



1、中學英語教師課堂教學 設計創(chuàng)新大賽參賽作品The Teaching Design for the First P eriod of Unit 12,7(A)-My favorite subject is science宜昌市長陽縣都鎮(zhèn)灣鎮(zhèn)麻池中學呂志翠Part 1: Teaching ObjectivesI、The analysis of the teaching materialI.Teaching content: the first period(1a 2d,Section A) of Unit 12( My favorite subject is scie nee),Go for it

2、 7(A)s .The “ favorite subject2.Status and fun cti onThis is the first p eriod of the un it. The topic in this unit isstude nts will revise their favorite color, sp orts etc. They will learn how to ask for and give their favorite things and tell their reas ons .It can lie a solid foun dati on for Un

3、it12 .It p lays a tran siti onal role in the un it.n、Teaching aims1. Of kno wiedgeEn glish ,biology, history, chemistry excit ing, fun).1).Vocabulary: To master some words of subjects ( music, art, P.E, math , Chin ese,)and the descri pti on words(f unny , in teresti ng,2).Drills of the to pic :What

4、' s youavorite subject ?My favorite subject is En glish/Ch in ese/mathWhy do you like it ?Because it ' s interesting/exciting/funny2. Of Comp ete neeTo devel op the Ss ' list ing and sp eak ing ability.3.Se nsibility aimTo talk about what they like or dislikes and give their reas ons .To

5、 teach the students to know the people around them, take care of and helpothers .To teach the Ss to love scie nee4.lmp Orta nee and difficulties:Talk about some topic ,make a survey ,make a report .Part 2: Teaching p roceduresSte psTeacher' activitiesStudent ' activities1.Warmi ng upAsk: Wha

6、t' s your favorite color /sp orts /food ?An swer the questi ons freely and loudly2.P resatati onsay: Let ' s look at some pictures and ta about them like this ;A: What s this ?B: It ' s English book.A: Do you like En glish ?B: Very much .ell the Ss: En glish is your subject . each this n

7、ew word : subject .Look at the pi cture and an swer .Rep eat after the teacher and lear n the word : subject3.Look andearnshow other books and teach :art music biology math Chin ese P.E scie nee ,etc .Read after the teacher ar learn the new words .(Call atte nti on to the pronun ciati on and sp elli

8、 ng).4.Match the words with the pictures .show a pi cture of 1a .Look and do it quickly .5.P rese ntatio nTalk with a stude nt like this : : What' s your favorite subject ? s: My favorite subject is En glish .Master these senten cesd6.P air work .Have the Ss work in p airs and p ractice thi dial

9、ogue.Walk around the class and give the help where n eeded .After p ractic ing ,have some p airs act it ou n class.Work in p airsAct it out .7.Liste ning-iste n and circle the subjects in 1a you hear .Check the an swers. the n finish 2a . Teach :bori ng in teresti ng difficult elaxed ,etc.Liste n an

10、d do .P ractice liste ning .8.P air workHave the Ss make the dialogue like this : : What' s your favorite subject ?s: My favorite subject is En glish .T :Why do you like it ?s: Because it ' s interesting .Make a dialogue with partners .Then act it out in class .9.Gro up work .s: My favorite

11、subject is math .(The n ask the other stude nt): What' s her/his favorite subject ? s: Her/His favorite subject is math .After p ractic ing several minu tes ,have the ss act it out in class .Work in groups like the teacher does .Act it out .lO.Talk about the p ictures .show some pi ctures about

12、some sup ersta For example :Zhao Bensan , Zhou Jielun, Che n Long, etc.Make a dialogue:: Who s your favorite super star ?s: My favorite super star is Zhao Bensan : Why ?s: Because he is funny .L ook at the pi ctures and make dialogue like what the teacher does .Act it out .11.Talk about freely .Show

13、 some pi ctures about festival : For exa mple :Childre n's Day ,Spring Festival Christmas Day ,etc .Look at the pi ctures and tell us :My favorite festival is Spring Festival ,Because it ' s interesting .12.Make a survey .NameITomLilyFavorite subjectFavorite sup erstarFavorite festivalShow a

14、 chart .Make a survey and compi ete the chart .13.ReportMake a report in class.Have the Ss report their survey in class ike this :My name is ,My favorite subject is Because it ' interesting .Tom' sfavorite subject is ,Because it ' sTom avorite subject is,Because itPart 3:設計思路及教學效果預測本節(jié)課以課

15、程標準為指導,以教材為載體,依據教材而又不拘泥于教材,圍 繞著 學科” 好惡”等話題,緊密結合學生的實際和已有經驗,設計了一系列的 任務,在較真實的語境中逐步呈現、操練和運用新的語言知識,既落實了基礎, 又培養(yǎng)了學生實際運用英語的能力。在教學的每一個具體的環(huán)節(jié),教師堅持了 以舊引新、情景導入、恰當示范、 分組操練、及時反饋”,充分發(fā)揮了學生的主體作用,較好地體現了 自主、合作、 探究”的新課程理念。1、通過多媒體、圖片和學生熟悉的事物導入生詞、學習新課,能較快的從聽、 視覺角度抓住學生的注意力,調動學生的積極性,加深學生對目標語言的理解。2、音、形、意緊密結合,詞不離句,由淺如深,符合學生的認知規(guī)律,每 一個任務設計都為下一個任務完成奠定基礎,便于學生循序漸進地掌握知識。3


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