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1、Unit 1重要單詞,詞組講解1. mean的用法What do you mean to do with it? I didnt mean to hurt you.1mean to do意欲做This means staying here longer.Missing the train means waiting for another hour.2mean doing意味著做He is not meant for a teacher and will always be unhappy in the school.Be meant for 適合做他說他不適合讀書因為懶。He says he

2、 _ a student for his laziness.這次考試失敗意味著要再考一次。Failing this exam _ another one.我并不是故意遲到的。I didnt _ be late for school.2. celebrate vt.(1 慶祝;祝賀celebrate Christmas / ones birthday / a victory (成功(2 贊揚;稱頌The names of many heroes are celebrated by the poets.詞語辨析:celebrate, congratulatecelebrate后常接日期,事情或場合

3、congratulate后常接人表示為某事而祝賀某人congratulate sb. on/upon sth.ex:congratulate you on your marriage.有時還表示私自慶幸的意思。ex:I congratulated myself on my escape from being punished.3. 英語中表示“發(fā)生”的詞或短語均為不及物,不用于被動語態(tài)。主語為所發(fā)生的事。詞語辨析:take place, happen, occur, come about, break out的比較1The wedding will take place tomorrow.2I

4、n 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China.take place發(fā)生,舉行; 側(cè)重安排或計劃而發(fā)生的事,帶有“非偶然”的意思3 What has happened to her?碰巧,恰好happen “發(fā)生”,普通用詞,含義很廣。常指具體客觀事物或情況的發(fā)生,含有“偶然”的意味。當以具體事物、事件作主語時,happen 和occur可以換用;但當happen用作“碰巧”之意時,不能用occur代替,但可以與come about 互換。4 It happened to rain that day. 5 The traffic acciden

5、t occurred on Wednesday.occur “發(fā)生,出現(xiàn)”,較正式用詞,指事情偶然地、意外地發(fā)生或思想突然浮在心頭。occur to 有“想起”的意思。6 The Second World War broke out in 1939.break out (火災、戰(zhàn)爭、疾病突然發(fā)生、爆發(fā)7 How does it come about that you were caught by the police?come about “發(fā)生”, 往往注重事情發(fā)生的原因。且很多時候與how 連用。與happen 用法較接近用take place , happen 和come about 的

6、正確形式填空1.The May 4th Movement _ in 1919.2.If anything _ to the machine, let me know at once.3.The opening day of the play _ tomorrow night.4.Can you tell me how it _?4. starve: vt.使餓死vi.餓得要死starve to deathbe starved of/ starve for: 渴望她很寂寞,渴望友誼:She is lonely, starving for friendship.The motherless chi

7、ldren were starved of/ were starving for affection. 渴望母愛他們在沙漠中迷路而餓死。他們正急需一大筆錢來完成工作。They got lost in the desert and _.They are _ a sum of money to finish their work.n. starvation餓死:die of _5. a year/ day of plenty 富裕/豐收的年月days/ years of plentyHave we got enough apples?Yes, there are plenty in the bas

8、ket.plenty of +復數(shù)n/ 不可數(shù)nplenty of eggs/ food/milk 足夠的6. honour1 光榮,榮譽(nThey fight for the honour of the country.One must show honour to ones p arents.2 in honour of 為了紀念A festival is set in honour of the hero.3 an hounour 光榮的人或事情Liu Xiang is an honour to our country.4 尊敬,給以榮譽(vChildren should honour

9、 their parents. 7. satisfy Vt. Vi. 使?jié)M意,使?jié)M足Nothing can satisfy him except the best.Some people are really hard to satisfy.sb.be satisfied with 對滿意e.g. Shes not satisfied with her new house.令人滿意的:satisfying, satisfactory滿意:satisfaction8. please Vt 使愉快,取悅It is difficult to please everybody.Our aim is t

10、o please the customers.pleased (人 高興的愉快的Pleasing (物 令人愉快的pleasant (物 好聽的,令人舒服的pleasure 高興的事情聽到她悅耳的聲音我們很高興.We are _ to hear her _voice. It is such a _ to us.I was very _ to hear the news.The news was very _ to us.9. harm n 損害,傷害e.g. He meant no harm to you.( He didnt intend to hurt you.do sb harm =do

11、 harm to sb=harm sbThe events has harmed the relations between the two countries.10. They offer food, flowers and gift.詞語辨析:offer, provide, supplyoffer 主動提供。offer sth to sb; offer sb sthprovide 供給(所需物,尤指生活必需品。provide sth (for sb; provide sb with sth.supply: 供應(所需要或所要求之物。supply sth to sb; supply sb w

12、ith sthWhen I meet difficulty, my roommates will_me help.他們懸賞找回丟失的珠寶。They_a reward for the return of the lost jewels.政府得提供這些老人們吃穿。The government need to_these old people with food and clothes.每個月都得供應足夠的電。Electricity should be _enough every month. 11. in memory of = to the memory of sbThe museum was

13、built in memory of the famous scientist.in honor of in charge ofin search of sb. / sth.12.dress up 盛裝打扮,化裝打扮You dont have to dress up. Come as you are.Children love dressing up in Halloween.dress oneself 給某人自己穿衣dress sb 給某人穿衣服你認識穿著白色裙子的那個女孩嗎?Do you know the girl who is dressed in a white skirt?Do yo

14、u know the girl who is wearing a white skirt?Do you know the girl who has on a white skirt?選詞填空:wear dress have on put on1.My daughter is now able to herself.2.Mr. Wu always a blue coat in Winter.3.Xiao Wang a white shirt today.4.I like to my hat when I go out in Winter.13. awardn. 獎品,獎項,獎金, 助學金She

15、showed us the awards she had won.Mary got an award and was able to finish her study.vt. 授予裁定award sb sth= award sth to sbThe judges awarded both teams equal points.reward 回報,報酬他因為努力學習而受獎。他用100塊錢酬謝這個工人。He _ for studying hard.He _ the worker with 100 yuan.14. admire sb/sth (for 欽佩,羨慕They admired our g

16、arden.I admire him for his success in business.我們都欽佩他的勇氣和膽識。We all _his courage and bravery.admiration 名詞admirable 形容詞15. look forward to(介詞 + n/ v-ing 盼望,期待Im looking forward to his coming.以下短語中的to也為介詞,后面加doing,而不是do pay attention to 注意devoteto 致力于prefer to 更加喜歡get down to 開始做be used to 習慣于-ward 向著

17、方向backward 向后forward 向前16. as though= as if 好像,仿佛1.虛擬語氣(從句所用的時態(tài)比前面真實句所用的時態(tài)倒退一個時態(tài). He behaved as if/ though nothing had happened.He talks as if/though he knew everything.He looks as if he were ill.2. 陳述語氣(表示很可能的事實就用陳述語氣,It looks as if/ though it is going to rain.1.他向我招手好像有事情告訴我。He waved to me as if t

18、o tell me something.2.這女孩環(huán)顧四周好像在找什么東西。The girl looked around as if in search of something.3. 他說起來好像他是一個專家似的。He talks as if he _ an expert.4. 他英語講得很流利,就像在英國學的一樣。He spoke English so fluently as if he _ it in England.5. 看起來我們對要贏了。It looks as if our team _.17. turn up1 appear 出現(xiàn),露面他到目前還沒有出現(xiàn)。He _so far.你

19、總是遲到!(做事慢慢吞吞的Youre always _ late for everything!2調(diào)大聲音,把.開大點兒請把火調(diào)大一點。Please _ the fire.相關短語:turn down 關小,拒絕turn off 關掉turn on 打開turn out 結(jié)果是turn to sb. for help 向某人求助18.keep ones word 守信用, 遵守諾言break ones word 違背諾言in a word 簡言之 in other words 換句話說have a word with sb. 與某人交談have words with sb. (about st

20、h. 關于某事與某人爭吵我想和你談一下。Id like to _ with you.A gentleman should always _ his _.A. keeps; wordB. keep; wordC. keeps; wordsD. keep; words19. hold ones breath 屏息當那個女孩看到那條蛇的時候,她屏住呼吸。The girl _ at the sight of the snake.take breath 呼吸lose ones breath= be out of breath 喘不過氣來breathe v. breath n.When we got to

21、 the top of the mountain, we were nearly _. A. under our breath B. lost our breath C. caught our breath D. out of breath20. apologize 道歉apologize to sb for (doing sth= say sorry to sb for doing sth你必須為你的粗魯行為向老師道歉。You must apologize _ the teacher _ being so rude.apology n.make an apology to sb for (d

22、oing sth.21. drown (drowned, drowned 浸、泡, 淹沒,淹死洪水淹沒了街道和房子。The floods _ the streets and houses.借 消愁drown ones sorrow/sadness indrown ones sorrow/sadness in coffeeFrank tried to save the _ girl in the river, but unfortunately he was _.A. drowned; drowningB. drowning; drownedC. drowned; drownedD. drown

23、ing; drowning22. It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.obvious adj. 明顯的,清楚的 It + be + obvious +that-clauseIt was obvious that she was in danger.23. wipe (wiped, wipedVt 擦,擦去wipe off抹掉,擦掉wipe up擦干凈,殲滅The students on duty _ the blackboard during break.A.Wi

24、ped the words offB. washedC. CleanedD. A and Cclean the blackboardwipe the words off the blackboard24. remind sb. of sth 提醒某人某事remind sb. to do sthremind sb. that1 他提醒我那個承諾。He reminded me of my promise.2 他提醒我要早起。He reminded me to get up early.3 他提醒我本應該小心點。He reminded that I should have been more car

25、eful. 25. As Li Fang set off for home, he thought.set off: 動身, 出發(fā); (側(cè)重去某一個地方;使(地雷、炸彈爆炸;Tom and his father set off for America yesterday.The bomb set off among the crowd.相關短語:set about doing sth.=set out to do sth 著手(做某事26. 用custom, practice 和habit1I have the _ of getting up early.2It is the _ for th

26、e Japanese to take off their shoes when they get intoa hall.3Social _ differ from country to country.4He makes a _ of cheating at examinations.5We should pay _ when we import from abroad.#.custom 指傳統(tǒng)風俗、習俗,也可指生活習慣,后接不定式。#.practice 習俗,慣例; 與custom近義,但含貶義。make a practice of 慣常做某事。#.habit 生活習慣,后接of doing

27、, 不可接不定式。選詞填空:worldwide/ permission/ apologize/ drown/sadness/ wipe/weep / forgive/ obvious/ turn up/ keep ones word/ hold ones breath/ set off/ remindof 1 You shouldnt tell such lies.2 They entered the area without .3 The poor man is his sorrows.4 His fame is .5 The man should to you for knocking y

28、ou down.6 He cant himself for not seeing his mother before she died.7 He is always waiting for something to .8 The children are fireworks in the garden.9 You may depend on what he says, for he is a person who always .10 The race was so close that everyone was at the finish.11 The film him what he ha

29、d seen in China.選用下列單詞的正確形式填空:ancestor belief gather agricultural admireaward starve mean1.She has been a_ a scholarship to study at Harvard.2. The a_of whom I am proudest is my great grandfather.3. When a boy leaves college and begins to earn money, he can live a life of i_.4. Dark clouds were g_in

30、 the sky. Heavy rain would come soon.5. I like to take some e_ exercise at weekends.6. A_ in this country has developed greatly after liberation.用下列短語造句:in memory of dress up as if play a trick on look forward to day and night have fun with1. A celebration was held _ (為了紀念這位著名的作家.2. Children love _

31、(打扮 .3. The naughty students _ (正在和他們的老師玩惡作劇.4. I am _ (盼望著見到他.5. The three men took turns driving the truck, and _ (他們夜以繼日地駕駛了三天.6. It looks _ _ (好像他們都很著急.7. At the Spring Festival in China, people love to get together to eat, drink and _ (彼此都玩得很開心.語法:情態(tài)動詞情態(tài)助動詞有十三個:may, might; can, could; will, wou

32、ld; shall, should; must, need, dare, used to, ought to. ·情態(tài)動詞的語法特征 1情態(tài)動詞不能單獨做謂語,除ought 和have 外,后面只能接不帶to 的不定式。2情態(tài)動詞沒有人稱,數(shù)的變化,但有些情態(tài)動詞,如can、will也有一般式和過去式的變化。3情態(tài)動詞的“時態(tài)”形式并不是時間區(qū)別的主要標志,不少情況下,情態(tài)動詞的現(xiàn)在式形式和過去式形式都可用來表示現(xiàn)在時間、過去時間和將來時間。can, could 和be able to的用法1.can, be able to都可表示“能力”Can的主語是人或物,be able to的

33、主語是人She can/be able to sing the song in English.This machine can make you feel comfortable.2.can只用于現(xiàn)在式和過去式(could。be able to可以用于各種時態(tài)。Well be able to finish the work soon.I havent been able to see the film.could用于表示泛指過去的能力。如:I could read when I was four.Although the soldier was badly wounded, he was a

34、ble to tell what had happened. She ran fast but she couldnt /wasnt able to catch the bus.3.表示特定的某一過去能力或表示成功地做了某事時,只能用was/were able to,不能用could。He was able to flee Europe before the war broke out.He was able to swim halfway before he got tired.4.could不表示時態(tài),表示委婉的請求,(注意在回答中不可用could。Could I have a look

35、at your notebook?Yes, you can./No, you can't.5.表示“驚異,懷疑,不相信”的態(tài)度(主要用于否定句,疑問句和感嘆句中Can this news be true?How can you be so foolish?It cant be Mary. She has fallen ill.6.表示推測,譯為“可能、或許”,can常用于否定句(意思是"不可能已經(jīng)"和疑問句;could除用于否定句及疑問句外,還可用于肯定句(意思是"那時可能;本來可以"。Linda didnt catch the train. S

36、he could have caught it.Don't worry. They could have just forgotten to phone.may和might1. may和might 用于一般問句中表示委婉的請求,肯定回答用may,否定用mustnt -May I use your pencil?-Yes, you may./ No, you mustnt.2. may和might表示“可能性”, may/might + v 指現(xiàn)在或?qū)砜赡馨l(fā)生的動作情況。might暗示的可能性更小She may not be working now. John might be at home now. 3.對過去發(fā)生的事情的可能性作出判斷用may/might have done,用might比用may 的可能性更小She may/might have gone to the cinema.They may/might not have received our telephone.4.may 放在句首祈使句,表示祝愿。May you succeed! May God bless you!W


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