



1、Unit 4 PygmalionComprehending1 Pygmalion is a play about recognizing a person s position in society by the waythey behave and speak. Use the play to work out the characteristics of each socialgroup.CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playElizaLower classBehaviour:Language:Henry HigginsMiddle

2、 classBehaviour:Language:Colonel PickeringUpper classBehaviour:Language:2 The social positionof the characters influencesthe way they behave to eachother. Generally speaking, people are more polite to those who they think are from a higher social class(H) and less polite to those who they consider a

3、re members ofa lower class(L). Is this true of the characters in Shaw s play? Give your evidencein the chart below.Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playHenry Higgins:11Attitude to Colonel Pickering (H)2Attitude to Eliza(L)2Is the statement above true?Colonel Pickering:11Attitude to

4、Henry Higgins(H)2Attitude to Eliza (L)2Is the statement above true?Eliza:11Attitude to Henry Higgins (H)2 Attitude to Colonel Pickering (H)2Is the statement above true?3 What other things show one s status in society apart from how one speaks?_4 Choose those adjectives in the list which best describ

5、e each character in the play.In pairs discuss them and then place them in the boxes below. Not all need to beused and some can be used more than once.impatientkindpoliterudeconfidentanxiouseagerenthusiasticemotionalself-importantambitiousgenerousunsuresuperiorHenry HigginsColonel PickeringEliza5 Sup

6、pose you have a chance to help Eliza improve her use of the English language.Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar, spelling, etc, so that she can usethem properly.1 Come over ere, cap in, and buy me flowers off a poor girl._2 I ain t done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman._3 I t

7、hought maybe you was a policeman in disguise._4 How do I know whether ou took me words down right?_5 A shop assistant? Now that s sommat I want, that is!_Answer key for Exercise 1:CharacterPosition in societyElizaLower classHenry HigginsMiddle classColonelUpper classPickeringEvidence in the playBeha

8、viour : respectful to people of higher classLanguage : callsgentleman“ sir and”“ capin ”( orcaptain ) which is a complimentBehaviour:rude(andpatronizing) tolowerclass;polite to same or upper classLanguage :calls Eliza “ you silly girl and Pickering”“ mydear man ”(an equal and friend)Behaviour :gener

9、ally confident and polite; but ignoresElizaLanguage : preparedto begina conversationwithHenry,whomhedoesnotknow;generous with praiseto himAnswer key for Exercise 2:The social relationships within the play are shown by the different way people talk to andabout each other.Relationships betweencharacte

10、rsEvidence from the playHenry Higgins :1 respects his professional work as a phonetician; calls him sir1Attitude to Colonel Pickering ( H )and my dear man2Attitude to “ Eliza( L )2 watches her; notes her reactions; talks about her in front ofIs the statement true?her; calls her silly girl1Yes; 2 Yes

11、Colonel Pickering:1 appreciates his expertise; praises him; asks his opinion;l Attitude to Henry Higgins ( L )happy to be friends2 Attitude to Eliza( L)2 ignores her; does not stop Henry when he talks about ElizaIs the statement true?in front of her (which is very rude)1 Yes; 2 YesEliza :1Attitude t

12、o Henry Higgins(H)2Attitude to Colonel Pickering( H )Is the statement true?1 Yes; 2 Unclear1 anxious; eager not to do the wrong thing; ambitious toimprove herself; respectful and curious about Henry'sexpertise2 resents not being included in the conversation when talked aboutAnswer key for Exerci

13、se 3:You can also show your social status by·clothes you wear·expensive possessions( like cars or jewellery)·attitudes and behaviour·education level·how many foreign languages spoken and countries visitedAnswer key for Exercise 4:Henry Higginsimpatient, rudeconfident, superiorself-importantColonel Pickeringkind, politegenerous, enthusiasticeager, confidentElizaanxious, eageremotional, ambitiousunsureAnswer key for Exercise 5:1 Come over here, captain, and buy some flowers from a poor girl.2 I haven t done a


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