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1、Lesson12Grammar一般將來時用法一、一般將來時的動詞形式一般將來時表示將來某個時間將要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),也表示將來經(jīng)常或反復(fù)發(fā)生的動作。一 般將來時由助動詞 shall 或 will 加動詞原形構(gòu)成, shall 用于第一人稱, will 用于第二、三人稱。但是現(xiàn)在第 一人稱一般也用 will , 其區(qū)別并不明顯。 (或 “be going to + 動詞原形 常與 tomorrow, next , in (the future , soon, in five days, in two weeks,next time,this afternoon,before long(不久

2、后 等連用。如 : I shall not(shantcome if it rains tomorrow.如明天下雨我就不來。My father will leave for China next week.我的爸爸下星期要到中國去?!癐ll, Youll, Hell , Shell , Itll, Well , Theyll ” 是簡縮形式。1. 肯定句:主語 +shall /will+動詞 +其他成份The workers will build a new school here next year.工人們明年將在這兒蓋一所新學(xué)校。They will go shopping this af

3、ternoon. 今天下午他們將要去購物。We shall have a delicious dinner tonight. 今晚我們將美餐一頓。We shall be there before dark. 我們天黑前會到達那里。2. 否定句:主語 +shall /will+not+動詞 +其他成份She wont come back this week.這一周她不回來了。I will not go shopping one hour later. 一小時之后我不會去購物。He wont play football with you before he finishes his work.他干

4、完活后才能跟你踢足球。3. 疑問句:shall /will+主語 +動詞 +其他成份Will you be back in ten minutes? 十分鐘后你會回來嗎?Will you please open the window? 請你打開窗戶好嗎?Shall we get something hot to drink? 我們喝一些熱飲怎么樣?4. 特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞 +shall /will+主語 +動詞 +其他成份Where will you go next week? 下星期你去哪 ?What shall I do?我怎么辦呢 ?How many books will they

5、get? 他們將有多少本書?(一 be going to主要用于:1、表示事先經(jīng)過考慮、安排好打算要做的事情。 E.g.What are you going to do today?今天你們打算做什么?Dad and I are going to see a Beijing opera this afternoon.今天下午我和爸爸打算去看京劇。Im going to play the violin.我打算拉小提琴。Shes going to play the piano. 她打算彈鋼琴。2、表示根據(jù)目前某種跡象判斷,某事非常有可能發(fā)生。 E.g.Look! There come the da

6、rk clouds. It is going to rain.瞧!烏云密集,天要下雨。I am afraid I am going to have a cold.恐怕我要患重感冒。(二 will 主要用于在以下幾個方面:1、表示單純的未來 “ 將要 ” 通用各個人稱。 eg:They will go to visit the factory tomorrow.明天他們將去工廠參觀。Ill come with Wang Bing, Liu Tao and Yang Ling.我將和王兵、劉濤、楊玲一起來。2、表示不以人的意志為轉(zhuǎn)移的自然發(fā)展的未來的事。 eg:Today is Saturday.

7、 Tomorrow will be Sunday.今天是星期六。明天是(將是星期日。He will be thirty years old this time next year.明年這個時候他就(將三十歲。3、問對方是否愿意做某事或表示客氣地邀請或命令。 eg:Will you please turn on the radio? 請打開收音機好嗎?Will you go to the zoo with me? 你和我一起去動物園好嗎?(三 “be to+動詞原形 ” 表示按計劃要發(fā)生的事或征求對方意見。這種結(jié)構(gòu)表示計劃中約定的或按職責(zé)、義 務(wù)要求必須去做的事或即將發(fā)生的動作。We are t

8、o have a meeting next Saturday. 下個周日我們有個會。The boy is to go to school tomorrow. 這個男孩明天要去上學(xué)。Are we to go on with this work? 我們繼續(xù)干嗎?The president is to visit China next week.總統(tǒng)下周來訪中國。(四 be about to+動詞原形 ” 表示即將發(fā)生的動作,意為:很快,馬上。后面一般不跟時間狀語。這一結(jié)構(gòu) 用于表示客觀就要發(fā)生的事,表示馬上就要發(fā)生。一般不再與時間狀語連用。Dont go out. Were about to ha

9、ve a meeting. 別出去了 , 我們很快就開會了。I was about to start when it began to rain.我剛要出發(fā)就下起雨來了。He is about to leave for Shenyang.他將要離開去沈陽。We are about to leave. 我們馬上就走。The film is about to begin. 電影馬上就要開始了。(五 be +現(xiàn)在分詞。 表示即將發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。 這個句型中動詞主要是瞬間動詞:come, go, leave, arrive, begin, start, stop, close, open, d

10、ie, join, borrow, buy等。如:Go ahead, and Im coming. 走前面一點吧,我就來。The dog is dying. 那條狗要死了。Hurry up. The shop is closing. 快點,商店就要關(guān)門了。(六 一般現(xiàn)在時。表示一種嚴(yán)格按照計劃進行的動作。比方說,上課、飛機起飛、火車離站等。如: Dont hurry. The meeting starts at a quarter past eight. 不要匆忙,會議八點一刻開始。The bus goes back at four thirty. 汽車四點半返回。1. be about to

11、 不能與 tomorrow, next week 等表示明確將來時的時間狀語連用。2. Lets 的附加疑問通常使用 “, shall we ?” 。Lets have a rest, shall we?3. 問句是 “Shall?” ,答句就用 “shall ” ;問句用 “Will ? ” ,答句就用 “will ” 。要前后保持一致。Shall you go to school next week ?Yes, I shall . Well have an exam .Will you have an exam tomorrow?Yes, I will. / No, I wont.動詞 b

12、e 與不同的副詞連用有不同意義be after=look for, hope to buy be up=be awake and out of bedbe up to從事于(某事 ,勝任 be in=be at homebe out=be away from home be all over=finish, be finishedbe back=return be on=be showing be away=be absent1.Youre going on holiday, arent you? How long _ you _?2.She has gone into town, but she hopes to _ soon.3. We had a lovely day at the beach yesterday. We _ all day.4.“Will you be at home tomorrow?” -Yes, I _ all day.5.“Has the match finished yet?” -Yes, I _ all day.6.“What _ at the High town Theatre this week?” -“Star war


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