



1、Less on Plan P rese ntati on 1Good morning, every on e! It' s my great pl easure to be here to give my less on plan p rese ntati on. My n ame is Fang Luhuifrom College of Foreig n Lan guage in Wen zhou Uni versity. The less on plan I am going to talk about comes from the NJEFC BOOK8 Un it 8 How

2、was your school trip? Now I' d like to explain what to teach, how to teach and the reasons for doing sofrom follow ing asp ects. They are an alysis of teachi ng material and lear ning con diti on, teach ing objectives, important and difficult poin ts, teach ing methods, teach ing p rocure and bl

3、ackboard no tes.An alysis of teach ing material and lear ning con diti onFirst, I will give the an alysis of teachi ng material. The teach ing material is take n from the NJEFC BOOK8 Unit 8 How was your school trip? The topic is talk ing about events in the p ast. Since it is the first p eriod of th

4、is un it, the less on is mainly a listening and speaking course. The teaching material is not so easy for students because there are a lot of new words and phrases. The past tense of some verbs and the structure“ there be "is also difficult for students. However, theun it is in terest ing and i

5、t is very helpful for the teach ing.s moreNow let ' s move on to the analysis of learning condition, the students are in Grade 8. Most of the students have been learning En glish for five years, so they have already mastered the basic words and exp ressi ons, and they can do some activities with

6、 En glish. They are in terested in lear ning En glish and are quite familiar with the task-based teach ing model. Whatstude nts have lear ned someth ing about the simple p ast tense in Grade 7 which is also ben eficial for the teach ing.Teach ing objectives, i mportant points and difficult pointsBas

7、ed on the analyses of the teaching material and the learning condition, I will put forward the teaching objectives, imp orta nt points and difficult poin ts.(1) Lan guage Skills:(1.1) After the class, most of the students are able to ask others about their sch ool trips. For example, students can as

8、kgo to?” and “ How was your school trip?” It is an imp orta nt point in thisless on.(1.2) After the class, some stude nts are able to talk about the events in the p ast. It is an importantpointinthisless on.(2) Lan guage Kno wledge:(2.1) By the end of the class, most of the stude nts are able to mas

9、ter the new wordsin thisless on,forexa mple, aquarium,souve nir, autogra ph, hang out, and so on .It is an imp orta nt point in this less on.(2.2) By the end of the class, most of the stude nts can master the p ast tense of the irregular verbs. It is also a difficult point Affection & attitudes:

10、(3.1) Stude nts talk about the school trips and enjoy the happin ess.(3.2) Students can know something more about ot hers ' trips, and their minds can be broadened.(4) Culture aware ness: stude nts can know more about the differe nt p laces of in terest in our coun try.(5) Lear ning strategy:Res

11、ource strategy: stude nts can find more in formati on about school trips on the Intern et.Teach ing methods: Based on the task-based teach ing model, I will adopt com muni cative teach ing app roach, audio-visual teach ing method in this less on. I will use compu ter, p rojector, and recorder as my

12、teach ing aids.Theoretical basis: Accord ing to the new En glish curriculum, the stude nts should be the centre of the class. The stude nts can learn English by doing something and develop their comprehensive Ianguage competenee. I also adopt the schema theory. According to this theory, the Ianguage

13、 teachers should try to activate students' old knowledge store to help them learn thekno wledge.Teach ing p rocedure:Here comes the most imp orta nt part of my p rese ntati on .It is the teach ing p rocedure. The first ste p is warm ing-up.It will cost 6 minu tes. There are two activities in thi

14、s ste p greeti ng and fin ishi ng the activity in 1a. Before the class, I willplay a beautiful video named“Let us go boating” "讓我們蕩起雙槳”to arouse students memories of their childhood andschool trips. When the class begi ns, I will greet with my stude nts. I will ask some questi ons. For exa mple

15、,“ Wllast weekend? ”“ Did you have a good time? ” After the brief greeting, I will introduce mylast school trip tothestudents antell them what I did on my last school trip. After that, I will ask my stude nts to tell me someth ing about their school trips and fill in the table which is p rovided by

16、the textbook. Then I will ask stude nts to read the an swers to the class. The purp ose of this activity is that I want to stimulate studen ts ' enthusiasm of learning English. In addition, students willalso get familiar withthetopic and review the simple p ast ten se. Here the schema theory is

17、ado pted because stude nts'oldkno wleThe n we will move on to the sec ond ste p p rese ntati on.It will cost about 10 minu tes. In this ste p, I will in troduce ano ther two school trips to the stude nts. In the first school trip, the stude nts went to the Shan ghai Aquarium. I will teach stude

18、nts the new words, such as shark, seal and so on. In the sec ond school trip, the students in Hangzhou went to the West Lake. While introducing, I will also teach students the important p hrases, such as hang out, buy a souve nir, and so on. In additi on, I will also in troduce two important sentenc

19、e structur es “ Were there any .”“ Did you do "to the students. In this step, I use a lot of pictures to introduce the trips. The purpose of thisactivity is that stude nts are able to lear n most of the new words and p hrases in this less on and they will get ready for the n ext activity. The c

20、lass can also turn to the n ext ste p smoothly and n aturally.Now, let ' s come to the third stelpstening. ” Stude nts liste n to the tape twice. After check ingudeeitep swers w In this ste p, stude nts can further deve lop their ability of the imitatio n is also good for stude nts to imp rove t

21、heirIt will cost about 5 minu tes. Before liste nin g, I will let stude nts read the p hrases in 1b which I have taught in the above activity. The n I will say, ” Ok, class, what about our friend Tina and Toby in the textbook? What did they do on their last school trip? Did they have a good time? Le

22、t' s listen to the tape.I will ask them to read after the tape and try their best to imitate. finding the specific information while listening. In addition, pronun ciati on, Now, let ' s move on to the fourth steguessing gae.It will cost about 3 minu tes. In this activity, I will first show

23、one pi cture of my school trip, but the stude nts can not see the whole picture. Then I let stude nts to guess what I did on my last school trit p. Sude nts are required to ask me questi ons like this“ Did you go ?” I will also show some names of places on the screen to help students guess. The stud

24、ent who gets the right answer can get a gift. The purpose of this activity is that students can practice the sentence pattern“ Did you gohelp students relieve themselves after finishing the above tasks. By activating students interest, they will do the following activities efficie ntly.Now, let '

25、; s come to the fifth stepairwork. It will take about 5 minu tes. At the very begi nnin g, I will tell the stude nts that Tina and Toby also want to know someth ing about their school trips. Then stude nts work in p airs. One stude nt is Tina or Toby. The stude nts follow the dialogue model on the s

26、creen. This model is a little different from the textbook. I made some changes, because the dialogue in the textbook doesn t include the important structure“ Were there any ” so I add it to the new dialogue. Whateexp<new dialogues accord ing to their own exp erie nee. So the dialogue is closely r

27、elated to stude nts'finish this task actively. The purpose of this activity is to let stude nts p ractice the important sentence structure in this less on. By creati ng the real situati on for stude nts, they can further deve lop their ability of talk ing about things in the p ast.Now here comes

28、 the sixth ste p liste ning It will cost about 10 minu tes. In this ste p, stude nts are required to finish the liste ning task in 2a and 2b. I will first teach the new words in 2a and 2b. Then I will ask stude nts to read the questi ons in 2a. After that, let stude nts liste n to the tape twice.Fin

29、 ally, check an swers. I ado pt the same way whe n deal with the task in 2b. The purpose of this activity is to let stude nts further deve lop their ability of finding the sp ecific in formatio n while liste ning.Now let ' s move on to the last stepiomework It will cost about 1 minu te. 1. Let s

30、tude nts copy the new words four times.2. Let stude nts finish off exercise book1.3. Ask stude nts to prepare for the new less on. 4. Do a survey.(The school n ews paper wants to make a survey. They want to find who had the most won derful school trip. Each line as a gro up. Each gro up has one gro

31、up leader. After class, he or she asks the gro up members and takes no tes. I will ask each group leader to give a short report tomorrow. This activity aims to p romote the coop erati on betwee n stude nts after class)Well, this is the blackboard no tes. As the half of the blackboard is covered, onl

32、y half of the blackboard can be used. On the right, there are some new words and p hrases. On the left, there are some important sentence structures.That ' s all for my less on plan p rese ntati on. Thank you for your atte nti on. Thank you!Unit 8 How was your school trip ?(PeriodlSectio nA 1a 2

33、c)Did you go to the zoo?Were there any sharks?Yes, there wereNo, there weren t aanyuariumseals/sharks souve nirhan g(h ung) out with her friendsautogra phLess on plan p rese ntati on 2NSEFC B2 A Unit 2Readi ng(1)Good morning, every one. Welcome to my less on plan p rese ntati on. The less on plan I

34、am going to p rese nt is Readi ng part from NSEFC module 2.Unit3 who am I. Now I' d like to explain howaco teis reading course and the reason for doing so fromthe follow ing 4 asp ects: the an alysis of teach ing material and lear ning con diti on, the theoretical basis and teach ing methods and

35、 aids, teach ing p rocedure and the layout of blackboard.I .The analysis of teaching material and learning condition;First,let ' s come to the analysis of teaching material and learning condition. The text is mainiy about how computers progress from the calculat ing machi ne to the mach ine with

36、 artificial in tellige nee. The text itself is quite difficult to un dersta nd because it ' s long and there are a lot of new words in it. The difficulty of the class is how to get students to master the main idea of the text and un dersta nd the text as well. The key point teacher should focus

37、on is how to make Ss master the cen tral idea and gather the detailed in formati on through various readi ng skills such as skim ming, sca nning, p redict ing and so on. And stude nts in my class are not good at En glish. But they are coop erative and can be activated in class. Accord ing to the tea

38、ch ing material and lear ning con diti on, I make out the follow ing objectives: first, la nguage kno wledge: Ss are required to un dersta nd the text and know the history and basic kno wledge of compu ters. Second, the Ian guage skills: Ss will get the main idea and suppportive in formati on throug

39、h using the read ing skills as I men ti oned before. Third, affective objective. Ss will know how to use the compu ter in a proper way and can be correctly guided. Fourth, cultural aware ness: Ss will know more about the history and culture of compu ter. The last on e, learni ng stategies: Ss will l

40、earn to lear n in dividually and coop eratively. These objectives I made out are mai nIy based on new n ati onal curriculum sta ndard. It aims to p romote S s' comp rehe nsive Ian guage comp ete nee and deve lop the aut onom ous and coop erative lear ners.I I .The theoretical basis and teach ing

41、 methods and aids:Then, let' s focus on the ways of teaching methods and aids. According to new national curriculum standardiet schema theoryand stude nt-ce ntered teach ing idea, I ado pt follow ing teach ing methods: audio-visual method and situatio nal method. These methods will be explained

42、later in the teaching procedure. Besides, I ' u se a tape recorder,computer and projector as my teach ing aids to facilitate my teach ing.川.Teaching procedureNext comes the most important part that is, teach ing p rocedure. I adopt the three-stage model, p re-read ing, while-readi ng and po st-r

43、ead ing. Before p re-read in g,I will set a lead-i n and after p ost-readi ng, there will be an assig nment. Each ste p is arran ged in proper time. The theoretical basis is top-dow n model.Now, I will ex plain them resp ectively.Step I, lead-i n. This ste p will cost 4 minu tes. As we can see, once

44、 the stude nts' in terest is aroused in the begiclass will go through more smoothly. So in this ste p, I make out an activity that is watchi ng a video about the history of compu ters. And I will ado pt audio-visual app roach in order to warm up the class atmos phere and activate the Ss.Step II,

45、 pre read ing. This ste p will cost 4 minu tes.Based on the video they watch above, I will make out a brain storm ing activity with a questi on : What can we do on a compu ter through the Intern et? Then Ss will talk about it freely. If stude nts don ' t have good response, I will provicfe some

46、hints for them. And situational approach will be empioyed here. The purpose is to activate Ss ' p revious kno wledge store and get them to prepare for new kno wledge input.Step HI , while readi ng. The whole ste p will cost 25 minu tes. First, I will get Ss to skim the text and find out the main

47、 idea and the topic senten ces of each p aragra ph and an swer the questi on of the title who am I? It is the difficulty of this class and it ' s done guided by teacher. So, here, I will guide Ss by providing some tips on how to find out the topic sentence and also, I will set a mult ip le choic

48、e for them to choose from as the main idea of the text in order to reduce the degree of difficulty and help Ss get over the difficulty. This activity aims to hel p Ss get familiar with the text. The n I will get Ss to sca n the text and gather the detailed in formati on. Ss have to finish the timeli

49、 ne. Through this activity, I will p rese nt to them with some new words and expressions such as artificial,intelligence,revolutionon blackboard. The purpose is to cultivate Ssinformationgatheri ng and in dividual lear ning skill. The n comes the close read ing. Here, I will get Ss to read the text

50、carefully and find out the supporting details on page19,part2. The whole class will be divided into four groups and a competition will be held to maintain Ss ' interest in practice. I will give each group an assessment on the blackboard andl will get Ss to have a big ha nd for the group with bes

51、t p erforma nee. This activity aims to train their coop erative lear ning and activate the class atmos phere.Step IV, p ost readi ng. It will cost 11 minu tes. I will set a topic based on the readi ng material for group discussi on. The topic is the adva ntage or the distava nge of Intern et. Four S

52、s of a group disscuss it and there should be a rep orter in each group. And after the discussi on, rep orters will come here to p rese nt their groups' opinion s. If time is p ermoeicavewill get ta debate each other. At last, I will show my own opinion. The purpose is to cultivate Ss' logica

53、l mind and widen their kno wledge scale.Ste p VI, homework. As for homework, Ss have to surf the Internet for more in formatio n about the history of compu ter, retell the text and p review the Ian guage poin ts. The purpose is to further help Ss master what they have lear ned in this class and make

54、 them prepare for the new less on.IV. layout on the blackboard:Here is the layout on the blackboard. On the left, the usage of compu ter a group assessme nt. On the right, some new words and p hrases are listed here .In the middle, there is a timeli ne of the devel opment of compu ter.That ' s a

55、ll for my less on plan p rese ntati on. Thank you for your atte nti on.Less on Plan P rese ntati on 3NSEFC Book 2 Unitl Cultural RelicsP eriod1 (Warmi ng-up & Readi ng)Hello every on e! I am very glade to be here to p rese nt my less on plan. The less on p la n which I am going to talk about is

56、from NSEFC Book2 Un it 1 Cultural Relics Period 1.1 will exp Ian how to teach and why to do so in the followi ng 5 asp ects: teach ing principl es, the an alysis of the teach ing material, the teach ing methods and study ing ways, teach ing p rocedure and the black board desig n.Part 1: Teachi ng Pr

57、incipleFirst I want to talk about my teach ing principl e,that is the Stude nt cen tered princip le. In my opinion, duri ng all the teach ing and lear ning activities, Ss should be the cen ter or the main body, while the teacher p lays mainly the roles of activity orga ni zer, sup ervisor and in for

58、mati on p rovider. During the class the teacher n eeds to orga nize several activities which are based on the teach ing material. Then by tak ing part in the activities the Ss lear n kno wledge and aqiure skills. During these activities the teacher also needs to guide the Ss to play the games correc

59、tly or properly and provide the information that the Ss need to p erform well.Part 2: The An alysis of the Teach ing MaterialNow, let me turn to the an alysis of the teach ing material. This part in cludes 3 asp ects: teach ing content, teach ing objectives and the imp orta nt points and the difficult poin ts.(first).Teaching content: the main subject of this uint is about cultural relics and the content of this period


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