. Formost fathers, their participation in pretend play seems very related to how much they enjoy it, she said. For mostmothers, it seems related to how important they feel it is to childrens development.(分數(shù): 45.00 )(1).How did Haight feel in her studies of parent-child interaction?A. Confused. C. Surprised.B. Pleased. D. Annoyed. (分數(shù): 9.00 )A.B


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